I don't have a server, sorry man, and we're in different time zones. Here's code for an interpreter that I've been working on, maybe we could run each line of code through something like this for running it line-by-line, or for translating it:
function sepInt()
line = 0
data = { }
state = "running"
table = { }
varnum = 0
variables = { }
input = nil
line = line + 1
print("Line: "..line)
input = read()
table = stringutils.seperate(input," ")
if table[1] == "print" then print(table[2]) end
if table[1] == "broadcast" then rednet.broadcast(table[2]) end
if table[1] == "send" then rednet.send(table[2],table[3]) end
if table[1] == "openport" then rednet.open("top") rednet.open("left") rednet.open("right") rednet.open("back") end
if table[1] == "receive" then rednet.receive(table[2]) end
if table[1] == "eject" then disk.eject(table[2]) end
until state ~= "running"
This is just a tiny, execute-by-line interpreter, but you could make it with things like this (and yes, it does require the StringUtilsAPI, because IT ROCKS :P/>/>):
if table[1]=="commandtag" then file.write(filename,"Lua Version Here")
Also, a file-writing one here:
function sepInt()
line = 0
data = { }
state = "running"
table = { }
varnum = 0
variables = { }
input = nil
line = line + 1
print("Line: "..line)
input = read()
table = stringutils.seperate(input," ")
if table[1] == "print" then f.writeLine("print("..table[2]..")") end
if table[1] == "broadcast" then f.writeLine("rednet.broadcast("..table[2]..")") end
if table[1] == "send" then f.writeLine("rednet.send("..table[2]..","..table[3]..")") end
if table[1] == "openport" then f.writeLine("rednet.open('top') rednet.open('left') rednet.open('right') rednet.open('back')") end
if table[1] == "receive" then f.writeLine("rednet.receive("..table[2])..")" end
if table[1] == "eject" then f.writeLine("disk.eject("..table[2])..")" end
until state ~= "running"
function intro()
print("File to save code too:")
input = read()