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== gtRemote == (GUI Turtle Remote)

Started by Dog, 08 April 2014 - 03:03 PM
Dog #1
Posted 08 April 2014 - 05:03 PM
Here's my take on a turtle remote for ComputerCraft 1.63+ advanced wireless pocket computers.

- Turtles running the host program will show up in the remote list automatically when in range and drop off the list when out of range.
- The remote can theoretically list and manage over 20,000 turtles (21 turtles/page, 999 pages).
- Turtles can be 'driven' (mouse or keyboard), place and break blocks, attack, equip tools, engrave and place signs, and output redstone on their front.
- Turtles can run arbitrary programs of your choosing (with command line arguments)!
- Turtles can be 'locked' and 'unlocked' with a password - when locked they will ignore all commands except status queries and the unlock command.
- Turtles can have their name/computer label, description, and assigned color changed from the remote (in case you don't like the choices you made during setup).
- The name you give a turtle will also be assigned to the turtle's computer label - this makes visually identifying listed turtles much easier.
- Turtles will attempt to get a GPS fix on startup and the position data can be refreshed from the remote.
- Position data can be exported to Lyqyd's pocketgps to help zero in on any wayward turtles.

I hope people find as much enjoyment playing with this as I've had making it.

Please note: gtRemote is NOT compatible with ComputerCraft 1.74 or ComputerCraftEdu 1.74 or the combined CC/CCEdu 1.74 jar. This includes modpacks that use these versions [e.g. Tekkit Legends]

Take note: as of version 2.0.00 all passwords are hashed/salted with Anvarins' pbkdf2/SHA256 and all communications are encrypted with SquidDev's AES and Alex Kloss' base64.

SpoilerMain screen - turtle list

Turtle Remote screen

Turtle Inventory screen

SpoilergtRemote & gtHost require ComputerCraft 1.63 or newer


Pastebin: XQQsRyLX
ComputerCraft: pastebin get XQQsRyLX gtRemote

- Install on an advanced wireless pocket computer and run


Pastebin: WzrdKVxm
ComputerCraft: pastebin get WzrdKVxm startup (or 'gtHost' if you don't want the host to run automatically on boot)

- Install on a wireless turtle (standard or advanced) and run

Most of the necessary instructions are included in the built-in help. Just press F1 in each screen for 'context sensitive' help.

A couple of things that aren't in help:

In the Control screen:

- OB/CK allows you to turn obstacle checking on and off
  - obstacle checking checks up/down/forward
  - obstacle checking takes a moment, so the turtle will be less responsive while obstacle detection is on
- PL/BR is an 'automatic' Place/Break button
  - if obstacle checking is on and the space in front of the turtle is open, the turtle will place a block from the selected inventory slot - otherwise the turtle will break the block in front of it
  - if obstacle checking is on, the PL/BR button will indicate whether the turtle will place or break a block
  - if obstacle checking is off, the button will break the block in the selected direction, but it will not place blocks
- Clicking the 'black box with white dots' in the middle of the arrow keys will bring up a remote shell prompt - this allows you to run any program on the turtle (with support for command line arguments)
- 'Coal' is the coal equivalent of how much fuel the turtle has, not how much coal is in the turtle's inventory - this is for those who manage their fuel by coal count
- 'Units' is the actual fuel 'count' reported by the turtle (1000 units = 1 bucket)
- Click on 'Coal' or 'Units' to toggle the value depending on which you prefer
- 'PLBR' changes the place/break direction
- Click the small arrows to either side of the inventory slot readout to select a different inventory slot
- Click on the name of the inventory item to open the inventory screen

In the Inventory screen:

