Back guys, If you need help with the auto-build functions.
1. First, seperate your turtles slots initially to have the certain items.
EX. Slot 1 for chests
slot 2 for furnaces.
2.Set an initialization point(The point where your turtle starts building Ex. Top-left of a 2x3 area)
3.Setup your route. (Ex. go down row 1 of 2,1,1 and place furnaces.)
4.Add a fueling limit to start. (Gotta have enough fuel to do the op.)
5.You should be good to go.
Here is my own script of the Auto-build function in my auto-forge to help as an example:
[color=#000000]function buildForge()[/color]
[color=#000000]if not turtle.detectUp() then[/color]
[color=#000000] turtle.turnLeft()[/color]
[color=#000000] turtle.forward()[/color]
[color=#000000] <--- selects initial resource.[/color]
[color=#000000] local hoppers = turtle.getItemCount(1) <--- Slot 1 is used for hoppers.[/color]
[color=#000000] local furnaces = turtle.getItemCount(2) <--- Slot 2 is used for furnaces.[/color]
[color=#000000] local chests = turtle.getItemCount(3) <--- Slot 3 is used for chests.[/color]
[color=#000000] if hoppers == 0 then <--- check for hoppers and ensure there is enough.[/color]
[color=#000000] repeat[/color]
[color=#000000] term.setCursorPos(1,2)[/color]
[color=#000000] term.write( "Please put a hopper in slot 1" )[/color]
[color=#000000] local hoppers = turtle.getItemCount(1)[/color]
[color=#000000] sleep(1)[/color]
[color=#000000] term.clear()[/color]
[color=#000000] until hoppers > 0[/color]
[color=#000000] end[/color]
[color=#000000] if furnaces == 0 then <--- check for furnaces and ensure there is enough.[/color]
[color=#000000] repeat[/color]
[color=#000000] term.setCursorPos(1,3)[/color]
[color=#000000] term.write( "Please put a furnace in slot 2" )[/color]
[color=#000000] local furnaces = turtle.getItemCount(2)[/color]
[color=#000000] sleep(1)[/color]
[color=#000000] term.clear()[/color]
[color=#000000] until furnaces > 0[/color]
[color=#000000] end[/color]
[color=#000000] if chests == 0 then <--- check for chests and ensure there is enough.[/color]
[color=#000000] repeat[/color]
[color=#000000] term.setCursorPos(1,4)[/color]
[color=#000000] term.write( "Please put a chest in slot 3" )[/color]
[color=#000000] local chests = turtle.getItemCount(3)[/color]
[color=#000000] until chests > 0[/color]
[color=#000000] end[/color]
[color=#000000] turtle.placeUp() <--- places object and begins route.[/color]
[color=#000000] <--- selects second resource to be used.[/color]
[color=#000000] turtle.back()[/color]
[color=#000000] <---places second resource.[/color]
[color=#000000] <--- selects 3rd resource.[/color]
[color=#000000] turtle.up()[/color]
[color=#000000] turtle.turnLeft()[/color]
[color=#000000] turtle.back()[/color]
[color=#000000] <--- places last resource[/color]
[color=#000000] <--- reselects first slot to begin Auto-forging.[/color]
[EDIT] Sorry about that weird color thing, just ignore it.