This is a read-only snapshot of the ComputerCraft forums,
taken in April 2020.

Custom Recipe
Started by Matchlighter, 07 June 2012 - 04:41 AMPosted 07 June 2012 - 06:41 AM
I quite like ComputerCraft, mainly because of the Lua, but also because of the Turtles and wireless modems. However, ComputerCraft and RedPower Control Computers can't really exist side by side (especially in server play) because, resource wise, one is really cheap while the other is really expensive. So, as CC Computers are more powerful than RPC's I would like to suggest a setting to allow users (particularly server owners) to change the crafting recipe so CC Computers are crafted out of some of the components of RPC's computers e.g. with a RPC CPU, monitor, and RAM. This will keep resource costs properly balanced for server play. It also wouldn't be too difficult to do as RedPower has a simple API to get block/item ID's for the items it adds to the game.
Posted 07 June 2012 - 06:53 AM
use a recipe changing mod or plugin, i like the way cc is right now although i always like having options to make it harder
and on my server we usually replace our door locks with control computers once we can afford them, we still use CC for emails and wireless though
i haz recipie

and on my server we usually replace our door locks with control computers once we can afford them, we still use CC for emails and wireless though
i haz recipie

Posted 07 June 2012 - 08:11 AM
That Would Be Wayy To Expensive With The Dimonds =P I Would Say Make It Cheeper With Iron And Redstone, And Besides You Need Permission With The Redpower Owner, And What If You Don't Like Redpower (Witch I Do) And Only Have The Computercraft Mod?
Posted 08 June 2012 - 12:33 AM
use a recipe changing mod or plugin, i like the way cc is right now although i always like having options to make it harder
and on my server we usually replace our door locks with control computers once we can afford them, we still use CC for emails and wireless though
i haz recipie
I have heard of such mods, but it is always nice to have that feature built in. You would also have to deal with another mod and configuring it both client and server side, which can become a pain.
Then you have the option not to enable the feature.That Would Be Wayy To Expensive With The Dimonds =P I Would Say Make It Cheeper With Iron And Redstone, And Besides You Need Permission With The Redpower Owner, And What If You Don't Like Redpower (Witch I Do) And Only Have The Computercraft Mod?
Posted 08 June 2012 - 06:07 AM
Is there a non-bukkit forge-compatible recipie changer mod? Cause I would love to be able to use that!
Posted 08 June 2012 - 10:00 PM
compared to what computercraft can do compared to what rpc can do and its cost it is actually fairThat Would Be Wayy To Expensive With The Dimonds =P I Would Say Make It Cheeper With Iron And Redstone, And Besides You Need Permission With The Redpower Owner, And What If You Don't Like Redpower (Witch I Do) And Only Have The Computercraft Mod?
you wouldnt need permission from eloramm if you were just using a recipe
if you dont have redpower then it wont do anything because it wont have a rp config to read from
and guess what? ITS OPTIONAL, why you gotta hate on more options?
Posted 08 June 2012 - 11:59 PM
Well, can't mods detect if others are?
Like with ccSensors or thaumcraft?
Just detect if RP is installed and a new config option called "RedPower Recipes" is enabled
Like with ccSensors or thaumcraft?
Just detect if RP is installed and a new config option called "RedPower Recipes" is enabled
Posted 09 June 2012 - 02:02 AM
Why not just ask Dan to include multiple ways of making items? You can use the expensive recipes if you want or use the cheap ones.
Posted 09 June 2012 - 04:15 AM
That wouldn't be very good if your trying to run a server and want something like this… Other wise I would just craft both and incinerate the RPC one to make thing even.Why not just ask Dan to include multiple ways of making items? You can use the expensive recipes if you want or use the cheap ones.
Posted 09 June 2012 - 09:55 AM
Why wouldn't it? You can disable the recipe you don't want.
Posted 09 June 2012 - 10:48 PM
Why wouldn't it? You can disable the recipe you don't want.
Thanks for clarifying what I meant, Cloudy. Obviously, I meant that it would be configurable which recipe(s) to use, guys.
Posted 11 June 2012 - 07:31 AM
Why wouldn't it? You can disable the recipe you don't want.
Thanks for clarifying what I meant, Cloudy. Obviously, I meant that it would be configurable which recipe(s) to use, guys.
Then that is exactly what I am suggesting.
Posted 15 June 2012 - 12:20 AM
These recipes are just totally awesome, they fit in so well with RP! :(/>/>i haz recipieSpoiler
Posted 23 June 2012 - 12:34 PM
Or a recipe with IC2 ADVANCED ele/nic circuts.
Posted 07 July 2012 - 04:44 AM
Why does the more expensive recipie need to require RedPower? Why not just have the computer crafting recipies use more crafted items (rather than basic resources) from Minecraft?
For instance, a computer recipie could use a clock and three repeaters (representing a processor and controllable output on the back) instead of just redstone, stone and glass (also, it could use a whole glass block instead of just a single pane). That increases the resource cost significantly without being dependent on another mod.
For instance, a computer recipie could use a clock and three repeaters (representing a processor and controllable output on the back) instead of just redstone, stone and glass (also, it could use a whole glass block instead of just a single pane). That increases the resource cost significantly without being dependent on another mod.
Posted 22 July 2012 - 06:19 AM
Why does the more expensive recipie need to require RedPower? Why not just have the computer crafting recipies use more crafted items (rather than basic resources) from Minecraft?
For instance, a computer recipie could use a clock and three repeaters (representing a processor and controllable output on the back) instead of just redstone, stone and glass (also, it could use a whole glass block instead of just a single pane). That increases the resource cost significantly without being dependent on another mod.
It doen't have to be RP. When I wrote "Custom Recipe" I meant more "RedPower Recipe" to make it so CC computers relate to RPC's when it comes to resource cost.
Posted 25 July 2012 - 02:26 AM
