"pastebin get rTDR0tjx uretrieve"
then run it by typing: "uretrieve" and then you can choose a program to download.
uOS is on here, so download it using the file grabber!
uOS is a simple operating system, it doesn't use any kind of touch screen at the moment as I am more involved in trying to get a decent operational OS that has a lot of functionality to it! uOS has a lot of features but it is lacking a lot of "programs".
+ Config files to allow you to choose your own colours for the text and background
+ A nice looking boot screen
+ Login screen
+ Prevents CTRL+T (Terminate program)
+ It features a nice menu screen consisting of a background, a changing clock, your username written on the screen as well as the ID
+ It has a menu with more than 10 programs!
+ It has auto-updating features using the version table (Also checks for and updates the API)
+ uShare - File sharing using rednet
+ uChat - Rednet chat program!
+ uNotepad - note taking program!
+ uLocate - Anyone with uOS installed can be located using the uLocate program, as long as you know their ID, it also contains the gps-deploy program that can be downloaded to turtles to create the Global positioning system!
+ Also allows you to boot CraftOS and return to uOS very easily!
+ User Accounts with pictures (customisable), choose your own backgrounds using the bkgManager.
+ Better Security, packs all files into one then encrypts it 3 times, using your own password checksum!
+ Touchscreen setting, natively controlled using key buttons! (Usable for a monitor)
+ Non-colour version without using advanced computer
+ Some random easter eggs for the fun
+ Wireless control using uControl on another computer!
+ Includes the ALPHA version of uWeb
+ Will include the download of uWebCreator
This is a personal project but as I am a web designer, I felt like seeing if it is possible to rewrite some of the main website functions from HTML to display information on a computer in minecraft! At the moment it is at 75% finished! It literally downloads the website and then the program will scan the whole code character by character, searching for HTML tags and re-creating the code, into lua readable and executable code, it literally builds a program using the website! More than 13,000 lines of code haha, your computercraft mod's config file will need to make sure the file limit is a lot higher! There is a usable version in ALPHA stage, that can literally take apart some simple static websites, but it errors a lot!
This is relatively simple to understand, it allows you to write websites using the uWeb code standards! So errors are lessened, is also a plug-in for Notepad ++ , Dreamweaver and Netbeans.
If you have a good logical head then you may be up for the job, it isn't paid! But you can get your name in the credits :OOOOO
All you will be doing is going through the uWeb program and finding all errors and literally debugging, as well as creating more programs for uPrograms and even new program sets! If you are any good with the following programming languages:
then you may be cut out for our proper operating system!!! Wanna apply? Email me:
with your programs/code, your name, date of birth, Location (country not specifics!)
PLEASE NOTE: Your details will be stored on my personal server, which is secure!!