Use JereChat 3 in ComputerCraft
to Send and Receive chat messages across servers
(and also on other Devices / Services)

(Disclaimer: This is still WIP)

* What is JereChat?
JereChat is a chat protocol, which is run by a backend using my own scripting/programming language.
It has clients on many platforms, including the NintendoDS, the webbrowser, and several standalones on different oses/devices.
* What is this?
This is yet another platform to support (a simple) implementation of the JereChat protocol (v5)
This is a rewrite to the last program I created for the old JereChat 1, providing even more featues and stability
* What does it do?
This will enable you to chat with other people, in different channels, that are shared across computers, worlds, servers
(and even other platforms and protocols outside of minecraft)

* What will I need?
You will need the following things:

*A ComputerCraft computer on a server or in singleplayer with
*access to the http api with the
*ability of calling https requests (aka. The hosing party must have to correct time set)
*access to pastebin

*A JereNet account, which you can sign up for *here* (Linkto:
* What do I do?
1. Make sure you have a valid account for the JereNet.
2. Get onto a computer (and create and navigate to a folder where you would like to save the app to)
3. Download the paste gkR19Vj6 (pastebin get gkR19Vj6 JereChat)
4. Run it!

* The app
SpoilerVery Snazzy Login screen

Entering a Channel

The Chat Screen itself
As of creating this post available channels are 'default' and 'talk' , you can only send messages in 'talk' though

Feel free to ask any questions :3

Edit 1:

Planned Features (aka TODO)
SpoilerDo something about lines leaving the screen, if too long
Add an option to change how the messages are displayed
Possibly use a different mode to receive messages (faster) (using JSON)
re-add noteblock/ redstone ringer ability on new messages

For new version of CC
use http.request and events properly