1. The difference between many other posts (to all forums in general) and this one is that I can actually spell correctly, and use periods.
2. I've got PICTURES!!!
3. I've also got some interesting suggestions from other users in here as well.
4. If you don't want to waste your time, your on the wrong internet.
Some of these ideas are from other users, and some I've been wanting to suggest ever since I heard about the possibility of the PDA being added to Computer Craft about 2 years ago. Yes, I have read the guidelines, and yes, I do know that some things are just ridiculous. Here is a Legend:
(!) = If added, CC might just become the BEST MOD EVER, but in no way is it ever happening. (I've cut out most of these, as I don't want to waste TOO much of your time with fantasies.)
(~) = Would make the mod WAY cooler, but probably not going to be added.
(#) = Probably not happening to the CC mod itself, but maybe in a peripheral upgrade mod?
(&) = This feature would be nice, but it's really not that important.
(^) = These features might just have a chance to actually make it through the great diamond wall that is management and into the CC mod.
Just in case you didn't know, CC is short for Computer Craft. And Cubic Centimeter.
1. 3D Models (~)
Don't you just love those mods where the creator actually cared so much for you users to make a 3D model for ALL the items? Just looking at that gun in your pixilated hands is AWESOME! So why is your Pocket PC so boring? Bring it to life with a 3D model!

2. Better Sprites (^)
Sure you can change the textures yourself if you want, but wouldn't double resolution default textures be nice?
Maybe it wouldn't make much of a difference on the normal CC items, but what about on the Pocket Computers? Just Look:

I think that higher resolution sprites for floppy disks would also be nice.
3. The Great Minecraft 3D Printer (#)
Crafting your blocks, not just automatically, but in STYLE, with cool laser-animations and particle effects! Isn't that everyone's dream? If you can't have it in real life (just yet), then have it in an unrealistic block game, computer style!

4. Higey Resulutiun Dysplaiyz (!)
YES I KNOW THAT THIS IS ALWAYS GETTING SUGESTED, but that's why I had to cover it. Besides, that just proves how much we MUST HAVE IT! Sorry about all the capitals, I get excited. So anyway, advanced devices would have better resolutions then non-advanced, and maybe also full 128-bit RGB color, or at the very least 8-bit HEX? They would have resolutions like 240 by 320, and 640 by 480! Multi-font would be included, because the display would have ACTUAL PIXELS! (not just FAKE PIXELS that can have a letter IN JUST ONE PIXEL, which is NOT the "spirit of Minecraft," so don't use that excuse) Come on, at least the multi-font support!? Somebody really needs to get on this, because we all know that Dan2000 and crew won't. Why not me? Well because… uh… because because that's why!
5. Real-Time Sprite Technology! (not to be confused with real-time save) (!)
What's on the display… is on the item's texture!! Just think about it. Awesomeness.
So there are many ways to get that high res display into that tiny pixilated space. But this is Minecraft, and Minecraft is all about pixilation, so how about Nearest Neighbor? Here's how it works:

Let's say that the Pocket PC display is 320 by 480 pixels, but only 16 by 19 pixels on the sprite. That blue pixel at the top would be the color of pixel (320, 1), but what would the green one be? Well take 480 and divide it by 19 (make sure to round DOWN) and you get 25. So that would be pixel (320, 25). The yellow one is going to be 25 times 2, or 50, so (320, 50). Then all the way to the purple pixel, which is 25 times 18 or (320, 450), and finally the red one would be (320, 475), but instead we set it to (320, 480), so the ending pixels are always the ending pixels.
6. The CC Cellphone (~~, I guess?)
I think that the wireless Pocket PCs should be called "Cell phones", because that's kind of what they are. They could also maybe have a Cellular Modem on them, it's different, because it would have longer range, but be more affected by weather, and there would be a non-peripheral cellphone tower block as well, but it could echo messages across a wired network to a computer, while the computer could send messages to it to echo across the data network. Cell-phones would also maybe have built-in audio streaming functionality (but not really, it would just be a hook to Java's audio streaming functionalities).
7. Now In YOUR Choice of COLOR! (#)
Let's say you got a new phone, but you think that the color is UGLY, or just doesn't match your style. What do you do? Do you get a new one? (well maybe if you're crazy) No. You get A CASE! So many kinds! Semi-See-Through, Thick, Thin, Neon, Circle Grip Holes, Square Grip Holes, Covering or Not Covering the Buttons… And they even protect your phone from fall-damage! So why not in Computer Craft? And why don't Pocket PCs have fall damage? Oh, right, Minecraft. That certainly would be a programming challenge, question is, are YOU UP TO THE TASK? (as good as I am at making mode, which is pretty good, I know I'm not.) If someone takes the 3D model suggestion, then cases would be even cooler (not to mention that the back could actually look different then the front…)
8. Turtle Vision (#)
Yeah, I know, "but turtles are supposed to be blind", but I'm getting tired of needing a guide-dog for my robot (guide dogs for CC would be cool, actually). I've been wanting to implement some mapping into my programs, where turtles scan the environment before deciding what to do. One problem, they can't scan anything, other than some basic functionality, like detect() and compare(). I want it to know what's behind it, what's in-front of it, what's above, below, left, and right of it. AND I WAN'T IT TO KNOW THE BLOCK ID! Maybe even basic NBT, or whatever the acronym for it was, reading. It would also be nice if turtle.detect() could tell you if there's an entity there, a block there, or nothing.
9. Pocket PC Improvements: Finger Print Reader (#)
I just though that this suggestion from [NAME] was cool, if not practical, so I decided to list it. What I think this would do is use something unique to you (your username, of course) and read it automatically (you don't type it in, it reads it), so that only you can use your PC. I really think this would be much better as a peripheral extension mod though.
10. Pocket PC Improvements: Oh, you know this was getting mentioned SOMEWHERE! (Insane (ly hard to code) to the extreme = !!)
CAMERAS! PICTURES! VIDEO! Need I say more? Okay, they're 320 by 240 VGA resolution, with 8-bit HEX or something low like that, to get that pixel-y look.
11. Why fuel? It's the modern age! (~)
Here in the 21st century, we use batteries to power robots, not "fuel". Batteries would discharge whenever your turtle/Pocket PC is on, and faster if your turtle is moving. They will turn themselves off (with 15 second grace time and an event) at about 1%. There will also be multiple types of batteries. They will be, in order of increasing capacity, NiCd, NiMh, Li-Po, Non-Rechargeable Alkaline, Li-Ion. Higher capacity batteries last longer and have higher life spans (more on that in a minute), but they also take longer to charge, and are harder to craft.
To insert or remove a battery, you'll need a Battery Service Station. Put a Pocket PC or Turtle in it, and you can remove and insert batteries. Turtles will be rechargeable with a block that the turtle docks to, and Pocket PCs will use a Docking Station. But why do you need to take them out once they're in? Because they won't charge after a certain number of charges and discharges, of course. They will have a number that represents how long (in time) they've been charged, not counting being plugged in but full of course, and once that gets above a certain threshold, different for each battery, they will not charge anymore, so once they run out, you'll need a new one.
But what's the point if you just charge it with some block? It's ridiculous, like Redstone, it's INFINITE! Well, I've thought of that, actually. The docking station and the turtle recharging thingy will need to be connected with some kind of cable to a power source. Maybe regular computers would be directly connectable to a power source (although it would be realistic, I admit that I personally would not enjoy it if regular PCs needed power). Furnaces will work as long as they are on, but to make sure you don't waste energy while nothing's plugged in, there will be a battery storage block too. There might also be solar and wind power maybe? Also Minecraft Furnaces might need to be modified to work without anything in the smelting slot if there is a power output connected.
There will be a configuration option to turn off needing power, or just turn it off except for turtle movement. Maybe also compatibility with IC2, and Buildcraft, and other such things. There will also be commands. A command to get the battery percentage remaining (or nil if disabled in config), a command to tell which type of battery is being used, and a command to tell if it's charging, discharging, or neither (if disabled in config except for turtle movement, or if plugged in but fully charged).

12. Pocket PC Improvements: Docking Station (~)
Now would this be neat! A way to recharge your phone in style! It would be 3D modeled, of course, and when you click on it with the phone, the model changes to one with a Pocket PC in it, maybe even with your case shown. Then it charges just like that turtle charge station charges turtles. Unlike turtles, the phone wouldn't be usable while charging.
13. Quite Simple Really (^)
*Bad British Accent* I do believe that a small modification is in order, if I may say so, and must be implemented post-haste! You see, the blasted floppy disk machine makes use of a large and cumbersome slot-based interface in order to operate. This is simply quite inefficient, if not time consuming! So I simply must recommend, that the modification be modified in order to remove all traces of said interface from the game. Why for should right-clicking with your cursor operation device not be enough to insert and remove an item from said blasted disk machine? It's quite simple really!
14. Pocket PC Improvements: Power Loss Timeout (^, mostly for the config option)
Now this is also a suggestion I got from another user. A command or config option (preferably the former) that lets you choose how long until the Pocket PC turns off after dropping it or putting it in a chest. Maybe even a way to differentiate between dropping and putting in chests? An event that fires when one of these things happens would be nice too.
15. Pocket PC Improvements: Rotating The World (~)
When you rotate your phone, it (normally) rotates the on-screen content with you. Wouldn't a rotation button at the bottom of the Pocket PC interface be cool? It would visually rotate the screen content (eccept maybe for text?) and trigger an event, which you can (but don't have to) respond to by rotating content accordingly, and also using a command to rotate the text to match as well, possibly. More buttons, like a home and a back button that only fire an event when pressed would be nice as well.
16. Mouse Event Revamp (^)
I would like to have multi-touch support in CC if you've got multi-touch capable hardware (I've got a multi-touch tablet for my Mine-crafting), but I know that's asking a bit much. So instead, how about "mouse_down", "mouse_move", and "mouse_up" events, like in Adobe Actionsript so you can detect things like dragging (although you can already kind of detect that, but not well or accurately), and find out where the mouse cursor is even when the user isn't clicking the button. Also, sideways scrolling support would be nice.
17. Clip board support (^)
Just wanted to 'paste' this on to the bottom (bad joke). Pretty much goes without explanation. Minecraft chat's got it now, so I'm now always finding myself holding shift while pressing left and right in 'read()' boxes and then remembering that CC has no clip board integration.
And… You're finally done reading! In all seriousness though, pretty much the only reason I don't just do #4 myself is laziness. I could probably have it done by the end of the week, but keeping Minecraft mods up to date is like working in C#; PAINFULL. Speaking of which, I've got some C# and Cocoa based iOS app making to do, after all those augmented reality goggles (i.e. holding your phone to your face to like a dork) aren't going to code themselves, so I'll see you later! (hey, maybe that's another CC sugge… nah.)