- Right clicking 'Break' will 'attack' instead of 'dig'
- Right clicking 'Refuel' will refuel by 10
- Middle clicking 'Refuel' will refuel using all items in the selected slot
- Left clicking 'Equip' will equip the left item
- Right clicking 'Equip' will equip the right item
- Right clicking 'Place' will bring up the sign engraving prompt if the slot selected has a sign in it

gtHost daemon mode

- gtHost can operate in 'daemon' mode, running another program in the 'foreground' - simply enter the program name as a command line argument


gtHost released at 0.0.22
gtRemote released at 0.0.31
- Updated gtHost to 0.0.23 - turtle will no longer unequip its wireless modem
- Updated gtHost to 0.0.24 - fuel level is now properly calculated and displayed
- Updated gtHost to 0.0.25 - turtle label is now set to match turtle name - this should make physically identifying turtles on the list easier
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.32 - code cleanup
- Updated gtHost to 0.0.26 - changed equip detection to check against active modem only, removed several variables from gtSettings{} as they do not need to be saved
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.33 - UI elements now provide visual feedback when clicked
- updated gtHost to 0.0.27 - added Tunnel and Excavate support
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.34 - added Tunnel and Excavate support
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.35 - the list should now properly clear when no turtles are in range
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.36 - small tweak to turtle detection, added some color to the UI
- Updated gtHost to 0.0.28 - added some color to (and slightly reordered) the terminal screen
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.37 - cleaned up help, cleaned up inventory screen code, more color
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.38 - cleaned up inventory screen - much nicer now
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.39 - small tweak to 'fueled' filter, small tweak to goPage behavior
- Updated gtHost to 0.0.29 - small tweak to QRY response
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.40 - tweak to turtle QRYs and listing - attempt to optimize performance in storms

- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.41 - more tweaks to QRY performance, cleaned up inventory screen again - even better now, code cleanup, reordering, and tweaks
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.42 - cleanup up inventory screen code - selected slot is now highlighted, added comments
- Updated gtHost to 0.0.30 - small tweak to init, very minor code cleanup, added comments
- Updated gtHost to 0.0.31 - tweaks to init
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.43 - added keyboard commands for movement, tunneling, excavation, and redstone output
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.44 - updated network comms to filter out non-gtR traffic, gtRemote can happily run along side other programs including cc10 remote and ccDialer
- Updated gtHost to 0.0.32 - updated network comms to identify gtR data as such
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.45 - updated network comms to identify cc10 data as such
- Updated gtHost to 0.0.33 - updated network comms to filter out non-cc10 traffic
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.46 - performance tweak to drawElement(), work around for a couple of mystifying and annoying drawing issues
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.47 - code cleanup, minor tweaks

- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.48 - fixed a couple of minor UI goofs related to refreshing GPS and exporting to pocketgps
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.49 - a number of minor code changes and tweaks, complete re-write of color picker, fixed problems with input being screwy when running in a CraftOS tab
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.50 - small performance improvement to drawElement()
- Updated Host to 0.0.34 - small performance improvement to drawElement()
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.51 - minor performance improvement to (and possible finalization of) drawElement()
- Updated gtHost to 0.0.35 - minor performance improvement to (and possible finalization of) drawElement()
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.52 - added 'All ON / All OFF' to list screen for controlling redstone output on all turtles in range
- Updated gtHost to 0.0.36 - now provides 'coal equivalent' and 'actual' fuel info (how much coal the current fuel is equal to and number of fuel units) to gtRemote
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.53 - now displays new 'coal equiv & actual' value sent by gtHost 0.0.36+, allows 'Coal/Units' value in control screen to be clicked - toggles coal/actual

- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.54 - tweaks to drawElement() to account for running in a tab in CC1.6x
- Updated gtHost to 0.0.37 - tweaks to drawElement() to account for running in a tab in CC1.6x
- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.55 - replaced drawColorList() with CometWolf's implementation, minor code cleanup/reordering/tweaks, more comments

- Updated gtRemote to 0.0.56 - a number of code tweaks and changes
- Updated gtHost to 0.0.38 - a few code tweaks and changes

- Promoted gtRemote to 0.1.00 - minor code tweaks and changes, update comments, welcome to beta gtRemote
- Promoted gtHost to 0.1.00 - minor code tweaks, changes, and cleanup, update comments, welcome to beta gtHost

- Updated gtRemote to 0.1.01 - added remote support (right click the black box in the middle of the control arrows)
- Updated gtHost to 0.1.01 - added remote support

- Promoted gtRemote to 1.0.00 - no code changes, welcome to release gtRemote
- Promoted gtHost to 1.0.00 - no code changes, welcome to release gtHost

