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NinOS 0.3 Beta One

Started by Nintendopup, 13 June 2014 - 05:01 AM
Nintendopup #1
Posted 13 June 2014 - 07:01 AM

0.3 Beta One

Hello. I'm new here, and, well, this is the OS that I've created. It's my first OS that uses more than just a simple startup program. I've designed the OS the be focused on being smooth, easy to use, and fast. Using a custom UI API (I'll talk more about that later), I've made smooth animations that look great and are very easy to create. Built into the OS are also some very useful utilities that help to deliver a quality user experience.

With the above said, I'll just jump right in to talking about what NinOS is. It is not the most advanced OS, as it is in its early stages of development. I have, however, been working very hard on getting rid of bugs and making everything be as seamless as possible. I'll be updating the OS as much as possible, and I'll try my best to add any feature suggestions that the members of this forum make. I am aware that NinOS is not the most feature-rich OS (by far), but I will do my best to continue to improve upon it.

Downloading the Installer:
pastebin get fD2PU1f6 Installer
Once downloaded, run the installer!

NinOS is a Lua-based (Of course) operating system. It uses custom APIs to create a great and enjoyable user experience. By using these APIs, NinOS is smart enough to know when a backup is needed. It's smart enough to know if an app would like a restart. It's even smart enough to tell you when the newest version of the operating system is available*. The idea behind NinOS is to first have the core elements put down, such as the APIs, and then build the rest of the OS around the core elements. In this way, the OS can be its own.* Backups are not currently managed by the OS, but you can create a backup folder yourself and place it in the core/apis folder. The OS, right now, is able to tell you that you should have a backup file when you don't have one. Once you have one, the OS will no longer remind you – until you need it again.

SpoilerHere, I'll outline some of the major features from this version (And, once an update rolls out, the next version as well).

Background Picker
With the background picker found in the menu (click + on the home screen), you can chose the color that fits you best. The system changes to color match the text, the app icons, and more to fit any color you choose. The lock screen changes to match the background that you choose as well. When you want to change the background color again, its as simple as clicking on a color. The background changes, the system color-matches everything, and you're done! Best of all, your preference is stored within a settings file, so when you shut down your computer and turn it back on, you'll find that everything is just as you left it.

System Center
System Center takes relevant information and places it only a click away. Depending upon what app you're in, System Center will display update information, quick access to related apps, books, functions (such as restarts), and more. If you're at the home screen, System Center will display clickable icons for updating and for the terminal. Both of these are things that you might want to use but are otherwise many clicks away. That's the idea of System Center. Bring what you want closer. More coming soon…

Lock Screen
The lock screen is more than just a simple lock screen. It puts the notifications that need attention right in front of you. With just a glance, you can see exactly what is going on. It's smart, too. It doesn't give each notification a position, but rather gives the notification a general place to be located. By telling one notification that it should be roughly in one location, but should move if necessary, it is possible to always display the notifications in an organized way. Notifications aren't all the lock screen can do. Of course, it locks your computer… until you want to unlock it. With a password. Or not. It also will always be in your favorite color, so whether you're logging in for the first time after restarting, or you're just logging in after being away for a while, you'll always be greeted by something you love.

Sleep puts a black cover over your computer. After a while, a screensaver that you've selected will begin to play. Click, and the screensaver is gone. With just a click, you can bring your computer back to life. The computer wakes up, and you can go back to doing what you need to do. Hassle free. Soon, sleep will be even more than that, though. Your computer will automatically do tasks that need to be done, and when you come back to wake your computer, you might find that you computer took care of some of your jobs for you. Maybe you don't need to restart now, or maybe you no longer need to make a backup. Sleep is about to get far more exciting.

Restart Requests
While not in heavy use right now, the benefits of restart requests have already been seen in a huge way. One app can ask for a restart, either instantly or not, and one of two things will happen: If the request is of the instant type, the computer will ask you for permission before it restarts then and there. Feel free to disapprove – or approve. If the request is of the normal type, a restart request is created. This request is stored, and the OS responded by reminding you (using lock screen notifications) that a restart is needed. When you restart your computer using the menu, the request goes away, and with it, the notification. It's easy.

Notifications let you take action. They make it possible for you to forget about what you need to do and then get reminded that you need to do it. NinOS takes all your notifications and stores them in one place. By using the left mouse button and dragging down to the bottom of the screen (when looking at Start), you can see all your notifications. Click on one, and you'll be delivered to the corresponding app. And NinOS doesn't sit still here. NinOS takes action and removes that notification so that you don't have to.

Apps are more than just programs. They are expressions. They are tools. They are… whatever you want them to be. Sometimes, it makes more sense to create apps than to download them. But in other times, downloading them can be far more difficult than it should be. It should be easy to find the apps you want. And it should be as easy as clicking a button to download them. We've ignored this fact for a while, but now, we're done ignoring it. NinOS now comes with a store. And this is just opening day.

Nin is your personal assistant. With every update, Nin is getting more and more useful. Now you use Nin to take notes or to look at your notifications. And if you don't want to use the dedicated Nin app, you can use QuickAccess to Nin from the desktop. Just click on the "N" in the bottom right corner and let Nin help you do the rest!

Other Features
- See version information in the Info App
- Terminal
- Updater
- Logging Out/In
- Reboot/Shutdown
- Text Edit
- Different modes in reader
- Multipage books
- System restarts from debugger
- View background color value
- Run games from terminal
- Boot screen
- Escape from OS by clicking "-" on the home screen
- Bring up menu by clicking "+" on the home screen
- View number of OS-related apps in Apps app
- Use all normal programs in terminal
- Window expanding
- Screensavers
- Login System
- Multitasking
- Help App
- Time App
- Easy to use Settings App
- Desktop
- Custom Text Editor
- Right clicking
- Welcome program that runs when you start the OS for the first time
- Welcome notification
- Icons
- Save as book from TextEdit
- Calculator

SpoilerBoot Screen:

Lock Screen:

Home Screen:

Menu and Background Picker:

Notification Center:


System Center:



Restart Requests:






SpoilerQ: How do I get to the terminal?
A: You can get to the terminal through the System Center on the home screen (click the bottom "-" on the home screen).

Q: What can I do in the terminal?
A: The terminal allows you to use any and all normal computercraft commands. You can also run other applications or even another OS. Simply write the commands exactly how you would in the normal CraftOS shell.

Q: Why is there an update notification already when I first install the OS?
A: The update file is used to add, remove, and change certain files belonging to NinOS. The updater can change files that already exist, and can create and remove them, but if there is an update to the updater itself of the APIs that it uses (such as adding new files to be changed with each update), the update file comes in. The updater changes the code in the update file, then, when you manually update from the update file, the updater itself can get updated.

Q: When do updates normally arrive/When can I expect bug fixes?
A: I plan to update the OS as often as I can. You can expect severe bugs to be fixed faster than other bugs. Generally, you should run the installer (will soon be the updater) every few days.

Q: An app crashes every time I open it, what should I do?
A: The file(s) that the app uses, or the APIs, might have been downloaded corrupted or not downloaded at all (for some reason). Try running the installer again.

SpoilerHere are a few of the APIs available to use with NinOS:"core/apis/core")"core/apis/UIKit")"core/apis/ResponseKit")"core/apis/versioninfo")

UIKit is the main handler for the GUI of NinOS. It takes visual objects and animations that could sometimes be 80 or more lines of code and compresses them down to one or two lines for developers to use. Each part of the the UIKit API has its own individual arguments that can and will dramatically change the look and feel of your apps.
Example Of Advanced Blocks:

appsTable = {}

function drawDocs()

term.write(" ")
m = 2
z = 6
p = 3
l = 6

for _, file in ipairs(fs.list("books")) do
  if file == ".DS_Store" then

	UIBlockAdvanced("normal",m,z,p,l,colors.lightGray,colors.white,colors.gray,{m,z,p,l,"edit books/"..file},file)
	p = p + 5
	l = l + 5


while true do
  appsTable = {}
  event, button, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  if x == w and y == 1 then

ResponseKit handles notifications, restart requests, and, soon, more. It can check to see if certain files exist or generate a whole new file for a restart request. It also automatically adds the UI for instant restart requests without you needing to do anything.
requestRestart("reason","instant/normal","app name")

The Core API simply makes developing apps easier. Functions like cPrint, cSlow, and color functions such as red(str), green(str), and blue(str). The API also gives all programs that run it the width and height variables so that it's easy to position certain elements of your applications. While this is nothing different than what is common in APIs, it makes creating apps much easier.

Version Information
Version information is changes whenever an update to the system occurs. The version information file, while technically more of a storage/settings file than an API, helps make version-related tasks easier. If you wanted an app to check a version number for some reason, find its release or expiry dates, or more, the version information makes the creating of the app easy.With the use of these APIs, you can create amazing apps with ease. And more APIs and more usefulness will be added with each update, so it'll only get better!

Coming Soon
SpoilerComing within the next few updates
Undecided implementation

- Bug reporter
- Debugger
- Game support
- More books in reader
- More terms in Dictionary App
- More user-configuration

SpoilerVersion 0.3 Beta 1 - [post=225275]Features[/post]
Version 0.2 Beta 6 [Final Beta] - [post=189957]Features[/post]
Version 0.2 Beta 5 - [post=186045]Features[/post]
Version 0.2 Beta 4 - [post=184733]Features[/post]
Version 0.2 Beta 3 - [post=183986]Features[/post]
Version 0.2 Beta 2 - Fixed Updater bug
Version 0.2 Beta - Initial Release

Known Bugs In Current Version
Spoiler- None

So, what do all of you think? I plan to keep this updated with the latest news and updates about the OS for as long as possible. New features will constantly be under development, so please, stay tuned! Please suggest anything you'd like, it would help in the creation of the project. This is also my first post on these forums, so please, let me know if/what I've done incorrectly or if something could be made better.

Thanks for reading,
- Nin
Edited on 11 July 2015 - 06:47 PM
Skraay #2
Posted 13 June 2014 - 09:03 PM
Looks cool, going to check it out right now :)/>
Still buggy looks like, and a lot of coming soon.
But I'm impressed by the professionalism your OS actually has client-side at least (I didn't look at the code, don't feel like it).
Maybe if you plan on having more advanced settings you could also have an option to disable the bootscreen which in the end is just there for the looks.
Also, your reader is kinda bugged out, when I tried reading the second file by default, it kept writing text til the end and I couldn't click anything until it was done, and when changing theme, since it must re-write, it re-writes the all thing and I have to wait for it to finish again. (I suppose that's for testing, for actual timed writing and such, so I don't mind too much).

