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Rednet Explorer 2.4.1 "Browse the Internet(ception)" (Now with google and a search engine API!)

Started by ComputerCraftFan11, 12 May 2012 - 04:05 AM
ComputerCraftFan11 #1
Posted 12 May 2012 - 06:05 AM
I didn't want to edit the old post then bump it, so I made a new one.

Here is the original post:

With this program, you can go onto the internetRednet!

To browse websites, use this clientProgram:

You no longer need to download a separate program for hosting websites!

Client : 2.4
Server: 2.4 (Now Merged)

Nexus Edition : 2.4

New with 2.0:
  • Merged Server and Client
  • Updated The Server Look
  • Server is now infinite lines
  • Added Shortcuts:
  • - CTRL = Browse
  • - F5 = Refresh
  • Updated API( or added a API xP)
  • Improved Browsing Speeds
  • Added a webpage the only occurs when you didn't connect correctly.
  • You no longer need the HTTP api :)/>/> (that's why it is faster)
  • The server now loads the webpage off a file, so you have to update your websites to use Lua
New with 2.2:
  • The browser now remembers if it is a server. So if you reboot the PC, it will automatically switch to the server file and host the file you selected.
New with 2.3:
  • After alot of bugs, glitches, and debugging, I have finally re-added the editor from 1.0 :)/>/>
New with 2.4:
  • Added a search engine API, if you enable searchbots, your site will send you information if you receive
  • De-Localized Address, so you can now redirect users (See API for more information)
New with 2.4.1:
  • Fixed your web browser crashing if you go to a site with a "/" in it's name


title = "" --Changes "Rednet Explorer 2.2" on the top of the screen to whatever you want.
reDirect("home") --Changes your web address and redirects you to "home"

Custom Servers and User made websites
[2.4+] Google by me :)/>/>
SpoilerWebsite Code:

sleep(0) --So you don't go too fast
write("Search for: ")
input = read()
rednet.broadcast("") --Send a message to all listening servers
while true do -- Start the loop
local a, i = rednet.receive(0) --Begin receiving for all servers that received the message
if i then --If you receive a message then...
if input == "" then
print("Search: " ..i) --Print the address
if string.find(i, input) then
print("Search: " ..i) --Print the address
else --If you dont receive a message or you received every message then...
break --Stop the searching
end--Finish the loop
Server Code:

This is a basic search engine. It prints all the webservers (Doesn't print older webservers and it glitches out if you have to much webservers.)
[2.4+] BrowserUpdater by me
SpoilerWebsite Code:

write("Save path: ")
a = read()

Server Code:

This site updates ur browser when you open it

[2.4.1+] by me :)/>/> :D/>/> :)/>/> (come on, why isn't anyone submitting?)
SpoilerWebsite Code (SAVE AS OR IT WILL NOT WORK!!!!):

local cPrint = function(text)
local x2,y2 = term.getCursorPos()
local x, y = term.getSize()
term.setCursorPos(math.ceil((x / 2) - (text:len() / 2)), y2)

cPrint("Shorten, share and track your links")
input = read(nul, "Shorten Links Here")
rando1m = math.random(1000,9999)
rednet.broadcast("" ..rando1m.. "&l=" ..input)
print("Link made! URL:" ..rando1m)

Server Code:

Shorten links with the click of 1 button! Then you have to type and press enter and stuff…
Known bugs that I could fix but I was too lazy to:
  1. Since it generates a random number, it doesn't check if it already exists, so if you have the 1000/9999 chance of getting the same site, it will not work

[2.0+] GlobalSites "Go to your website anywhere!" by… me… again D:
SpoilerWebsite Code:

local printVersion(version)
local cPrint = function(text)
local x, y = term.getSize()
local x2,y2 = term.getCursorPos()
term.setCursorPos(math.ceil((x / 2) - (text:len() / 2)), y2)

print("1; Host site")
print("2; Visit site")
input = read()
if input == 1 then
write("Site Path: ")"pastebin", "put", read())
elseif input == 2 then
write("Site Pastebin ID: ")
input = read()"pastebin", "get", , ".testfile")
printVersion("join/" ..input)".testfile")

Server Code:

Go to your website from any server, any time, any where!

