LinearOS has been discontinued since I have not developed it at all for over a year, mainly because it was quite a big school year, and I expect this year to beeven bigger. This OS was one heck of a ride for me and I enjoyed every moment of developing it.
Actually, I didn't really discontinue it because it has been inactive for a year, but because I haven't touched it in a year, I don't know how I did 'what' and what goes on where.
It'l be easier to build a new OS instead of trying to revive this one.
Before I stopped development, I had a basic working version, the rebuilt using NovaUI, then Bedrock - I may upload that version if I can find it.
As for me? I may or may not develop a new operating system, since I have moved more into web development than Lua and Java.
Linear Operating System is to be used on a advanced computer.
This operating system is a huge update from my previous operating system. This OS includes a lot more features and is more customizable.
-SHA256 secured user accounts.
-Different desktop background for each user.
-ComputerCraft App Store by oeed. (Doesn't work for me at the moment.)
-Each user has their own programs folder, managed by the Program Manager (From OSROS)
-A clock will reveal itself when clicked on the top right desktop corner.
-Mouse File Browser by BigSHinyToys
-Compatible with any ComputerCraft program.
-Automatic Updates
-Manuel updates
-Sleek and fast installer
To install Linear OS v1.5.1 run
pastebin run vGdQnj5Y
Paste here.
You can find my GitHub repository for LinearOS here.
Known Issues
-The program manager will freeze and require an entire system reboot if you click uninstall without any programs in the programs folder.
-During updates, the OS won't tell you if you have HTTP on or off.
-I am expecting an error to rise with the returns I put in to prevent the stack overload, since that I haven't seen the overload error, yet I haven't used
the OS enough to find out.
Release 1.5.1-User System: Each user has their own programs folder.
-Desktop: The clock has been replaced with a button ([CLOCK]) which will show the time for 1 second when clicked.
-Settings: Computer Statistics has been renamed to About LinearOS.
-Settings: About LinearOS (formerly Computer Statistics) now shows the computer label, ID and the free space in KB.
-LoadOS: Been shortened, a lot. I removed the bar and replaced it with the LINEAR image.
-LoadOS: The computer will check if all system files are present.
-LoadOS: If there is a missing system file, you will receive an error.
-LoadOS: Removed the user function from the Load OS file and put it in a separate file in apis.
-Startup: The startup file will immediately redirect to linear/system/loados.ls instead of displaying the LINEAR image.
-System: I have put a bunch of returns in to prevent the Java stack overload.
-Several bug fixes.
Release 1.4
-System: Automatic updates fixed.
-System: Automatic updates can be toggled.
-UserScreen: Fixed the print where it would display 'v1.0' instead of 'v1.4'
-FirstTimeUserLogIn;Settings: New color selector
-Desktop: Removed the random bar under the menu
-Several bug fixes
Release 1.3
-System: Automatic updates implemented
-Settings: Boot behavior implemented (You can now either boot or not boot LinearOS on startup)
-Userscreen: Fixed the print where it would display 'v1.0' instead of 'v1.3'
-Installer: Recoded, nice and clean.
Release 1.2
-Update function implemented.
Release 1.1
-User System: Fixed the error where the first user registered will receive an error upon logging in.
-AppStore: Implemented the latest App Store code
The user screen
Desktop with a red color bar for user Luke.
The settings screen with a red bar color for the user Luke
The about LinearOS screen with a red bar color for the user Luke
The desktop screen with the main menu drawn with a red bar color for the user Luke.
The desktop screen with a blue bar color for the user Skull.
Thank you to:
-LBPHacker for the user system (I copied it from my first ever text based OS), program manager help and configuration help, (all from my previous OS - Same as always in Release 1.6)-oeed for the ComputerCraft App Store (Getting removed for Release 1.6 - It is broken)
-Dragon53535 and KingofGamesYami for the stack overload help (Gonna sorta be, not there in Release 1.6)
-awesumben13 for his NovaUI and never ending help regarding it. (This is for Release 1.6 lol - Not released, never to be released)
Even though this OS has been discontinued, I may still work on a new one, I haven't decided yet.