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Manual Os (Alpha) a Secure Login Os

Started by visionfear, 11 July 2014 - 07:55 AM
visionfear #1
Posted 11 July 2014 - 09:55 AM
= Install =
1: type this in your computer: pastebin run ahqw2dup
2: wait for it to be downloaded

= About Manual OS =
Manual OS is an Operation System for Computercraft Mod. its main goal is to be secure against "hackers"
its in the alpha stage. its made by a group that don't have a name yet (still working on it)

= Content =

* Secure Login System (redworks template)
* Multiple Accounts (redworks template)
* Msg On Monitor (credits Diggeroo)
* update's (credits visionfear)
* Speaker Program (credits ooliver and visionfear)

= Features =

* touch buttons
* homepage
* startup meny
* permissions
* ranks
* clock
* calculator
* access to wikiepdia
* auto updates
* own appstore
* easier rednet
* easier printer
* easier copy and paste
* replace program
* file browser
* http browser

Edited on 19 December 2015 - 06:50 AM
Cranium #2
Posted 11 July 2014 - 03:26 PM
You might get more views if you post some screenshots, or what the system does in detail.
Cranium #3
Posted 11 July 2014 - 06:37 PM
You can edit your topics. Don't create new topics for the same program.
Datamats #4
Posted 11 July 2014 - 07:24 PM
This is just a modifyed version of redworks did you get permission?
visionfear #5
Posted 11 July 2014 - 07:28 PM
nope only the account system as a template
Datamats #6
Posted 11 July 2014 - 07:33 PM

Wow such a difference you could credit the original team or ask for their permission…
also as it as right now it's only a login program yes a PROGRAM so it has nothing to do in the OS forum
Edited on 11 July 2014 - 05:34 PM
visionfear #7
Posted 11 July 2014 - 07:43 PM
1. I updated that login system (program)
2: its content many programs
3 Its Alpha
4: u dont need to argu with something that is wasted
5: An Os is more than pictures. OS don't need to have pictures or others stuff. but read "alpha"
Edited on 12 July 2014 - 07:53 PM
oeed #8
Posted 12 July 2014 - 10:56 AM
5: An Os is more than pictures. Os don't need to have pictures or others stuff. but read "alpha"

It may sound silly, but even one or two screenshots of absolutely anything, no matter how basic, will result in more people trying it out. I can say that without a single doubt.
visionfear #9
Posted 12 July 2014 - 03:58 PM
I am going to post them now I think (I am a bit slow) srry
MKlegoman357 #10
Posted 12 July 2014 - 09:06 PM
Your screenshots don't work. Also:

= About Manual Os =

Did you forgot to write the description?

"Msg On Monitor" - what kind of message?
"startup meny" - menu or money or ?
"ranks" - what do you mean by that?
"own appstore" - how does it work? How can you upload programs there?
"easier rednet", "easier printer" - what's easier about them?
"easier copy and paste" - there is no native "copying" of any sort in CC. How can it be easier? Also, pasting IMO is made very easy - there is one event which returns the pasted text - how can that be made even easier?
"http browser" - a real WWW internet browser which supports html websites?

Off topic
1. I updated that login system (program)
2: its content many programs
3 Its Alpha
4: u dont need to argu with somthing that is wasted
5: An Os is more than pictures. Os don't need to have pictures or others stuff. but read "alpha"
6 so its has lot to do with An Os. we could explain the main reason you argu. because u want to work with me…..

XD lol

hmm, lets see: 1. | 2: | 3 - you couldn't decide what to use: a comma, colon or just nothing :P/>/>?
"u", "argu", "somthing" - check your spelling
ah, you seem to now a lot about OSes ("An Os is more than pictures. Os don't need to have pictures or others stuff.", "so its has lot to do with An Os. we could explain the main reason you argu. because u want to work with me…..
"), but if you do know that much about OSes you should be a quite educated person IMO and wouldn't do so many spelling mistakes, talk more understandable and you wouldn't spell "Os" because that's short for "Operating System" and both letters should be uppercase (OS).
"because u want to work with me….." - what? I don't think he wants to work with you. He just revealed that this is a copy of RedWorks OS.
"4: u dont need to argu with somthing that is wasted" - your post sounds "wasted" :P/>/>

No offence, but you copied a CC OS and posted it as yours. And please speak English English, not Slang English.

PS.: I understand that my English may not be good at all, I honestly don't even know why I made this spoiler in the first place.
Edited on 12 July 2014 - 07:07 PM
visionfear #11
Posted 12 July 2014 - 09:51 PM
Your screenshots don't work. Also:

= About Manual Os =

Did you forgot to write the description?