How to use and make a search engine:
Spoiler<p>You may have noticed I added "Added a search engine API" to the changelog for 2.4. How do I use it? First, here are the basics:<u></u><br></p><ol><li>Broadcast&amp;nbsp;"" to ping every site.<br></li></ol><p>Try this:</p><p>
</p><p>Nothing happens? Right.</p><p>That's because of our crash bypass in the servers. This message triggers our crash detector and ignores it since you&amp;nbsp;broadcasted&amp;nbsp;2 messages:</p><p>1) The address of your site</p><p>2) The message to ping the sites</p><p>Try this:</p><p>
</p><p>It should print the address of your site. Try this to receive every address</p><p>
<br>sleep(0)<br>rednet.broadcast("")<br>while true do<br>local a, i = rednet.receive(0)<br>if i then<br>&amp;nbsp; print("Search: " ..i)<br>else<br>&amp;nbsp; break --Stop the searching<br>end<br>end<br>
</p><p>Now, it will ping every site then start a loop that prints every message it receives and breaks if it doesn't receive a message.</p>
Ugh, the forums broke my post and made it HTML, just try messing with this code until I fix the tutorial:

sleep(0) --So you don't go too fast
rednet.broadcast("") --Send a message to all listening servers
while true do -- Start the loop
local a, i = rednet.receive(0) --Begin receiving for all servers that received the message
if i then --If you receive a message then...
print("Search: " ..i) --Print the address
else --If you dont receive a message or you received every message then...
break --Stop the searching
end--Finish the loop
Vilsol #2
Posted 12 May 2012 - 01:31 PM
I think that ComputerCraft's rednet.broadcast() function is broken…
ComputerCraftFan11 #3
Posted 12 May 2012 - 06:18 PM
I think that ComputerCraft's rednet.broadcast() function is broken…

You need a modem

Oops,I only opened the top modem D: put a modem on the top of the pc
Vilsol #4
Posted 12 May 2012 - 07:00 PM
Not that, I tested even just with basic commands: rednet.receive() and rednet.broadcast("blabla") and the receiver did nothing…. And yes, modems are activated…
ComputerCraftFan11 #5
Posted 12 May 2012 - 07:23 PM
Not that, I tested even just with basic commands: rednet.receive() and rednet.broadcast("blabla") and the receiver did nothing…. And yes, modems are activated…

You have to have a receiver on before you broadcast
ComputerCraftFan11 #6
Posted 12 May 2012 - 08:42 PM
Updated the servers! It will now remember what site you selected and that it was a server. So if you set it up in a server room, the server will go back up after it turns off or reboots :P/>/>
ComputerCraftFan11 #7
Posted 12 May 2012 - 11:08 PM
Updated the servers and client! I added a editor site so you don't have stop the servers. (go to "domainname"/editor at press Ctrl>Save>Exit and refresh)
ComputerCraftFan11 #8
Posted 15 May 2012 - 04:39 AM
This program prints the titles BEFORE it is ran/changed. So the API doesn't work
Cyan Crafter #9
Posted 17 May 2012 - 05:36 PM
amazing :D/>/>
luv it :P/>/>
ComputerCraftFan11 #10
Posted 17 May 2012 - 06:20 PM
amazing :D/>/>
luv it :P/>/>

Thank, I might post some custom servers that shorten links like
ComputerCraftFan11 #11
Posted 19 May 2012 - 04:45 AM
Also, type change this to your browser if you want a custom password:

local x,y = term.getSize()"top")
local EditingValue = "";
function rednetV()
return "2.3"
title = "Rednet Explorer " ..rednetV() --Add title = "name" to change the webpage's title!
local website = "home";
if fs.exists(".cache") then fs.delete(".cache") end
if fs.exists(".websiteedited") then fs.delete(".websiteedited") end
local cPrint = function(text)
local x2,y2 = term.getCursorPos()
term.setCursorPos(math.ceil((x / 2) - (text:len() / 2)), y2)