- Updated gtRemote to 1.0.01 - added directional place/break support, shell commands can now be accessed by left click
- Updated gtHost to 1.0.01 - added directional place/break support, minor code cleanup, fixed bug preventing setting/changing turtle description

- Updated gtRemote to 1.0.02 - implemented ipairs, minor code cleanup and tweaks
- Updated gtHost to 1.0.02 - implemented ipairs

- Updated gtRemote to 1.0.03 - minor code cleanup and tweaks, improved UI performance (far fewer 'dead' clicks when selecting a turtle), improved storm performance, fixed a remote control UI derp, tweaked UI elements to work properly in a CraftOS tab
- Updated gtHost to 1.0.03 - minor code cleanup and tweaks, changed how 'daemon' mode works - can now start any program when invoking 'daemon' mode

- Updated gtHost to 1.0.04 - fixed a non-critical derp in the initialization routine

- Updated gtRemote to 1.0.04 - minor code cleanup
- Updated gtHost to 1.0.05 - minor code cleanup

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.00 - complete rewrite of polling and list management - no more flickering or 'dead' clicks
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.00 - added polling variable to reported status data for new polling/list management in gtRemote

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.01 - fixed problem with text disappearing during editing...maybe

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.02 - added basic password support for turtles, added password info to help screen
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.01 - added basic password support for turtles (password set during first-time setup)
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.02 - minor reformat of terminal screen and addition of lock state

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.03 - changed polling to use rednet.lookup (a bit slower, but eliminates broadcasts)
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.03 - added use of to make finding hosts easier
- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.04 - optimizations to polling and screen management
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.04 - minor code tweaks

- Promoted gtRemote to 1.1.05 - no changes
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.05 - optimized terminal screen writes
- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.06 - optimized communications (now *much* faster)
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.06 - minor tweaks and changes

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.07 - fixed several UI derps in the Inventory screen (no more flashing, either), action direction can now be selected by clicking on the direction itself, updated Inventory screen help
- Promoted gtHost to 1.1.07 - no changes

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.08 - tweak to communications to handle multiple remotes
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.08 - tweak to communications to handle multiple remotes

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.09 - forward/up/down buttons now indicate whether turtle can move in those directions (red = no), minor tweaks to turtle control screen
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.09 - now uses turtle.detectUp() turtle.detectDown() and turtle.detect() to let gtRemote know if turtle can move in those directions

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.10 - obstacle checking is now optional (it slows things down a bit), removed TUNL & EXVT buttons and added Place/Break and Obstacle Check Toggle buttons
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.10 - obstacle checking defaults to off upon startup (for performance reasons)

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.11 - tweaks and fixes to context sensitivity for directional place/break
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.11 - tweaks and fixes to context sensitivity for directional place/break

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.12 - complete rewrite of fueled/non-fueled filtering, increased polling time to help with UI responsiveness.
- Promoted gtHost to 1.1.12 - no changes

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.13 - numerous tweaks and fixes
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.13 - numerous tweaks and fixes

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.14 - tweaks attempting to eliminate the occasional pause that occurs causing the remote UI to become temporarily unresponsive - no luck yet
- Promoted gtHost to 1.1.14 - no changes

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.15 - code cleanup and bug fixes
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.15 - code cleanup and bug fixes

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.16 - fixed host time-out detection, minor tweaks
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.16 - minor tweaks

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.17 - code optimization
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.17 - code optimization

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.18 - code optimization
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.18 - code optimization

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.19 - code optimization
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.19 - code optimization, fix for color change crash exploit reported by TheDavster
- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.20 - fixed inability to enter passwords
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.20 - unlock state is now stored per remote instead of simply being on or off

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.21 - various tweaks and bug fixes
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.21 - fixed bug causing turtles to re-lock after being unlocked, various tweaks
- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.22 - standardized input lengths for some fields, update readInput to enforce limits
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.22 - standardized input lengths for some fields during firstRun

- Updated gtRemote to 1.1.23 - fixed input length enforcement in readInput
- Updated gtHost to 1.1.23 - minor tweaks

