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Security Suite V2.1.2 PDA Support For Remote Control

Started by hbomb79, 24 July 2014 - 09:28 AM
hbomb79 #1
Posted 24 July 2014 - 11:28 AM
**NOTE** you need to have white listed GitHub in your computercraft configuration! here's how you do it:

Navigate to your single player configs (If on server you need to change server side too) and find the computercraft one.

Then change:

To This:


Latest Available Update: V2 Update Now!
New Program: remoteControl

NOTE: If you want to have a talk with me then feel free to add me on skype: harrywfelton1

This program suite is deprecated. Apologies to those of you waiting for updates. However, a new and improved program collection is on its way.
Keep up to date via GitHub:

Hello everybody, this is my first proper program so constructive criticism would be nice, although if I haven't done it, then I probably don't know how, so a quick demonstration on how to use it would be great.

Lets jump in…

What Is It?
HbombOS Security Suite Is named after my OS which has come to a halt by my lack of knowledge, but i just like the name, Although the program is not finished it allows you to protect your things in Minecraft using programming, It downloads files from GitHub(Links Below) and allows you to choose one of them to run on startup, this can be changed at boot… (Tutorial in links below) the suite comes with 3 options currently, more will be added, the ones you have now are: Pin Lock, Digital Lock, and Reactor Control And Range Lock they all have your safety at heart!

To see what all the programs do in detail, check out the 'Program Overviews and Explanations' Section below

Security Suite Page
Contact Me

Want Some Screenies… Sure thing!


If you want to examine, pick to pieces or admire (Probably Not The Latter) the code, then here are the links

GITHUB Repository:
Pastebin Installer:

Program Overviews And Explanations
PIN Program
This Explains What The PIN Program Does And How To Use It

This program allows you to set a 4 Digit number password, You can define the PIN, The Redstone Ouput Side, And The Duration Of the redstone output

You can also decide whether you want the computer to respond to redstone, If you choose this option you will also be asked what side you want the redstone to have to be applied to in order for it to emit the redstone signal… Scenario:

Lets say you had a super duper secure room with a long password but didnt want to type it when leaving, well now you dont have to, simply use this setting and put a button on the back of the computer, when the button has been pressed it will simply act as if the password was typed, and will emit the redstone signal for the same amount of time. Remember You choose what side the button/redstone has to be on

Digital Lock
This explains what the Digital Lock program does and how to use it

This Program allows you to set a username and password that be be mixed types, both can be up to 15 characters long, You can define the Username, Password, Redstone Output Side, And The Duration Of The Redstone Output

You can also decide whether you want the computer to respond to redstone, If you choose this option you will also be asked what side you want the redstone to have to be applied to in order for it to emit the redstone signal… Scenario:

Lets say you had a super duper secure room with a long password but didnt want to type it when leaving, well now you dont have to, simply use this setting and put a button on the back of the computer, when the button has been pressed it will simply act as if the password was typed, and will emit the redstone signal for the same amount of time. Remember You choose what side the button/redstone has to be on

Reactor Management
This explains how to use the reactor program in the suite

Personally i think this is the best reactor management program , Im not saying it IS but i think it brings many features other do not have…

- Ability to override the system to manually control state
- Manually control the Fuel rods
- Auto mode keeps the reactor settings at the best to ensure no wasted power
- Ability to set your own Shutdown RF point
- Ability to set your own Turndown RF point
- Hotkeys to adjust reactor mode
- Displays information on screen such as: Temperature, Energy Stored, Fuel Rods, Fuel Amount, Waste Amount, State Of Reactor(Active)
- Live updating, Instantly updates when you manually change the reactor if you have the computer in manual mode
- Change your settings
- Instant Key Presses (Version 1.2.4)
- Touch Screen Monitor Support (Version 1.2.4)
- Settings Changeable Via Monitor (Version 1.2.4)

The computer monitors the reactors main aspects and turns down or completely shuts down the reactor based on the energy stored within, It allows you to manually override and set it to 100% manual mode, from there you can change the reactor settings from within either the computer or the reactor and the PC will update in real time, The modes can be switched by pressing S, and changed back to auto mode by pressing F, you can delete your settings to redo them by pressing [ALT], you can even manually adjust the fuel rod percentages from within the PC by pressing C

Update V1.2.4 Adds touch screen monitor support, Simply connect a monitor either via Wired Cables and Modems or place it right next to the PC and reboot the system, It then uses the monitor TOO, you can click the top right to toggle the reactor or the 'Auto Toggle' to toggle the auto management.

This Suite detects updates and will prompt you on update, if you didn't enable quiet updating. If you didn't enable this option then check the PC every reboot to ensure the program isnt stopped from loading by the updater or reset your settings through the boot menu and enable it on prompt

Range Lock Security
This program is a simple yet effective security proximity lock that uses Pocket Computers, therefore you must be running computercraft 1.63

This security uses a series of modem messages that determine how far away you are from the door via your PDA, Simply Download The Security suite and select the rangePDA security system and follow the on-screen prompts to set-up

On setup you will be asked to insert a PDA, the PDA must be advanced and wireless, There is no need for you to put ANY previous programming on the PDA simply insert it

After setup press [ALT] at anytime and enter your admin password that you set on boot of the main suite, You can then, Register, Un-Register, Remove Files Off PDA or Reset your config, I added the requirement of the password because a few people felt that was needed, Maybe they dont want to hide the computer like they would have too with oeeds version

If you remove files ONLY our files will be removed which means you can use your PDA again, Although the startup file and anything in a directory named /api/ WILL be removed

The reset config option removes your settings and will thus require you to setup again, It will require you to re-register your PDAs

The Un-Register option removes the entire fingerprint… This means any other computers will deny your PDA too, There might be a feature later that only removes it from the whitelist on the computer your using!

If multiple computers are in range, the PDA status will alternate between 'Granted' and either 'System Ready' or 'Access Denied' Depending on your access of course…

Special thanks to oeed for helping me out with this project, although his code needed alot of altering for my usage i couldnt have done it without his help! :

OpenP Detector
This Program is another type of range lock, rather than using PDAs and user specified ranges, It uses openPeripherals Sensor block which has a pre-determined range of 5 blocks, this cannot be changed via coding.


- On The Fly Screen Updates
- Alarm Mode Allows You To Emit Redstone If User Is NOT On Whitlist
- Redstone Mode Allows You To Emit Redstone If User Is On Whitlist
- Redstone And Alarm Mode Can Both Be Used
- If An Authorized Players Is In Range As Well As An UN Authorized User, The Alarm Will NOT Trigger.. Visitor Time :P/>/>/>
- Auto Peripheral Management
- Fast Update Times Instantly Detect You
- Graphic Interface Informs You Of Status
- Config Menu Allows Wide Range Of Options

Simply download this software and select the OpenP Detector Lock to use this program, you will then be prompted for:

- A Username To Whitelist
- IF You Want To Emit Signal On User Allowed (Nearby Player Is On Whitelist)
- What Side The Redstone Signal Will Be Sent From
- IF You Want To Emit Signal On Alarm Signal (Nearby Player Is Not On Whitelist)
- What Side The Alarm Signal Will Be Sent From

The settings will then save, If there is no OpenP Sensor, It will ask you to attach one, Once attached it will instantly begin searching

If it finds a Sensor it will continue to the main program

Press [ALT] While using program to access settings menu which allows you to: Reconfigure Settings, Whitelist Users, Un-Whitelist Users, Reset Configuration, Cancel And Return
All Of Which Are Self Explanatory And Are Explained On Screen Anyway, So what are you waiting for, Get the program and protect your base with style.

