This is a collection of a few remote-access programs i wrote. It currently consits of a way of remotely tracking your computers and remote file access.
SpoilerJust a simple way of tracking your Turles/PDAs. Once the program is run, the computer will listen on the "Track" protocol. If it gets a message of "getPos", it will send a table with its current coordinates (requires GPS).
SpoilerA way send/receive files to/from a server. It can be run both as an API or from the shell.
Shell usage:
SpoilerTo set up a server, simply run the program with "server" as your first argument. You can optionaly specify a directory where all files will be saved in instead.
To send a file, just have "send" as your first argument. Then put the ID of the server, the file to send and optionaly the name the file will be saved as on the server.
To receive a file, use "reveive" as your first argument. The rest is similar to sending, the third argument will be the local file name (if specified).
API usage:
SpoilerMake sure to have rednet opened when calling os.loadAPI, otherwise you won't be able to use any methods.
The API has the following methods:

send(id, file, [sendAs])
receive(id, file, [saveAs])
sendMultiple(id, files, directory) where files is a Table of your filenames and directory is the path your files will be searched in
receiveMultiple(id, files, directory)
server(tArgs) due to an internal way of calling this, the second entry of tArgs will be used as the directory files will be saved in/ read from, the third entry will be used as a hostname
SpoilerThe GUI functionality is not included in the api itself.
Get it at
You navigate the program using up- and downarrow, tab and return. To close the program press Q.
SpoilerServer Selection:

Main Screen:
Spoiler30.3.2014: You can now use hostnames instead of ids

SpoilerComing up, I will complete the GUI for FTP (adding directories, removing files and maybe a version for advanced computers).
After that I will either add more features to FTP (the ability to send/receive complete directories at once?), or start working on a remote shell access.
If you have any other ideas/feature request, just post them and i will see what i can do.