Posted 21 June 2014 - 10:35 PM
Hello everybody I made a new free-open source password software !
The basic of it is like any other password programs except there is an auto-lock :
Let say you have 3 attempt to get the password right and if you fail them all, then the computer is locked for a minute
But if you failed the 2 first, and you got the third one, the countdown is resetted !
So it's a very nice program to have to be sure to don't get stole !
Here is the pastebin link :
If you want to make sure nobody stop the program unless breaking the computer, add these lines at the start of the program !
The basic of it is like any other password programs except there is an auto-lock :
Let say you have 3 attempt to get the password right and if you fail them all, then the computer is locked for a minute
But if you failed the 2 first, and you got the third one, the countdown is resetted !
So it's a very nice program to have to be sure to don't get stole !
Here is the pastebin link :
If you want to make sure nobody stop the program unless breaking the computer, add these lines at the start of the program !
local pullEvent = os.pullEvent
os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw
Edited on 21 June 2014 - 08:39 PM