Hmm…I guess this goes back to the running discussion of whether CC computers are as "really useful" as Redpower equivalents. I don't really get all of that, I play minecraft as a game rather than a major creative outlet. But it seems like making particular varients of the mod specifically for maximum balance compatability with a given other mod is a bit…I think that keeping up with the official game versions is more than enough work.
Posted 10 January 2013 - 11:26 PM
Forgive the thread necro, but I hate starting repeated discussions in forums, and this thread is exactly what I've been pondering about for a while….
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I sense I'm not the only person who would like to see CC items being a little more expensive to craft than they presently are. I absolutely love Elorams RP computers and the balance they have, but I absolutely love Lua, Turtles and monitors too :)/>. A perfect balance for me would be the level of recipe complexity that RPC brings, but everything else CC. I'm not suggesting just copy/rob RPC recipes. But some blocks of stone, a piece of glass and some redstone does not a compter make - and yes, I know it's a game but…. really….?!
On a search, there was a suggestion that dan200 was contemplating introduced alternative recipes that could be switched via a config option (tweet?)…. is there any update/news on that? I've not seen anything?
I'm not suggesting spoil it for what is clearly the majority who like cheap crafting and change the recipes across the board - an option for the two would be fine so those that enjoy it the way it is can carry on.
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I sense I'm not the only person who would like to see CC items being a little more expensive to craft than they presently are. I absolutely love Elorams RP computers and the balance they have, but I absolutely love Lua, Turtles and monitors too :)/>. A perfect balance for me would be the level of recipe complexity that RPC brings, but everything else CC. I'm not suggesting just copy/rob RPC recipes. But some blocks of stone, a piece of glass and some redstone does not a compter make - and yes, I know it's a game but…. really….?!
On a search, there was a suggestion that dan200 was contemplating introduced alternative recipes that could be switched via a config option (tweet?)…. is there any update/news on that? I've not seen anything?
I'm not suggesting spoil it for what is clearly the majority who like cheap crafting and change the recipes across the board - an option for the two would be fine so those that enjoy it the way it is can carry on.
Posted 11 January 2013 - 02:48 AM
The rest of the recipes seem ok, but the simplicity of buiding the basic computer, and building that up into an array of computers and turtles seems much too easy. One successfull trip down to diamond level and you have the materials to construct automated mining machines.But some blocks of stone, a piece of glass and some redstone does not a compter make.
I'd love to see some sort of tech tree to build up the basic computer. Require a circut board, a monitor recipe, RAM, NVRAM (since they don't lose their memory when picked up and don't have an internal disk)
Posted 11 January 2013 - 05:04 AM
I'm generally opposed to the idea of adding dozens of new blocks and items to try and recreate the difficulty of building a working computer from scratch. After all, we aren't recreating the difficulty of carrying a cubic meter of stone (or breaking that stone with some other stones on a stick), or turning that stone into smooth, seamless pavers.
I'm not opposed to the recipes being a good bit more expensive, though. But it seems to me like this thread may have died for a reason. Possibly as a result of something I said in my last post, though I'm not sure what.
You know what, though? I'm going to go ahead and expand on the suggestion, and suggest several options for a configurable expensive recipes value. Default would be the normal recipes, then expensive recipes based on more involved minecraft components (clocks, comparators, pistons, dispensers) then RPC equivalence, and then hardcore, where you couldn't craft computers at all, so you'd need to be in creative to get them (this may or may not be a useful option for SMP server operators).
And then, just to be contrary, I'll shoot down this suggestion. Or at least vote against it.
I'm not opposed to the recipes being a good bit more expensive, though. But it seems to me like this thread may have died for a reason. Possibly as a result of something I said in my last post, though I'm not sure what.
You know what, though? I'm going to go ahead and expand on the suggestion, and suggest several options for a configurable expensive recipes value. Default would be the normal recipes, then expensive recipes based on more involved minecraft components (clocks, comparators, pistons, dispensers) then RPC equivalence, and then hardcore, where you couldn't craft computers at all, so you'd need to be in creative to get them (this may or may not be a useful option for SMP server operators).
And then, just to be contrary, I'll shoot down this suggestion. Or at least vote against it.
Posted 11 January 2013 - 09:17 AM
Recipes may change in the future - but they will never be as expensive as RPC computers. When you need multiple diamond blocks to make a computer, you know there's a problem.
Posted 11 January 2013 - 12:25 PM
There are also mods specifically designed for changing other mods' recipes.
Posted 11 January 2013 - 12:39 PM
Hmm, fair enough, given the edit to the title I guess that's "Message received and understood". I am in the minority, clearly. I'll head off to Google and find this recipe-changing mod then….
Posted 11 January 2013 - 01:05 PM
Are these polls stupid? (edit by Cloudy)
- Yes (9004 votes [99.99%])
- No(1 votes [0.01%])
Posted 11 January 2013 - 01:16 PM
its over nine thousand!!!!
if anyone wants me to make those recipes cheaper i can :3
if anyone wants me to make those recipes cheaper i can :3
Posted 11 January 2013 - 02:33 PM
Hmm, fair enough, given the edit to the title I guess that's "Message received and understood". I am in the minority, clearly. I'll head off to Google and find this recipe-changing mod then….
The edit to the title was to do with the poll, not with the recipe idea. I'm just fed up of seeing polls on every suggestion topic, and decided to poke a little fun.
Posted 12 January 2013 - 03:29 AM
People still voting :D/>