XWin 2 is a new console-based operating system for CC I am developing now instead of CCWin, which was a failue :)/>
It is planned to have modular structure, meaning that you can easily add or rewrite its parts. It is deployed with an improved shell, but without any graphical interface, which is being developed and will be released as a separate project.
XWin 2 currently has:
- Multiple user accounts with different privileges
- Cooperative multitasking
- Shell
It also supports file permissions (similar to UNIX-like systems).
XWin 2 is partially compatible with CraftOS applications. When I fix all bugs, it will become fully compatible ;)/>
Please give feedback and report any bugs found!
Setup utility can be obtained via pastebin:
pastebin run a7d17F00
Default user: root (no password needed)
Change root password: user -cp root <newpassword>
Create a new user: user -create <name> <password> (password is optional)
Permission format: rwxrwxrwx, where the first 3 letters represent root permissions, the second 3 - owner's and the third - all users'."-r" argument passed to some programs means recursive executing.
File names starting "/" are interpreted as global.
chmod - change file permissions. Syntax: chmod [-r] <path> <mod>
chown - change file owner. Syntax: chown [-r] <path> <owner>
cp - copy file. Syntax: cp <from> <to>
ls - show contents of a directory. Syntax: ls [path]
mkdir - make new directory. Syntax: mkdir <path>
mv - move file. Syntax: mv <from> <to>
pack - pack folder into one file. Syntax: pack <path> <filename> [-se], where [-se] means creating self-executable package.
programs - show contents of /bin
reboot - reboot system
rm - remove file. Syntax: rm [-r] <path>
runas - execute a command as another user. Syntax: runas <user> [-d] <…>, where [-d] means executing command in background
shell - opens a new instanse of shell. Syntax: shell <…>
shutdown - shutdown system
stat - show info about a file. Syntax: stat <path>
sudo - execute a command as root. Syntax: sudo <…>
tasks - list running processes.
unpack - unpack archive created by pack. Syntax: unpack <filename> <path>
user - manage users. Syntax: user -list - lists all users, user -create <username> [password] - creates a user, user -cp <username> [newpassword] - changes user password, user -remove <username> - removes user.