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Blaze File Finder

Started by DannySMc, 14 January 2015 - 04:00 PM
DannySMc #1
Posted 14 January 2015 - 05:00 PM
Hi Guys,

This is just a quick version I thought I would make in 2 hours and see what happens, it's nothing much but it's my version of a file browser, it's buggy as hell, but just wanted to hear your thoughtd and see if there is anything that you think could look better and it also has scroll functionality. This will be the main file browser in the newest version of my Verinian OS, which is now updated, so please check it out, anyway, here are some screenshots and the download.

pastebin get 7iWfE66H blaze_finder


Spoiler+ All touch screen
+ File/Folder Colouring
+ Create/Edit/Delete Files/Folders
+ Back button with folder history
+ Can run under Verinian
+ Displays folder path
+ Displays time
+ X button to exit
+ Nice side-bar
+ Scroll function
+ Displays hidden folders

Future Updates:
Spoiler+ More options
+ LuaIDE integration (Waiting for permission)
+ Can be installed through Verinian as an addon
+ Sketch/Ink support
+ File previews

Any questions, just ask, if you have any ideas please tell me, would love to add new ideas.

Help from wieselkatze.


Like it give me a +1 :D/>

If you want to use it in your OS, just send me a PM! :D/>
Edited on 14 January 2015 - 04:21 PM
InDieTasten #2
Posted 14 January 2015 - 08:10 PM
looks nice, although i don't browse files ingame a lot.
DannySMc #3
Posted 14 January 2015 - 10:09 PM
looks nice, although i don't browse files ingame a lot.

Thanks, it's just for use with my OS tbh, just making it standalone for anyone that wishes to use it.
_removed #4
Posted 19 January 2015 - 06:01 PM
This is cool! I tried it out with Verinian Desktop Enviroment and it is amazing!