But yeah, overall, looks very promising, keep it up :)/>
Edited on 13 June 2014 - 07:11 PM
Blue #3
Posted 13 June 2014 - 09:21 PM
Wow a new user that hasen't made an ndf-jay copy!The design is awesome!+1 to you.
Edited on 14 June 2014 - 05:41 AM
Nintendopup #4
Posted 13 June 2014 - 09:36 PM
Thanks for the advice so far!

I do plan on having options for he boot screen. As of now, it is definitely for looks. I plan to have users be able to change many visual aspects of the os, from displaying the boot screen to having full control of colors (In the home screen, lock screen, text, app icons, select apps, ext). I also plan to add a login system, which will also have the ability to be disabled.

Also, the second book is just (sort of) a test for now. It'll be changed with the next update. Honestly, that was created way back when I learned how to use loops. Since then, I just kept the book there for various tests (Mostly involving the theme switcher).

Lastly, I didn't want to be like everyone else and create and NDF-J copy :P/> . Instead, I tried to go for Windows 8. I decided later that I could actually make the design look really nice on the scale of ComputerCraft.

Anyways, thanks for all the feedback so far! I'll be sure to keep you updated!

- Nin
Win7yes #5
Posted 13 June 2014 - 09:58 PM
Looks very Windows 8 like!
Although is missing a desktop…
That brings me to this:

Suggestion: Desktop

A Windows 8.1 like desktop or maybe a simple desktop where you can have shortcuts and folders.
Maybe with a "Start" like button somewhere
Edited on 13 June 2014 - 08:09 PM
Wolfie #6
Posted 13 June 2014 - 10:07 PM
Very nice! I like it!
Nintendopup #7
Posted 13 June 2014 - 10:18 PM
Looks very Windows 8 like!
Although is missing a desktop…
That brings me to this:

Suggestion: Desktop

That will most likely be something I add later. I'd first like to get the normal home screen working (along with the apps accessible from it) before anything else. While I'm doing that, I plan on building up the APIs I'm using to allow for things such as a desktop or, possibly (as in no promises) multitasking. The next update is coming along nicely, and it will bring me a step closer to being able to make the desktop. Thanks for the suggestion!

- Nin
Win7yes #8
Posted 13 June 2014 - 10:53 PM
Another Thing(s): Maybe a Password locking thing for the computer and something else I forgot xD
Edit: I remembered! The Check for Updates of the info program just makes the program close and the Update Notification from the System Center just close System Center
Edited on 13 June 2014 - 09:01 PM
Nintendopup #9
Posted 13 June 2014 - 11:20 PM
The Check for Updates of the info program just makes the program close and the Update Notification from the System Center just close System Center

Sorry about that bug! I've fixed this now, so go ahead and run the installer once more and it should be fixed. This bug gets a special quick-fix due to being relatively the most important bug that exists right now.

Thanks for finding the bug!

- Nin
Lignum #10
Posted 13 June 2014 - 11:47 PM
This is sadly one of the very few operating systems that are actually decent. I have to say: Good job on this! Especially the animations are great, even though I think some of them could be a bit shorter (the System Centre in particular). However, it doesn't have much functionality. You can't really do anything and you have to rely on CraftOS to do the simplest of things, like running a program. It also is in need of a proper GUI system because the text editor, for example, is pretty much just read() and then control is passed over to edit.

But I do see potential in this, so good luck with the project!
johnnic #11
Posted 14 June 2014 - 12:41 AM
Does the "disapprove instant restart" option have it remind you you have to restart later? If not, that might be good to add
Nintendopup #12
Posted 14 June 2014 - 01:02 AM
Does the "disapprove instant restart" option have it remind you you have to restart later? If not, that might be good to add

Yes. When you disapprove an instant restart, a notification is made and will be displayed on the lock screen.

- Nin
Blue #13
Posted 14 June 2014 - 08:00 AM
Suggestion:When you exit the shell,you should be able to get back to the OS.
TableCraft0R #14
Posted 14 June 2014 - 09:16 AM
Wow! Windows 8, Android and MacOS Operating Systems Exists now in this forums!
oeed #15
Posted 14 June 2014 - 09:27 AM
This looks really nice!

I like the animation, although it could probably be a bit quicker.

You also might want to use NFT for the icons, it will allow more detail in the tiles.
Nintendopup #16
Posted 14 June 2014 - 11:36 PM
I like the animation, although it could probably be a bit quicker.

You also might want to use NFT for the icons, it will allow more detail in the tiles.

I've made the animations quicker throughout most of the OS in the next update, which will be released within the next few days. As for the icons, I haven't decided what I'll do. I may just create each icon individually, allowing the user to choose between opening-animation styles. The choice would be something along the lines of "cascade", "build", or "none". "Cascade" would be as it is now, "build" would be along the lines of the animations in System Center (which have been quickened in the new update), and "none" would be no animation at all. If I can do all of this with NFT, then I might, but I'm unsure at this point. For right now, I may just leave them as is while I try to add more features.

In other news, the new update improves many things. I've decided to not have a "coming in the next update" section in the OP due to the stress it caused (I don't like feeling rushed). It's not that I don't expect those things to come within the next update or within the update after that, but it seemed to put unneeded pressure on me. Hope you guys aren't offended, but I think this will benefit the OS in the end :)/> . The next update itself, as of right now, improves animations, adds the help app, adds the time app, has more books, fixes a few bugs, enhances the updater, and more. There'll be more by the time it's released, but this is the current status of it.

Thanks for all the advice! (And thanks for looking at the OS in the first place :P/> )

- Nin
Nintendopup #17
Posted 15 June 2014 - 06:30 PM
Version 0.2 Beta 3 Release


Login system:
You're now able to set a password, enable and disable it, and login with it. Using a settings app, all this is remarkably easy. By default, the password is "Nintendo", and is off. To change the password, simply open up the settings app (from the menu) and click "Change Password". To turn the password on, all you have to to is click on the slider, which at first says 'off" and has a red dot. Once you click it, the text will change to "on" and a green dot will appear.

With the newest update, NinOS now supports multitasking. Now, when you click the "-" in the top-right corner, a tab opens with CraftOS. NinOS is still there, though, just in a different tab. You can switch between the both. Everything has been adjusted to work with both in non-multitasking and in multitasking mode, so content is always viewable. And NinOS is always useable. If you have more than just NinOS open, some apps, such as Time, will open in a new tab – just to make things a little easier. More coming soon…

Additions to APIS:
With this update, I've introduced new abilities into the APIs that make NinOS so great.

New Additions To UIKit:

This is an easy way to form the colored drop-down animation that occurs upon opening apps.

This creates a UI like that of an instant restart request. Made easy to make.

New Additions To Core API:

This will simply prepare the screen for going in and out of multitasking.

Other Features In This Update:
- Functional Help App
- Functional Time App
- More open user-configuration
- Time app opens in new tab if you're already using more than one tab
- Real-time using
- Additions to core API
- Quicker animations
- Fixed bug where the second book in Reader was just a loop that displayed dots
- New "Runner" book




Password Changing:

Creating New Password:




Hope you all like the update! I'll be working hard on the next update, which should be released in a few days.

- Nin
Edited on 15 June 2014 - 04:41 PM
cobdor7 #18
Posted 19 June 2014 - 03:22 AM
I tried running it and I everything went fine until the end where I received a "startup:8: attempt to index ? (a nil value)" Can you tell me what I did wrong?
Nintendopup #19
Posted 19 June 2014 - 03:44 AM
I tried running it and I everything went fine until the end where I received a "startup:8: attempt to index ? (a nil value)" Can you tell me what I did wrong?

Hm, I'm not entirely sure what's going on there. On line eight, I'm setting a local variable to multishell.getCurrent(), which simply makes it easier to reference the opened tab in multishell… The issue is most likely caused by a strange multishell bug, but perhaps not. Can you tell me the steps you took (if you remember) to get the error? If you don't encounter it again, I'd say it was just an odd bug :/ If you can find it, I'll try my best to fix it!
CometWolf #20
Posted 19 June 2014 - 05:34 AM
He's probably not on 1.6, hence the attempt to index nil when attempting to index multishell.
Nintendopup #21
Posted 19 June 2014 - 09:20 PM
He's probably not on 1.6, hence the attempt to index nil when attempting to index multishell.

Ahh, yes. I remember that even with 1.6, some people have had issues due to faulty installations. I figured that might have been the issue, but simply not being on 1.6 would definitely cause the error :P/> .

Anyways, the next 0.2 beta of NinOS is coming along nicely! It adds great features, but also adds amazing developer tools (and being a developer will be more important, soon enough). :)/>
Nintendopup #22
Posted 19 June 2014 - 10:54 PM
Version 0.2 Beta 4 Release


With the desktop, the path to get to your most important apps is shorter than ever before. All your apps are organized into one place. And these apps are organized in the best way: a way that allows for more apps. Add an apps to NinOS’s “core” folder, and you’ll find that app appearing on the desktop. Plus, these apps aren’t just on display. You can click on them. Using a custom coordinate-finding API, the icons generated for each app are clickable. When you click, the app you want appears on the screen. Just like you’d expect. Coming Soon: You’ll be able to right click and choose options, such as new file, new folder, or delete, that will give you quick access to certain commands.

Additions to APIS:
With this update, I've introduced even more new features into the APIs that make NinOS so great.

New Additions To UIKit:

This is an extremely powerful tool – used for equally powerful applications. With this, it is easy to create clickable blocks that lead to a certain program or command. View documentation to learn how to use.

This generated a block of a certain color. You're able to set the animate setting ("animate" or "normal") along with the animation speed ("fast" or "slow").

This centers text between certain y-values.

This generates a vertical line of a certain color with a drawing animation (or no animation) and a color.

This generates a horizontal line of a certain color with a drawing animation (or no animation) and a color.

New Additions To ResponseKit:

This will require the user to enter a password before a program carries on. You can set the background of the app, along with the background of the overlay. You're able to set the text color (general), the on-correct color, and the on-incorrect color.

Developer Documentation:
SpoilerWith Beta 4, even more of the tools and features built into NinOS are made available to developers. UIKit, ResponseKit, and core have all been updated to include things such as drawing lines, generating blocks, changing animation settings, and more. Perhaps best of all, a new joint-API (using UIKit and ResponseKit) has been created that allows developers to generate advanced blocks with coordinate values store for use in click-detection. This may not sound interesting at first, but the uses for it are amazing. An example of this new API in action is the desktop. None of those icons are "set" to be there, but are instead controlled by a function that finds the files in a folder, gives them all an icon and a name, places them in an area relative to the icon before them, and then assigned x and y coordinate values to them so that they can be clicked. When they are clicked, developers have the ability to set the target location. All of this can be done in a remarkably easy way due to UIKit and ResponseKit.

