
Current Version: 1.2
As of now, there's a buffer in the game to reduce flickering. However, it will be needing some improvements, so expect to see them as the game updates. Here's some basic info:
Key Features:
* Loading / Saving your worlds.
* Survival / Creative Modes.
* A (Unused) Time System.
* Crafting / Smelting.
* A Variety of Blocks and Items.
* Options menu for tweaking your character, or the game in general.
* The ability to add and name servers to join. (Server script is not completed).
* Inventory Management.
* (Finite) Randomly generated worlds, which can be made from 64x64 to 256x256 when creating your world.
* Pick up and play controls.
* Modding.
Controls: (Default, only changeable via editing code)
W or Arrow Key Up: Up
A or Arrow Key Left: Left
S or Arrow Key Down: Down
D or Arrow Key Right: Right
E: Interacts with the block your facing. If there isn't a block, then it opens your inventory.
Shift: Keeps character from switching direction when moving.
Space: Uses the currently equipped item on the block / tile directly in front of you.
Backspace: Enters the Pause menu.
F2: Changes gamemode. (Temp)
F3: Shows / Hides Debug info.
F4: Changes your dimension. (For now, you can only switch between overworld and caves, also temp)
F5: Saves world.
Controls in menus: (Default, only changeable via editing code)
W or Arrow Key Up: Move to upper selection.
A or Arrow Key Left: Move to left selection.
S or Arrow Key Down: Move to lower selection.
D or Arrow Key Right: Move to right selection.
Enter: Chooses the currently selected item.
Backspace: Goes back to the menu you were last in.
There are clickable buttons, usually found at the bottom of the menu, shown in its own border.
Gray boxes are for text input. Click them to enter text as you normally would.
Creative Info:
When in creative, your inventory wont change when using items / blocks. You can also craft for free this way.
Also, left clicking on the mouse anywhere in the world places a block. Right clicking removes blocks. Scroll to change blocks. To see the different blocks, look at the debug info (F3).
To install MiniatureCraft, go into shell and run: pastebin run g2ijEJ3S
Known bugs:
* When using a item, the durability bar doesn't change / both numbers decrease.
* When placing items in a "hole" tile, sometimes you need to place it at a specific direction.
Version List:
Current version: 1.2 (The Menu Update)
* Added in a multiplayer menu where you can add and name servers. This will be used for when the server script is ready.
* Added in a options menu. Here, you can change the player name and color, aswell as change the type ingame drawing.
* Added in a Exit option for quitting the game.
* Single player worlds can now be loaded from a menu, and created from the same one.
* A pause menu ingame (Backspace to get into)
* Better stability.
Old Versions:
1.1b: Initial Release.1.1c: Buffer implemented. slightly better game play, but is rather slow. Buffer speed ups coming in 1.1d.
Upcoming Features: (In random order)
* Better game mechanics (Farming, lighting, etc)
* Multiplayer! :D/>
* Better Pocket Computer support.
Modding: (Yes, modding.)
For all of you interested in making mods for MiniatureCraft, here's a quick tutorial.
First, we make a file. In this case, I'll name my file "SapphireMod".
We need to add our own assets in the game, so we create a table. Now, lets make out first block.
The index of the table should be the ID of your item. So, for example, a block that has a ID of 30 should look like this:
local moddedAssets = {[30] = {}
Now, we cant have a empty table as a block. This is what each block / tile has to have in its asset.
name = string – Self explanatoryhealth = number– How many times a block can be hit before it breaks. As a reference, wood tools do a max damage of 1, while gem tools do a max damage of 5.
drop = table – The drop is what the block drops when broken. The table format must be {id, amount, id, amount, …}
type = string – The type of block it is. If its meant for pickaxes, the type is "rock". If its meant for axes, the type is "wood". If it doesn't really matter what breaks it, the type is "any".
bgT = number (color) – The background color of the block / tile. For example, the background color for grass is colors.lime.
fgT = number (color) – The foreground color of the block / tile. For example, the foreground color for grass is
fgS = string – This is the "character" that goes on top of the block / tile. This uses the fgT color. For example, the fgS of grass is ">". The fgS is recommendedto be one character.
Now, after putting the necessary values, we should have something like this:
local moddedAssets = {[30] = {name = "Sapphire Ore", health = 25, drop = {230, 1}, type = "rock", bgT = colors.lightGray, fgT =, fgS = "+"}
After we are done with our table, for the game to use it, we simply put:
LoadAPI.addMod(string (name of type of stuff your adding), string (type), table (The stuff you plan to add in), string (info, nice to have, but not necessary) )
So, after we have put all the values needed, the function should look similar to this:
LoadAPI.addMod("SapphireBlocksAndItems", "asset", moddedAssets, "Sets the data for sapphire stuff.")
And the final code:
local moddedAssets = {[30] = {name = "Sapphire Ore", health = 25, drop = {230, 1}, type = "rock", bgT = colors.lightGray, fgT =, fgS = "+"}
LoadAPI.addMod("SapphireBlocksAndItems", "asset", moddedAssets, "Sets the data for sapphire stuff.")
I'll get more into modding the game later, but for now, this should serve as a template for modding. Its basically a follow up to the whole "SapphireMod" things.
And one last thing about modding! To use the mods in-game, drop your mods into the folder (Your MiniatureCraft Directory)/MiniMods. For example, if the game installed to a folder named "game", you would put your mods in the folder "game/MiniMods". More on modding will be added later.
After your done with your mods, pm them to me with some basic info on it, and I'll add it to the post for others to use. Your mods must be compatible with vanilla MiniatureCraft, not your own modified version.
Notice about asset IDs: MiniatureCraft reserves the IDs 1 - 500. Please keep your asset IDs from 501 - 1000 as that's the limit. I have not stopped mod files from overwriting the vanilla assets, but please don't do so unless your mod changes the asset to be compatible with your mod.
This game is under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License. Click on the link for more info on the license.
Note: Lots of the game is not optimized, however, you can expect slight speed ups throughout updates.
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