So full release of Mimic, GravityScore's and my web emulator written in JavaScript using HTML5 :D/>
Use it here!
- Full ComputerCraft emulator in your web browser
- CC 1.63 support
- Mobile (iOS and Android) support
- Edit files easily in browser using Ace (stripped out version of Sublime Text in JS)
- Persistent filesystem
- Save screenshots
- Download files
- Startup scripts! Demo your own CC programs to others through just one click! Let Mimic load your program from Pastebin and run it automatically
- Auto save while editing files
- Pasting support
- Control T, S, and R, as well as corresponding buttons
- Fullscreen mode
- Hierarchical, collapsable file sidebar
- Startup scripts can't use the shell API yet
- Screenshots seem to capture past images of the terminal
- Files sometimes destroy empty lines at the end of them
- Files download multiple times when clicking the download button
- The drop down menu moves behind the computer depending on the screen size
- http.post doesn't work at all
- Redstone API isn't implemented
- No storage size limit
- Haven't tested on Android yet, only iOS :)/>
- Oh I broke pasting just then…