Beta 4 also adds improvements to almost every part of the APIs that are included in NinOS so far. You can have a password be required, and NinOS will set a limit on how many failed attempts to enter the password are allowed. When a user has entered an incorrect password too many times, a timeout will be set. From them on, each time the timeout is finished, when the user enters an incorrect password, the timeout will start again, and for a longer period of time. In addition to this, improvements have been made in both UIKit and in the core. UI elements now react better to going in and out of multitasking. You can now vertically align text and other UI elements. The password field has been updated with colors to match the user background. Best of all, thanks to the desktop, just putting your apps in the core folder gives you easy access to your apps whenever you need them. Coming Soon: App Store

Example Of Advanced UI Blocks:"core/apis/core")"core/apis/UIKit")"core/apis/ResponseKit")

appsTable = {}

function drawDocs()
	term.write(" ")

	m = 2
	z = 6
	p = 3
	l = 6
	for _, file in ipairs(fs.list("books")) do
		if file == ".DS_Store" then
			UIBlockAdvanced("normal",m,z,p,l,colors.lightGray,colors.white,colors.gray,{m,z,p,l,"edit books/"..file},file)
			p = p + 5
			l = l + 5


while true do
	appsTable = {}
	event, button, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
	if x == w and y == 1 then
This program will have a white background and a single red block in the top-right corner. When the user clicks this red block, the while loop will break, and the program will end. Supposing there are files within the "books" folder, an icon and a name for each of the files. A user can click on each of these icons, and once they do, the program will bring them in to editing the file. Because of the APIs in NinOS, you need to do nothing more than what is seen here to create a fully interactive program that relies on touch-input.

Other Features And Changes In This Update:
- Added Settings Help to Help App
- Time app now always opens in new tab
- More open user-configuration
- Enable and disable boot screen
- Added new password verification
- Added a limit to number of incorrect passwords a user has before a timeout occurs
- Password timeout increases with each incorrect password following the first timeout
- UI elements now respond better to going in and out of multitasking
- New textedit (using advanced UI blocks)
- Framework (as in, not yet completely working) right clicking in desktop
- Desktop replaced "Apps" app
- More reliable APIs for developers
- More developer API features
- NOT IN THIS UPDATE: Custom text editor (Will be added soon!)


Time in New Tab:

Text Edit:

Password Verification:

Settings Help:

Boot Settings:

Example of Drawing Lines:

This beta mostly focused on developer tools, but the next beta will focus almost entirely on new features and improvements to existing features.

- Nin
Nintendopup #23
Posted 29 June 2014 - 04:28 AM
Version 0.2 Beta 5 Release


Right Click Menus:
Using the great APIs made just for NinOS, right click menus are not only easy for developers to create, but also great for users in so many ways. It's now easy to open any app you want in a new tab – one click, two click, and you're done. You can delete apps and files from right-click menus, and rename them as well. Best of all, the right click menus are generated using the same tools that makes the rest of NinOS amazing. With color matching, you can have any background you want, and yet you can still know when you're in a menu. With the smooth animations that NinOS is known for, the right click menus become alive. And like the rest of NinOS, right click menus have been delicately crafted, so everything you do is done in a way that, as many would say, "just works". When want to rename a file, right click it, the menu appears. Click rename, and you aren't taken to a new renaming screen or popup. Instead, you rename the file right within the right click menu. It just makes sense. And for developers, right click menus use the same methods behind advanced UI blocks. This means that each file can be made to have a personalized right click menu, with it's own special features.

Text Edit:
Editing files is something that we all do. A lot. And with Beta 5, I've not only laying the framework for upcoming versions, but we're also introducing the first release of Text Edit. In this Beta, I focused on getting the main ideas. There aren't any fancy features, but the framework is there. I did, however, improve the experience of editing your files. I've made the colors of the editor pop-out at you, but not in a bad way. With this, it becomes easy to see exactly what you're doing. I redesigned the bottom-menu to be better seen, and I've made it easier to see which line you're on. And that's just in one update. There's definitely more to come.

Screen Savers:
With Beta 5, I've introduced screen savers to NinOS. Now, when you put your computer to sleep, you'll find that a screen saver will begin to play after a while. You can changed these screen savers in the settings, and preview them there as well. These screen savers have been designed to be simple, but in a way, iconic. This is the first release including screen savers, so some are not yet included, but they'll find there way into the OS soon.

Additions to APIS:
With this update, I've brought some more developer features:

New Additions To UIKit:

This will generate an outline of a circle at the desired position.

This is an easy way to display a customized grid.

New Additions To ResponseKit:

This will require the user to approve an action.

New Additions To Core:

These will print text in a certain position.

This is a quick meted of setting the cursor position.

cSlow(str,ypos) and cFast(str,ypos)
These will print text slow or quickly, respectively, in the horizontal-center of the screen on the desired line.

Other Features And Changes In This Update:

- Right clicking (In Desktop/TextEdit)
- Right click menu colors correspond to background color
- Right click menu positions itself to always be on the screen
- Open filess in new tab from right click menu
- Remove files from right click menu
- Rename files from right click menu
- Right clicking in desktop, textedit, and
- Renaming a file to the same name doesn’t affect anything
- “Okay!” message when renaming is successful
- Combined all Settings-app-controlled settings into one file
- Notification for updates on home screen
- Notification for updates in Update app
- New notification-based banner on bottom of Information app
- Approve certain actions before they take place (Ex. Deleting files)
- Use multiple desktops at once
- Calculator
- Guess the number
- Improved color matching
- Slightly changed animation in SystemAbout
- Custom editor
- Screen savers
- Select screen savers
- Preview screen savers

Other Developer Features And Changes In This Update:

- Detect right clicking with Advanced UI Blocks
- Customize background and text colors of right click menus
- Set file paths for on click events (all developer-made items should be put in the “core” folder. Folders for apps can be created within the “core” folder.)
- Have user approve an action
- Easily set the cursor position
- Set the cursor position and print text in the same line
- cSlow
- cFast
- UICircleOutline

SpoilerMultiple Desktops:

Right Right Menus:


Text Edit (File Picker):

TextEdit (Editor):

Color-Matched Menus:


Guess The Number:

Screensaver Settings:


Home Screen Notifications:

I worked on this beta for a while, and parts of it took longer to make than I was expecting. I'll try to be quicker about updates in the future. Anyways, enjoy!

- Nin
Edited on 29 June 2014 - 02:43 AM
oeed #24
Posted 29 June 2014 - 12:54 PM
Just tried the latest update.

I gota say, these animations are really nice (although as I said before, a tad slow).

Just a few issues I noticed.

I'm not sure if it's because there isn't one available (although I think it said there was one), but when I click update (both online and offline) it says 'No such program'.

Also, with the Time program.
Not everyone lives in America :P/> It'd be nice to have a few other timezones (yes, I know you've got UTC)
It's probably not worth adding every single timezone, but I'd suggest adding the timezones in which people are likely to be living in.
So here's a few I'd add:
New Zealand (it's only one)
Australia (eastern, central and western)
Russia (I'm not really sure about where most people in Russia live, but I'd add Moscow at the very least)
Europe (central & eastern, maybe further eastern too)

I know it's quite a list, but maybe add one for each region/country at the very least.
Nintendopup #25
Posted 29 June 2014 - 07:21 PM
I gota say, these animations are really nice (although as I said before, a tad slow).
I improved the animations in the second and third releases, but you can expect them to get even better with the next update. To which animations are your referring to, precisely? If needed, I can try to speed up the animations across the entire OS.

I'm not sure if it's because there isn't one available (although I think it said there was one), but when I click update (both online and offline) it says 'No such program'.
I just fixed the issue with the offline install. It had to do with no checking if an update file existed, which was a fault on my part ^_^/>. As for the online update, if you used "pastebin run" instead of "pastebin get", it would not work. I've fixed this now.

Also, with the Time program.
Not everyone lives in America :P/> It'd be nice to have a few other timezones (yes, I know you've got UTC)
It's probably not worth adding every single timezone, but I'd suggest adding the timezones in which people are likely to be living in.
So here's a few I'd add:
New Zealand (it's only one)
Australia (eastern, central and western)
Russia (I'm not really sure about where most people in Russia live, but I'd add Moscow at the very least)
Europe (central & eastern, maybe further eastern too)
The time app, currently, is in an early beta. I do plan to add timezones for most of the world. I haven't decided how I'm going to do this yet, but one option is to have a scrollable view where all timezones are listed, or to have a pages view where you switch between a set of timezones. I'll decide which view I want soon :)/> .

Thanks for the suggestions and bug reports!

- Nin
Win7yes #26
Posted 29 June 2014 - 08:44 PM
Can you change the text of the "home" button of th desktop to "Start", or capitalize the H?
Nintendopup #27
Posted 29 June 2014 - 11:06 PM
Can you change the text of the "home" button of th desktop to "Start", or capitalize the H?
Already done in the next update (I changed it to "Start") :)/> .
Win7yes #28
Posted 30 June 2014 - 12:26 AM
I went to edit the Desktop app to change that because I liked it more since the Metro Interface you made says Start.
I'm gonna try the update now ;)/>
Also, I saw that when rebooting by a Reboot Proposal, it shows a screen that says "Rebooting". Maybe you can add that to default reboot and
Edited on 29 June 2014 - 10:30 PM
Win7yes #29
Posted 30 June 2014 - 12:36 AM
BOOGS! Trying to preview screensavers just fire a No Such Program error
TextEdit doesn't work anymore, doesn't display files
Calculator doesn't work

This bugs no longer apply, The only one wich still is there is:
Terminal is… broken… even from previous releases
Code Suggestion:

while true do
   term.write("> ")
   input = read()
or something like that.
I solved the other bugs by creating a reinstaller that deletes everything in "Core" folder.
Edited on 29 June 2014 - 10:50 PM
Nintendopup #30
Posted 30 June 2014 - 01:41 AM
BOOGS! Trying to preview screensavers just fire a No Such Program error
TextEdit doesn't work anymore, doesn't display files
Calculator doesn't work

This bugs no longer apply, The only one wich still is there is:
Terminal is… broken… even from previous releases
Code Suggestion:

while true do
   term.write("> ")
   input = read()
or something like that.
I solved the other bugs by creating a reinstaller that deletes everything in "Core" folder.
The installer already deleted everything in the core folder…Unless you mean in a different way? Anyways, how is the terminal broken? You click once and write the command or program you want to run. If you mean as in it doesn't work until you click, I can (and will) fix that. Thanks for the bug reports! I'll try to fix all of the bugs very soon!

