59 posts
Posted 05 November 2014 - 05:06 PM
Im not really a fan of theese show of website topics, but because the description of the forum section says: "
Post pictures/video of your creations. Show us your fan-art, show us your" I decided id go for it.
It's a computercraft themed server website i made :)/> Which is the first dynamic website i've made all by myself from scratch. So that's why i wanted some opionions on the site, aswell as possible suggestions to things i should do differently, or things that looks good. Or most likely some bugs i have not seen.
Well for thoose interested:
132 posts
Florida, USA
Posted 05 November 2014 - 08:54 PM
Very nice, I like it. I would recommend using computercraft's actual textures for the site instead of using your own hand made ones. Its not half bad for your first dynamic site! That reminds me I need to work more on my dynamic site :P/>
59 posts
Posted 05 November 2014 - 09:35 PM
Very nice, I like it. I would recommend using computercraft's actual textures for the site instead of using your own hand made ones. Its not half bad for your first dynamic site! That reminds me I need to work more on my dynamic site :P/>
Yeah, but by using the actual textures of computercraft i would be stealing someone elses work, So i would say its better to make it myself :P/>
3790 posts
Lincoln, Nebraska
Posted 10 November 2014 - 09:37 PM
Just wanted to point out:

Nice job otherwise.
Edited on 10 November 2014 - 08:38 PM
8543 posts
Posted 10 November 2014 - 10:19 PM
It is too! Look what you've done, you've gone and made
alot sad.
59 posts
Posted 11 November 2014 - 08:02 PM
Just wanted to point out:

Nice job otherwise.
Hehe x) fixed!
541 posts
Melbourne, Australia
Posted 13 November 2014 - 08:14 AM
looks f**cking awesome, :D/>
116 posts
Posted 15 November 2014 - 06:21 PM
You know, you can ask dan if you want to use CC's texture. I asked him one day and he was okay.
138 posts
On earth!
Posted 05 February 2015 - 02:23 AM
May I look at the code but other than that very nice website