SpoilerAccessing The BootMenu

1. Simply press either Left-Alt or Right-Alt until the text in the top right changes from '[alt] setup' to 'Entering Setup'

2. Then type your Admin password or hold CTRL + R to cancel/reboot

3. Once you type the correct admin password you'll be presented with options, Some of which are documented below:

Changing Your Admin Pass
To change your admin password follow these steps

1. Access The Boot Screen, Check Above For How To

2. Once the boot menu opens up type in your current admin pass and hit enter

3. Use your arrow keys to select change admin password

4. Follow On Screen Instructions

5. It will then save, and return you to the boot menu, select reboot or another option if you wish.
<upon reboot,="" the="" new="" admin="" pass="" will="" be="" read="">

Changing Your Startup Program
To change the program that runs at startup follow these steps

1. Access The Boot Screen, Check Above For How To

2. Once the boot menu opens up type in your current admin pass and hit enter

3. Use your arrow keys to select change startup file

4. Use your arrow keys to select the program you want, hit enter once selected

5. It will then save, and return you to the boot menu, select reboot or another option if you wish.
<upon reboot,="" the="" new="" startup="" program="" will="" be="" read="">

Resetting Your Settings

1. Access The Boot Screen, Check Above For How To

2. Once the boot menu opens, Type you current admin pass and hit enter

3. Use Arrow Keys To Select 'Reset Settings' And Hit Enter

4. It Will Remove Settings And Reboot, Once Rebooted Follow On-Screen Instructions

Removing The Suite

1. Access The Boot Screen, Check Above For How To

2. Once the boot menu opens, Type you current admin pass and hit enter

3. Use Arrow Keys To Select 'Uninstall Security Suite' And Hit Enter

4. It Will Ask For Confirmation, Press Y To Continue Or N To Cancel
WARNING: It Will Remove ALL Files Off The Computer, Not Just The Suite, Any Other Files Will Be Removed

5. If You Continued Wait A While, It Will Take About A Minute… Once Complete The CraftOS Screen Will Open

Using CraftOS/Shell

1. Access The Boot Screen, Check Above For How To

2. Once the boot menu opens, Type you current admin pass and hit enter

3. Use Arrow Keys To Select 'Use Shell/CraftOS' And Hit Enter

4. Shell Will The Open

SpoilerVersion (Released 10/22/14)
- Changelog is on GitHub here:

Version 1.2.6 (Released: 9/12/14)
- New Program: OpenP Detector (Documentation Already Above)
- Fixed Reactor Program Config Menu
- Fixed Startup Updater Not quiet Updating
- Auto Bug Reporting To Github
- More Small Features To Come!

Version 1.2.5:
- Added Reactor Monitor Support
- Touch Screen Monitor Support
- Decline-able Updates
- Offline Use Now Possible
- Fixed PIN Bugs
- Fixed RangeLock Fatal Bug

Version 1.2.1:
- Added Support For Computercraft 1.5

Version 1.2.0: (The Big One)
- Version 1 Of Range Lock Available Through Security Suite
- Fixed Flickering Bugs In Digital Lock Program
- Finished The RangeLock Fundamentals!

Version 1.1.8:
- Finished Keycard Lock
- Added hotkeys to digital lock and keycard
- Fixed closing bug on digital lock
- Added updater saferguard
- Added download api safeguard (More info in main post)

Version 1.1.7:
- Added keycard Program
- Added Colors On Reactor Screen
- Added Safeguarding On Installer And Updater Incase There Is Lag…
- Added SafeGuard on update checker, and startup files incase lag causes them to return an error!
- Fixed lag on boot menu

Version 1.1.6:
- Added Changeable Settings In PIN and Digital lock Program
- Added new reactor layout
- Improved reactor text
- Fixed flickering of GUI on reactor
- Reduced Time On Updater
- Improved HotKeys on reactor program
- Added Ability to use buttons on Computers to open there door… Check main post for details
- fixed installer attempt to call nil on old versions of program
- Updated all scripts with the hotKey system

Version 1.1.5:
- Added The Ability To Pick Reactor On Program Picker
- Fixed Security Issues And Vulnerabilities in PIN program
- Fixed invalid url in installer
- completed reactor program, More info in main post
- added the ability to change PIN And DIGITAL LOCK details individually
- Fixed installer bug
- Fixed updater closing to shell after download with various errors…
- Gui improvements on all programs and scripts
- improved responsiveness of boot menu key receive

Version 1.0.3:
- Added Multi Program Support!
- Added Program: dualKey
- Added GUI In BIOS
- Added BIOS Change Startup Option
- Added GUI In Digital Lock
- Implemented BSoD
- Started Automatic BSoD
- Added DualKey Support In BIOS
- Changed Source Script Of DualKey, Should work alot smoother now
- Changed GitHub Api
- Updated updater, installer to account for the new configuration layout
- Remade Config layout, now has one main config

Version 1.0.2:
- Added Ability To Change Admin Pass Easier
- Added Ability To Access Shell, And Continue Boot Normally On BootMenu

Version 1.0.1:
- Fixed Various GUI Glitches
- Fixed Startup File Downloading API To Incorrect And Redundant Directory
- Fixed Off Center Writing Of PIN Text
- Ability To Change Password Via BootMenu

Version 1:
First Public Release
- Completed PIN Program
- Uploaded INSTALLER Script To PasteBin
- Added Support For Auto Downloading API: errorA
- Added Support For AdminPass
- Added Extra Security Feature
- Added BootMenu Support For: SystemWipe, ForceUpdate, Using Shell, ClearingSettings

Version 0.3 - Version 0.7:
- Added API: errorA, update, systemCheck, printer
- Created PIN files
- Various Edits To Downloading Scripts
- Added Startup Support For [ALT]
- Finished BootMenu

Version 0.2:
- Various Bug Fixes
- Added API: download, titleBar

Version 0.1:
- Added Support Of APIs
- Completed Startup File
- Added Github Support

Spoiler- Add Advanced Error Catching To All Programs (75% Complete)
- Reprogram Entire Reactor Program To Better Support Monitors And Key Logging (Complete)
- Add Sophisticated [alt] Key Logging Into All Programs (30% Complete)
- Add Encryption APIs And Integrate Them (0% Complete)

How do I download this?
Well, If you want to download this for your own personal use then all you have to do is the following:


pastebin run DdSVM2Fx
Into your computer terminal to begin, From there its self-explanatory and has on screen guidance

If this doesnt work then type this instead:

pastebin get DdSVM2Fx Installer
Then just type 'Installer' into the computer console.

It has an auto-update feature built in for your pleasure and ease, It will simply check for and download updates on start up if there are any outstanding

Criticism And Compliments
If any of you have got good or bad things to say then feel free to let me know, As long as it it constructive, Don't just tell me what you don't like, tell me how i can do it better…

Thank You All
Thanks to all of you for helping me with every question i have, without fail we always help, This community is fantastic so keep doing watcha doin!

-Thanks, Harry
Cya Later!!
Edited on 31 July 2015 - 10:25 AM
hbomb79 #2
Posted 24 July 2014 - 11:36 AM
An up-to-date Tutorial will be here SOON!

