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[1.6.4][SMP][CC1.58] Turtle loses all data on Server 'Crash'

Started by Nathan1852, 12 January 2014 - 07:37 AM
Nathan1852 #1
Posted 12 January 2014 - 08:37 AM
ComputerCraft version 1.58

This happened twice to me now. The Server doesn't really crash, but it kicks all Players which are online and refuses to connect them again.
After restarting the Server one Turtle had lost its label, programs, fuel and all Peripherals attached to it. I know it was chunkloaded wehn the
'crash' happened. There was no crashlog or anything like that in the Server Log.

I don't really know how to reproduce it, It seems to happen randomly, with no real reason behind it.

It is pretty much the same as this Post, but the Post is dead and i wanted to be sure that you know that this is still a problem.
Edited on 12 January 2014 - 07:40 AM
awsmazinggenius #2
Posted 12 January 2014 - 03:02 PM
I would have thought that this was a once off occurrence, but if this happened twice, it concerns me, as I am in charge of hosting the CC server between my friends.
Landstryder #3
Posted 17 January 2014 - 10:48 AM
I've had this exact same thing happen to my turtles many more times than twice, so much I lost count. It happens only when the server is shutdown without using the stop command on the console and only if the turtle was moving around at the time of the server shutdown. Happens if the server crashes for some reason, or if the computer that is running the server gets shutdown for any reason such as auto-reboot from windows updates.
awsmazinggenius #4
Posted 18 January 2014 - 12:01 AM
I do /save-all, or pause in singleplayer, regularly for this reason. My private backup tool sweeps up the updated world file and pops it into my Documents library, in case this bug were to ever affect me. Look into backing up the world.
stuffedparrot #5
Posted 20 January 2014 - 07:57 PM
I have this same issue.
Tested on my server and on single player running only Forge/Computer Craft.

I am a severe and super noob. I will try get as much info as I can, but I'm little better than a monkey with a lobotomy.


On my server, I'm running Direwolf20's 1.0.11 FTB pack.

If I have 1-2 turtles running, it seems to be fine. Once I add a few more (3-5, can't go over 5), my server pauses and disconnects players either giving/getting an "End of Stream" error or just a "disconnected" message (I saw another one, a long one but I can't reproduce that specific error. Seems to be similar to "end of stream".) Server is still running at this point, no error log generated, no commands can be sent from the console, and no one can reconnect.

The ONLY errors that post to console are "20.01 18:13:08 [Server] SEVERE Reached end of stream for /[IP ADDRESS]" or Player Disconnected.

Stopping/Starting or Restarting yield same results. Once logging back in, any turtles that were stationary seem to be fine. Labels/fuel levels/programs/inventory are intact. Any turtle running a "restart" script goes back to doing as normal.

Any mining turtle that was moving, however, will either be reverted back to a basic turtle with no tools/inventory/label/fuel level.

On single player, I got a fresh install of MC with Forge and Computer craft.

Setting several to do a tunnel works fine, though if I close out of minecraft forcibly, when I log back in, any turtle that was moving will vanish.

I set about 6 to excavate a large area. My MC froze (only way to get out was to windowskey-D to minimize everything). I left it for about 20 minutes to see if it would resume on its own. When it seemed it wouldn't, I force quit it. I came back and some turtles were gone, some had reverted to plain turtles vs labeled mining turtles. No new logs generated from what I coudl see though I guess I could tell you that it would seem that the turtle labels are still in the /computer folder on both server and single player?

If you need anything else, I'd be glad to give. If I can figure out how, heh.