Posted 20 August 2014 - 04:08 AM
Alright, so I was bored and I saw a post in Ask A Pro where someone was creating a menu, and I thought, "You know, I could probably make a simple yet flexible menu". It turned out a bit better than I expected, and a lot more challanging. However, I present the final result to you today.
Here's how it works: You give the function a title and a bunch of options. It displays the title and allows the users to scroll through the options, creating multiple pages if necessary. Additionally, if you run it on an advanced computer (this is compatible with normal computer), it will color the brackets yellow. There's probably a million different ways to code this thing, but here's what I've come up with: Demo with GravityScore & 1lann's HTML Emulator
pastebin get gbxiZJtc
Better description of usage:
Here's how it works: You give the function a title and a bunch of options. It displays the title and allows the users to scroll through the options, creating multiple pages if necessary. Additionally, if you run it on an advanced computer (this is compatible with normal computer), it will color the brackets yellow. There's probably a million different ways to code this thing, but here's what I've come up with: Demo with GravityScore & 1lann's HTML Emulator
function menu( title, ... )
--edit the background color to make the GUI more unique
term.setBackgroundColor( )
local debug = false --#turn to true to see what it's thinking
local tArgs = { ... }
local pages = {[1]={}}
for i = 1, #tArgs, 1 do
if #pages[ #pages ] == 7 then
pages[ #pages + 1 ] = {}
pages[ #pages ][ #pages[#pages] + 1 ] = tArgs[ i ]
local maxLen = 0
for k, v in ipairs( tArgs ) do
if #v > maxLen then maxLen = #v end
local maxx, maxy = term.getSize()
if maxLen > maxx - 20 then
error( 'largest string is too large', 2 )
local centerx = math.ceil( maxx/2 )
local centery
local yValue = {}
local page = 1
local selected = math.ceil( #pages[ page ] / 2 )
local function render()
local tbl = pages[ page ]
centery = (maxy/2) - #tbl/2
term.setCursorPos( centerx - #title/2 + 1, 2 )
term.write( title )
for i = 1, #tbl do
term.setCursorPos( centerx - (#tbl[i]/2), centery + i )
yValue[ i ] = centery + i
term.write( tbl[ i ] )
if pages[ page - 1 ] then
term.setCursorPos( 3, centery + #tbl/2 + 1 )
term.write( "previous" )
if pages[ page + 1 ] then
term.setCursorPos( maxx - 5, centery + #tbl/2 + 1 )
term.write( "next" )
local str = "(" .. page .. "/" .. #pages .. ")"
term.setCursorPos( centerx - (#str/2), maxy )
term.write( str )
while true do
if debug then
term.setCursorPos( 1, 1 )
term.write( selected )
term.setCursorPos( 1, 2 )
term.write( page )
if term.isColor() then
term.setTextColor( colors.yellow )
if selected == "previous" and not pages[ page - 1 ] then
selected = math.ceil( #pages[ page ]/2 )
elseif selected == "next" and not pages[ page + 1 ] then
selected = math.ceil( #pages[ page ]/2 )
if type( selected ) == "number" then
term.setCursorPos( centerx - (#pages[page][selected]/2) - 3, yValue[ selected ] )
term.write( "[" )
term.setCursorPos( centerx + (#pages[page][selected]/2) + 2, yValue[ selected ] )
term.write( "]" )
elseif selected == "previous" then
term.setCursorPos( 1, centery + #pages[ page ]/2 + 1 )
term.write( "[" )
term.setCursorPos( 12, centery + #pages[ page ]/2 + 1 )
term.write( "]" )
elseif selected == "next" then
term.setCursorPos( maxx - 7, centery + #pages[ page ]/2 + 1 )
term.write( "[" )
term.setCursorPos( maxx, centery + #pages[ page ]/2 + 1 )
term.write( "]" )
if term.isColor() then
term.setTextColor( colors.white )
local event, key = os.pullEvent( "key" )
local old = selected
if key == 200 and type( selected ) == "number" and pages[ page ][ selected - 1 ] then
selected = selected - 1
elseif key == 208 and type( selected ) == "number" and pages[ page ][ selected + 1 ] then
selected = selected + 1
elseif key == 28 then
if type( selected ) == "number" then
return pages[ page ][ selected ]
elseif selected == "next" and pages[ page + 1 ] then
page = page + 1
elseif selected == "previous" and pages[ page - 1 ] then
page = page - 1
elseif key == 203 then
if selected == "next" then
selected = math.ceil( #pages[ page ]/2 )
elseif type( selected ) == "number" and pages[ page - 1 ] then
selected = "previous"
elseif key == 205 then
if selected == "previous" then
selected = math.ceil( #pages[ page ]/2 )
elseif type( selected ) == "number" and pages[ page + 1 ] then
selected = "next"
pastebin get gbxiZJtc
Better description of usage:
local option = menu( "Select an option", "option_1", "option_2", "option_3" )
if option == "option_3" then
--#do stuff
elseif option == "option_2" then
--#do stuff
elseif option == "option_1" then
--#do stuff
Edited on 22 August 2014 - 01:17 PM