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Started by Graypup, 08 June 2012 - 01:49 PM
Graypup #1
Posted 08 June 2012 - 03:49 PM
A list of the various programs that I've made for my server.
gOS - A secure (as much as I could make it) OS that's simple. Needs testing. I'm sorry, but it's broken, because I couldn't test when it was released. gOS 2.0 will have better config files that you can't put random code in, and hack the system :D/>/>
SpoilerInstallation instructions: put the contents of the zip in the saves/world/computer/id folder. I'll make an installer LATER.
gLogin - Pretty much the whole login system for gOS, to be implemented in your own programs
It's designed to be pasted into your own programs
Function list
Spoilersync() - internal, writes the accounts to disk
rmUser(adminPassword, user) - deletes the user specified
addUser(adminPassword, user, userPassword) - adds the user specified
init() - loads the usernames and passwords into the main table
chkUsr(user) - checks the existance of that user
chkCred(user, password) - password is in plain text, function for checking if the credentials entered match those on file
gLogin.catchData(user, password) - internal function to add a user to the table (used in init) This function is protected against abuse.
Btw, computer doesn't like playing minecraft, so I have *never* played 1.4. Aw well, it turns out that I have nothing of value on my computer, so might as well wipe it, and install Win8. UPDATE: stupid videocard, or something unplugged. FIIIXED

Here's teh latest version circa July lol: (btw, wtfpl licensed, because I can't continue development (or can I?))
Quite amusingly, someone made a linux distro named gOS >:-( before I started this CC OS
ps: probably rewriting, as the current codebase is horrible.
Pinkishu #2
Posted 08 June 2012 - 08:23 PM
Uhm do i have to get the point of this gvar program?
arbot #3
Posted 08 June 2012 - 08:43 PM
Uhm do i have to get the point of this gvar program?

He's using functions to put stuff and get stuff from a table, which already has functions for this..

Hexicube #4
Posted 08 June 2012 - 08:44 PM
"I hate to have crap text files for every single variable"
I dont recall variables saving to a file by themselves…
kazagistar #5
Posted 08 June 2012 - 09:45 PM
No, it is just avoiding a problem with global namspaces. The problem is the global scopes in libraries are different, so if he loads libraries, his global variables dont persist. Thus, instead of passing them to persistance or something, he made a library which locks his global variables into a single namespace.

Of course, this can be done in dozens of different ways, but to each his own.
Graypup #6
Posted 16 June 2012 - 06:54 PM
Actually, I was avoiding the annoying fact of each shell session having a separate environment. The point of the gvar program is to make variables accessible from any program that can access the APIs.
I just didn't want text files sitting around on my system from a persistant variables program.
Graypup #7
Posted 20 June 2012 - 04:15 AM
Graypup #8
Posted 15 July 2012 - 08:35 PM
Graypup #9
Posted 15 July 2012 - 10:26 PM