Posted 07 June 2014 - 01:42 AM
cwu 2.0
cwu is an API designed to be easy to use and powerful at the same time.
It is inspired by GTK (GIMP Toolkit).
Example code:
cwu.object_textLabel(1,1,,colours.white,"Hello, world!")
pastebin get s2PVQs5a cwu
core_resColors()Resets the text and background color to the default white and black.
Returns the width and height of the screen.
object_textButton(x, y, tCol, bCol, text)
Makes a text button at x, y.
tCol - Button text color
bCol - Button background color
text - Text to display on the button
object_button(x, y, buttonCol, buttonWidth)
Makes a button at x, y.
buttonCol - Button color
buttonWidth - Width of the button
object_img(imgX, imgY, imgPath)
Draws an image at imgX, imgY.
imgPath - The path of the image to render.
object_textLabel(x, y, bCol, tCol, text)
Makes a text label at x, y.
bCol - Image background color
tCol - Image text color
text - The text to display on the image.
object_animation(images, fps, animX, animY)
Makes an animation at animX, animY.
fps - FPS to render animation at.
images - The table of images that make the animation.
Sets the background color to col.
mtl_newWindow(posX, posY, sizeX, sizeY, color)
Creates an image at posX, posY with sizeX, sizeY.
color - Window color.
sizeX - Size of the window (X)
sizeY - Size of the window (Y)
object_clock(x, y, bcol, tcol)
Makes an object with the time at x, y.
bcol - The background color of the clock.
tcol - The text color of the clock.
Makes a text field that you can type in.
bCol - Background colour of the text field
tCol - Text colour of the text field
len - Length of the text field
x - X position of the text field
y - Y position of the text field
Makes an invisible text field.
x - X position of the text field
y - Y position of the text field
len - Length of the text field
Puts text on the right side of the screen.
y - Y position of the text
bcol - Background colour of the text
tcol - Text colour of the text
text - Text
Edited on 16 June 2014 - 09:58 PM