So, my dev cycle is rather long. I've been working on these turtle programs since 1.2.5 and I FINALLY have them to where I feel comfortable releasing them. I know they're not perfect but they're to the point a player doesn't really need much inside knowlege to run them. So let's get started, shall we?

Everyone's first programs seem to be quarries, so let's not break the mold!

All turtles contain arguments to tell a base computer if it is out of fuel, more base station arguments to come!

Quarry w/o enderchest
-Quarry program is run without an enderchest
-At it's start point it needs 2 chests adjacent to it. A fuel chest to the right, and a dump chest behind it.
-fuel should be placed in slot 1 for inital operation

-The arguments for running the program are: <blocks forward> <blocks left> <blocks down>
-When the turtle is full it will go to it's chest to dump it's load, grab more fuel, and start back on the level where it was. (It won't start at the block position it was at, it will start on the level it was, if that happens to be half full with empty air, sorry.)

v1.0: (broken)

v1.1 Known Issues:

v1.0 known issues:
-Turtle does not know how to deal with mobs/gravel
-There is a bug where the turtle gets off centered when entering a cave
–(I have not been able to find this bug, everytime I watch it, it runs fine, but when I walk away for 30 seconds, it messes up a perfect hole)

Quarry w/ enderchest
-Set down a turtle
-Fuel goes in slot 1
-Enderchest in slot 2

-Turtle will mine in much the same way in the first program
-When turtle reaches the end of a row, it will check to see if anything is inside slot 3. Then it will place the enderchest from slot 2 above it, dump slots 3-16 into the enderchest, break the enderchest and place it back into slot 2.


v1.0 Known Issues:
-If a single item gets stuck in slot 3 and is something that is rare to find in the world, it won't drop. (easy fix, just havn't gotten around to it)

Tree Corer [WIP]
-Optimum tree placement:
–5 spaces between trees/saplings

-it will chop 4 trees (1x1 thick trees) in a line
-it will do 4 rows
-after it chops the trees down it will go to where it started drop its items, move back 3 spots, pick up saplings, then turn left and get ready to start again.


v0.3 Known Issues:
-won't go back to exact start location, but it will start from where it leaves off of the the first time no problem.
-if there are not exactly 4 trees in 4 rows it will wonder off into the world never to be seen again (fuel permitting)
-not modular
-will not get rid of large vinilla oak trees

-The Tree Corer was originally designed for the better farming mod, apples and oranges would drop from decaying leaves.
-It works perfect with some kind of mod that will pick up items off the ground (vacuum hoppers or RP transposers, thaumcraft golems probably will get in the way)

Hope someone finds these programs useful, I did when I started making them, and they are in my standard pouch when I go onto any server.