Amongst other things, I've been working on a project that's been in the works for sometime, but I started it again from scratch because the old one was hideously coded. In short, it's an app that allows you to put little, uhhh, things, on your desktop. If you've used GeekTool, it's similar to that. It also looks like Rainmeter might be a little similar, but I haven't looked at it. At the moment it's Mac only, but I might be able to run it on Windows.
The main difference that this will have over those and similar apps is ease of use (surprise, surprise :P/>). With GeekTool everything had to be done through Terminal commands (and AppleScript as Terminal can call it). Needless to say, it wasn't pretty. It was painful for even the most advanced users, especially if you wanted something such as weather. I haven't used Rainmeter, but taking a quick look at the API makes it look like it's not much easier, or worse. My app is 100% HTML, CSS and JavaScript (and Objective-C) with lots of easy to use APIs.
Essentially I'm just wanting feedback from people about things they think I should add/change/remove, etc. I'm also looking for name idea, because I really can't think of a good one.
I'll add a more detailed description if people are interested, but here are a few screenshots of it. Do note that it is in fairly early stages, but a lot of the backend stuff is done.
At the moment I've only made two widgets, but I'll be adding more pretty soon. Most of the work thus far has been getting everything interlinking and working. You can easily move and resize everything. (Please note that everything is twice the size due to my screen). Oh, and the iTunes widget changes colour to match the artwork :D/>
As some Mac users (including myself, sorry about the oversized images) have Retina screens I've tried to make everything resolution independent by doing things vector based and avoiding raster images. This means you can do cool stuff like this… Not that anyone would, but, hey, why not? :P/>

Finally, as previously mentioned, everything is web based, which makes stuff really easy to make and debug.

So if you've got any name ideas or comments, let me know!