so here it is my first program upload for you guys.
for this you will need immibus peripherals located here
just set the peripheral to the left for now this auto puts down a chest for you this is a work in progress mod and has been rewritten

anyway here it is
or run pastebin get pkgjdZr7 quarry
you will also need immibus NBTAPI located here
or run pastebin get QMct3H9x NBTAPI

to run it needs at least 2 arguments (length,width) but don't make it to big because it only places a standard chest down unless specified which are the 3rd and 4th arguments

i use an diamond chest and my id is 975:5

so i would type quarry 5 5 975 5 this would mine a 5x5 quarry to bedrock and dump in my 975:5 Diamond chest ;)/>

anyway as stated before this was created specifically for learning purposes but thought someone would like to use it

PS don't use it on big quarry's as of yet 20x20 is maximum for me

also made a fill program for testing in case someone may want to use it
only needs 2 arguments (length,width) so fill 5 5 would fill a 5x5 with random Blocks
download here
or run pastebin get MvjHAXE7 fill

to do check which way to mine because at the moment it always mines toward North and West which is a serious issue

big thanks to CometWolf for all there help in this