function createSite(websitename) --OPENNEXISGATES
	 startup ="startup", "w")
	 startup.writeLine("websitename = "" ..websitename.. """)
	 servercode = [[
	  local password = os.getComputerID() --Change if you want a custom password
	  function record(text)
	   log ="rednet.log", "w")
	  local x,y = term.getSize()
	  local cPrint = function(text)
	   local x2,y2 = term.getCursorPos()
	   term.setCursorPos(math.ceil((x / 2) - (text:len() / 2)), y2)
	  cPrint("Hosting " ..websitename.. "...n")
	  cPrint("Go to " ..websitename.. "/editor to edit it! (PASS: " ..os.getComputerID().. ")n")
	  test =, "r")
	  fileContents = test:readAll()
	  while true do
	   id, message = rednet.receive()
	   if message == websitename then
	    record("   [" ..os.time().."] [" "] Pinged Website.")
	    rednet.send(id, fileContents)
	    record("   [" ..os.time().."] [" "] Received Data")
	   elseif message == websitename.. "/editor" then
	    rednet.send(id, "EditorMode")
	    rednet.send(id, tostring(password))
	    rednet.send(id, fileContents)
	   elseif message == websitename.. "/editor EDITED COMPLED!" then
	    id, message = rednet.receive(0.001)
	    webpage =, "w")
	    test =, "r")
	    fileContents = test:readAll()
	    record("   [" ..os.time().."] [" "] Updated Website!")
local Address = function()
text = "rdnt://"
term.setCursorPos(math.ceil((x / 2) - (text:len() / 2)), 2)

website = read()
function done()
term.setCursorPos(1, y)
name = "F5 = Refresh"
write("Press CTRL to travel the web! :P/>/>")
term.setCursorPos(x - name:len(), y)

while true do
  sleep(0) -- stop crashing
  e, k = os.pullEvent("key")
  if k == 63 then
  elseif k == 29 then
loadWebpage = function()
cPrint("rdnt://" "n")
if website == "home" then
  print("Welcome to RedNet explorer (2.0)! This requires you to have a wireless modem on your computer.")
  print("Host a website at:			    ")
  print("rdnt://newsite!		    ")
  print("   -ComputerCraftFan11    ")
elseif website == "newsite" then
  print("Are you sure you would like to make this PC a server?")
  cPrint("Y = Yes N = No")
  while true do
   e, k = os.pullEvent("char")
   if k == "y" or k == "n" then
  if k == "y" then
   title = "Rednet Servers " ..rednetV()
   print("Welcome to the Rednet Servers. Please enter the website name: ")
   websitename = read()
   i, me = rednet.receive(0.001)
   if me == nil then
    print("Thank you! This website will be running off of the file:n" ..websitename.. "n")
    write("Are you sure? (Y = Continue, V = Edit)")
    input = read()
    if input == "Y" or input == "y" then
	 if fs.exists(websitename) == false then
	  print("Please create " ..websitename.. " first!")
	  sleep(0.5)"edit", websitename)
    elseif input == "V" or input == "v" then"edit", websitename)
    print("I'm sorry, this domain name is taken.")
  title = "Rednet Explorer " ..rednetV()
  id, message = rednet.receive(0.1)
  if message == nil then
   print("Unable to load webpage.")
  elseif message == "EditorMode" then
   id, password = rednet.receive(0.1)
   id, EditingValue = rednet.receive(0.1)
   write("Password: ")
   input = read("*")
   if tostring(password) == input then
    editor =".websiteedited", "w")
    if editor then
    editor.close()"edit", ".websiteedited")
    edited =".websiteedited", "r")
    editwebpage = edited.readAll()
    rednet.broadcast(website.. " EDITED COMPLED!")
    website = "home"
    website = "home"
   if fs.exists(".cache/" then fs.delete(".cache/" end
   webpage =".cache/", "w")
   cPrint("rdnt://" "n")".cache/"