EDIT: Up-To-Date Tutorial Is Now In The Main Post
Edited on 24 July 2014 - 11:37 PM
hbomb79 #3
Posted 27 July 2014 - 03:11 AM
Version 1.1.5 Released

After much messing around and testing ive gotten the 1.1.5 release open to you guys…

- Added The Ability To Pick Reactor On Program Picker
- Fixed Security Issues And Vulnerabilities in PIN program
- Fixed invalid url in installer
- completed reactor program, More info in main post
- added the ability to change PIN And DIGITAL LOCK details individually
- Fixed installer bug
- Fixed updater closing to shell after download with various errors…
- Gui improvements on all programs and scripts
- improved responsiveness of boot menu key receive

Hope you guys enjoy, Please post any ideas you have, right now im working on a turbine monitoring system, the reactor and turbine control systems are only useable with big reactors latest version
Edited on 27 July 2014 - 01:12 AM
hbomb79 #4
Posted 27 July 2014 - 06:56 AM
Version 1.1.6 Released

After MORE Testing, Debugging, Raging and testing, I bring to you the more user friendly HbombOS Security Suite

- Added Changeable Settings In PIN and Digital lock Program
- Added new reactor layout
- Improved reactor text
- Fixed flickering of GUI on reactor
- Reduced Time On Updater
- Improved HotKeys on reactor program
- Added Ability to use buttons on Computers to open there door… Check main post for details
- fixed installer attempt to call nil on old versions of program
- Updated all scripts with the hotKey system

Thanks for reading, and please use the program and leave some feedback!


Wooo, My Sixtieth post on the forums :)/>
Edited on 27 July 2014 - 06:42 AM
hbomb79 #5
Posted 28 July 2014 - 07:30 AM
Version 1.1.7 Released:
The New 'KeyCard' Program Is Still Being Worked On, Various Small Updates Will Be Fixing Bugs You May Experience, Please Report Any You Discover Unless Already Reported

- Added keycard Program
- Added Colors On Reactor Screen
- Added Safeguarding On Installer And Updater Incase There Is Lag…
- Added SafeGuard on update checker, and startup files incase lag causes them to return an error!
- Fixed lag on boot menu

The keycard lock [ALT] Key Is Still Being Worked On, It would run the incorrect program so instead it just reboots to stop errors.
It now works correctly, Enjoy!

Thanks Guys, Please try this out and leave feedback… I really enjoy this, i hope you enjoy using it as much as I do!
Edited on 29 July 2014 - 02:55 AM
hbomb79 #6
Posted 29 July 2014 - 12:36 AM
Version 1.1.8 Released

This version fixes and adds new features to the program's

- Finished Keycard Lock
- Added hotkeys to digital lock and keycard
- Fixed closing bug on digital lock
- Added updater saferguard
- Added download api safeguard (More info in main post)

That's about all the relevant Changelog, of course there was a lot more done… :D/>
PLEASE Leave some feedback, I feel like no one is using this…
Edited on 28 July 2014 - 10:49 PM
micmou #7
Posted 29 July 2014 - 05:10 AM
I had a suggestion for you to add into your host of programs it deals with pocket computers.
Maybe implement a security thing for docking wirelessy with pocket computers to unlock doors or do other things.
hbomb79 #8
Posted 29 July 2014 - 05:24 AM
Maybe implement a security thing for docking wirelessy with pocket computers to unlock doors or do other things.

So like a wireless lock so that when the PDA is in range running the program the host PC does an action… That sounds like a very cool idea, thank you, I will see what i can do
Edited on 29 July 2014 - 08:27 AM
hbomb79 #9
Posted 01 August 2014 - 06:46 AM
Progress Of The RangeLock..

1. Add Functionality Of PDAs And There APIS They Now Auto Download The Required APIs!
2. Get Them To Communicate Correctly They Now Successfully communicate with each other
3. Allow Easy Installation Of The System On PDAs Simply Access The Config And Select Register And You Can Insert Them Into Disk Drives! No Downloading Through Pastebin
4. Add Security That I Thought Was Lacking In oeeds version..! Press ALT And Enter The Admin Password From The Security Suite! Allows Registration, UN-registration and Wipe of configs so you can re-configure
5. Improve look and add on screen status The Host Computer AND The PDA Tell You If You Were Allowed Or Denied Access, if out of range it simply tells you 'System Ready!'

This Version Is On Github! Filename: RangeLock :)/>

Although the security suite will not be able to access it yet as there are too many bugs and incompleteness!

Let me know what you guys think!
Edited on 22 September 2014 - 11:12 PM
hbomb79 #10
Posted 01 August 2014 - 01:04 PM
Version 1 of the RangeLock is available!
Until it is completely finished I will not be releasing an update, Although you can force update through your Boot Menu To update, Although be warned, There may be bugs!

Thanks Guys! This Was A Fun Idea, I love it when people give feedback :)/>

Documentation Will Be Added Tomorrow As Im very Tired Right Now!

Documentation Is Now In The Programs Section In The Main Post, If You Have Any Questions Please Ask, Although Everything Is Explained In The Program!
Edited on 01 August 2014 - 10:08 PM
hbomb79 #11
Posted 02 August 2014 - 12:11 AM
Version 1.2.0 Released

After alot of wanting to punch something I finally competed this update… Although it was heaps of fun and I really like the end product

- Added And Finished Range Lock
- Fixed Flicker Bug In Digital Lock
- Various Fixes And Improvements

If You Want To Use The Range Lock, Use Your BootMenu (instructions in main post) To Change Your Startup File To The RangeLock AFTER Updating…

Thanks For Your Support And Idea micmou I really appreciate it
hbomb79 #12
Posted 03 August 2014 - 05:02 AM
New RangeLock Version Available

Added feature to allow you to individually un-register a PDA without needing to re-register it on your other computers

Basically before it used to remove its fingerprint meaning all the computers would deny it, Now only the computer you un-registered it from will Deny it, Which is alot better if you have lots of these like I do

Download Now By Force Updating Via Your Security Suite BootMenu!

Then Simply Re-register your PDA to update its software and poof, There ya go!
micmou #13
Posted 08 August 2014 - 07:38 PM
I have another suggestion for your security suite maybe include the ability to use pocket computers as keycards? In your keycard program
Shawn #14
Posted 09 August 2014 - 12:50 PM
anyway i can get the Reactor Management program as a standalone i don't have access to server files to actually get your suite to work. i'm on CC 1.5
smetie_NL #15
Posted 18 August 2014 - 12:41 PM

What can i do?
hbomb79 #16
Posted 23 August 2014 - 03:10 AM

What can i do?

Hi there, Sorry about this I cant believe that passed the Testing.. Your problem is being looked into and I will inform you when its fixed!!
hbomb79 #17
Posted 25 August 2014 - 02:30 AM
anyway i can get the Reactor Management program as a standalone i don't have access to server files to actually get your suite to work. i'm on CC 1.5

I'm struggling to understand what you mean but if you are requesting to individually download the reactor program then this isn't possible yet, as all the programs are stored on GitHub. When you say you can't get it to work, is it a domain denied error or something else, if it is another error like an attempt to call nil, please screenshot the error and post it here so I can fix it for you, otherwise you could ask the server owner to do the steps at the top of the page to allow the domain.

I have another suggestion for your security suite maybe include the ability to use pocket computers as keycards? In your keycard program

This is a really cool simple idea… hopefully, It may even all ready work if you register it, have you tried there should be nothing stopping it from accepting PDAs.

Ill test this if I remember too and get back to you.
Edited on 25 August 2014 - 07:53 PM
hbomb79 #18
Posted 25 August 2014 - 09:45 PM
Most apologies to people attempting to use the program on CC 1.5, if you are not running the latest version then lots of problems occur… The installer doesn't like not having a directory pre made where as CC 1.6 and above auto create it, I will attempt to fix this my simply making it create the directories manually… Thank you for your patience

Edited on 25 August 2014 - 07:46 PM
hbomb79 #19
Posted 26 August 2014 - 05:10 AM

What can i do?

