LuaGRUB is a bootloader based off GNU GRUB. It's purpose is to allow you to have multiple operating systems on one machine, and choose one at boot. If the OS supports it, you can even tell one OS to reboot directly into another (even into CraftOS). It features a simple color GUI that resembles as closely as possible the build of GNU GRUB I use every day. This is a very early version (I started a week ago), so many OSes will not be compatible, especially if they use absolute paths. There is a fix planned for 2.0, so stay tuned.
Update: I just added documentation!
It'll get better over time!
To install:
> pastebin get Ri2ZSxVF launcher
> launcher
The launcher will rename itself to 'launcher' if that's not its name, so make sure you don't have anything else named launcher in the root folder.The pastebin might be out-of-date; for the latest stable version, check here:
Found a bug? Have a suggestion? If you already have a GitHub account, please use the issue tracker at
If you'd rather not make one, you can always post here, but I don't check the forums as frequently as GitHub, so I might take a while to respond.
Have a GitHub? Want to help? PM me!
APIs used:
Drawing.lua from OneOS by oeed used with permission.