- Nin

Edit: I've found the issue regarding the installer/reinstaller. Before, I had it so that once you downloaded the installer, you'd always have that one installer. This meant that if the installer itself was updated, you wouldn't get all the features of the new update. I've fixed this now, and I'm uploaded a fix currently. I'm sorry for the issues caused by this lack of attention to detail. Also, I realize that I could have used the update file to fix this, but I want to reserve that for different uses.
Edited on 29 June 2014 - 11:50 PM
Win7yes #31
Posted 30 June 2014 - 08:03 PM
I know that in the terminal you have to click for it to run, but you have to do that every time you type a command.
Like: You click, type "asd" and then enter, It will get stuck with no anything, then you have to click again for it to run again.
Why not make it like the shell, where you type a command, if its wrong it does nothing/launch a "No Such Program" error, then you can type again and blah
Nintendopup #32
Posted 30 June 2014 - 11:12 PM
I saw that when rebooting by a Reboot Proposal, it shows a screen that says "Rebooting". Maybe you can add that to default reboot and
I've added this in the next update :)/> .

I know that in the terminal you have to click for it to run, but you have to do that every time you type a command.
Like: You click, type "asd" and then enter, It will get stuck with no anything, then you have to click again for it to run again.
Why not make it like the shell, where you type a command, if its wrong it does nothing/launch a "No Such Program" error, then you can type again and blah
I've now fixed this for the next update. Now, you can just open the app and type. You can also still use the close button to close the window, along side typing.
Nintendopup #33
Posted 09 July 2014 - 01:13 AM
Hello all,

Sorry for the slow updates recently. I've been working rather hard on the final beta of 0.2, which adds much of what has been asked for, fixes a bunch of things, and also sets up the first ideas I have in mind for the next major release: 0.3. :)/>

With that said, I'll just let you know now that while 0.2 Beta 6 is not yet released (It will be released within the next few days, but I may push the release one extra day if don't get a chance to do one last check-through of everything. Soon, though, you'll all have access to the latest and greatest from NinOS.

Now that 0.2 is basically done with, I'll give you an idea of what I want to add to 0.3:
- Better multitasking
- Debugger
- More books in reader
- Improved Time App
- Improved TextEdit
- Paint
- Networking features (handling red net)
- Pastebin installer (Possibly?)
- MacOS-like system preferences
- Clickable calculator
- Something along the lines of a voice recognition program… only, text recognition (So Siri)
- Improved Notifications
- Dictionary
And, of course, much more. I can't tell you everything I want to add yet, but after 0.2 Beta 6 is released, you'll be able to tell a few things that I'm excited for. ;)/>

Anyways, just as a way of getting an idea of what you all want to see, what should be added in the next major release? What should be changed? Let me know! I've already gotten some ideas and advice from you, but now I want to know what you want to see in NinOS! :D/>

- Nin
Nintendopup #34
Posted 09 July 2014 - 12:22 PM
Uhh…I edited the OP, and when I submitted the modified post, all the formatting tags displayed. Is there an easy fix for this (other than going through and removing all of the tags)?
oeed #35
Posted 09 July 2014 - 12:43 PM
Uhh…I edited the OP, and when I submitted the modified post, all the formatting tags displayed. Is there an easy fix for this (other than going through and removing all of the tags)?

Yea, I've had that before too. From memory I just Googled HTML to BBCode converters and found one that did the job.
Nintendopup #36
Posted 10 July 2014 - 02:45 AM
Yea, I've had that before too. From memory I just Googled HTML to BBCode converters and found one that did the job.

Heh, thanks! I found a converter that works for me…Sadly, I had to go in an redo spacing and certain things. While I was doing it, though, I updated some of the text and reformatted some things. Hopefully it's a little bit better than before. I do plan to completely redo the post with relevant information for version 0.3, along with combining all of the features into one list (as opposed to the per-beta lists I have currently). Due to this inconvenience, though, it does look like 0.2 Beta 6 will be pushed one more day. It'll be here soon enough though :)/>.

- Nin
Edited on 10 July 2014 - 12:47 AM
PixelToast #37
Posted 10 July 2014 - 02:46 AM
installer uses too much
boot screen lies
unnecicary animations are unnecicary, and slow
password is "Nintendo" not "NINTENDO" or "nintendo"
you can terminate the password screen
the one minute lockout can be bypassed by restarting
uses waaaay too many globals
code indentation is derpy
programs wont open, cclite bug? edit: i see you are using cclite yourself so probably not >_>
screen flickers when clicking things in menu
no for loop for animations
programs apis that are already loaded
calculator program says ^ and % are not operations
lua program is easier to use than calculator
GuessThe# has a weird name
GuessThe# can be beat programmically
textedit doesnt seem to work
time is slow
debugger just has a restart button

.-. and it looks okay, i guess
Lyqyd #38
Posted 10 July 2014 - 03:34 AM
Constructive criticism is best criticism, PixelToast.
Nintendopup #39
Posted 10 July 2014 - 12:27 PM
installer uses too much
Is there a better way of getting files from paste bin? I can fix part of it by using fs.delete() for removing files, but still.

boot screen lies
How so? You can disable it if you'd like to.

unnecessary animations are unnecessary, and slow
I like the animations, and I'm working on making them faster. I can also make an option to disable the animations.

password is "Nintendo" not "NINTENDO" or "nintendo"
And..? Most passwords are case-sensitive.

you can terminate the password screen
Fixed in next update.

the one minute lockout can be bypassed by restarting
I'm aware of this, and working on a fix.

uses waaaay too many globals
Most of those globals are the APIs…So, those don't really count. Then there's some variables that are global settings, which are supposed to be global. As for x, y, i, u, t, and c, those do not need to be globals. Easy fix.

code indentation is derpy
Where? I can fix this if you tell me exactly where.

programs wont open, cclite bug? edit: i see you are using cclite yourself so probably not >_>
Is there an error? Are you running the latest version of cclite? Steps to reproduce (If any)?

screen flickers when clicking things in menu
Uhh…I don't have this problem, but I'll try to find what may be causing it.

no for loop for animations
Yes, there is… There are also repeat loops, which work just as well.

programs apis that are already loaded
This is to have all the programs be able to run by themselves in debugging (and if a user removes or renames the startup file).

calculator program says ^ and % are not operations
These operations have not yet been added, but I do plan to add them soon.

lua program is easier to use than calculator
I will try to make the calculator program far better than it currently is.

GuessThe# has a weird name
Rename it using right clicking in the desktop :D/>/> .

GuessThe# can be beat programmically
Basically all guess the number games can.

textedit doesnt seem to work
Example? Is there an error?

time is slow
This is due to using… Not much I can do to fix this.

debugger just has a restart button
I know, the debugger has not completely been added yet. It will be in the coming updates.

.-. and it looks okay, I guess
:D/> Thanks!

Good feedback!
- Nin
Edited on 10 July 2014 - 10:27 AM
cdel #40
Posted 10 July 2014 - 01:33 PM
really neat, just wondering if you wrote your own multitasking system or if you're using CraftOS' ?
Win7yes #41
Posted 13 July 2014 - 04:41 AM
Renaming on desktop duplicates icons and also makes the application not run since it seems to be linking the icon name to the application name
shadowminer_55 #42
Posted 14 July 2014 - 01:17 AM
I noticed that for a text editor you called it text edit. Text edit is a text editor for Mac OS X and since you have the theme of Windows I'd recommend something else like notepad
Nintendopup #43
Posted 28 July 2014 - 02:26 AM
Hello all,

I'm sorry for the lack of activity that's been going on in this thread for a while. I had the final beta of version 0.2 ready to be uploaded (I had the entire post for it written), but then felt that I needed to add more. After that, I worked on it a little bit, then began to focus more on irl stuff. I left work on NinOS for a bit, mostly because I lost the drive to continue it. But, as I'm sure many of you know, "you're bound to come back eventually."

With that said, I feel that it is my duty to inform you that work on NinOS has begun once again :D/> . I'm not going to say an expected release date for the final beta of 0.2, but I'm sure it will be soon. There are just a few things that need to be touched up on. I've worked hard already to fix as many bugs as I can, and I'm fixing even more currently.

I'm sorry for leaving NinOS for a bit, but I promise that I'm back for good now :)/> .

P.S. The text editor is named Text Edit because NinOS is not Windows or Mac OS, it instead is whatever it turns out to be. I like Text Edit as a name and the Mac application, so, for now, I'd like to keep it this way. That is not to say, however, that it will never change – or something else will change that will allow the user to change it.
Nintendopup #44
Posted 03 August 2014 - 06:57 PM
0.2 Beta 6

Final Beta

"Onwards to greater heights"

Features and Changes:
- Improved animations
- Terminal reboot and shutdown commands
- Store
- Messenger
- GuessThe#
- Improved terminal (open and type)
- Installer updates upon updating
- Changed desktop “home” to “Start”
- Fixed offline update “No such program” error
- Fixed online update “No such program” error
- Default reboot and shutdown have reboot and shutdown screens
- Fixed not returning to information app after click the update banner
- New animation on start screen app-click
- Enable and disable lockscreen notifications
- Enable and disable screensaver
- Updated Installer
- Updated start screen menu
- Welcome
- Termination bug when entering password fixed

Developer Features:
- UICircle (Filled circle)
- UICircleOutline (drawCircleOutline has been renamed)


Lock Screen Without Notifications


Start Menu


Sorry for the long wait for this final beta, but I've had time to fully develope my ideas for the next huge release. You'll notice in this update that I've added a store. Yes. It's a store. It's not filled with many apps right not (just two, at the moment), but it opens a whole new door for NinOS. This means that I will be able to create apps (or have apps submitted) and put them on the store for anyone to use. I could also (possibly) put apps from the core of NinOS on the store to allow them to be updated individually.

With that said:

"Apps are more than just programs. They are expressions. They are tools. They are… whatever you want them to be. Sometimes, it makes more sense to create apps than to download them. But in other times, downloading them can be far more difficult than it should be. It should be easy to find the apps you want. And it should be as easy as clicking a button to download them. We've ignored this fact for a while, but now, we're done ignoring it. NinOS now comes with a store. And this is just opening day."

I plan for the store to have categories, more apps, and more. I also plan to put apps such as Calculator and Time on the store so that they can be updated individually. Speaking of updating, I will be adding updates to the store soon. This will make it easy to get the latest versions of the apps you use most. Currently, I'm thinking of other ideas for the store. One idea is to integrate the store heavily into the OS (with an off-switch, of course). This would mean users would be able to download many things from the store, such as images, files, programs, screensaver, backgrounds, and more. I could also have options to set apps from the store as defaults. Of course, this would all be a while away, but it's good to think about now.

Anyways, to close this post, I'll just say thanks to everyone who's used and tested NinOS so far. I want to make NinOS great, and all of you are helping me get it there.
Nintendopup #45
Posted 16 August 2014 - 10:20 PM
Hello all,

This first release of 0.3 Beta is not quite ready yet, but I do have a couple of things to get you a little excited for it. Of course, you'll have to guess what some things mean… And I'm obviously not going to tell you all of the major features…but here, have a look at these:

I'll let you guys guess what these pictures mean. They both have a few hidden feature hints within them :)/> .