What Version Of Computercraft Are You Running… It might be related to the incompatibility with 1.5 and below, Although this will be fixed soon…
hbomb79 #20
Posted 26 August 2014 - 05:49 AM
Dear Users,

Those of you that are having issues with the program and/or are running on Computercraft 1.5 Or Below thank you very much for your patience, After downloading CC 1.5 And running testing and repairing, diagnosing, and creating code the problem appears to be fixed.

I have tested all programs although if you are using the 'Reactor' Program without bigreactors installed, It will crash, This goes for the rangeLock program as you need to have PDAs, If you arent on the correct version, both of the programs will close. If you picked these and they crash then on boot press and hold [ALT] until the top right text says 'Entering Setup', then select change startup program and select another program…

If you want to redownload the installer to get the fixed version simply type the following:

Then re-install with

pastebin get ddsvm2fx Installer

And after that simply run the installer with the name you downloaded it with.. I used 'Installer' so ill type that… Then you should be fine and the system should work

Thanks micmou for your suggestion for both the RangeLock and the PDA idea for the Disk Lock, although if you insert a PDA instead of a disk it works like a charm so feel free to do so.

Thanks Again, Any Suggestions…

This Marks version 1.2.1!
Edited on 26 August 2014 - 03:54 AM
hbomb79 #21
Posted 26 August 2014 - 10:50 AM
Hello Everyone!

Version 1 Of DualKey Program Is Now Available On GitHub

Github Link

Due to missing features and insufficent Server, Single Player and Helper (Other People) testing I have yet to find any bugs other than what I have found, Although this seems suitable to use, Personally I use a modified version of this as my missile countdown, Tell me what you think of the program and any other ideas for programs :)/>/>

The program is now officially released!
Edited on 17 September 2014 - 09:07 PM
hbomb79 #22
Posted 27 August 2014 - 12:54 AM
Version 1.2.2 Released

Hello Everyone, After coding here and there I have created a New Program… dualKeyCard with new [Alt] key dynamics, After pressing you can press again to cancel which is more helpfull then you think, you can also return to the program by pressing [alt] as well.

The dualKeyCard Program Is Very Similar To The KeyCard Lock but requires two keycards and two disk drives, I use mine for a missile silo… What can you do? Let me Know.

Changelog Of Important Changes:
- Added And Finished KeyCardDual Program
- Added xpcall Error Catching To Startup File
- Added Support For Extra Program
- Finished Support For CC1.5 Systems
There were many more but these are the big ones

Thanks Again!, Bye Bye
hbomb79 #23
Posted 27 August 2014 - 07:55 AM
Version 1.2.3 Released

Hello again, after some sleep() testing and lots of messing around with timings I bring to you a better more advanced reactor management system.

The program now has new features:
New save technology utilizes tables to save data in just a fraction of the coding, now all settings can be stored in one place by just creating them on the fly and reloading them anytime, anywhere. This greatly increases save and loading times

Monitor support allows monitors to be placed in a wired network using a wired modem or in direct contact with the computer, thus allowing the rectors status to be displayed on the big screen.

Unfortunately the system generates too much information for certain sized monitors, this means they have to be at least 29 Across X 12 Vertically, So 3x2, You can have them as large as you want as long as there bigger than 3x2.

Monitor Must Be Advanced, Just Like The Computer

More Information On Wired Modems
More Information On Monitors
hbomb79 #24
Posted 28 August 2014 - 10:48 AM
Version 2 Of The Reactor Program Marks Suite Version 1.2.4

Hello everyone, Today I bring you the smaller, quicker and stream-less reactor program, Recoded from the ground up this version has quicker key responses, automatic reactor detection, automatic monitor detection, monitor and reactor peripheral detection to detect monitor resizes and reactor break.

Quicker saving times make the program seamless and quick to setup and load configs.
New Key Responses react the moment you press, not moments after.
Touch Screen Monitor support allows you to edit the reactor core settings from on screen, Toggle the Auto-Mode and the Reactor itself all from a stylish monitor design.
Event Register Allows events to be instantly detected.
Advanced xpcall error catching Stops the program from randomly freezing and tells you whats going wrong.
Advanced Monitor Detection Ensures your information is centered in both the X and Y Axis of the monitor
Reactor Control straight from the monitor allows you to toggle Reactor and Auto Control straight from the monitor, Simply click the Top Right to toggle reactor or the 'Auto Toggle' to toggle auto control.
Color Support intelligently changes color of selected text depending of data
Reactor Watch makes sure the monitor tells you when the terminal is on a different page rather than freeze.

I hope you guys enjoy this update, Cya next time

The [ALT] Function to edit settings is not complete and will be released in a later version.
Edited on 28 August 2014 - 09:01 AM
hbomb79 #25
Posted 30 August 2014 - 02:41 AM
Bug Fixes!! Woooh
Marks Version 1.2.5 Update By Rebooting Your Computers… New features must be downloaded

Hello again, Today I bring a couple of new features, Two of which are very important, I also optimized the reactor to stop: 'Crashing When Removing Monitor', 'Flickering Screen On Monitor For Reactor Program', New features: 'Offline Use', 'Cancel Update'

So, What are these new fixs and features?

Monitor Crash Fix: When removing a monitor from the computer while the reactor program is running causes crashing because its referencing a peripheral that no longer exists, Now, if you remove any peripheral it scans all peripheral and disbale the monitor until it finds it again, this is hit and miss because if its half way through printing things on screen it will crash… unless I have 20+ if statements… -_-/>

Flickering Screen Fix: Minor fix decreases the frequency the reactor monitor is redrawn

Offline Use: Allows you to use the program offline, after the updater has attempted 3 times to download the update, It simply gives up and skips.. This will happen every boot though.

Cancel Update: If you dont want to update, You can now press 'N' and it will run the program you chose at first time run… (Or through boot menu)

Thanks Again, Please dont hesitate to leave bug reports, comments(positive or constructive) and my favorite… Suggestions!

hbomb79 #26
Posted 31 August 2014 - 06:23 AM
Features Added In 1.2.6:

Automatic Error Sending
Program Logging
New Detector Program Using OpenP Sensors(Already Released, Has Mulitshell Bugs When rebooting Or Shuttings down… Still completes task though)
All Programs Will Use The LogFile API To Log There Progress Including Information And Errors, This file will be wiped on reboot…
Recovery Mode Preventing Log File Being Overwritten While Being Sent
New BSoD Workings Will Auto Size To Screen And Handle Error Log
New BSoD Will Also Check File System For Modifications Before Sending Error Report

Released!! (9/12/14)
Edited on 12 September 2014 - 09:46 AM
keramond #27
Posted 17 September 2014 - 03:30 PM

thank you for this awesome suite. I have a question about the rangelock, is there a setting to change the actual detector range? because the standard range is 1 to 2 blocks to far for my base.
Edited on 17 September 2014 - 01:38 PM
hbomb79 #28
Posted 17 September 2014 - 08:04 PM

thank you for this awesome suite. I have a question about the rangelock, is there a setting to change the actual detector range? because the standard range is 1 to 2 blocks to far for my base.

First off thanks for the compliment, I'm glad you enjoy it, with the range lock if you are using the PDA version then during setup simply specify a different range… There is currently no way of changing after setup without deleting the configuration, just press alt in the range lock, option to change settings advanced will be added soon, although I'm implementing buttons now which is of higher priority and it's kinds time consuming :P/>

If your using the open p detector version, then there is no way to change it as the sensor doesn't return a proximity value

For Indepth info about any of the program's or the suite in general then visit my website profile here:
Edited on 17 September 2014 - 06:11 PM
hbomb79 #29
Posted 18 September 2014 - 09:57 PM
Version 2.0.0 release information

This version has been been released and brings some pretty huge changes, buttons and graphical APIs have been added and implemented to make the suite more responsive and user friendly, also huge bug fixes and all program's that don't include event listeners will be recoded to ensure a stream less experience allowing maximum precision in terms of calculating correct or incorrect hash keys… as well as file opener, debug mode allows you to adjust the system code without annoyances, enabling you to be free in the world of lua, much better setup program allowing people to start using the suite with minimal help meaning the most beginner computer craft user can get along just fine, ability to change settings on the fly.. no more deleting configs and best of all responsive user interfaces will open new doors for the realm of security…

The features will blow version 1 out of the water!

