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Chemical helper - periodic table,apparatus designer

Started by Konlab, 12 July 2014 - 07:57 PM
Konlab #1
Posted 12 July 2014 - 09:57 PM
I continued learning lua, and decided to publish some programs about chemistry.

My programs:

Apparatus (Design Chemical apparatuses)
SpoilerCurrent version is beta 0.1!!!

Design chemical apparatuses
press 'n' to add new pot
right click to draw pixel
more info when you press 'm'


make a dir in root called 'apparatus'
go there
download the program:
pastebin get AVFHabzr apparatus
make an another dir: /apparatus/pot
there put pots (paint pots with paint program)

Another's programs, that I updated:

Periodic table:
SpoilerA simple periodic table.
If you click on a element right shows the details
double click: shows more details
Note: More details aren't adds the installer, you can add it manually in /periodic_table/info/ folder
Originally created by InputUsername
link: http://www.computerc...periodic-table/

I just added the info folder access things, changed background…

pastebin get jYF2PSrF installer
and run it
Edited on 12 July 2014 - 08:03 PM
Konlab #2
Posted 12 July 2014 - 10:02 PM
You can make with apparatus even (if you draw/paint pots in pot folder) :
-destillation apparatus
and much more!!!
Limits are only:
-Your paint knowledges
-The screen's size
Saldor010 #3
Posted 13 July 2014 - 03:03 PM
All the Apparatus is, is a paint program. It also flickers a lot, you should probably get a buffer.