- Nin
Win7yes #46
Posted 16 August 2014 - 11:23 PM
Update for more features?
Update of the System Center?
Centering the System Update?
Edited on 16 August 2014 - 09:24 PM
Nintendopup #47
Posted 16 August 2014 - 11:54 PM
Update for more features?
Update of the System Center?
Centering the System Update?

Well…yes…. :P/>. All of those are correct, but not exactly what I meant by "hidden feature hints"…

I guess, to get you thinking, you might think that Update looks a little… "gray".

Or, you could say that System Center looks a bit more useful. Which, I can tell you now, it is (Very much so).
Win7yes #48
Posted 17 August 2014 - 12:18 AM
I have been habing problems with updating. They do not… "Apply". I mean when I click Update (Online and offline too) it just says it's done installing and there's an error too. And then when I restart nothing changes.
Nintendopup #49
Posted 17 August 2014 - 03:55 AM
I have been habing problems with updating. They do not… "Apply". I mean when I click Update (Online and offline too) it just says it's done installing and there's an error too. And then when I restart nothing changes.

The update isn't out yet. I was showing you a few pictures of what's to come. However, I can say that I've completely redone the whole updating and installing process, so it should work much better once the update comes (Which will most likely be within the next two or three days). As for the error, what does it say? And where? Also, off line update shows a notification (A little "1" in the corner) when an offline update is available. If there's no available, it should just say "No Update".

Anyways, sorry for the issues. I'll work to find out what's going wrong, and hopefully I'll have the issues completely fixed by the time 0.3 Beta 1 is released.

- Nin
ZombieTurtle #50
Posted 17 August 2014 - 06:00 AM
awesome best O.S I've seen its really good
the appearance and feel of the O.S is not to user friendly which is how it always should be
Nintendopup #51
Posted 18 August 2014 - 12:25 AM
NinOS 0.3

Beta One

- System-wide Grayscale mode
- Fixed exit buttons in Help
- Fixed exit buttons in Text Edit
- Fixed exit buttons in Dictionary
- Gave reader a blue book for an icon
- checkColorMode() for developers
- Quicker animations
- Option to disable animations
- animationSleep(seconds) for developers
- Display Settings
- Password Settings
- Notification Settings
- Redesigned Settings App
- SystemCenter API
- App can have their own SystemCenter
- 6 apps can be shown in SystemCenter
- Siri-like utility called "Nin"
- Two-finger drag-to-bottom to bring up System Center within apps
- Apps can opt not to include SystemCenter
- Icons for every app in SystemCenter stored in core/apis/icons folder
- Reboot and shutdown "widgets" available in SystemCenter
- Custom icons can be stored in icons folder for downloaded apps
- Slightly edited startup animation
- Improved opening app animation
- Developers can disable animations for a split second to avoid having to awkwardly redraw their apps
- Return to start screen after visiting an app through SystemCenter
- Slightly edited desktop opening animation
- View notifications in Nin
- Have Nin generate a random number for you
- Have Nin put your computer to sleep
  • Nin: Nin is something…new. All the time. Here and there. Nin knows…you. And whoever you want Nin to know. And whatever you want Nin to know. Tell Nin that someone is your cousin, and Nin will know. Ask Nin a question, and Nin will answer. He knows funny. He knows smart. He knows you. Nin can tell you about your device, the time, a feature, and much more. Nin is capable of helping you in more ways than that, though. He can change settings for you, open apps, and even help you clear notifications. And, when you’re done with Nin, you can easily leave him. He’ll be there next time you need anything. And if you think you’ll be gone for a while, why not have Nin put your computer to sleep for you.
SpoilerGrayscale Mode:

Normal Mode:



Ideas for this version:
The main goals for this version are to introduce features that will benefit users and developers greatly, to improve upon what is already in the OS, and to open new doors for all kinds of possibilities - Such are the ideas behind "Nin", the store, SystemCenter, Grayscale mode (Themes), and more. With these ideas in mind, I plan to make 0.3 much bigger than 0.2 in every way. Each beta will have new features and fixes, and you have yet to see all that will be in 0.3. As always, there is much, much more to come.

I will be releasing the developer documentation for this update in another post later on.

The new installer will be available soon, but is not available currently.

- Nin
Edited on 17 August 2014 - 10:25 PM
Lego Stax #52
Posted 18 August 2014 - 04:41 AM
A while back, PixelToast talked about the default password. He said it's, "Nintendo". In the topic, you have it listed as, "NINTENDO". Please change this, as it is very aggravating. You might actually lose users for your operating system. Just trying to help. :P/>
Nintendopup #53
Posted 18 August 2014 - 12:18 PM
A while back, PixelToast talked about the default password. He said it's, "Nintendo". In the topic, you have it listed as, "NINTENDO". Please change this, as it is very aggravating. You might actually lose users for your operating system. Just trying to help. :P/>

:mellow:/> Well, this actually explains a lot…

I've fixed this now :D/>. Whoops
Nintendopup #54
Posted 29 August 2014 - 05:26 AM
Hello All,

I figured that since no beta was released this week, I'd share with you the reason for it's delay. It's all good, of course, and in the end, I believe that the delay has given me the time to make the beta worth the wait.

Basically, there are a lot of features planned for the 0.3 update. Of course, you saw some of them with the last beta, but each beta only has a number of features that, put together, will make the 0.3 update complete. Along with bug fixes, each beta introduces a number of new features. The primary goal of the 0.3 update, I've decided, is to create a more seamless, yet more useable, experience. You've already seen some of my steps towards this goal with the last beta. SystemCenter and the SystemCenter API is one of the biggest features of the last beta, and it focused on using an API and files within a folder to give each app an idea of the apps that relate to it. When you bring this information closer to the user, and display it in an elegant way, you can greatly improve the user experience.

So with the next beta, which will hopefully be released within the coming days, I've continued this idea of making things easier and more seamless, yet so much more effective and useable. I've started to go through every single app, and reworking it from the ground up to give it the best interface and the best features it can have. Of course, not all the apps will be done in time for the next beta, but I had figured that some would be better than none at all.

I've decided to work on apps that work, but have a poor interface, first (Mainly being Help, Information, and Reader). This way, I'll be able to bring new features to apps that work, but could work better. I will them move on to apps such as TextEdit, Dictionary, and Debugger - apps that have basic functions, but need more ideas and time put into them. Last, I'll work on Calculator and Time – both of which I plan on completely recreating. Oh, and, of course, along the way apps on the store will be updated.

Anyways, as for this coming beta, the main feature will be… well, you'll have to see. However, I can tell you something that I am excited about, but it not the main feature: The Help app will be better than any help app I've ever seen.

The full details will be described in the post for the beta, but I can say now that the new Help system will allow for apps downloaded from the store to generate help files to be displayed, and the user will be able to interact with those files, and dismiss them at their liking.

Basically, I'm putting a lot of effort into this beta, and I want it to be great, so it's taking a little longer.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for supporting NinOS!

- Nin
Edited on 29 August 2014 - 09:30 PM
Nintendopup #55
Posted 09 September 2014 - 11:13 PM
NinOS 0.3

Beta Two

It's that time again!

This update took a while, mainly due to issues with finding the time to work on things, but it's here now, and it's exciting!

I'll go ahead and name the features now:

Features and Changes:

[indent=1]- Fixed sleep issue when entering password with animations off[/indent]
[indent=1]- Added new Welcome screen[/indent]
[indent=1]- Added initial setup program[/indent]
[indent=1]- Initial setup program (Welcome) removes itself after it’s been run[/indent]
[indent=1]- Setup password, background, name, and animations from initial setup[/indent]
[indent=1]- Fixed sleep issues regarding restart requests with animations off[/indent]
[indent=1]- Fixed userThemeColor objects being the wrong color with a lightBlue background[/indent]
[indent=1]- Fixed flickering of the Start screen[/indent]

[indent=1]- Information:[/indent]
[indent=1] - NinOS logo is shown in the center of the screen[/indent]
[indent=1] - Version now shows OS name (NinOS, or, eventually (perhaps), NinOS-PDA)[/indent]
[indent=1] - Colormode and background color number are now shown[/indent]
[indent=1] - The computer type (PDA, PC, AdvPDA, AdvPC) is now shown[/indent]
[indent=1] - The information is now shown in two columns[/indent]
[indent=1] - A divider in the middle helps separate the two columns shown[/indent]

[indent=1]- Settings:[/indent]
[indent=1] - Fixed “Change Password” and “Preview Screensaver” text color when using grayscale[/indent]
[indent=1] - Fixed choppy animation upon entering Display Settings[/indent]

[indent=1]- Help:[/indent]
[indent=1] - New dynamic icon-view[/indent]
[indent=1] - Pulls from “help” folder within apis[/indent]
[indent=1] - Apps can store help files there[/indent]
[indent=1] - Same right-clicking and clicking interface as desktop, textedit[/indent]
[indent=1] - App can auto-download the help files directly into the help folder[/indent]
[indent=1] - Once a help file has been added, it shows up immediately[/indent]
[indent=1] - Multiple pages can be opened in different tabs[/indent]
[indent=1] - Color-matched context menu[/indent]
[indent=1] - Users can “dismiss” or delete an app’s help files after they’ve read them[/indent]
[indent=1] - Redone help files for native apps[/indent]

[indent=1]- GuessThe#:[/indent]
[indent=1] - New opening animation[/indent]
[indent=1] - Removed “click to continue”[/indent]
[indent=1] - Moved welcome text to the center of the screen[/indent]
[indent=1] - Moved number input closer to the top[/indent]
[indent=1] - Moved attempts remaining to the bottom[/indent]
[indent=1] - Moved guess messages upwards to allow for the bottom attempts message[/indent]
[indent=1] - Made the ending quicker[/indent]
[indent=1] - Removed closing animation[/indent]
[indent=1] - App opening and closing adjusts depending upon background color and color mode[/indent]

[indent=1]- Reader:[/indent]
[indent=1] - New dynamic icon-view[/indent]
[indent=1] - Pulls from “books” folder[/indent]
[indent=1] - Apps can store books there[/indent]
[indent=1] - Books will be able to be downloaded[/indent]
[indent=1] - Same right-clicking and clicking interface as desktop, textedit, help[/indent]
[indent=1] - App can auto-download the help files directly into the help folder[/indent]
[indent=1] - Once a book has been added, it shows up immediately[/indent]
[indent=1] - Multiple books can be opened in different tabs[/indent]
[indent=1] - Context menus[/indent]
[indent=1] - Users can delete books[/indent]
[indent=1] - Books icons are generated for each book[/indent]
[indent=1] - SystemCenter accessible from books[/indent]
[indent=1] - Pages and view options are now stored in variables[/indent]
[indent=1] - Changing view does not being you back to page one[/indent]
[indent=1] - SystemCenter title bar is color matched to the view options[/indent]

[indent=1]- Messenger:[/indent]
[indent=1] - Fixed issue where messages would be printed past the bottom of the screen[/indent]
[indent=1] - Adjusts to color mode[/indent]

[indent=1]- Icons:[/indent]
[indent=1] - Logos folder added[/indent]
[indent=1] - Logos and other assets can go in the Logos folder[/indent]
[indent=1] - NinOS logo added[/indent]
[indent=1] - Reader icon shows number of books[/indent]
[indent=1] - Desktop icon shows number of apps[/indent]

[indent=1]- Nin:[/indent]
[indent=1] - Gets commands from folder[/indent]
[indent=1] - Moddable[/indent]
[indent=1] - Apps, books, and help files can store command files for Nin in core/apis/nin[/indent]

Developer Features:
- System Center API
- Nin API
- SettingsPanel API

As you can see, this update is far more in-depth and feature-focused than any previous update to NinOS. I plan to make all updates from here on out like this. This way, there will always be something to look forward to in the next update – Of course, you'll have to guess what that something is each time.