After you make a server, edit startup and change "local password = os.getComputerID()" to "local password = your password here "
Learning_inpaired #12
Posted 23 May 2012 - 02:20 AM
yea ok, im a noob from hell :L, how do i make a basic search engene that can list like lest say 5 website at a time? and how to make a website on lua.OS?
i have some ideas for my small town im working on but im not shure and any onw know the rednet range?
ComputerCraftFan11 #13
Posted 23 May 2012 - 02:38 AM
yea ok, im a noob from hell :L, how do i make a basic search engene that can list like lest say 5 website at a time? and how to make a website on lua.OS?
The search engine program requires you to edit everyone's server. I'll post a search engine API and instructions later.
i have some ideas for my small town im working on but im not shure and any onw know the rednet range?
Go to your .minecraft/config and find

Inside of your mod_ComputerCraft
Learning_inpaired #14
Posted 23 May 2012 - 03:01 AM
we are on a tekkit server to be honest and i cant seem to find this file ur talking about…version 1.1/1.2.5
ComputerCraftFan11 #15
Posted 24 May 2012 - 02:39 AM
yea ok, im a noob from hell :L, how do i make a basic search engene that can list like lest say 5 website at a time? and how to make a website on lua.OS?
i have some ideas for my small town im working on but im not shure and any onw know the rednet range?

Hey, I made a update with a search engine api.
Try messing with this code:

sleep(0) --So you don't go too fast
rednet.broadcast("") --Send a message to all listening servers
while true do -- Start the loop
local a, i = rednet.receive(0) --Begin receiving for all servers that received the message
if i then --If you receive a message then...
print("Search: " ..i) --Print the address
else --If you dont receive a message or you received every message then...
break --Stop the searching
end--Finish the loop
ComputerCraftFan11 #16
Posted 25 May 2012 - 03:30 AM
I updated the sites so it won't crash when you have a "/" in the name.

I also added my first custom server, it's and it can shorten links!
PixelToast #17
Posted 25 May 2012 - 03:32 AM
im working on a program similar to this but the one i have is alot smaller

we are on a tekkit server to be honest and i cant seem to find this file ur talking about…version 1.1/1.2.5
tekkit is 1.1, dan added that option in 1.2.3 i think
ComputerCraftFan11 #18
Posted 25 May 2012 - 03:56 AM
im working on a program similar to this but the one i have is alot smaller

we are on a tekkit server to be honest and i cant seem to find this file ur talking about…version 1.1/1.2.5
tekkit is 1.1, dan added that option in 1.2.3 i think

cuz this one has a built in server and in-browser file editor over rednet without having to download more then 1 file :)/>/>
PixelToast #19
Posted 25 May 2012 - 03:57 AM
im working on a program similar to this but the one i have is alot smaller

we are on a tekkit server to be honest and i cant seem to find this file ur talking about…version 1.1/1.2.5
tekkit is 1.1, dan added that option in 1.2.3 i think

cuz this one has a built in server and in-browser file editor over rednet without having to download more then 1 file :)/>/>
ComputerCraftFan11 #20
Posted 25 May 2012 - 03:59 AM
im working on a program similar to this but the one i have is alot smaller

we are on a tekkit server to be honest and i cant seem to find this file ur talking about…version 1.1/1.2.5
tekkit is 1.1, dan added that option in 1.2.3 i think

cuz this one has a built in server and in-browser file editor over rednet without having to download more then 1 file :)/>/>

I won't let you take over this forum with your useless 1 word posts that break the rules!

Fixed a bug where your thing errors if the website doesn't exist (kept the version # the same).
PixelToast #21
Posted 25 May 2012 - 04:03 AM
im working on a program similar to this but the one i have is alot smaller

we are on a tekkit server to be honest and i cant seem to find this file ur talking about…version 1.1/1.2.5
tekkit is 1.1, dan added that option in 1.2.3 i think

cuz this one has a built in server and in-browser file editor over rednet without having to download more then 1 file :)/>/>

I won't let you take over this forum with your useless 1 word posts that break the rules!

Fixed a bug where your thing errors if the website doesn't exist (kept the version # the same).
the rules also say dont reply to a post that breaks the rules
EDIT: dammit
ComputerCraftFan11 #22
Posted 25 May 2012 - 04:05 AM
im working on a program similar to this but the one i have is alot smaller

we are on a tekkit server to be honest and i cant seem to find this file ur talking about…version 1.1/1.2.5
tekkit is 1.1, dan added that option in 1.2.3 i think

cuz this one has a built in server and in-browser file editor over rednet without having to download more then 1 file :)/>/>

I won't let you take over this forum with your useless 1 word posts that break the rules!

