This program takes a typical '.schematic' file as input, asks for all necessary materials and builds it. The schematic file should be in the NBT file format (typically used by MCEdit and WorldEdit). Also, it should be extracted (allmost every .schematic file is compressed as a gzip file).
Screenshots (maybe movies, although I hate making them) and detailed explanation will follow.
Find/create/download a specific .schematic file and decompress it (often: right click -> extract here). Copy the file to the directory of the relevant turtle.
If you have, for example, named the program 'schematic-builder', then use the command:
schematic-builder <your decompressed schematic file>
It will ask for each material needed. For each material, you enter the numbers of all slots containing the material (separators don't matter). If you don't want to use the material, just leave the field blank and press enter.
Eventually it'll ask for a last key press and start building!
latest version (v0.2):
version 0.1:
Just save it as 'schematic-builder' in your roms folder or the directory of a specific turtle.
You could also use the pastebin program on CraftOS: 'http/pastebin get 9e1Y9FCM'.
I've added an example schematic file as an attachment. It's zipped, but the file isn't gzip-compressed anymore:
06/03: v0.1: - uploaded first version
06/03: v0.2: - lazy fix so that only wool is uniquely identified by different data values
Questions, comments, advise and suggestions (and complaints, whatever…) are all welcome.