I've downloaded and tested this. And, I third the pastebin installer idea
This is what your startup screen is.
Not even the decency to term.clear()! NOT EVEN TERM.CLEAR()! I'll pass that up as begginer mistake.
And this, this is your awesome desktop!
(It's not even that bad, but, really? That background.)
Now, some codewise review :
File "file":
print("Reboot To Return To FlixOS")
Yup. You clear. But, you don't clear. Your clear is derp. This is the result.
File "flixos" : empty. Yea, what I tought would be a core file is actually just nothingness.
File "startup":
print("Starting FlixOS")
print("FlixOS Beta By TheKickstart")
First of all, clear. second point, sleep call. remove that sleep call. Fake loading screens are bad but waiting for even printing is.. gah!
File "gui":
That's.. actually surprisingly good code. It's not an ndfjay ripoff, but it isn't the best code I've seen. There's just this one thing.
In line 99, you pastebin run Mm5hd97E. Mm5hd97E is the pastebin code for Oeed's Sketch. I betcha that is clearly important in an OS, running Sketch.
And file "icon" is just a paint file.
Suggestion : Learn to lua before making an OS.