SystemCenter in Books:


Multiple Help Files Open at Once:

Reader Help:

Initial Background Picker:

Coming soon.

The update will be uploaded soon.

Thanks for using NinOS!
Edited on 09 September 2014 - 09:25 PM
Posted 14 September 2014 - 03:47 PM
I like this.
Altho too many flipping globals, man.
it'd be better if UI functions were in a UI table.

Edit: Derp-a-herp.
Edited on 14 September 2014 - 01:48 PM
SGunner2014 #57
Posted 21 September 2014 - 10:48 PM
This is really cool.

Maybe add an option to uninstall the OS along with all of its files?

- Sam

Edit: I didn't mean this as being rude, it was just a pure honest suggestion. I really love this OS.
Edited on 06 October 2014 - 06:25 PM
Nintendopup #58
Posted 06 October 2014 - 07:03 PM

I've uploaded the new version of NinOS (0.3 Beta 2). I know, the update should have been uploaded a long time ago… but things happen, you know? Anyways, the update is out now, and everything seems to be working properly. There's not much use for notifications yet, but that'll change soon (within a day or two). Also, the help files are going to be uploaded shortly. The Help Files have been uploaded! The store apps will be updated soon as well, and the Installer will be getting a whole new look.

Thanks for using NinOS!

- Nin

Edit: An issue involving Notification Center showing up in the desktop has now been fixed.
Edited on 06 October 2014 - 05:39 PM
Nintendopup #59
Posted 17 October 2014 - 09:47 PM
Hello all,

It's been a while since the last update, but development of NinOS is coming along nicely!

I'd like to give you a little update on what I've been working on. First, there are two new panels that you can open from the task bar on the desktop. One is called QuickAccess (work in progress name) and will enable you to change settings on the fly (Such as the notification toggle). The other panel is neat – When you click on it's icon in the lower right-hand corner, a small panel appears. In this panel, you will be greeted by Nin. I know, since it's introduction in the first beta, Nin has remained a bit… well, useless, but it won't be for long! You'll be able to do anything that you'll be able to do in the new version of Nin from the new, mini-Nin.

Another part of the OS that has been improved is the notification badge system. I've changed the system (no work will be needed to be done by the end-user) so that when the files within a directory are counted, the file count will be accurate for any location.

Also, you're now able to rename the start screen to anything you want – Just click the beginning letter of the start screen name and start typing, then hit enter.

"Lastly" (as in, this is all I'm going to say for now ;)/>), I've added two little welcome notifications that will appear in Notification Center. Click on them, and they'll bring you to their corresponding app (One brings you to Help and the other brings you to the Store).

The update will be released within the coming week.

Thanks for using NinOS!
- Nin
1337Nuker #60
Posted 22 October 2014 - 04:39 PM
Wow! This is awesome!

I hope to see more amazing work by you soon!
LDDestroier #61
Posted 22 October 2014 - 11:25 PM
Man, you should make the appstore work with oeed's appstore. Also, multitasking opens up the possibility for background applications. It should be possible to right click on a program to make it a background application, which would ignore all visual output. Also, if there isn't already startup applications, there should be. Like, have a potentially infinite list of applications that can be told to run at startup in Settings, and can be individually configured for whether they are ran in the tab you start on, another tab, or a background application.

I want to be able to run oeed's PDA door lock on NinOS, if I can't get OneOS to work.

BTW, NinOS looks AMAZING, and you should be proud of yourself.
Nintendopup #62
Posted 23 October 2014 - 12:49 AM
Man, you should make the appstore work with oeed's appstore. Also, multitasking opens up the possibility for background applications. It should be possible to right click on a program to make it a background application, which would ignore all visual output. Also, if there isn't already startup applications, there should be. Like, have a potentially infinite list of applications that can be told to run at startup in Settings, and can be individually configured for whether they are ran in the tab you start on, another tab, or a background application.

I want to be able to run oeed's PDA door lock on NinOS, if I can't get OneOS to work.

BTW, NinOS looks AMAZING, and you should be proud of yourself.

Hm… I'll look into the App Store thing. I'm not sure what the best way of doing that would be… As for the multitasking and stuff, I'm going to focus the next beta (after the one coming this week) on enhancing the abilities of multitasking. This will include the ability to run background apps from the Start screen with context menus. I'll see what I can do with the startup applications (I've been thinking about it for a while, but I wasn't sure if it was really wanted). It'll be optional, at least.

As for the PDA door lock… well, NinOS doesn't "work" on PDAs (the GUI is a bit messed up) right now… "right now"… ;)/>

Thanks for the suggestions!
- Nin
Justous #63
Posted 02 November 2014 - 04:12 AM
It looks like… Windows 8… I'll try it, maybe it's better than Windows 8.
MaxKoinune #64
Posted 11 February 2015 - 09:40 PM
I have a simple question, what can i say to Nin without commands+?
Creator #65
Posted 27 February 2015 - 03:24 PM
Amazing, seriously!!!
Nintendopup #66
Posted 04 March 2015 - 11:22 PM
So… I may have let NinOS go for a bit :/ By a "bit" I mean… a while…

But I'm back now! I'm excited to work on NinOS! Having seen the recent OSes, I feel that I have a lot to add to NinOS to make it on-par. Although NinOS may never compare to the likes of OneOS, I believe that I can get it to the point where one can look at NinOS and point out the benefits for having it. As the first step towards that, I want to give you guys a list of ideas. These ideas aren't set in stone, but I'm pretty certain that all of them will make it in to NinOS 0.3 Beta 3. This release will take a while, but let me know what you think of the idea list:

NinOS 0.3 Beta 3


- Ability to uninstall NinOS

- Disable Notification Center

- Hide Notifications from apps

- Disable SystemCenter

- Hide apps from SystemCenter


- SystenCenter from lockscreen

- Notification Center from lockscreen

- Disable NC or SC in lockscreen from settings

- Time shown


  • Quick Access toolbar

- Quick Access to System Center

- Quick Access to Notification Center

- Quick Access to Update


- Current minecraft world time is shown

- Option to show real world times


- Updated overlay windows

- Updated color scheme

- Improved coloring

- Insert tab

- Insert special characters

- Insert functions and Apis


- Snake Game

- Redirection


- Enable/disable grayscale

- Enable/disable rednet


- Nin will greet you by your name

- Family variables

- Math

- Generate command


  • Auto-server-initialization
  • Commands+
  • Redstone Control App (maybe)
  • Lighter UI
  • Silent downloads


  • Debugger replaced by Messenger

- Dictionary replaced by Games

- Contacts API

  • Change the title of the Start screen

- Launch related books from SystemCenter

- SystemCenter presets

- Welcome notification

- New features notification

- Changelog API

  • Desktop no longer shown in the desktop
  • Settings no longer shown in the desktop
  • Updater no longer shown in the desktop
  • Improved file-count notifications

- Paint app on desktop

- Dashboard

  • Instant Restart Requests GUI Overlay updated to display quicker
  • Many functions were removed that only played at the start of an app (such as the initial draw of the desktop). They were replaced with storing information in variables and only running certain animations depending upon the values of said variables.
  • restart_request is no longer run when checking notifications (Caused an error)
  • Store updated with a darker theme
  • Store icon added for SystemCenter
  • Nin updated to use a different method for finding commands. Commands are now stored in the Nin folder. By using a table for responses, and another that attaches a file to be run for those responses, it will be much easier to add commands in the future. This also opens the door for more things to be done with Nin, such as an in-app note taker, or quick access to running programs.
  • Notes
  • List notifications
  • Say hello
  • Give help
  • Open apps
  • Put computer to sleep
  • Restart PC
  • Tell a story
  • Set to grayscale
  • Version
  • Reader support
  • Recommend apps
  • Farewells
  • Knows your name
  • New search recognition method
  • Multiple phrases supported for same outcome
  • Random number generator
  • Improved notification list
  • “Close”

  • Book store; easily add books
  • Store button in the top center
  • Book pages written in easier-to-use format
  • Fixed graphic error when leaving a book opening in another tab
  • List view

  • List view
  • Apps can store help files in the help folder
  • Fixed slight delay when opening help documents

  • Cleaned up code
  • Mini-Nin
  • QuickAccess
  • Two-finger drag to the right for menu

  • Startup apps
  • Startup tasks

  • Change name of start screen
  • Fixed graphical glitch when opening large apps
  • notificationAmount fixed to show accurate amount
  • notificationAmount fixed to ignore DS_Store files and other irrelevant files

I've already started work on many of these additions, and I may add more. I'm sorry for having left NinOS for so long :/
Creator #67
Posted 05 March 2015 - 10:52 AM
This is amazing!
Sybarlyte #68
Posted 06 March 2015 - 07:15 PM
I encounter the error "startup:26: attempt to index ? (a nill value)"

My steps:

get pastebin get fD2PU1f6 Installer
>Name: Compute
>Use Password: No
>Choose Background: Red
>Use Animations: No
startup:26: attempt to index ? (a nill value)

I am using an advanced computer and I am running Minecraft Version 1.6.4.
biggest yikes #69
Posted 07 March 2015 - 12:20 AM

I encounter the error "startup:26: attempt to index ? (a nill value)"

My steps:

get pastebin get fD2PU1f6 Installer
>Name: Compute
>Use Password: No
>Choose Background: Red
>Use Animations: No
startup:26: attempt to index ? (a nill value)

I am using an advanced computer and I am running Minecraft Version 1.6.4.
Chances are it's because you're using 1.6.4, followed steps exactly and nothing happened. Furthermore, line 26 uses a multishell API, which was added in CC 1.6, so chances are you're using CC 1.5 or earlier, especially since that error message hints that a function was called that doesn't exist. Try updating CC, and see if that helps.
Edited on 06 March 2015 - 11:30 PM
Sybarlyte #70
Posted 09 March 2015 - 07:44 AM
Chances are it's because you're using 1.6.4, followed steps exactly and nothing happened. Furthermore, line 26 uses a multishell API, which was added in CC 1.6, so chances are you're using CC 1.5 or earlier, especially since that error message hints that a function was called that doesn't exist. Try updating CC, and see if that helps.

