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DoorLock V1

Started by XxCreepydeaDxX, 19 July 2014 - 12:11 PM
XxCreepydeaDxX #1
Posted 19 July 2014 - 02:11 PM
Hello there ! i want to share my first program called DoorLock v1 . i think you know it . it's a doorlock program i'm new to computercraft so i don't really know how to code but im proud of that program .

there is the pastebin for it :
just type that in a computer : pastebin get WWiPfWwY startup
the default password is : admin
for changing it edit the program ( ctrl + t ; edit startup ) at line 7 : "if mdp == ("admin") then" just remove "admin "and type your password

How to setup :

sorry for my english :P/>
XxCreepydeaDxX #2
Posted 19 July 2014 - 06:24 PM
My bad . can somebody move this post in the "program section" ?
Arektor #3
Posted 19 July 2014 - 07:19 PM
Well, it's pretty simple but for a first program I'll never did better ^^
If you want to make a V2, take a look at these pages:
http://www.computerc...56-in-pure-lua/ to hash the password and make it harder to hack (maybe a bit too hard to understand for somebody is new in lua / computercraft, but maybe…)
http://www.computerc...nfo/wiki/Tables could be useful for making several accounts

And hilburn gave me these functions for one of my programs, it's very cool, you can save a table in a file, and load it later.

--All credits to hilburn for these two functions
function saveFile(data, filename)
	  if fs.exists(filename) then
	  file =, "w")
function loadFile(filename)
	   if fs.exists(filename) then
		  file =, "r")
		  data = textutils.unserialize(file.readAll())
		   print("Could not load data file, exiting...")
				return data

A little explication of these functions:
You have a file called "passwords" and contain the following code :

This is a table structure.

You want to load it in the program called "DoorLock", as the table "list", you juste have to did that :
local list = loadFile("passwords")
Notice if, for example, your file "passwords" is in the folder Door, it will be this :
local list = loadFile("/Door/passwords")

Next, if you want to save the file (For example, somebody modified his password in the program):
saveFile(list, "passwords") where list is the name of your table and passwords the name of your file.

I hope I've tell you something useful, and you've understand it (if not, just tell me it, I'll do some… better explications)
And if you want the hilburn's functions adapted for a simple string and not a table, tell me it too :P/>

Edit: After reflexion I think I've said a lot of things that you will not understand X_X
Edited on 19 July 2014 - 05:20 PM
XxCreepydeaDxX #4
Posted 19 July 2014 - 08:45 PM
Well, it's pretty simple but for a first program I'll never did better ^^
If you want to make a V2, take a look at these pages:
http://www.computerc...56-in-pure-lua/ to hash the password and make it harder to hack (maybe a bit too hard to understand for somebody is new in lua / computercraft, but maybe…)
http://www.computerc...nfo/wiki/Tables could be useful for making several accounts

And hilburn gave me these functions for one of my programs, it's very cool, you can save a table in a file, and load it later.

--All credits to hilburn for these two functions
function saveFile(data, filename)
	  if fs.exists(filename) then
	  file =, "w")
function loadFile(filename)
	   if fs.exists(filename) then
		  file =, "r")
		  data = textutils.unserialize(file.readAll())
		   print("Could not load data file, exiting...")
				return data

A little explication of these functions:
You have a file called "passwords" and contain the following code :

This is a table structure.

You want to load it in the program called "DoorLock", as the table "list", you juste have to did that :
local list = loadFile("passwords")
Notice if, for example, your file "passwords" is in the folder Door, it will be this :
local list = loadFile("/Door/passwords")

Next, if you want to save the file (For example, somebody modified his password in the program):
saveFile(list, "passwords") where list is the name of your table and passwords the name of your file.

