Posted 27 September 2014 - 04:26 PM
Flashback v1.0.2
Alright, some disclaimers before I continue:
- This does not edit the actual ROM, it creates a virtual drive which acts as the proxy for the ROM, therefore tricking programs and the OS into thinking that the new directory is the actual ROM. Pretty complex.
- This means that the altered ROM is reset at each reboot, and each instance of ROM is "sandboxed" to each individual computer. Security and safety are still retained.
- This also means that ROM is not read-only anymore, and you can edit it after flashing an image. I'm not sure whether to call this a bug or a feature.
- This program can only be called after CraftOS boots, or the "startup" file is executed. Using this utility to change how autorun works will not work, full stop. (It's not possible to do it software-wise, you have to manually add a resource pack to do that.)
- This is still very buggy, as it deals with low-level stuff.
flashback [<imagepath>] [-s]
Calling flashback on it's own will just make the ROM editable. Adding -s will make the new ROM blank. Not recommended.Adding <imagepath> will extract the RAMDisk exported image to the new ROM, and will overwrite anything.
Makes ROM editable.flashback -s
Makes ROM blank, still allowing changes.flashback image
Creates a new ROM using contents of the old ROM, and then extracts the image on top of that.flashback image -s
Creates a ROM only containing contents of the image.Example ROM images
Testing the water here, adds two new programs called "ayylmao" and "nicememe". I'll leave you to figure out what they do.
pastebin get DBvkcKUY ayy
To flash to ROM:flashback ayy
Read this before you download, please.
Calling flashback with the -s argument will erase non-user-created programs, such as cd and dir. Use this if you want to create the ROM from scratch, or you know what you are doing.
If you run into the issue of not being able to do anything, rebooting fixes the problem.
And, for the love of Christopher Nolan, DO NOT RUN FLASHBACK TWICE (inbetween every reboot). It will instantly crash, for reasons unknown. This is the highest priority to fix, as it could potentially be the tip of the bug iceberg.
Assuming you've read all the warning signs and understand that here be dragons, this is the installer.
pastebin run kvpKm0Tp
Go nuts. Use it to create that kernel you've always wanted to make, or use -s to break cd just for the hell of it. Maybe you want to show that pesky parallels API who's boss, or maybe you want to cause more bugs when you try to fix them. In the end, I am not liable for any damages you cause, be it software, hardware or property.Github Link
Edited on 28 September 2014 - 12:14 PM