I am very interested in your opinions and any feedback you have is greatly appreciated.

Let me know what you guys like and dislike about the suite, also what you use it for would be interesting, that way I can concentrate on the most used programs

Note to users not on V2.0.0: If you are using the suite and it crashes with an error mentioning: updater ending with no protocol, then I'm afraid there is no way to fix this, the cause is older version, unless you were on the latest update the suite will crash, break and place the PC to fix this if it ISNT named, else then you would have to gain access to shell and reinstall

Also due to disabling the updater, the bootMenu is now inaccessible, although the update is coming very soon!

Release Date: The suite has already been released, It was uploaded on the 23rd September at 6PM NZDT

- Added Button To All Programs, More to be added though
- Re programmed any program that didn't utilize my latest coding knowledge
- Added new boot logos and reprogrammed startup for better boot menu..
- More options added to the boot menu allowing superior control over settings that include: Update Settings, Debug Mode, Startup File, Admin Pass and much more!
- Redesigned XPCALL system catching errors more effectively
- Redesigned Update System Enables the user to quickly use the program offline, it only takes a single try, you can event totally turn updating off(Not Recommended)

Note: Not all programs have buttons yet! these will have them implemented soon, this is because older versions of the suite stopped functioning after the updater was changed… therefore the update had to be released ASAP

How Do I Download?
Downloading is easy, simply ensure you are connected to the internet and have updating enabled, then reboot and the PC will notify you of version 2.0.0 and then will reinstall the latest installer, once downloaded the installer will be run in either quiet or normal mode depending on your settings, once finished the system will check that the requred files exists and then reboot! Then you can enjoy the 1 second boot time and faster programs!

Program Crashing?
If your program is crashing then I strongly recommend you erase your settings using the boot menu, this is due to knew features that aren't implemented in your config…

Ensure ANY bug you come across is reported HERE!
Edited on 23 September 2014 - 04:34 AM
hbomb79 #30
Posted 14 October 2014 - 09:23 AM
V2.0.0.1 and V2.0.0.2

These updates have been released together due to a couple of issues occuring after first release, It only effected 1.5, The second release fixes that


+ Added ability to use button in dualKey redstone configuration
* Fixed number input bug resulting in strange decimal values to occur
* Fixed error screen termination bug
* Fixed rangeLock PDA updater, all users please RE-Register your PDA ASAP!
+ Error screen now to submit your computer ID, Name and your IP to make sure it isnt a repeat offender causing issues due to file modification
* Impoved startup program speed

Let me know what you like and dont like about the security suite!

Thanks guys, Cya next time!

- Harry
willwac #31
Posted 23 October 2014 - 01:28 AM
Please remove the Debug option when setting it up!
Make a secret (and documented) way to turn on debug and change the color scheme to red when debug is turned on.
hbomb79 #32
Posted 23 October 2014 - 02:58 AM
Please remove the Debug option when setting it up!
Make a secret (and documented) way to turn on debug and change the color scheme to red when debug is turned on.

The debug mode was added into the setup program to allow users that done want to seek out documentation can easily use or not use this feature, it also serves as a privacy feature if you just don't want your IP sent to me on log report, this is only sent through email but still. Also in your complaint you have no reason why it is a problem, it's one extra click that removes the need for people to seek documentation on my website as many people don't realise documentation exists, also, having debug mode on is green simply because it is implying you should click it when you intend to modify code, as it complies with the text, which is why the color scheme is the way it is

If you want to adjust you debug settings after setup, you can use the boot menu

Thanks for your reply, but please enhance it by giving me an actual reason why it is a problem and why it should be removed.
Edited on 23 October 2014 - 01:00 AM
willwac #33
Posted 23 October 2014 - 10:51 PM
Okay. I thought that debug might create a problem with security itself.
Also, PLEASE HASH THE PASSWORDS! I was able to grab my password from the disk used as a keycard.
Could you streamline the UI across programs?
You can auto-detect peripherals! You can also check to see what CraftOS Version they are on as well. If they are pre-1.6.3, you can have them select a side, but if the user has upgraded, find the modems and drives automatically!
hbomb79 #34
Posted 23 October 2014 - 11:32 PM
Okay. I thought that debug might create a problem with security itself.
Also, PLEASE HASH THE PASSWORDS! I was able to grab my password from the disk used as a keycard.
Could you streamline the UI across programs?
You can auto-detect peripherals! You can also check to see what CraftOS Version they are on as well. If they are pre-1.6.3, you can have them select a side, but if the user has upgraded, find the modems and drives automatically!

With the passwords there is no need to hash them as if they have the keycard then they have access, although encryption is something being worked on for normal passwords to prevent such, not sure how it works exactly, I hope you can't take the encrypted string off of one pc and decrypt on another. If so then again, that's pointless, if not then it will be coming, if they have the keycard then it won't matter if they know the random codes or not

What do you mean streamline? They all have the same titleBar etc… The text and color scheme is the same, please specify what you mean

Why would I need to to auto detect peripherals? I have already use that for the reactor, rangeLock and proximity lock, all others that need to have it. I am aware of auto detection using events, although again, smarter peripherals are planned, but not needed like other things right now. I assume you are referring to os.version() to detect craftOS version, I haven't messed with that yet because it would require me to trim the string…

Thanks again, hopefully you can further explain your streamlining idea.
Edited on 23 October 2014 - 09:38 PM
Dragon53535 #35
Posted 23 October 2014 - 11:40 PM
When working with passwords, and user created passwords, it's always safest to just hash them just in case, since some people might use a common password that they use for other things like minecraft, and if someone were to get that password, well then it would be dangerous to the account holder if it's the same password as some account they have. However if you hash/salt it, it makes it pretty hard/impossible to get the password that the user inputted again, and thus allow it be used more freely.
hbomb79 #36
Posted 23 October 2014 - 11:45 PM
When working with passwords, and user created passwords, it's always safest to just hash them just in case, since some people might use a common password that they use for other things like minecraft, and if someone were to get that password, well then it would be dangerous to the account holder if it's the same password as some account they have. However if you hash/salt it, it makes it pretty hard/impossible to get the password that the user inputted again, and thus allow it be used more freely.

Hmm, I see, let's say someone was using the suite and someone managed to get hold of the encrypted password, could they simply decrypt it and obtain the real password? Or is there somesort of random algorithm that the hacker can't obtain to decrypt.
Dragon53535 #37
Posted 23 October 2014 - 11:55 PM
A hash is a one way encryption, it has no decryption. There is a way to try and brute force it with something called rainbow tables which is a precompiled list of input that the output is then saved to. And so you input the output and it says hey yeah this is what i did to get that. Sha-256
However it's not perfect and if you do it right then it will not find the inputted password.
Edited on 23 October 2014 - 09:56 PM
hbomb79 #38
Posted 23 October 2014 - 11:57 PM
A hash is a one way encryption, it has no decryption. There is a way to try and brute force it with something called rainbow tables which is a precompiled list of input that the output is then saved to. And so you input the output and it says hey yeah this is what i did to get that. Sha-256
However it's not perfect and if you do it right then it will not find the inputted password.