I hope I've tell you something useful, and you've understand it (if not, just tell me it, I'll do some… better explications)
And if you want the hilburn's functions adapted for a simple string and not a table, tell me it too :P/>

Edit: After reflexion I think I've said a lot of things that you will not understand X_X

thx for explaining me some things . I don't really understand but i'm gonna try to do what you have say ;)/>

sorry for the english
Dragon53535 #5
Posted 20 July 2014 - 04:00 AM
Hes using the file commands, i'm going to link you to a little introduction to the commands you can use to save a config. Here Using that you could type something like:

local file ="config","r") --opens a file.
local fileData = {} --This is a new table to save the data in.
local line = file.readLine() -Reads a line in the file.
   table.insert(line,fileData) --Puts the line into the table to be read.
   line = file.readLine() --Reads the next line
until line == nil --when no more lines, stops trying to read lines.
file.close() -- closes the file, you need to do this after you're done using a file.
local Input = read()
If Input == fileData[1] then -- If what you type is the first line in the file then let them in.

Now if you wanted to you could attempt to look at one of the programs i made earlier myself, however i use GravityScore's SHA256 for computercraft in my program, so you have to read past it if you want to see how my program works. I use functions and a few other things that might be a tiny bit difficult to understand fully when you're just starting out however if you look for the area you can see how i apply that. The way the program is set up is that people have a username and password to login with, and an admin account that decides if they can access the computer fully.
Edited on 21 July 2014 - 11:12 AM
Arektor #6
Posted 20 July 2014 - 06:00 PM
sorry for the english

I'm not english too ^^

And you can make a little GUI too, using Paint (in computercraft) and this :

image = paintutils.loadImage("/Images/Menu") --Menu is the image file, located in the Images folder. If the image is in the root folder, just type "Menu".
paintutils.drawImage(image,1,1) --Will draw the image at the coords X: 1 and Y: 1.
Cookiezi #7
Posted 20 July 2014 - 06:03 PM
Nice job, I like it.
I can use this on CC servers, it will be handy.
XxCreepydeaDxX #8
Posted 21 July 2014 - 10:29 AM
Nice job, I like it.
I can use this on CC servers, it will be handy.
yes you can ! why not :)/>

Hes using the file commands, i'm going to link you to a little introduction to the commands you can use to save a config. Here Using that you could type something like:

local file ="config","r") --opens a file.
local fileData = {} --This is a new table to save the data in.
local line = file.readLine() -Reads a line in the file.
   table.insert(line,fileData) --Puts the line into the table to be read.
   line = file.readLine() --Reads the next line
until line == nil --when no more lines, stops trying to read lines.
file.close() -- closes the file, you need to do this after you're done using a file.
local Input = read()
If Input == fileData[1] then -- If what you type is the fire line in the file then let them in.

Now if you wanted to you could attempt to look at one of the programs i made earlier myself, however i use GravityScore's SHA256 for computercraft in my program, so you have to read past it if you want to see how my program works. I use functions and a few other things that might be a tiny bit difficult to understand fully when you're just starting out however if you look for the area you can see how i apply that. The way the program is set up is that people have a username and password to login with, and an admin account that decides if they can access the computer fully.
wow you program is literally different . im gonna check it out

sorry for the english

I'm not english too ^^

And you can make a little GUI too, using Paint (in computercraft) and this :

image = paintutils.loadImage("/Images/Menu") --Menu is the image file, located in the Images folder. If the image is in the root folder, just type "Menu".
paintutils.drawImage(image,1,1) --Will draw the image at the coords X: 1 and Y: 1.
i know that . but i don't think i'm gonna make it . i don't really love the computercraft's Paint
Edited on 21 July 2014 - 08:28 AM
Dragon53535 #9
Posted 21 July 2014 - 01:10 PM
wow you program is literally different . im gonna check it out

Yeah it saves the file with the persons username as the file name and the password as a hashed string inside the file.
Carrots084 #10
Posted 26 July 2014 - 04:12 AM
Good Job! When I started Lua I couldn't do squat! You're on your way to a great place! Keep programming!