- Updated gtRemote to 1.2.00 - major code optimization (this should fix the problem of dropped commands)
- Updated gtHost to 1.2.00 - major code optimization (this should fix the problem of dropped commands)

- Updated gtRemote to 1.5.00 - bug fixes, major code optimization, communications should be much more reliable in noisy environments
- Updated gtHost to 1.5.00 - bug fixes, major code optimization, communications should be much more reliable in noisy environments

- Updated gtRemote to 2.0.00 - added password hashing (Anvarins' pbkdf2/SHA256) and communications encryption (SquidDev's AES and Alex Kloss' base64)
- Updated gtHost to 2.0.00 - added password hashing (Anvarins' pbkdf2/SHA256) and communications encryption (SquidDev's AES and Alex Kloss' base64)

- Updated gtRemote to 2.0.01 - now works with Lua 5.1 features disabled
- Updated gtHost to 2.0.01 - now works with Lua 5.1 features disabled

- Updated gtRemote to 2.0.02 - code clean-up/optimization
- Updated gtHost to 2.0.02 - code clean-up/optimization

- Updated gtRemote to 2.0.03 - major code clean-up/optimization; place/break, direction select, and inventory select added to remote screen; CC1.75 and up - name of selected inventory slot content is displayed
- Updated gtHost to 2.0.03 - major code clean-up/optimization; CC1.75 and up - name of selected inventory slot content is sent to gtRemote

- Updated gtRemote to 2.0.04 - minor code optimization, fixed turtle sorting
- Updated gtHost to 2.0.04 - no changes

- Updated gtRemote to 2.0.05 - fuel items are now colored yellow, others in light blue, empty in light gray; various other tweaks/optimizations
- Updated gtHost to 2.0.05 - when providing slot count info, gtHost now identifies fuel items from non-fuel items and sends that information to gtRemote as well

Similar programs:
ControlMe by HPWebcamAble
GUI Turtle Control Program by jakejakey
Remote Control GUI by Ninja8370
Remote Controle for Turtle by CodeMonkey42
RoxRC by Roxforbraynz

As always, my sincere thanks to everyone who made this possible; with a special thank you to the following:
- CometWolf who helped sort out some of my messy code
- theoriginalbit who helped me get a grasp on ternary and truth tables
- Anvarins for his pbkdf2/SHA256 hashing function
- SquidDev for his AES encryption/decryption function
- Alex Kloss for his base64 encoding/decoding function
Edited on 30 August 2018 - 04:52 PM
Dave-ee Jones #2
Posted 12 April 2014 - 12:52 AM
The best turtle remote program I have seen! It looks amazing! I may just try this out…(I don't try out many turtle programs)
Agoldfish #3
Posted 12 April 2014 - 01:06 AM
TL;DR What is the redstone feature in the remote screen?
Dog #4
Posted 12 April 2014 - 01:16 AM
@ AutoLocK - very high praise, thank you :)/> Give it a whirl and let me know what you think. Also, don't forget you can press F1 in the program to get basic help (for List, Remote, and Inventory screens)