If it's one way then how would my program know if the encrypted string matches what the users password is?
KingofGamesYami #39
Posted 24 October 2014 - 01:09 AM

If it's one way then how would my program know if the encrypted string matches what the users password is?

Compare the hash of the correct password to the hash of the correct password. The hash of a string will always match the hash of the same string.
hbomb79 #40
Posted 01 November 2014 - 11:55 PM
My next task is going to be hashing and encryption, But what did you mean by 'streamlining the UI' ?
micmou #41
Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:58 AM
I had another suggestion for all of you range detector's and keycard locks.

I think you should implement clearance inheritance. Like at a military base level 1 cant enter level 2. Or a worded example Orange cant enter a Red area. Or the ability to customize.

Also you should add a inverter for the proximity detector so if Orange tried to enter Red which wouldn't be authorized it would emit a signal on one side.

One more suggestion a lockdown system either through rednet or a redstone signal so say I have a missile base and There is an intruder I can disable all of the security programs or an override from remote location say I am in my secret lab and my friend is at front door I can let him in maybe through a wireless computer or through a switch or an advanced control panel.
micmou #42
Posted 15 December 2014 - 04:26 AM
Just curious if you were going to be making any progress on this I hate to bump a old thread but I had an other idea for your program to add a smart home control system like auto doors and lights and stuff like that and marine a remote control system and a master server for your programs like pocket computers to find where they are in the system
hbomb79 #43
Posted 16 December 2014 - 11:15 PM
Just curious if you were going to be making any progress on this I hate to bump a old thread but I had an other idea for your program to add a smart home control system like auto doors and lights and stuff like that and marine a remote control system and a master server for your programs like pocket computers to find where they are in the system

Hi, I have been away from CC for a while just doing other stuff, Primarily my website, Although I am back into it now, your idea has sparked my interest, Thanks for showing support, I will begin on a wireless control system now, It will take a while, but hopefully it turns out the way you envisioned
micmou #44
Posted 17 December 2014 - 12:04 AM
I know you've had some trouble of testing if you need any help testing anything just post here or message me on the forums in a private message and I can help you test or anything like that
ByteMe #45
Posted 17 December 2014 - 05:08 AM
The ability to disable certain aspects of the reactor would be nice. Such as a option to self destruct :D/>.
hbomb79 #46
Posted 17 December 2014 - 07:10 AM
@micmou Thanks, I will let you know

@ByteMe personally I dont know why you want to disable parts of it as all parts are required for it to function, As far as I know bigreactors cannot explode

Just out of curiosity how many of you guys are using this program? Just let me know via personal message, If you have any issues or requests then let me know and ill address them in the next update.

I had another suggestion for all of you range detector's and keycard locks.

I think you should implement clearance inheritance. Like at a military base level 1 cant enter level 2. Or a worded example Orange cant enter a Red area. Or the ability to customize.

Also you should add a inverter for the proximity detector so if Orange tried to enter Red which wouldn't be authorized it would emit a signal on one side.

One more suggestion a lockdown system either through rednet or a redstone signal so say I have a missile base and There is an intruder I can disable all of the security programs or an override from remote location say I am in my secret lab and my friend is at front door I can let him in maybe through a wireless computer or through a switch or an advanced control panel.

You could do that as is. Simply have the keycard only registered on certain computers, The proximity lock already has an invalid output, If you are not on the whitelist it will emit a redstone signal on the side you specify during setup. The final option is a work in progress (skype)
Cyco #47
Posted 18 December 2014 - 08:06 PM
Whoa. This makes me want to just install this on all my security comps. Props to you for this sexy looking program.
hbomb79 #48
Posted 18 December 2014 - 11:51 PM
Whoa. This makes me want to just install this on all my security comps. Props to you for this sexy looking program.

Thanks a bunch!

With that I bring you version 2.1.1

+ New Program: remoteControl
* Fixed element API, Reactor Program
* Fixed many graphical glitches
- Bug reporting, A spammer has posted 699 issues… I will relaunch once I have completed CRC32

I hope you guys enjoy, Thanks so much for the positive energy, Any ideas??? Let me know
ByteMe #49
Posted 19 December 2014 - 12:02 AM
My idea is that you can set a ranged area (possibly drawing it on a monitor?) And if someones goes into it, it sends a message to your pda; would be great on servers. :D/>
hbomb79 #50
Posted 19 December 2014 - 12:07 AM
So like the proximity detector, but rather than redstone a rednet message… If PDA beeps and vibrates become a thing then I will be doing this!


I am thinking about adding PDA support to the remoteControl program… although it will be very difficult and will take a while… What do you guys think?

I am currently adding pocket support, with that you can talk to the master and control clients via a PDA!

PDA Communicates Through Master PC and Executes Commands
Some visuals are ready for PDA, Most are not
APIs Are Transferred Correctly
PDA Downloads Client List From Master, Stays uptodate with master, you dont have to register anything on the PDA
Edited on 19 December 2014 - 03:10 AM
hbomb79 #51
Posted 19 December 2014 - 04:11 AM
You can now use PDAs to control your clients via your master, Extending your range and security, simply use the normal setup of a master and client and then use the settings page to setup PDA access!!

If you need any help setting up then please let me know
micmou #52
Posted 20 December 2014 - 03:51 AM
I love your programs and that you are taking the time to implement my suggestions and I know you enjoy doing it as you have done almost all of them <3

Here is another suggestion list for you
- Add an extra layer to your security system to authenticate from a server with a salt password system or response
- A GPS location to prevent hacking of wireless systems with fixed points
- A remain in motion control system to goto a GPS location or control with a PDA
- A Advanced Monitor That you can create custom buttons to control Redstone outputs or remote clients Click the corners where you want the button
- A little unorthodox suggestion a Pentesting application
- A base Monitoring System with a action system (OpenPeriph Mostly Required)
- A OpenPeriph Glasses system to display info
- A Player Inventory Manager System to possibly stock Items on request
- This can be used in Conjunction with base monitoring as you can get a list and search said list on A AE system or logistics pipe system and then use a PDA to request said Items
Edited on 20 December 2014 - 02:53 AM
hbomb79 #53
Posted 20 December 2014 - 09:24 AM
New file transfer: http://www.computerc...-file-transfer/

The program will be added to the boot menu ( [alt] on startup ) so you can transfer files. Even entire directories are transferable!
Edited on 07 April 2015 - 03:24 AM
hbomb79 #54
Posted 23 December 2014 - 09:12 PM

- Multple user and passwords support for Digital lock (Will require re configuration)
- CCDrop added to boot menu
- Hashing for error reporter

ANY Program suggestions? let me know
hbomb79 #55
Posted 23 December 2014 - 09:34 PM
I love your programs and that you are taking the time to implement my suggestions and I know you enjoy doing it as you have done almost all of them <3

Here is another suggestion list for you
- Add an extra layer to your security system to authenticate from a server with a salt password system or response
- A GPS location to prevent hacking of wireless systems with fixed points
- A remain in motion control system to goto a GPS location or control with a PDA
- A Advanced Monitor That you can create custom buttons to control Redstone outputs or remote clients Click the corners where you want the button
- A little unorthodox suggestion a Pentesting application
- A base Monitoring System with a action system (OpenPeriph Mostly Required)
- A OpenPeriph Glasses system to display info
- A Player Inventory Manager System to possibly stock Items on request
- This can be used in Conjunction with base monitoring as you can get a list and search said list on A AE system or logistics pipe system and then use a PDA to request said Items

Thanks for your suggestions, when I get my PC back I am going to start dynaGraphic (My take on oeeds bedrock) hopefully it will help me program more advanced programs. I will then consider starting on hbombOS. If that goes well then this program suite may be implemented into the OS.
shadowminer_55 #56
Posted 04 January 2015 - 10:22 PM
You should really add an option for light doors. It would also be cool if you added support for redstone output to multiple sides.
mariodk #57
Posted 25 March 2015 - 10:52 AM
is it possible to use this as a player detector?
emit a redstone signel if a player(any player) stays on a block and stop the redstone signel if no player on that block(cant use pressure plate and the modpack i am in dont have secret room mod so no pressure plate as a whole block instead of top of a block)
also is it possible to use this on a server but not as a admin that is able to change the server´s files but just as a normal player?
hbomb79 #58
Posted 05 April 2015 - 12:32 PM

+ Begun support for HexAlarm (New security program that is in progress:

* Fixed button API not responding to clicks on boot menu screen after an update in progress fails.

