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taken in April 2020.

CMYK Printer
Started by sk8mn, 31 May 2014 - 11:46 PMPosted 01 June 2014 - 01:46 AM
This printer will require 4 different dyes which fill up a bar of ink level (4 dye)so rather than stacking dyes to just filled a "tube" with dye. This printer then allows you to choose what colour to use out of a large range and rather than one paper using one dye the amount of ink that went down would be proportionate to the amount of characters on the page. So you would only need 4 different inks to get it working and you could print I. All the colours of current minecraft, and maybe more. Cyan Magenta Yellow and Black are reasonably easy to obtain and it would then allow people to print in say green even if they can't find any cactus and in brown if they can't find coco beans . Also it could add the ability to print landscape as code would be printed better.
Edited on 31 May 2014 - 11:47 PM
Posted 02 June 2014 - 02:54 PM
Interesting. I like it.
Posted 02 June 2014 - 03:35 PM
It seems odd to me why printers should be able to print in more colors then can be displayed in Computers.
Posted 02 June 2014 - 04:38 PM
It seems odd to me why printers should be able to print in more colors then can be displayed in Computers.
Well, I don't like that aspect, but being able to print all 16 colors by using just mixing 4 dyes sounds pretty good to me.
Edited on 02 June 2014 - 02:38 PM
Posted 05 June 2014 - 09:48 PM
Or there could just be an Advanced Printer that has 16 slots for all 16 dyes, but that would need non-integer item counts (or tank fill bar thingies) in case you print half of a page in one color and the other half in another.
Posted 19 June 2014 - 08:07 AM
I love that idea!!
Posted 24 June 2014 - 07:06 PM
Sounds cool, it'd also be neat to get something like postscript in printers so I can format printed documentslike I can in real life
Edited on 24 June 2014 - 05:06 PM
Posted 27 July 2014 - 10:43 PM
Okay, so basically rip of the OpenBlocks paint mixer? OKAY! support
Posted 02 August 2014 - 08:16 AM
It's not "basically rip of the OpenBlocks paint mixer."Okay, so basically rip of the OpenBlocks paint mixer? OKAY! support
Doesn't the OpenBlocks paint mixer use hex codes like in HTML to get up to a lot more colors? This is supposed to be sixteen colors from four dyes. Not like the OpenBlocks paint mixer.
–Correct me if I'm wrong on any of this!
Posted 02 August 2014 - 08:31 AM
Curious, why not use the RGB additive instead of the CYMK subtractive system? :P/> Just as a thought…
Although, why not have it also be able to print things from the paint program on the Advanced Computers? Might leave the option open to make some nice art… :P/> (In a create-your-own-painting fashion)
Although, why not have it also be able to print things from the paint program on the Advanced Computers? Might leave the option open to make some nice art… :P/> (In a create-your-own-painting fashion)
Posted 03 August 2014 - 05:11 AM
YES.Curious, why not use the RGB additive instead of the CYMK subtractive system? :P/> Just as a thought…
MOAR YES.Although, why not have it also be able to print things from the paint program on the Advanced Computers? Might leave the option open to make some nice art… :P/> (In a create-your-own-painting fashion)
Edited on 03 August 2014 - 03:12 AM
Posted 03 August 2014 - 11:48 PM
maybe there could be multiple types of printer? for example, you can only use a CYMK printer for paper, and an RGB printer for something else? it might also be an idea to be able to print banners from the paint program? since theyre coming in 1.8… I think that could be cool :P/>
Posted 04 August 2014 - 01:46 AM
Let's get a stable CC release for 1.7 before thinking about 1.8!it might also be an idea to be able to print banners from the paint program? since theyre coming in 1.8… I think that could be cool :P/>