Posted 16 February 2014 - 06:55 PM
Project Colligo, also known as Colligo or Pcol, is an API being developed by myself on the ReccaToir server as a well-rounded API to fit all of my needs. As I previously utilised a multitude of API's I decided a change must be had and began the development of Colligo, an API suited for anything I desired.
For those who want to wing it and not read what it can do, feel free to look at the code here or download it on your HTTP enabled device with the following script!
"pastebin get NPR21i0G pcol"
To all who stayed, good on you. Open the spoiler below to view all of the available functions.
getVersion() - Returns a string with the version contained within it.
reset() - Clears the entire screen, sets the cursor to 1,1 and defaults the text colour to white.
isAdvanced() - Returns a true or false depending on the type of computer
aPrint(type(c,r,l),text) - Prints the defined text to the center,right or left of the screen
aWrite(type(c,r,l),text) - Writes the defined text to the center,right or left of the screen
erPrint(type,message) - Prints an error beginning with the pre-defined error header and prints the defined text.
The spoiler below contains the past THREE versions changelog, so as not to clutter.
added getVersion()
added cPrint()
added erPrint()
added reset()
Rewrote erPrint()
Added tables to feed erPrint()
localised all functions - getting conflicts
rewrote cPrint() as aPrint()
added aWrite()
I, LDShadowLord, give permission for anyone to use my API as long as it is kept in a separate file and is loaded as an API with "os.loadAPI" and that the copyright header in the API file is left intact.
Edited on 18 February 2014 - 06:50 PM