Hello CC Forums!

[indent=1]I'd like to take the time to tell you about a new utility I've been working on. Its called Netwisp.[/indent]
Netwisp is a network topology mapper, which means that it goes around and collect information about your network (interfaces,channels,computers,labels,connected peripherals). It essentially probes different nodes on a network, gets information about said computer and adds it to the stack of the network map.


[indent=1]Excellent question. Why would you want to know about your network and the things connected?[/indent]
Let me explain. I run a very large BuildCraft powerplant with over 50 computers running that control assembly lines, nuclear reactors and security systems. I need to know what every computer's configuration it. Option one: Go to each computer and collect this information. Option two: Run a Netwisp daemon that runs in the background and seamlessly collects information such as attached modems, open channels, labels, and connected peripherals. I'd prefer the latter, and that exactly what Netwisp specializes in. I can run a single command in an office and collect information about my entire facility within a few short moments.

  1. On the client, run "ip-mon –mon" to start the primary service. This will allow the program to only be running. To have it run in the background, run "ip-mon –mon -bg" and it will spawn a new shell and run the daemon in the background. Seamless
  2. On the root where you want to launch the scan, run "ip-mon –imap". Don't worry about manually opening modems as it takes care for you.
  3. Once completed, you can run "ip-mon –view" to see a graphical interpretation of your network.

[indent=1]I will soon be migrating all my programs to my APT-Get package manager, but the Github will always be here.[/indent]

[indent=1]To install: "apt-get install netwisp"[/indent]

[indent=1]This will get the utility and install it. You can update it from within CC by running: apt-get update netwisp, and you can always remove it by running: apt-get remove netwisp[/indent]

[indent=1]Github: https://github.com/L...isp/tree/master[/indent]
[indent=1]APT-GET Page: http://www.computerc...-manager-early/[/indent]



As always hope you enjoy! Add your program for free at: http://lneteam.ddns.net and manage your packages!

SpoilerBackground daemon working: ip-mon –mon -bg, to start. To stop daemon ip-mon –mon -k