About an hour after I made the post, I suspected that I may be out of date, I updated and it worked, thanks. Sorry about that.
Nintendopup #71
Posted 12 March 2015 - 12:31 AM
Hello all!

0.3 is still a while away, but I wanted to give you guys an update.

To start, entering your password is completely new:

And the start menu is a bit simplified (no more buttons):

You can now use two and one finger drags to access notifications, system center, the menu, and extra shells.

Notifications also work now:

You can click on the notifications, and they'll bring you to their corresponding app. At the same time, they will remove themselves so you don't have to worry about them.

The store received a slight update:

And so does Nin:

This is only the tip of the ice. NinOS 0.3 will bring NinOS a thousand steps in the right direction.

- Nin
Edited on 11 March 2015 - 11:31 PM
Creator #72
Posted 17 March 2015 - 06:35 PM
Hi Nintendopup, I looked at your startupfile and was quite shoked when I saw 1700 lines for the startup. Instead of hardcoding everything, try to make it more flexible, with some api like Bedrock, Nova UI or Interact (mine, it's still not ready). You could make it line 1000 lines shorter, and you will save space on the computer. Also try doing this

w,h = term.getSize()
xPos of element z = w-4
yPos of element z = h/2


PS: Your OS is amazing!
Nintendopup #73
Posted 11 April 2015 - 12:14 AM

Work on NinOS is coming along well. I am going through each app individually and improving every aspect of it. For example, simply think of the lock screen. I've improved it to not only allow for a more elegant notification system, but also incorporated access to SystemCenter, Notification Center, and the menu. In addition to this, I've completely redesigned the password-entering processing. While keeping the same functionality, I've reduced the amount of code – making the os more efficient, but just as friendly an capable. In doing this redesign, I've also added user icons. For now, this functionality is limited to only one icon, but that will change in the near future. The beauty of this, though, is that no matter what background you choose to use, you're icon will always look its best. I've done this by using the color-matching process originally made for SystemCenter, but designed from the start to be ported to other parts of the system.

This attention to detail is the fundamental idea behind NinOS 0.3. By looking at each app as a separate environment for the user to experience, I've been able to redesign, improve, and yet clean up the code behind NinOS.

Creator #74
Posted 11 April 2015 - 12:20 AM
You sound like some Apple ad. I mean great and proffesional. But if you are a pro you see thay a lot of sh*t in these ads. Yours is better. Since +1 are free, as are potatoes, you can get both. ==> NinPotato <== Oh, I like the name. Officially OmnIOS get renamed to NinPotato

SpoilerJust joking
Nintendopup #75
Posted 11 April 2015 - 01:26 AM
… I may or may not base explanations of NinOS off of Apple ads and explanations, despite NinOS resembling Windows 8 :P/> Also, my explanations contain a much higher amount of truth and Apple's :D/>
Nintendopup #76
Posted 12 April 2015 - 06:58 AM
As I get closer to the point where I can at least release a test version of NinOS 0.3, I continue to grow more and more excited about the improvements made.

After using this version of the calculator app, it's hard to say that I'd ever want to use the old one… But that was obviously from the beginning. The design of it is still a work in progress, but the core functions are there.
Joelahughes #77
Posted 16 April 2015 - 08:18 PM
Great OS! i am looking forward to the next update.
although i have a suggestion. make a calender app :)/>
vorobey604 #78
Posted 07 May 2015 - 05:51 PM
Can i test v0.3? Please?
DvgCraft #79
Posted 13 May 2015 - 11:05 AM
What CC emulator do you use?
ExplosiveFerrets #80
Posted 14 May 2015 - 03:36 PM
Really nice! Just tried it a little bit, but good work!

wow Im just impressed…..
Nintendopup #81
Posted 16 May 2015 - 02:24 PM

I've been away for a bit (Traveling), but I'm back now - and ready to work on NinOS!

Great OS! i am looking forward to the next update. although i have a suggestion. make a calender app :)/>/>

This was actually posted before my trip but… Apart from a thank you for the compliment, I don't want to make the promise of a calendar app being added… However, I like the idea. I'll try. :)/>

Can i test v0.3? Please?

The way I currently have it set up, I'd have to create a completely different OS (I work with pastern, which means that the files would all have to be duplicated – the updated ones and the older ones, if I were to have specific testers). I would like to have a sort of "Public beta", but partially due to the system and partially due to laziness, I think at the very least I'm going to hold off on that for a bit. 0.3 will be released in July, but a beta IS an option… I'll think about it more.

What CC emulator do you use?

Sorroko's CCLite:
BUT I'll be moving to Gamax92's version soon, as Sorroko's isn't updating.

Really nice! Just tried it a little bit, but good work! wow Im just impressed…..


Work on NinOS 0.3 will continue immediately!

- Nintendo
Edited on 16 May 2015 - 12:26 PM
biggest yikes #82
Posted 16 May 2015 - 07:05 PM
I'm not sure if I've posted this before, but the terminal seems to remove the first two lines of output from any program ran after the program ends. For my programs, this means I have to put two extra lines to read the output, which is kind of irritating.
Also, why does the versioninfo file say I'm using NinOS 0.3? The current version is 0.2.
Edited on 16 May 2015 - 05:07 PM
Nintendopup #83
Posted 16 May 2015 - 08:20 PM
I'm not sure if I've posted this before, but the terminal seems to remove the first two lines of output from any program ran after the program ends. For my programs, this means I have to put two extra lines to read the output, which is kind of irritating.

Hmm… I've cut down the lines used by the exit button and the search to one, which will decrease this… Apart from that, I think there may be a way to fix this. I'll keep you updated. Found the issue, fixed it! And did some improvements along the way. Typing "help" now gives you the help program, rather than a "coming soon" message. This may change in the future so that it can be more terminal-specific help, but for now, I consider this an improvement. I can release the updated terminal tomorrow – I'll do more testing today, perhaps add a few more features, and then release tomorrow.

Why does the versioninfo file say I'm using NinOS 0.3? The current version is 0.2.

Ahh, that's because you ARE on 0.3… the second beta of it, to be more precise.

Hope this clears a few things up.

- Nintendo
Edited on 16 May 2015 - 07:14 PM
ebernerd #84
Posted 16 May 2015 - 09:25 PM
This has to be one of the most polished UI for an OS I've seen in a while. Very nice! Thank you!
Nintendopup #85
Posted 16 June 2015 - 02:20 AM
Okay! So… School is over. Which means that I can work on NinOS much more now! Woo!

The first topic:
NinOS 0.3
​The good thing about finally being out of school is that development becomes much easier due to more time being available. The good thing about this, of course, is that I'll be able to release NinOS 0.3 Public Beta 1 on Friday. Basically, the hold up until now has been mainly school, so now that school is done with, I'll be able to make a few additions, then beta. More betas will follow, and then full release (which is when things such as more Nin commands will be added). For now, I'll give you a list of the MAJOR features you can expect on Friday:

What you can expect:
- Most apps redesigned
- Working Calculator
- Change name of start screen
- Terminal issues fixed
- Working notification center
- Improved Start gestures:
  • Two-finger drag to bottom to open SystemCenter
  • Two-finger drag to side to open the menu
  • One-finger drag to bottom to open Notification Center
  • One-finger drag to top to enter new shell
- More icons
- Welcome and new features notifications
- Example text files
- Desktop QuickAccess to Nin
- Commands in Terminal
- Many gestures that work on the start screen also work on lockscreen
- Many updated APIS

What you might get in addition:
- Multitasking (Split screen)
- A few Nin commands
- New update app
- Minecraft time in Time App
- Dictionary replaced with Games folder
- Debugger for running multitasking tests
- Debugger for running Nin tests
- Updated code (This is in addition to all the already updated code)

What you CANNOT expect (Yet):
- A calendar app (Possible, maybe)
- A dictionary app (Not happening)
- A book store (Coming soon)
- A way to import books/files into reader (Coming soon)
- A store connected to the web (Possible, maybe)
- Addition store apps (Coming soon)

Second Topic:
What is your most wanted feature? Tell me!
Edited on 16 June 2015 - 12:23 AM
claw106 #86
Posted 22 June 2015 - 10:30 AM
startup:26: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

From what I saw [being able to name the pc, etc.] This looks great.

Keep up the good work!
biggest yikes #87
Posted 08 July 2015 - 07:28 PM
The topic in the post downloads NinOS 0.3's beta. Is that intentional?
Edited on 08 July 2015 - 05:31 PM
LuaNEWB #88
Posted 09 July 2015 - 01:43 AM
Im getting a attempt to call nil. please help
darkcammo #89
Posted 09 July 2015 - 04:42 AM
Hello! Just wanted to say great job. I really love what you've done here.

I'm a bit of a computercraft novice, is there any way to run this OS on an attached monitor? I can't find a setting for it anywhere. Thanks in advance for your help!
biggest yikes #90
Posted 09 July 2015 - 02:03 PM
Im getting a attempt to call nil. please help
Nobody can help you with just that. What CC version are you using? What line is it on?
Technomage #91
Posted 10 July 2015 - 11:37 PM
Everytime I launch the OS after the installer, the startup has an error and says this
startup :26: attempt to index ? (a nil value)
Nintendopup #92
Posted 11 July 2015 - 03:19 AM
Everytime I launch the OS after the installer, the startup has an error and says this
startup :26: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

I believe this may be an issue with a call to the multishell API. Are you using the correct version of ComputerCraft? The more recent version is always recommended.

As for other issues and questions, I will be working on NinOS tomorrow. In that time, I plan to make an announcement regarding the OS.