NOTE: Stay in touch with me and my progress on Lua and other programming projects via my new blog (Custom using PHP, please report any bugs to me via the contact button on the site).

- Support for multiple redstone output sides
- Additional options for remote control
- Improved RangeLock program (Rewritten)
- Inbuilt Support for CCDrop (File Transfer)

Cya guys next time
Edited on 05 April 2015 - 10:34 AM
hbomb79 #59
Posted 05 April 2015 - 12:51 PM
Any suggestions? For the love of GOD tell me them.. NOW!

No but seriously, if you have any suggestions, questions or issues post them here immediately, ensure that any life threatening situation is ignored while you post your suggestion/issue/question/whatever.
TheEisbaer #60
Posted 05 April 2015 - 03:08 PM
On FTB Infinity the OpenPDetect program throws an error in line 363, it's because they changed getPlayerNames() to getPlayers() and the UUID is maybe messing it up too.

I kinda fixed it:

function checkScanner()
	allowPlayer = false
denyPlayer = false
	nearbyPlayers = Sensor.getPlayerNames()
if nearbyPlayers then

for i=1,#nearbyPlayers do

for j=1,#current.settings.WhiteList do
   if current.settings.WhiteList[j] then
   allowPlayer = true
	  if not allowPlayer then
	 denyPlayer = true
scanPlayers = os.startTimer(0.5)
if denyPlayer or allowPlayer then return true else return false end

Maybe a few "end"s are missing but it work for me now :)/>

EDIT: Fancied the code a bit, it now support any number of whitelisted users, thanks to a friend. for better "tabbing"
EDIT2: Fancied even more
Edited on 05 April 2015 - 06:35 PM
hbomb79 #61
Posted 06 April 2015 - 01:31 AM
On FTB Infinity the OpenPDetect program throws an error in line 363, it's because they changed getPlayerNames() to getPlayers() and the UUID is maybe messing it up too.

I kinda fixed it:

function checkScanner()
	allowPlayer = false
denyPlayer = false
	nearbyPlayers = Sensor.getPlayerNames()
if nearbyPlayers then

for i=1,#nearbyPlayers do

for j=1,#current.settings.WhiteList do
   if current.settings.WhiteList[j] then
   allowPlayer = true
	  if not allowPlayer then
	 denyPlayer = true
scanPlayers = os.startTimer(0.5)
if denyPlayer or allowPlayer then return true else return false end

Maybe a few "end"s are missing but it work for me now :)/>/&amp;gt;

EDIT: Fancied the code a bit, it now support any number of whitelisted users, thanks to a friend. for better "tabbing"
EDIT2: Fancied even more

I will look into this issue and update the program with a fix. Due to the license you are not supposed to adjust code to suit your needs, the update should be released tomorrow, I will also fix GUI bugs that are causing issues.

The code you have posted has various vulnerability problems with the new Security Suite that will be released soon, thus this code will not be used in the patch. Thanks for letting me know, youll have a patch for it soon.

Also the code already supported multiple whitelisted players, and I have no idea what you mean by "tabbing", do you mean in the program or as in the browser?
Edited on 06 April 2015 - 12:53 AM
TheEisbaer #62
Posted 06 April 2015 - 03:14 AM
By "tabbing" I meant better indent(if thats correct, I am not native english speaking) then my post here in the forums has. About the license, sorry about that I didn't know that. I tried to have it working at least in some way. As for the multiple whitelisted players, I first hardcoded it to two whitelisted players and then changed the code a bit.

Thank you fixing that error and that nice OS.
Edited on 06 April 2015 - 01:19 AM
hbomb79 #63
Posted 06 April 2015 - 03:24 AM
By "tabbing" I meant better indent(if thats correct, I am not native english speaking) then my post here in the forums has. About the license, sorry about that I didn't know that. I tried to have it working at least in some way. As for the multiple whitelisted players, I first hardcoded it to two whitelisted players and then changed the code a bit.

Thank you fixing that error and that nice OS.

Thats fine, Indentation is important (for the looks (except python…)). Thanks for the compliment, the suite will soon allow you to pick your own colors so… yeah. The license can be found in the Documentation directory.

Ill look into version detection so I can run a certain function depending on the version of Open Blocks/Peripherals (I forget :D/>)
Edited on 06 April 2015 - 01:25 AM
micmou #64
Posted 06 April 2015 - 03:29 AM
I know this is gonna sound weird but how bout a port to Open Computers for some reason TPPI 2 Does not have CC and my server has decided to move that direction.

EDIT: Another Suggestion a http based hook to a graphical website to monitor or even control.
Edited on 06 April 2015 - 01:30 AM
hbomb79 #65
Posted 06 April 2015 - 04:47 AM
I know this is gonna sound weird but how bout a port to Open Computers for some reason TPPI 2 Does not have CC and my server has decided to move that direction.

EDIT: Another Suggestion a http based hook to a graphical website to monitor or even control.

I haven't messed with OpenComputers, they use Libraries i'm not familiar with, I may look into in the future, but as long as CC is popular, Ill always be part of its community.

What do you mean with a hook to monitor or control? what exactly would it me monitoring?
Edited on 06 April 2015 - 02:48 AM
micmou #66
Posted 06 April 2015 - 06:21 AM
I know this is gonna sound weird but how bout a port to Open Computers for some reason TPPI 2 Does not have CC and my server has decided to move that direction.

EDIT: Another Suggestion a http based hook to a graphical website to monitor or even control.

I haven't messed with OpenComputers, they use Libraries i'm not familiar with, I may look into in the future, but as long as CC is popular, Ill always be part of its community.

What do you mean with a hook to monitor or control? what exactly would it me monitoring?

Possibly the reactor or maybe if you implement some other features I suggested before some sort of home automation except in Minecraft. I know CC will always be super popular, but CC isn't in TPPI 2 D: and it is always good to broaden your horizons. A website that can display stuff on a real web browser I have seen it done here before. Just not well…
Edited on 06 April 2015 - 04:22 AM
hbomb79 #67
Posted 06 April 2015 - 07:09 AM
I know this is gonna sound weird but how bout a port to Open Computers for some reason TPPI 2 Does not have CC and my server has decided to move that direction.

EDIT: Another Suggestion a http based hook to a graphical website to monitor or even control.

I haven't messed with OpenComputers, they use Libraries i'm not familiar with, I may look into in the future, but as long as CC is popular, Ill always be part of its community.

What do you mean with a hook to monitor or control? what exactly would it me monitoring?