Fixed a bug where your thing errors if the website doesn't exist (kept the version # the same).
the rules also say dont reply to a post that breaks the rules

Yes, yes it does. :)/>/> Go check it yourself
PixelToast #23
Posted 25 May 2012 - 04:06 AM
im working on a program similar to this but the one i have is alot smaller

we are on a tekkit server to be honest and i cant seem to find this file ur talking about…version 1.1/1.2.5
tekkit is 1.1, dan added that option in 1.2.3 i think

cuz this one has a built in server and in-browser file editor over rednet without having to download more then 1 file :)/>/>

I won't let you take over this forum with your useless 1 word posts that break the rules!

Fixed a bug where your thing errors if the website doesn't exist (kept the version # the same).
the rules also say dont reply to a post that breaks the rules

Yes, yes it does. :)/>/> Go check it yourself
we both just broke 5 rules in a row! congratz!
ComputerCraftFan11 #24
Posted 25 May 2012 - 04:08 AM
im working on a program similar to this but the one i have is alot smaller

we are on a tekkit server to be honest and i cant seem to find this file ur talking about…version 1.1/1.2.5
tekkit is 1.1, dan added that option in 1.2.3 i think

cuz this one has a built in server and in-browser file editor over rednet without having to download more then 1 file :)/>/>

I won't let you take over this forum with your useless 1 word posts that break the rules!

Fixed a bug where your thing errors if the website doesn't exist (kept the version # the same).
the rules also say dont reply to a post that breaks the rules

Yes, yes it does. :)/>/> Go check it yourself
we both just broke 5 rules in a row! congratz!

What rule? Tell me.
PixelToast #25
Posted 25 May 2012 - 04:11 AM
im working on a program similar to this but the one i have is alot smaller

we are on a tekkit server to be honest and i cant seem to find this file ur talking about…version 1.1/1.2.5
tekkit is 1.1, dan added that option in 1.2.3 i think

cuz this one has a built in server and in-browser file editor over rednet without having to download more then 1 file :)/>/>

I won't let you take over this forum with your useless 1 word posts that break the rules!

Fixed a bug where your thing errors if the website doesn't exist (kept the version # the same).
the rules also say dont reply to a post that breaks the rules

Yes, yes it does. :)/>/> Go check it yourself
we both just broke 5 rules in a row! congratz!

What rule? Tell me.
reply to a post that dosent follow the rules
ComputerCraftFan11 #26
Posted 25 May 2012 - 04:13 AM
reply to a post that dosent follow the rules

You did too, and you just did it right now.

Stop spamming the forums with useless posts just to "own" it and be the last poster of each topic
PixelToast #27
Posted 25 May 2012 - 04:17 AM
reply to a post that dosent follow the rules
be the last poster of each topic
than why are you replying? :)/>/>

anyways the browser im working on is the one used on trips server, he gave me the code and i fixed multiple instances of "the notch trail" including repeated code, unecicary functions, not combining if statements, working on the displaying enhancements right now tohugh
ComputerCraftFan11 #28
Posted 25 May 2012 - 04:19 AM
reply to a post that dosent follow the rules
be the last poster of each topic
than why are you replying? :)/>/>

anyways the browser im working on is the one used on trips server, he gave me the code and i fixed multiple instances of "the notch trail" including repeated code, unecicary functions, not combining if statements, working on the displaying enhancements right now tohugh

I'm replying so I can tell you to stop replying to every post I post in.

And for your browser, he gave you the code of what?
PixelToast #29
Posted 25 May 2012 - 04:21 AM
reply to a post that dosent follow the rules
be the last poster of each topic
than why are you replying? :)/>/>

anyways the browser im working on is the one used on trips server, he gave me the code and i fixed multiple instances of "the notch trail" including repeated code, unecicary functions, not combining if statements, working on the displaying enhancements right now tohugh

I'm replying so I can tell you to stop replying to every post I post in.

