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Kapow Creations [1.31]

Started by Kaleb702, 28 January 2012 - 07:05 PM
Kaleb702 #1
Posted 28 January 2012 - 08:05 PM


This will list my miscellaneous programs

1.11 (Version history below)
Spoiler1.11: Turtle Edition: command the turtle.
1.9: Used to make the source number cleaner. Also fixed a glitch in slow printing.
1.7 - 1.811: Speed increasing, understands "are you" and uses functions in the source.
1.6: "commands", "debug", "clear conversation" commands added. Fancy intro. Understands "thank you".
1.5: Understands "because", "yes", "no", "maybe", "rofl", "lol", "lmao".
1.4.3: Glitch left over from 1.31 fixed.
1.4.2: alternate response for "I love you".
1.4.1: Incredibly obvious stupidity fixed.
1.4: Now capitalization does not matter.
1.31: Fixed a glitch left over from 1.1; now if you say "myself", she properly says "yourself"
1.3: More intelligence. (Changing topics, "my favorite", etc.)
1.2 Slightly less retarded. Now recognizes "I need" and "I want". Also has "You are" recognized. Thanks to NintendoGamerBoy for the ideas for the first two, and code for the third. (I could have done code for the third, but he saved me some time that I spent adding the first two)
1.1: Less retarded. Now recognizes itself in conversations. "you" is now "me".
1.0: Default.

ELIZA is a port of the olden chatbot. Retarded? Yes. Does it work? Yes.
It currently does not have all of the features of the original, due to the original being quite complex. I can't read most of the source for it, due to not understanding what the heck is going on.

Example conversation:
"<ELIZA> Hello."
"How do I make a piston?"
"<ELIZA> I don't know. Perhaps search online, or look within yourself."
"I need some food."
"<ELIZA> Why do you need some food?"
"Because I am hungry."
"<ELIZA> I see."
"<ELIZA> Yes?"
"Lets change the topic."
"<ELIZA> All right then. How about MineCraft?"
"I love MineCraft."
"<ELIZA> Why do you love MineCraft?"
"Because it is awesome."
"<ELIZA> I see."

Secondary Developers: NintendoGamerBoy

Of varying usefulness.


This program reformats your terminal, wiping it of all files.
For your own safety, do not attempt this on…
  • RedWorks terminals (If using the main version)
  • Anything that edits the ROM and has non-ROM files
  • Computers which have valuable data
Furnace Calculator
1.2 (Version history below)
Spoiler1.2: Added waste calculation.
1.1: Default.
The Furnace Calculator calculates how much fuel it takes to smelt items. Simply tell it what kind of fuel you want to use, how many items to smelt, and it does the rest. Note that it does not (1.2 addition) list how much fuel is wasted as of yet.


This will list any games.

Choose Your Own Adventure: The Desert
1.1 (no real changes aside from a glitch)

A simple Choose Your Own Adventure. Very inefficient code, probably. Does it work? Yes. Is it fun? Good for a few minutes of time to kill when it's night.

You journey out into the desert in search of gold.

Secondary Developers: N/A

Rock Paper Scissors
1.1 (no real changes aside from a glitch)

Rock Paper Scissors, ported to computercraft. Nothing fancy.

Secondary Developers: N/A

Guess the Number
1.1 (no real changes aside from a glitch)

I don't have anything to say about this, and don't need to. The name says it all.

Casino Slots

Unfair slots style game.
Kaleb702 #2
Posted 01 February 2012 - 01:29 AM

Closed less-than-alpha
Fileutils will make it easier to read and write to files, by handling the opening and closing for you. Mainly made so I don't have to use all the time.

Closed less-than-alpha
CraftCalc will be an API version of FurnaceCalc, and include information for crafting calculations. For instance,
what resources and what quantity thereof it takes to make a bookshelf.

Legal Stuff



"I", "me", "mine", and any similar pronouns shall henceforth refer to "Kaleb702".
"We", "Us", and the like shall refer to "Kapow Creations".
Meanwhile, "you", "your", and similar pronouns shall refer to the user.
"Software" shall refer to the Lua APIs and programs provided within this page by Kaleb702.

I have no liability for if any of my software causes harm to your body, mind, minecraft worlds, saves, or terminals. I have no liability for if the software just decides to stop working for any reason or lack thereof. I have no liability for you being irritated by me stating that I do not have liability.

This software is given "as-is" and is under no warranty. If there was a warranty, it would not apply to acts of God, natural disasters, modding, raptor attacks, hackers, virtual computer destruction, or actual computer destruction.

This software are not in any way reflective of the views of Kapow Creations. Kapow Creations as a whole does not have full control over this software, coded by the programmer and HTML user of Kapow Creations, Kaleb702.

By downloading or using any software listed in this post, you agree to this EULA.
Selkitty #3
Posted 02 February 2012 - 04:55 AM
You should add that edited install program to your list :(/>/> having it on cc-get would be useful ^^
Kaleb702 #4
Posted 02 February 2012 - 09:35 PM
Mm, you can add it yourself on your own account at

Kaleb702 #5
Posted 12 February 2012 - 07:46 PM
ELIZA's bad source has been fixed.
Selkitty #6
Posted 12 February 2012 - 08:03 PM
Mm, you can add it yourself on your own account at


Done ^^ (forgot to mention XD)
Kaleb702 #7
Posted 14 February 2012 - 07:43 PM
Reformatting tool is rolled out.
Kaleb702 #8
Posted 16 February 2012 - 10:55 PM
The Furnace Calculator is now out.
Kaleb702 #9
Posted 20 February 2012 - 02:34 AM
Rebranded due to site registration.
Kaleb702 #10
Posted 24 February 2012 - 08:18 PM
Updated to reflect that the site is ready for downloads.
Kaleb702 #11
Posted 25 February 2012 - 10:56 PM
Obvious error is obvious.

Only the on site versions exist now also, due to cc-get's lack of automatically updating and my laziness.
Kaleb702 #12
Posted 20 March 2012 - 08:54 PM
Bump: Turtle Edition of ELIZA.