Message from future me, if you enjoy this.. erm.. thing (or even if you don't), you should check out my latest game! It's way better than this one, I'm sure you'd love it ;)/>
Click the link here to check it out!
Back to your original post already in progress..
Yes, yes, I know, another Anti-Virus. Before you click off the topic though, let me assure you, this is NOT just a stupid "string.find()" program. I DID actually work hard on this. And though it still has some bugs and glitches in it, I'm sure you will be pleased to use it.
Ravnik Anti-Virus isn't really an Anti-Virus as much as it is a sandbox tool.
I'm sure you will find a nice use for it. Even if it is just for sand-boxing your
own programs to see if they will pop up as viruses. The way Ravnik works,
everything is on a point system. Some functions give you a minimal point
dent (such as, and some give you a major point dent
(such as Whenever the points overflow their limit, Ravnik
will crash the program and report it to you immediately. The best
feature about the point system, is that YOU (the user) gets to choose
how sensitive, or how lax the sandbox is on your program.
Just type in
*Whatever name you downloaded Ravnik with* sandbox *file name* *point limit*
and run your program like you normally would. Most dangerouscalls will be blocked by Ravnik, so don't be surprised if your
program bugs out when it realizes it can't save your file.
pastebin get mNHc16yK RavnikAV
List of all functions considered "Dangerous" by Ravnik.
All Handles/Peripherals are considered dangerous by Ravnik, and are treated as such. They are not on this list.os.setComputerLabel - No points, but blocked
os.getComputerID - No points, but blocked - No points, but the new file is sandboxed. - 1 Point
fs.makeDir - 1 Point
fs.combine - 1 Point
fs.move - 1 Point
fs.copy - 1 Point - 1 Point
os.loadAPI - 1 Point - 1 Point (Environment replaced with the Sandbox's Environment)
http.request - 1 Point
http.get - 1 Point
peripheral.wrap - 1 Point
os.shutdown - 2 Points
os.reboot - 2 Points
os.pullEventRaw - 2 Points - 2 Points
shell.exit - 2 Points
fs.delete - 3 Points - 3 Points