And for your browser, he gave you the code of what?
cryo, dns server, web server, network server
ComputerCraftFan11 #30
Posted 25 May 2012 - 04:22 AM
reply to a post that dosent follow the rules
be the last poster of each topic
than why are you replying? :)/>/>

anyways the browser im working on is the one used on trips server, he gave me the code and i fixed multiple instances of "the notch trail" including repeated code, unecicary functions, not combining if statements, working on the displaying enhancements right now tohugh

I'm replying so I can tell you to stop replying to every post I post in.

And for your browser, he gave you the code of what?
cryo, dns server, web server, network server

Using HTTP api?
PixelToast #31
Posted 25 May 2012 - 04:25 AM
reply to a post that dosent follow the rules
be the last poster of each topic
than why are you replying? :)/>/>

anyways the browser im working on is the one used on trips server, he gave me the code and i fixed multiple instances of "the notch trail" including repeated code, unecicary functions, not combining if statements, working on the displaying enhancements right now tohugh

I'm replying so I can tell you to stop replying to every post I post in.

And for your browser, he gave you the code of what?
cryo, dns server, web server, network server

Using HTTP api?
no it uses rednet stupid lol :)/>/>
ComputerCraftFan11 #32
Posted 25 May 2012 - 04:30 AM
reply to a post that dosent follow the rules
be the last poster of each topic
than why are you replying? :)/>/>

anyways the browser im working on is the one used on trips server, he gave me the code and i fixed multiple instances of "the notch trail" including repeated code, unecicary functions, not combining if statements, working on the displaying enhancements right now tohugh

I'm replying so I can tell you to stop replying to every post I post in.

And for your browser, he gave you the code of what?
cryo, dns server, web server, network server

Using HTTP api?
no it uses rednet stupid lol :)/>/>

ur stupid lol :P/>/>

I've seen HTTP browsers. (Except they only print the source code of the site)
ComputerCraftFan11 #33
Posted 25 May 2012 - 04:39 AM
I added the worst type of "Global Websites" using HTTP api.
I got too lazy xP
Learning_inpaired #34
Posted 13 June 2012 - 02:30 PM
i would submit but i dont know code D:
Jackster #35
Posted 08 July 2012 - 12:18 PM

That is what happens when I try to make a site :/
ComputerCraftFan11 #36
Posted 11 July 2012 - 07:33 AM

That is what happens when I try to make a site :/

You didn't put a website name/ path to the website.

You can't leave it blank
ComputerCraftFan11 #37
Posted 05 August 2012 - 07:48 AM
^-^ qwzx11 is currently making a browser that has an antivirus attached to it because on the server he plays on there is at least ONE site that is a malicious site.
Doe's this happen on a lot of servers?

Yes this happens in alot of servers, Rednet Explorer 3.0 will be moderated by database admins and might remove some malicious sites, depending on what it is for.

It will also have extension support (More Information coming soon..)
fox8091 #38
Posted 03 January 2013 - 02:03 PM

Oops. Trying to fix signature.
fox8091 #39
Posted 03 January 2013 - 02:06 PM
MCuniverse #40
Posted 22 September 2013 - 06:10 AM
Add DoS mitigation (if people do want to use DoS against Rednet Explorer in the future). Some people, if they know enough about the coding, can create a seek-and-destroy program capable of bringing down a Rednet website.
I have done a test on singleplayer, and shows that my experimental DoS program for Rednet Explorer can crash a website, rendering it unavailable without resetting it.
Also, create a password confirmation for unauthorized editing of a website, sending the right code can ruin the website/make it malicious. If not, write a precaution telling website owners to create backups of their site in case of attack.
Edit: I did not check the previous post date. What a huge necro. Sorry.
Dylan_Madigan #41
Posted 01 June 2017 - 02:26 AM
It the website is too long i can only see the bottom of it in the browser, is there a way to scroll?
TheRockettek #42
Posted 01 June 2017 - 10:53 AM
You should use firewolf as its another program that is much more stable and is based off this program.