"Msg On Monitor" - what kind of message?
"startup meny" - menu or money or ?
"ranks" - what do you mean by that?
"own appstore" - how does it work? How can you upload programs there?
"easier rednet", "easier printer" - what's easier about them?
"easier copy and paste" - there is no native "copying" of any sort in CC. How can it be easier? Also, pasting IMO is made very easy - there is one event which returns the pasted text - how can that be made even easier?
"http browser" - a real WWW internet browser which supports html websites?

Off topic
1. I updated that login system (program)
2: its content many programs
3 Its Alpha
4: u dont need to argu with somthing that is wasted
5: An Os is more than pictures. Os don't need to have pictures or others stuff. but read "alpha"
6 so its has lot to do with An Os. we could explain the main reason you argu. because u want to work with me…..

XD lol

hmm, lets see: 1. | 2: | 3 - you couldn't decide what to use: a comma, colon or just nothing :P/>/>?
"u", "argu", "somthing" - check your spelling
ah, you seem to now a lot about OSes ("An Os is more than pictures. Os don't need to have pictures or others stuff.", "so its has lot to do with An Os. we could explain the main reason you argu. because u want to work with me…..
"), but if you do know that much about OSes you should be a quite educated person IMO and wouldn't do so many spelling mistakes, talk more understandable and you wouldn't spell "Os" because that's short for "Operating System" and both letters should be uppercase (OS).
"because u want to work with me….." - what? I don't think he wants to work with you. He just revealed that this is a copy of RedWorks OS.
"4: u dont need to argu with somthing that is wasted" - your post sounds "wasted" :P/>/>

No offence, but you copied a CC OS and posted it as yours. And please speak English English, not Slang English.

PS.: I understand that my English may not be good at all, I honestly don't even know why I made this spoiler in the first place.

I'll fix it but I am a bit slow (very slow) thats why I put it in alpha for the first time
1: its a program a friend of mine was working. it just make a message on the screen nothing special.
2: srry again I am not used to write in english (longe time since I did that) its startup menu (going to fix it)
3: ranks with the permissions so each people are allowed to special things like read, write and copy
4: thinking of a code or a website kind of pastebin but more graphics
5: a program that will find the rednet for you so you dont now to write side or anything like that
6: I think I can make the copy more easier
7: I think so but as I said its in alpha and its not made by only me. as soon as we find a team name we will change it

Off Topic
Spoiler1: I like it that way, cause its kind of a system or easy to understand at least for me.
2: I know my spelling is bad
3 He is one of my friend but he is always want to be better than me. every time to prove that he can be better. and yea I know I am a retard
its like I am bill gates and him steve jobs
4: din't u read that I said I copied the Login System… rest of it is just trash I am working on getting own programs that can be usefull. but I test them in a SMP with some friends that we work on it.
5: I am srry if this is something wrong spelled too. but I'll fix what I see is wrong beside the program is less errors in than my spelling because I dont get Errors here
Edited on 12 July 2014 - 07:52 PM
Kizz #12
Posted 17 July 2014 - 01:40 PM
Lay off the guy. He's learning. So what if he's using Redworks as a base. He's clearly learning, and want's some feedback. No need to be rude.

As for permission, currently Redworks isn't protected by any type of copyright, and I doubt they care if he is using it. He isn't selling it, and everyone knows it's Redworks.

However, it is polite and encouraged to give credit to the original creators Vision. I would suggest editing the log-in screen to display something like "Based on the Redworks OS".
Mr. Bateman #13
Posted 17 July 2014 - 01:58 PM
Lay off the guy. He's learning. So what if he's using Redworks as a base. He's clearly learning, and want's some feedback. No need to be rude.
An OS isn't where to start. There are already heaps of them, and to make one that is pretty useful requires heaps of knowledge of the language.
He should start writing programs instead, and when he feels comfortable, return back to this project.
Kizz #14
Posted 17 July 2014 - 02:48 PM
I agree, but ultimately, we all need something to drive us. If he chooses to start on an OS then I'm not going to stop him. I just hate seeing someone inexperienced get bashed for trying to learn.
visionfear #15
Posted 17 July 2014 - 02:52 PM
Lay off the guy. He's learning. So what if he's using Redworks as a base. He's clearly learning, and want's some feedback. No need to be rude.

As for permission, currently Redworks isn't protected by any type of copyright, and I doubt they care if he is using it. He isn't selling it, and everyone knows it's Redworks.

However, it is polite and encouraged to give credit to the original creators Vision. I would suggest editing the log-in screen to display something like "Based on the Redworks OS".
the only thing I am going to use is the login system but I have to starte somewhere I and I am working on change the screen and redworks is outdated