@Agoldfish - that toggles redstone output on the front of the turtle. It can be used to trigger a finish line in turtle races; or simply drive a turtle up behind a 'friend', place a TNT and hit the redstone output, then back the turtle away. It just seemed like there could be some uses for it, so I threw it in. Now that I think of it, it could be useful for TNT mining/blasting - mine a few blocks in then set a TNT and back out.
Edited on 12 April 2014 - 12:10 AM
JohnSmith41Junk #5
Posted 17 April 2014 - 02:52 PM
Now that I think of it, it could be useful for TNT mining/blasting - mine a few blocks in then set a TNT and back out.
Can a turtle back out fast enough for that?
CometWolf #6
Posted 17 April 2014 - 03:37 PM
Seeing as turtles are blast proof, it wouldn't really matter >.>
Edited on 17 April 2014 - 01:37 PM
apemanzilla #7
Posted 17 April 2014 - 04:15 PM
Seeing as turtles are blast proof, it wouldn't really matter >.>
I'm fairly sure turtles are NOT blast proof by default.
CometWolf #8
Posted 17 April 2014 - 04:18 PM
I coulda sworn i read somewhere they were. I just tested though, they're not lol.
apemanzilla #9
Posted 17 April 2014 - 04:20 PM
I coulda sworn i read somewhere they were. I just tested though, they're not lol.
Yeah… There was a misc. peripherals turtle that was though. Shielded turtle i think.
Dog #10
Posted 17 April 2014 - 05:59 PM
I ran a couple of tests (to ensure my memory wasn't misinforming me - I'm pretty sure I've done the same thing using GoochGuy's turtle remote) and verified that turtles can, indeed, back away fast enough to avoid the explosion. I also discovered on my first test that TNT doesn't stay in the air once it's activated - that was fun to clean up :P/> Although I guess that could be used to 'make' a turtle 'bomber'…
Edited on 17 April 2014 - 05:47 PM
trepnick #11
Posted 20 April 2014 - 04:11 AM
How about a remote shell? doesn't even need to be complex at all, just send the string entered and run it on the turtle. That way a turtle can run any program installed on it, not just excavate or tunnel. I'd love to run my turtles on this, but I use custom mining programs and a logging program, etc.

Also, does this work correctly with infinite fuel?
Dog #12
Posted 20 April 2014 - 11:20 PM
A remote shell is a good idea. Give me some time to come up with a nice way to integrate that into the UI and I'll see what I can come up with.

As for unlimited fuel - yes this program can handle infinite fuel :)/>

EDIT: Done! Turtles can now run arbitrary programs with command line arguments. Simply right click the black box in the middle of the directional control arrows.
Edited on 21 April 2014 - 12:27 PM
CastleMan2000 #13
Posted 21 April 2014 - 06:45 PM
This is a really good program, but I think there are 3 things that could make it even better: first, having a key or button to dig and or place from the main control, and second, the ability to see where blocks are around your turtle, i.e. a little indicator that uses the three basic turtle.detect() commands, and third, the ability to use break and place in all three directions (Up, down, and forward).
Edited on 21 April 2014 - 04:50 PM
Dog #14
Posted 21 April 2014 - 08:20 PM

Those are good ideas (I even considered all of them while developing the program)…sadly, trying to 'fit them in' wouldn't be easy. My general feeling is that gtRemote is 'done' (it does everything I wanted). Having said that, I'd like to address your ideas individually and explain why I *probably* won't develop those features for the program…

I agree with you that it would be (very) convenient to have break and place buttons somewhere on the remote screen, the problem becomes where to put them (or do I double up button functions and add right click, then eventually middle click, etc.?). Too many multi-function buttons and the program isn't simple/easy to 'just use' any more (the same for a screen cluttered with too many buttons). All of my programs suffer a little from that problem and I'm trying to minimize that. If I can come up with a solution that makes me happy then I will probably implement this - but don't count on it happening.

Being able to break/place in all three available directions was also something I considered - ultimately I decided that the scope of what I was trying to do wasn't that broad and choose not to develop those features. I *may* revisit this in the future, but for now it's not on the to-do list.

The idea of using turtle.detect() and providing some kind of indicator is also something I kicked around for a bit. Ultimately I decided against it. This is something that I keep thinking about and I *may* eventually implement detection for the front of the turtle.

I realize those aren't the answers you wanted to hear, but as I said; while none of those ideas are currently planned, it's possible I may reconsider them down the line.
Edited on 21 April 2014 - 06:22 PM
CastleMan2000 #15
Posted 21 April 2014 - 08:44 PM
Okay, I understand. But if you are going to consider it, how about a "sliding switch" with three positions, that then indicates up, forward or down, and then make tunnel and excavate right-click functions, replacing their original buttons with break and place, or just delegating them to the terminal feature?
Dog #16
Posted 21 April 2014 - 08:48 PM
Good ideas, all of them. Thanks, CastleMan2000! The 3-way switch idea is a possibility - the next time I sit down with gtRemote I'll take another look at this stuff. I can't promise it'll happen, but I'll see if I can up with something workable that makes me happy.
Edited on 21 April 2014 - 06:50 PM
CastleMan2000 #17
Posted 21 April 2014 - 08:49 PM
Okay, thanks! :)/>
Dog #18
Posted 18 May 2014 - 09:28 PM
Noteworthy update:

gtRemote and gtHost both updated to 1.1.00.

