Posted 01 August 2014 - 03:46 AM
So, I decided that a simple sign shop store would be too lame for me. I mean why have computercraft and open peripheral if you're not going to use them?
Introducing: GazzShop,
Using MineFactoryReloadeds rednet cables and open peripheral i devised a way that allows the users of the program to purchase near infinite amounts of goods from my AE system.
It's currently what I consider to be in a state of Beta-Development.
So when I feel comfortable with the completed project I'll release it to the community so that all can abuse my store system baha.

Notice, it says diamond currently disabled. That's something that's currently being worked on, really detirmining the right price to sell them for is the thing.
Anyway, quick note. I love computercraft, and this is why.
Introducing: GazzShop,
Using MineFactoryReloadeds rednet cables and open peripheral i devised a way that allows the users of the program to purchase near infinite amounts of goods from my AE system.
It's currently what I consider to be in a state of Beta-Development.
So when I feel comfortable with the completed project I'll release it to the community so that all can abuse my store system baha.
Front View.

Usage View.

Anyway, quick note. I love computercraft, and this is why.