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taken in April 2020.

[WIP] CORE online chat
Started by rex41043, 03 June 2012 - 05:22 AMPosted 03 June 2012 - 07:22 AM
CORE is a chat program I have been working on for a wile it uses the HTTPAPI to chat with players on server all over the WORLD it is HIGHLY a WIP it still has a long way to go till its done but i think it will be lots of fun!
Posted 03 June 2012 - 08:25 AM
does it use a php page or something to handle the data?
Posted 03 June 2012 - 01:16 PM
Why post it in a Program Library if theres no program yet?
Posted 04 June 2012 - 04:17 AM
ya i'm having a little trubble geting the php stuff to work the way i want it 2does it use a php page or something to handle the data?
Posted 04 June 2012 - 10:30 AM
I suspect you may have some load issues with PHP if this gets popular.. I know you're forced to use the HTTP API to interact with servers outside of Minecraft.. Doesn't seem ideal for this but I guess it should work.
If you get stuck with the PHP, feel free to PM me.. Still learning Lua but I can PHP :)/>/>
If you get stuck with the PHP, feel free to PM me.. Still learning Lua but I can PHP :)/>/>
Posted 06 June 2012 - 06:27 AM
make sure it only takes requests from the server ip so you dont have a bunch of bots spamming it so you will actually have to be on the server to spam which is a lot easier to detect
Posted 06 June 2012 - 08:49 PM
ya i'm making it so you have to sign up your servermake sure it only takes requests from the server ip so you dont have a bunch of bots spamming it so you will actually have to be on the server to spam which is a lot easier to detect
Posted 11 June 2012 - 01:15 PM
if u guys need an irc server i think i can get one running 24/7 for u all for this program
Posted 14 June 2012 - 06:11 AM
I will have to think on that PM me with your email or some thing like that and i will get back to youif u guys need an irc server i think i can get one running 24/7 for u all for this program
Posted 01 January 2013 - 08:05 PM
when can we expect a release date for the program. I bet it will be very fun
Posted 01 January 2013 - 09:13 PM
I'll be totally honest with you, I think you bit off a bit more than you can chew. First off, a login system will pretty much REQUIRE you to learn mysql to handle the username and password database. Make sure you warn people not to put there real username and passwords as the server login so another "NDF-OS" accident doesn't happen again. Another problem you might have is with the servers. I have no idea what server you are going to have, but a free server will probably not handle the flood of PHP requests. Mostly because almost all free server hosts run multiple domains at once and you are limited by the amount of CPU usage on the server. Don't get me wrong, PHP is fast, but it was never designed for live webchat. On top of that, spammers will find there way. If you pull this off, I will be VERY impressed, not so much if you are using a fancy virtual server or something like that.
Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:20 AM
Everyone saying PHP can't handle it either has a bad web host or never used PHP before. It's fast enough for live web chat, you can even use the PHP sockets and use the CCSockets peripheral to make this easier. But still, posting data to the page and saving it to a MySQL table then retrieving the chat from another page is fairly simple and not as intensive as you may think.
I have made a world wide email system (search CCEmail) and that handles logins, sending and receiving messages really quickly. Yes it had a few security flaws like unlimited accounts from one IP, but if I had the desire to continue making it I could implement that in about 10 lines if code.
I also think I was the first to pull this sort of thing off using pure HTTP.
PHP is plenty powerful enough to run a live web chat too. Search "PHP live"
I have made a world wide email system (search CCEmail) and that handles logins, sending and receiving messages really quickly. Yes it had a few security flaws like unlimited accounts from one IP, but if I had the desire to continue making it I could implement that in about 10 lines if code.
I also think I was the first to pull this sort of thing off using pure HTTP.
PHP is plenty powerful enough to run a live web chat too. Search "PHP live"
Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:12 AM
lol my first php script:
logs your IP and puts it into a file :3
i could prolly make a logon script once i figure out message boxes >_>
im going to use it to scare my hyper paranoid friend
i can also make a program to read an entire file (chatlog anyone?)
logs your IP and puts it into a file :3
i could prolly make a logon script once i figure out message boxes >_>
im going to use it to scare my hyper paranoid friend
i can also make a program to read an entire file (chatlog anyone?)
Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:55 AM
I have a login script that uses php and stores names/email address/passwords (encrypts them) into a mysql database.
It's not live though, I made it and tested it with xampp.
It's not live though, I made it and tested it with xampp.
Posted 04 January 2013 - 04:00 AM
im using xampp :3
and, thanks for your ip :D/>
and, thanks for your ip :D/>
Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:38 PM
No code to show. PM me when you have code or would like this to be moved to General.