Complete re-write of the polling and list management in gtRemote - no more flickering screens or 'dead' clicks. See the OP for download info - make sure to grab both gtRemote and gtHost for the fixes.
TheDavster #19
Posted 24 May 2014 - 10:18 PM
I think it would be good for servers if turtles had passwords, (the same goes for cc10,) sorry if anyone has suggested this before me.
Dog #20
Posted 25 May 2014 - 01:16 AM
Hey, TheDavster - you are the first to suggest it. I originally designed gtRemote and cc10 for convenience more than security, but I can see how passwords would be useful. I'll take a look at gtRemote and cc10 and see if there's a way to add password support that I'm happy with. No promises that it'll happen, but I'll see if I can come up with something. Thanks for the suggestion!

EDIT: Done and done. Basic password support has been added to both gtRemote and cc10. Enjoy :)/>
Edited on 25 May 2014 - 04:36 AM
yhsanave #21
Posted 04 July 2014 - 01:13 AM
it would be really cool if the forward, back, up, and down buttons turned red if there was anything in the way (blocks, players, ect)
Dog #22
Posted 04 July 2014 - 01:35 AM
That's a great idea, yhsanave. I'm currently working on some other projects, but when I get some time I'll take a look at adding that (there are some other things I want to revisit based on user comments and requests as well). No promises, but I really like the idea, so there's a pretty good chance I'll figure out a way to get it in there.

EDIT: Done! There is no turtle.detectBack() so I couldn't indicate whether backward movement was possible or not, but I have added detection for forward, up, and down (and the ability to toggle obstacle checking on and off for performance reasons). Grab the latest to get the new features.
Edited on 07 July 2014 - 03:42 PM
Tombot44 #23
Posted 16 July 2014 - 03:32 AM
Awesome! Going to use this to mine in bulk. Could you maybe put a way to create a queue so I could command it and it would do many things in order.
Dog #24
Posted 17 July 2014 - 04:59 PM
Awesome! Going to use this to mine in bulk. Could you maybe put a way to create a queue so I could command it and it would do many things in order.

I think you'll find this program is not useful for mining in bulk. If you want to mine with turtles I would recommend you look in the Turtle Programs section for a good mining program - it would take a *very* long time to do any significant mining with gtRemote.

Regarding a queue - I'm sorry to say that's well outside the intended scope of gtRemote and it's not something I plan on adding. However, if you want to use gtRemote as your 'main' program, you can run other programs (like mining programs) on the turtle from within gtRemote - just click on the black square (with the four dots) in the middle of the directional arrows, then type in the name of the program you want to run and any command line arguments. It's not a queue per se, but it should give you *some* of the functionality you are looking for.
Hexxah24 #25
Posted 13 August 2014 - 08:24 PM
How do I get access to a password locked turtle?
Dog #26
Posted 14 August 2014 - 06:57 PM
How do I get access to a password locked turtle?
Click the turtle entry with your middle mouse button to unlock and lock the turtle.
SimonT456 #27
Posted 29 October 2014 - 08:53 PM
This program works great. Now i can go mining without falling into lava :)/>
TheKickstart #28
Posted 29 December 2014 - 03:45 PM
This is awesome! It is like having a turtle in my pocket!
Good Job!
ChocoPuppy #29
Posted 02 March 2015 - 10:56 PM
is it possible you could implement a goto function? and maybe middle clicking it makes it go to the player? a lot easier way to recall drones fast
Dog #30
Posted 03 March 2015 - 01:47 AM
is it possible you could implement a goto function? and maybe middle clicking it makes it go to the player? a lot easier way to recall drones fast
Hmm…I'll have to play around with that. Navigation is definitely outside my skill set, but I'll give it a shot. If I come up with something workable I'll include it in an update. Thanks for the suggestion :)/>

SimonT456 and TheKickstart - thank you for the compliments, I'm glad you both find the program useful :)/>
Edited on 03 March 2015 - 12:47 AM