The NinOS Store will go down soon. It will return after the announcements tomorrow.
Edited on 11 July 2015 - 01:30 AM
Nintendopup #93
Posted 11 July 2015 - 08:45 PM
NinOS 0.3 Beta One

Utilities and Fixes

  • Bug Fixes and Changes
    • Start
      • Rename start screen
      • Improved open app animation
      • Right mouse drag to right to access menu
      • Right mouse drag to bottom to access SystemCenter
      • Left mouse drag to bottom to access Notification Center
      • Left mouse drag to top to access multishell
      • Fixed graphical glitch when opening large apps
      • notificationAmount fixed to show accurate amount
      • notificationAmount fixed to ignore DS_Store files and other irrelevant files
      • Fixed notifications being wrong color in some background settings
    • Lockscreen
      • Right mouse drag to right to access menu
      • Right mouse drag to bottom to access SystemCenter
      • Redesigned using user icon
      • Run apps from SystemCenter without entering password, restricted from rest of the system
    • Desktop
      • QuickAccess to Nin
      • Start button will always say start
      • Cleaned up code
    • Store
      • Darker theme
      • Store icon added for SystemCenter
    • Calculator
      • Redesign
      • Mouse-based
      • Smooth opening animation
    • Reader
      • Fixed graphic error when leaving a book opening in another tab
      • Simple reader for books gotten from TextEdit
    • Help
      • Fixed slight delay when opening help documents
    • TextEdit
      • Example text file
      • Updated overlay windows
      • Updated color scheme
      • Save as book option
    • Info
      • Header updated to use UIHeaderExpand API
      • Content moved upwards, giving more balance to the display
      • Header colors updated to change depending upon background
    • Nin
      • Improved commands
    • Terminal
      • “Help” command bring up the help app
      • Moved the exit button and the command-line area to the same line
        • This increases the amount of room to view files
      • Added checks to see if a program is being run
      • No longer covers up “No such program” errors
      • Improved opening time
      • New green command text theme
    • Update
      • Update was incorporated into the store (End user access to update is the same, go through information app)
    • Notifications
      • Welcome notification
      • Store-communicated notifications!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      • Restart requests now show as notification rather than error
      • Clickable notifications bring you to corresponding apps
      • Notifications remove themselves when you react to them
      • Limitation of three notifications removed
      • New features notification
      • Welcome notification leads to Help app
      • Improved file-count notifications
    • General
      • Updated requirePass function
      • Instant Restart Requests GUI Overlay updated to display quicker
      • Many functions were removed that only played at the start of an app (such as the initial draw of the desktop). They were replaced with storing information in variables and only running certain animations depending upon the values of said variables.
      • Faster speeds for small header animation
  • Focus Areas for this beta
    • Notifications
    • Calculator
    • Nin
    • Reader

If you find a bug, replace report it using the following form:

Bug Title (1-3 word description of bug):

Bugged App:

Error message:

Steps to reproduce:


Notification Center:
QuickAccess Nin:
Save As Book:
Reader With Saved Books:

Features Explained:
The goal of 0.3 is to add necessary features and to improve the ones already in NinOS. As always, the first beta contains some features, but larger features will be added over the course of the release. Beta Two, for example, will include more communications between apps.

There are four things that I'd like to focus on this time around:
- Ability to Rename Start Screen
To some, this will appear as a tiny feature. But to me, this represents something more than just the code. By renaming the start screen, you're able to leave your mark on NinOS. Adding this features was a difficult decision for me, as it lessens the control over what I want NinOS to look like. Now that I've added this slight customization feature, I'll admit that I enjoy it. Because of this, more customization will be coming soon. To rename the start screen, click on the first letter of "Start".

- Notifications
Notifications are necessary to truly have an operating system that people can enjoy. Right now, you have three initial notifications which you can interact with (which was a difficult system to make). In the future… the next beta, more exactly, I'd like to add a way for the store to create notifications. One example is (and this is just me thinking here): The store already redownloads itself to always have an up-to-date version. Maybe I can add another download of a file that notification center would read. I could simple change the contents on that downloaded file to create many different notifications that lead to different apps. I could send out a notification that notifies users that an online update is available, or that new apps have been added to the store, or anything, really.

- Save as book
This is another feature that I am rather proud of. To some, it may seem simple and unnecessary, which I am okay with. I like it, and I think others will as well. This is one of the first steps in making an operating system in which apps are able to interact with each other and actually have different things happen. In this case, you can create a text file in TextEdit, click save as book, and have it as a non-editable book. In the future, I'd like to make all the books editable – a communication going the opposite way in which you send a book to the textedit app. This system still needs work, but it is promising.

- Calculator
Of course, there are bound to be issues, but the calculator app is one of the first FULLY functional apps. It enabled you to perform calculations (of course), but it does though through the use of mouse clicks. No more typing in equations! The best part of this, of course, is that I've made the app very easy to work with (for me) so that I can add new operations without too much hassle.

In the end, I am aware that there will be issues. Keep in mind that this is a beta – one of many to come. And remember: Look out for any little features. There are quit a few.

- Nintendo
Joelahughes #94
Posted 11 July 2015 - 08:52 PM
The latest update looks awesome! I have to try it as soon as I can :)/>
Nintendopup #95
Posted 12 July 2015 - 12:44 AM
Quick Update:

I've put out an update (0.3 Beta 1.01) to fix some issues and make some quick changes:
- Debugger replaced with rennet Messenger
- Debugger icons in SystemCenter replaced with Messenger
- Installer fixed to download all icons
- Store icon for SystemCenter added
- Start screen name has returned on initial download
- Updatefile changed to use NinOS name (SteveOS is a development name)
- Fixed issue where Nin would cause system crash

- Nin
biggest yikes #96
Posted 13 July 2015 - 03:26 PM
What's the purpose of the "expire" date?
PokeAcer #97
Posted 13 July 2015 - 03:59 PM
BTW, just saying:
For the
pastebin get fD2PU1f6 Installer
, try using
pastebin run fD2PU1f6
which DLs it, runs it and then deletes the installer.
Also, idea - registering an email for a mail list so people can get update notices and ask others for help (I recommend mailman, I could help setup/host if needed)

EDIT: For some reason, when I try to DL commands+ it just changes the white behind the DL button to grey, and Nin seems just as 'I do not understand' as original.
Edited on 13 July 2015 - 02:23 PM
Nintendopup #98
Posted 14 July 2015 - 04:26 AM
What's the purpose of the "expire" date?
It's a note for when that exact version will be completely unsupported. In this case, 0.3 Beta One will be completely unsupported in October. The reason for this is to keep moving people forward. While I get that there's not really a need for this, I still like to have it just so I can act all official-like.

BTW, just saying:
For the
pastebin get fD2PU1f6 Installer
, try using
pastebin run fD2PU1f6
which DLs it, runs it and then deletes the installer.
Also, idea - registering an email for a mail list so people can get update notices and ask others for help (I recommend mailman, I could help setup/host if needed)

EDIT: For some reason, when I try to DL commands+ it just changes the white behind the DL button to grey, and Nin seems just as 'I do not understand' as original.

For the Installer idea, that would work in theory if I changed things around, but (as of this second) it enables people to update. In the future, I'm going to make the "Update" tool found in the info app just run the Installer file with a few arguments. Technically, either way works, but for convenience I keep the file. You can, of course, do what ever you'd like :)/>

For the email… hm. Good idea. But once I have a notification system that will send out update reminders (I've already made this for the next beta), and since people can ask questions here, what is the benefit to that? I mean, I guess I know the benefits but… is it worth it? I'll keep thinking about this xD.

Lastly, commands+ has been having issues for a long time… I'll go in to the shop files tomorrow and see what the issue is. I keep on wanting to fix that but… whoops :mellow:/> Also, currently Nin has only gained a "note" command. What I meant by "Improved Nin commands" in the changeling is that I've improved the system that makes them work, which will enable me to add more in the future. In fact, I've added a few commands for the next beta already :D/>

- Nin
Nintendopup #99
Posted 16 July 2015 - 03:31 AM
Quick Update:

The next beta of NinOS will be released next week. One of the major focus points of this beta is Nin. As many of you know, Nin right now is… not too helpful. But this will change. While Nin won't be gaining features such as "Call Tim" any time soon, I have made some rather nice upgrades. You'll see them in action next week, but I'd like to keep you informed here.

First of all, Nin now uses a new technique to know what you're saying. When you type something in to Nin, there's no longer set things that you have to type… for the most part. For example, if you'd like the notes app, you can say anything as long as it's related to notes and Nin knows this. "I'd like to take some notes" and "ewerweruywequruqwerweqNOTES" both work. Nin searches for certain terms in your commands and then does its best to give you what you want. This is extended to every command in Nin… And the best part about this is that I've been able to create some new things out of it, as well as design systems based on it.

The "system" that I'm talking about here is the way Nin commands are made. Before, you had to add a command file to the Nin directory, and then you had to add what people could say to access that command to a language table, and then you had to add what program would be run when a certain phrase was said to a commands table. This worked but… not well. Not much help when you'd just like to put a command in and go. Now, you put a command file in the Nin directory and Nin just knows how to take you there. Type in the name of the file (or test the new recognition) and Nin will bring you to that command. If you'd like to personalize things more, like having the name of the file be different from the command people enter… well, that still requires the old system. But at least this new one is in place to help slightly.

LASTLY (Here's the part that is good, Nin is able to open apps! ​Just tell Nin to open something, and Nin will do it. You don't even need to enter the exact name. Say "Open read" and reader will open!

Hope this makes people a bit more excited for the next beta!

- Nin
biggest yikes #100
Posted 18 July 2015 - 02:33 AM
which DLs it, runs it and then deletes the installer.
Not true, it views the source of the pastebin file and runs it through loadstring.
XMan3 #101
Posted 21 July 2015 - 04:41 PM
Bug found:

When starting NinOS, when it says "Welcome! Learn how to use…", pressing a key will result in window:248: bad argument: double expected, got nil error.

By this glitch I was able to access the source code, and managed to write an exploit program in core directory to execute code on users command.
biggest yikes #102
Posted 22 July 2015 - 02:29 PM
Bug found:

When starting NinOS, when it says "Welcome! Learn how to use…", pressing a key will result in window:248: bad argument: double expected, got nil error.
What CC version are you using?
By this glitch I was able to access the source code, and managed to write an exploit program in core directory to execute code on users command.
Uh, yeah, of course, because it would let you do the shell and do anything they want. There's no reason you couldn't. Heck, you can do it without the bug by using the terminal program, which lets you modify code in the first place.
Edited on 22 July 2015 - 12:31 PM
Nintendopup #103
Posted 22 July 2015 - 11:09 PM
Bug found:

When starting NinOS, when it says "Welcome! Learn how to use…", pressing a key will result in window:248: bad argument: double expected, got nil error.

By this glitch I was able to access the source code, and managed to write an exploit program in core directory to execute code on users command.

Yeah, this is an issue that I'm going to work on fixing… not entirely sure what's causing it, but I assume is just has to do with a messed up conditional statement somewhere.

As for the exploit… I don't intend (as of right now) to make security applications for NinOS, so this is to be expected. I'll write more later.

- Nintendo
ProjectB #104
Posted 27 July 2015 - 06:05 AM
I really like this OS, the animations are niceand for the resolution you had to work with the icons are great. I very much look forward to trying out your OS in the future! :)/>