I have spent a lot of time making this and had a hard time deciding to release it or not but here it is my tar program.
I have built in an automatic updater so if some bug comes up I should be able to fix it and everyone will get the new version automatically.
As of now It requires http to pack up files but I can change that to just give a warning if you guys want. changed - no longer requires http to run
*WARNING* This program makes and reads BINARY FILES so you CAN'T get them through the http api with normal methods (like http.get("http://www.mysite.com/test.tar") because of the way luaj handles strings!!! so you have to make a custom downloader (in a completely new way) or drag and drop the files in the computer's save folder. I'm not sure what will happen if you read a file download that way so don't blame me if something happens
-if you guys want I can also explain how I get around this limitation but it isn't easy-
To use you launch the program as so
tar c [directory] [output file] or tar u [input file]
tar c dir dirtest.tar
tar u dirtest.tar
This program uses absolute paths so just remember that when you try to use it.
These tar files are REAL so they can be opened with programs like 7zip, winrar, GNU tar, and others etc…
this format is not compressed at all so sometimes It has problems with large files but Ive tried to fix them, If you have and legit solutions (aka. look at the code first before saying anything) you can tell me and I can fix it.
here is the pastebin
pastebin get bcgmNT2Q tar
(I can post screenshots but there isn't much to show if anything so if you wana see it just download it)
Have fun using this feel free to use in one of your own projects but please don't claim as your own!
(I have many other cool programs like a proper midi reader and an nbs reader/player and Im afraid to release them because some were weeks of work so if you guys can prove me wrong and show you that you wont rip my programs off I might release them too)