What is ÜNA ?
ÜNA is a ComputerCraft add-on that let you create huge antennas, allowing you to send messages through a very long distance (even through dimensions), and that without having a huge amount of Chunk Loading. In order to have a little RP dimension and more difficulty, you will have to launch customizables Satellites in space. The gameplay is for now a bit light, but it will surely become richer in the future.
Feel free to use it in any modpack (but just give a credit please lol).
- 0.1.0 : Energy Update
- Added Solar Storms Capacitors and Satellite Batteries
- Fixed some potential bugs
- Energy consumption
- 0.0.2 : - Better client/server optimization
- Fixed a major bug with GalactiCraft
- 0.0.1 : First release
My Twitter for the updates
How to use
1. Satellites
Satellites are an essential part of the mod : they allow the antennas to communicate.
Every Satellites have to be made with at least a Satellite Core, it's basically the element that link them all.

Satellite Core
In space, a Satellite Core alone is not enough. So you'll need to add Satellite Bridge Upgrades.
Those upgrades allow antennas to connect to the Satellite. Alone, those upgrades allow 3 antennas to connect to the Satellite.
You can add an illimited amount of them to a Satellite.

Satellite Bridge Upgrade
To launch a Satellite, you'll have to send every element one at a time.
However, when you'll launch a Satellite Core, you will need to have a Satellite Identifier.
This little card will store the name of you future Satellite and the very secret control codes.
(those codes are so secret that you will never see them xD)
Be careful, this card will then become unique. If you loose it, you also loose the control of your Satellite.
By right clicking a Satellite Controler or an Antenna Controler, you link it to the Satellite.

Satellite Identifier
2. Satellite Controller

The Satellite Controller is an element allowing you to send and control Satellites.
It needs energy in order to send satellites (10000 + distanceToSkyInBlocks * 50 Units).
You can send elements to space with it like this :

It is a peripheral. You can call those functions :
- isComponentSendable(), boolean : Return if a Satellite element is ready to be sent.
- sendNewSatellite(), boolean : Prepare the platform to send a Satellite Core. To validate, you'll have to right-click the Satellite Controler with a Satellite Identifier. It will then be assigned to this Satellite.
- sendNewElement(), boolean : Send an element to the connected Satellite (except Satellite Core).
- selfDestruct(), boolean : Destroy the connected Satellite.
- getFrequency(), string : Return connected Satellite's name (its frequency).
- deconnect(), void : Deconnect the connected Satellite from the Satellite Controler.
Antennas are the main gameplay element of the mod. You build them like this (air blocks may be replaced by everything you want) :

Antenna Frame

Antenna Support

Antenna Transmitter

Antenna Controller
This last block (Antenna Controller) is a peripheral, its functions are the following :
- isBuilt(), boolean : Return if yes or no the multiblock structure is correctly built (the controler may take up to 30 seconds to realize the the antenna is built again).
- open(), boolean : Return true if the computer is now correctly listenning messages from the antenna. In case of incoming message, an event is fired ("uber_message") with the sender id and message as parameters. Receiving a message cost 20 Units/listenning antenna to the Satellite.
- broadcast(string message), boolean : Send the message to every computers listenning an antenna connected to the same Satellite that the sender's one. Return true if the message has been received by at least one computer (just received, not treated).
- send(number id, string message), boolean : Same as broadcast, but will be received only by the computer with the specified ID.
- getFrequency(), string : Return connected Satellite's name (its frequency).
- setFrequency(string frequency), boolean : Allow the user to manually set the frenquency of the targeted Satellite without owning the Satellite Identifier.
ÜNA implements a small and independant energy system.
The Satellite Battery, when connected to a Satellite, give energy storage to the Satellite (10 000 Units).
On the ground, if connected* directly to a Satellite Controller, it allows the Controller to get its energy.
A Satellite Battery can be connected* to a Satellite Solar Storms Capacitor.
Those capacitor catch Solar Storms particles, it happens almost every 30 seconds (it produce 300 Units/30 seconds/capacitor).
Those batteries, if picked by a turtle, keep their energy storage.
* by connect, I mean you only place them next to each other
Known issues
- peripheral.getFrequency() not working in Satellite Controllers
- More upgrades to Satellites
- More stuff to do with Satellites and energy
- Fix little issues said before
This mod is licensed under JMMPL 1.0.
Hope you'll enjoy this mod !