Posted 08 February 2014 - 06:37 AM

Hello everyone,
BlackReality is a peaceful server where days can spend a pleasure and tranquility. However, this requires the establishment of a white-list, To integrate this whitelist (which has no limitation of space), you must go to the forum server and follow the already present and only that model! . An answer will come quickly to the general max within 48 hours.
Admins read and accept the bid (or not in this case does not look …) as there you mature enough mind. Following an incident on an old server, we will no longer tolerate again the total destruction of the map.
Server only mods
Yes, after maturely thought about that we believe keep a server mods with a mixture of a bit of everything: Tech, Sci-Fi, Magic, etc … For the launcher issue, we use the Technic for its simplicity and ergonomics.
The modpack link is on the site …
Conditions and warranties
To ensure peace on all servers, bans fall after the first warning
For more information go to the server website.
Good day and good game to all ;)/>
Edited on 07 July 2014 - 01:49 PM