Thanks for the feedback! The "#" is delete, but no, its not possible save and open, that probably will be added! But I need help with that. Maybe if you make this piece of code work, I could add saving :)/>
and, the color thingy turns white because its not a button, thus making it over-ridable, also, the other glitch is I jut accidentally forgot to add the thing when you click a button, it puts that color down there.
And also, that WOULD have been added, infact, I even tried that where theres a button thats says: "Tool: paint-brush" or "Tool: line-fill" but whenever you click it, it moves the screen down, even tough I did
print(" ") --to clear what it said
print("Tool: "..tool)
That didn't work. -_-/>
clickedInfo = (X,Y,color)
clicked (the index table where it saves the click data) = clicked + clickedInfo
but it didn;t work ;(
What its supposed to do:
get where you clicked, and the color selected, then, save it into a table and when you hit save, it saves the colors in letters, like red is r, to a file with the info.
But it didn't work :(/> . Could you, or atleast someone else pls help? Thanks!