Possibly the reactor or maybe if you implement some other features I suggested before some sort of home automation except in Minecraft. I know CC will always be super popular, but CC isn't in TPPI 2 D: and it is always good to broaden your horizons. A website that can display stuff on a real web browser I have seen it done here before. Just not well…

I love the idea, I just wouldn't know how to get the Data from CC to PHP/website, would you recommend some sort of PHP script that uploads it to MySQL, and from there you can view your profile (logged in) and also stats on connected devices… I have no idea but maybe each CC device can have its own table full of rows containing data that is reloaded live using Ajax.

I have used a lot of Ajax and PHP before, just not with CC, check out my sites here and here

The first link was my first website, and therefore is very basic, although the second one is a private blog (Soon to be a 'replica' of wordpress (basically a public blog))

Thanks for the suggestion, it would be very complicated, but damn awesome! Im sure I can use PHP (like my error reporter) although security would be an issue, I would need some sort of hash to verify the identity of the computer. Maybe you have to create a username and password on the computer and a random hash is created that will be sent with the PHP request, that way when the computer is registered for the first time the HASH will be stored online and therefore must match each time, i'm thinking something like

updateCC.php?ccID=1&amp;ccName=NAME&amp;HASH=4b473138n474md&amp;task=updateReactor&amp;reactorStats="somesort of array containing the information"
im not sure how to send tables from lua over to PHP, maybe a serialised array that I can use PHP to separate into the separate parts, therefore the being able to display them on screen.

The only big problem is how often to update the database, would the database be 'overloaded' if the computer is updating too often, I could have a parallel event that updates the database every 10/20 seconds and then an update button on the site, but if I had 20 computers doing that, would the database and or server host become too busy with the requests and take my site down xD

Ill stack overflow some of the things i've spoken about, thanks for the great suggestion, as usual.
Edited on 06 April 2015 - 06:44 AM
micmou #68
Posted 06 April 2015 - 08:21 AM
I love your sig BTW and here is some stuff taking from a thread here should still be relvant

CC Code:
local function postScore(nick, score)
postScore("TestName", 5982)

PHP, scorepost.php

if(isset($_POST['nick']) &amp;&amp; isset($_POST['score'])){
$nick = urldecode($_POST['nick']);
$score = intval(urldecode($_POST['score']));
//Do stuff with the nick and score here

Only issues is figuring out a login system
hbomb79 #69
Posted 06 April 2015 - 08:55 AM
I love your sig BTW and here is some stuff taking from a thread here should still be relvant


CC Code:
local function postScore(nick, score)
postScore("TestName", 5982)

PHP, scorepost.php

if(isset($_POST['nick']) &amp;&amp; isset($_POST['score'])){
$nick = urldecode($_POST['nick']);
$score = intval(urldecode($_POST['score']));
//Do stuff with the nick and score here

Only issues is figuring out a login system

If you clicked the links, then you may have noticed I already have a login system, I would just have the following procdeure:

- User installs program on computers and registers for a HASH (not the site, like internet banking, the app has its own password)
- Once program installed, it creates a random MD5 hash, and it is displayed on screen
- the signup page on the website will request they create a username and password, once created, and verified (using email) they can login and register computers
- Registering a computer will allow the user to specify a computer display name, then they copy the HASH key into the field as well, then, when the computer next sends the information to the site, it will see that the hash belongs to a user and therefore update that users computer details, because a different hash is used per PC and per program, this allows the user to monitor multiple computers.
- when a computer submits data, it will be stored in the computer table with the column HASH containing the computers HASH and a user table telling the system who this computer belongs to, A "type" column will tell the system "hey, this is a computer, not a user settings, put that on that there nice page will ya for peet sake".

Then when the user goes to a url like


it will display all the registered computers providing they are logged in

The example code you posted, is similar to what I used with my Error Reporter, so im glad were on the same page there (Probably not, I may be somewhere else on the web by now).

Let me know what floors there are with this method and we can work together to bring justice to the streets of… this place! yes.
Edited on 06 April 2015 - 07:07 AM
hbomb79 #70
Posted 06 April 2015 - 09:22 AM
Well I was making HexAlarm, but I wanna do this now! I am going to start this project and get back to you as it progresses through PM to stop this forum post getting any bigger!
hbomb79 #71
Posted 06 April 2015 - 12:28 PM
is it possible to use this as a player detector?
emit a redstone signel if a player(any player) stays on a block and stop the redstone signel if no player on that block(cant use pressure plate and the modpack i am in dont have secret room mod so no pressure plate as a whole block instead of top of a block)
also is it possible to use this on a server but not as a admin that is able to change the server´s files but just as a normal player?

You can use the Player Detector from open blocks if you have that mod installed, other than that, without using other mods there is no way short of trip wires
hbomb79 #72
Posted 07 April 2015 - 05:18 AM
Update 2.2 Progress
(Discontinued - New system to come! Watch my GitHub for more info: )
This update is mainly a bug fixer, but it does bring some new features to the table, granted this update is NOT finished, but is approaching complete, so I wanted to fill you guys in:

Things To Come

+ Reactor program will stream its information online
+ Pin lock program will stream incorrect and correct inputs online, allowing you to see when people did/didnt access your base (minecraft world time + server time (PST))
+ Digital lock program will stream incorrect and correct inputs online, much like above.
- Removed alias for element API
* Fixed graphical bug in reactor program
* Fixed reactor program crashing after a certain amount of time (I think, this one keeps popping up).
+ Security hashing to protect a users online sync information

If you want to stay up to date, or get the inside scoop on these updates, then check this page out.

With the home management system, im not sure how to go about it, I would like to use class like meta objects to make the program modular, so you could create events like so:

- Pick a client (wireless)
- Pick a task (redstone etc.. &amp; side)
- Pick a trigger (redstone, timer)

I would like to have a client have its own events that then informs the master, the event would have a name (like a custom os.queueevent), which would then tell the master to do something.

This may happen, or it may not, we'll just have to see :P/>
Any suggestions? Let me know, and I will consider them for the next update!
Edited on 31 July 2015 - 05:27 AM
micmou #73
Posted 13 April 2015 - 07:53 AM
Kinda an offshot but maybe a turtle that follows you like an umbrella take that sun light usefulness is you allow me outside as I am a witchery vampire also again a feature I will request forever OpenComputers support the move to TPPI2 is going to suck
hbomb79 #74
Posted 13 April 2015 - 11:00 AM
Kinda an offshot but maybe a turtle that follows you like an umbrella take that sun light usefulness is you allow me outside as I am a witchery vampire also again a feature I will request forever OpenComputers support the move to TPPI2 is going to suck

Any further requests wont be addressed until I have finished the web interface, if you want to check the site out, then this is the link:

It is not public as yet, so signing up requires an access code, but hopefully the site should be done soon, I am focussing on the looks and adding the functionality later as adding the looks afterwards is very difficult for me when working with PHP, at least this way I can plan the looks and then add the function.

Its going very well currently and hopefully by the end of April the site will be finished, although I will PM you the access code once testing is viable (Hopefully this week)
Edited on 13 April 2015 - 09:02 AM
Rand_Al_Thorn #75
Posted 20 April 2015 - 06:08 PM
I would love to see this program handle big reactor turbines and auto control input output for max efficiency. I love direwolf20's program for this but it dose not support multiple turbine, major issue for my base.
TheEisbaer #76
Posted 29 July 2015 - 03:54 PM
Is Update 2.2. still happening?
hbomb79 #77
Posted 31 July 2015 - 06:58 AM

The Security Suite is discontinued, although a new system/collection of programs is coming soon! This one will be better than SSP, using a new API and brand new programs.

Keep an eye out on my Github:
Edited on 31 July 2015 - 05:27 AM
hbomb79 #78
Posted 30 August 2015 - 10:24 AM
Fixed a vital bug stopping the setup program from functioning, just had to fix this one before I release my new programs :D/>