You still don't need encryption to stop people from sending wireless messages in to "hack" your system. You just have to code your programs to where they are smart enough to only receive rednet messages from your computers and no others.
Modems use channels… rednet uses modems… rednet is no longer a secure way to make sure you're sending messages to only specific IDs.
For example take the following code, assume running on an old version of ComputerCraft.
Computer ID: 1'left')
rednet.send(2, 'EHLO')
Computer ID: 2'left')
print(rednet.receive()) --# gets the message EHLO
Computer ID: 3'left')
print(rednet.receive()) --# does not get the message EHLO
Now lets make one small change, as well as upgrade to a version of ComputerCraft that has the modem api
Computer ID: 1'left')
rednet.send(2, 'EHLO')
Computer ID: 2'left')
print(rednet.receive()) --# gets the message EHLO
Computer ID: 3
local modem = peripheral.wrap('left')
local event, side, sChannel, rChannel, msg = os.pullEvent("modem_message")
print(msg) --# oh look the message EHLO