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ComputerCraft RAM (Random Access Memory) Idea!

Started by davidgumazon, 16 January 2015 - 08:51 AM
davidgumazon #1
Posted 16 January 2015 - 09:51 AM
Wikipedia (Read This only for don't know what is RAM)
Random-access memory (RAM /ræm/) is a form of computer data storage. A random-access memory device allows data items to be read and written in roughly the same amount of time regardless of the order in which data items are accessed.

RAM on ComputerCraft
Requires 2 Computer Blocks (Gold or Local Computer) , 1 is for Main and 1 is for Handler . using Rednet API and Networking/Wireless Modem and Sort Generator for Sorting Rednet API to Ignore Other Unknown Signals like Rednet Broadcast API , Sort Generator is just a Random Characters Generator :P/> and using

while true do
-- do stuff here anything
local senderId, message, protocol = rednet.receive()
local pkey = "futons"
if protocol == pkey then
-- do stuff here if true
-- do stuff here if false
-- do stuff here anything
to Receive Access Private Only :)/> , this is code is for Handler

Uses of RAM
can Handel Unlimited Memory , Depends on Received Datas
use Variable = {} to store Datas
Request Data to get Informations
ComputerCraft Game Requires Bigger File Size ? Request Computer Data to Receive Game Data Needed
More Than 1MB File Sizes ? Seperate the file 1,000,000B per 1 Computer Storages or 100,000B per 1 Floppy Disk , then Read All Data Inside File and Send to Handler then Read Another File Again… after that Request the Handler for Received Datas then Main Computer will Read all Data to Run, if you can Run the File More than 1MB with non-edit config

Default ComputerCraft Storage (Read This only for don't know what is Default Storage of Computercraft)
Local & Gold Computer - 1,000,000 Bytes
Floppy Disk - 100,000 Bytes
Pocket Computer - 1,000,000 Bytes
Pocket Computer on Disk Drive - 1,000,000 Bytes

Per 1 Character = 1 Byte or 8 Bits
Max Characters = 1,000,000 Chars

Questions :
Q1: Do you have any Idea for ComputerCraft RAM
Q2: Is this RAM is Really Useful or not
Q3: <— just a Question Number 3 :lol:/>
Lignum #2
Posted 16 January 2015 - 04:57 PM
Um, what? We already have memory, do we not? It's one of the most essential elements of a program.
Lemmmy #3
Posted 16 January 2015 - 05:06 PM
What is a Local Computer? In what update are Gold Computers?
Edited on 16 January 2015 - 04:08 PM
ardera #4
Posted 16 January 2015 - 06:47 PM
Your PC has enough RAM. I think computercraft doesn't need a peripheral for something that the whole concept of a computer wouldn't work without.
Bomb Bloke #5
Posted 16 January 2015 - 09:58 PM
OpenComputers already implement variable-sized RAM modules, to my understanding, which in my opinion is reason enough for ComputerCraft not to.
davidgumazon #6
Posted 17 January 2015 - 08:38 AM
Um, what? We already have memory, do we not? It's one of the most essential elements of a program.
:lol:/> ikr This Topic Ram in CC It is for users used Default Max Storage in ComputerCraft and uses big file size and to run it

What is a Local Computer? In what update are Gold Computers?
Local Computers are Normal Computers but Color API is Restricted and Color API is available for Gold Computers , Gold Computers is Unlock All APIs

Your PC has enough RAM. I think computercraft doesn't need a peripheral for something that the whole concept of a computer wouldn't work without.
umm… My Computer Specs : 1GB Ram, 1Core, AMD Athlon™ II X2 245, 2.45GHz, 32-bit, NVIDIA
My Computer is for Gaming :)/> Minecraft and Mods Works Faster
i talking about RAM in ComputerCraft

OpenComputers already implement variable-sized RAM modules, to my understanding, which in my opinion is reason enough for ComputerCraft not to.
I'm Confused to Understand How OpenComputer's Mod Works but soon i will understand how it work so i will create APIs that Compatible to all CC and OC APIs

i'm Working to Create RAM APIs and Utils of Complete Controls and Functions but i need to finish my BIOL API first and i will modify BIOS in ComputerCraft
valithor #7
Posted 17 January 2015 - 04:52 PM
OpenComputers already implement variable-sized RAM modules, to my understanding, which in my opinion is reason enough for ComputerCraft not to.
I'm Confused to Understand How OpenComputer's Mod Works but soon i will understand how it work so i will create APIs that Compatible to all CC and OC APIs

Computercraft as I understand is suppose to be simple enough for anyone to come in and pick it up. You making that statement makes it obvious that adding ram makes it more complicated and thus harder to learn. Adding ram goes against what this mod is suppose to be, so is not likely to be added.

local comp = regular computer
gold comp = advanced computer

ps. the constant use of bold actually makes what you write incredibly hard to read.
Edited on 17 January 2015 - 03:52 PM
ElvishJerricco #8
Posted 19 January 2015 - 11:48 AM
:lol:/> ikr This Topic Ram in CC It is for users used Default Max Storage in ComputerCraft and uses big file size and to run it

I'm not convinced you know what RAM is if you're talking about the max storage config. RAM and file storage are very different, and file storage is already expandable with disk drives. RAM simply can't expanded by the nature of how the mod works.
Mr. Bateman #9
Posted 19 January 2015 - 02:43 PM
i'm Working to Create RAM APIs and Utils of Complete Controls and Functions but i need to finish my BIOL API first and i will modify BIOS in ComputerCraft

That simply isn't possible. Without the debug library, you wouldn't be able to know how much RAM local variables take up, meaning it would be very easy to circumnavigate that, and I don't think programmers will cripple the style of their code just to adhere to this very limiting suggestion. Sorry.

umm… My Computer Specs : 1GB Ram, 1Core, AMD Athlon™ II X2 245, 2.45GHz, 32-bit, NVIDIA
My Computer is for Gaming :)/> Minecraft and Mods Works Faster
And no offense, those specs would've been considered a "gaming" computer roughly around 5-10 years ago. 6-8GB of RAM and 4 cores have become the norm now.
DannySMc #10
Posted 19 January 2015 - 03:53 PM
umm… My Computer Specs : 1GB Ram, 1Core, AMD Athlon™ II X2 245, 2.45GHz, 32-bit, NVIDIA
My Computer is for Gaming :)/> Minecraft and Mods Works Faster
i talking about RAM in ComputerCraft

Them specs are pretty poor, I mean 1GB of RAM? That is near the BARE minimum to run minecraft itself, I am pretty sure a 1 core computer can't actually run minecraft? without terrible lag?:S like above I don't think that's even slightly a gaming computer, that probably won't run any new games? I am sure you're probably struggling to run Minecraft?

Also RAM is a type of random access memory, not a storage memory? Also this should really be moved as it's not a help question just a "poor idea".
davidgumazon #11
Posted 24 January 2015 - 03:15 PM
Computercraft as I understand is suppose to be simple enough for anyone to come in and pick it up. You making that statement makes it obvious that adding ram makes it more complicated and thus harder to learn. Adding ram goes against what this mod is suppose to be, so is not likely to be added.

local comp = regular computer
gold comp = advanced computer

ps. the constant use of bold actually makes what you write incredibly hard to read.
Also RAM is a type of random access memory, not a storage memory? Also this should really be moved as it's not a help question just a "poor idea".

I'm Not English i'm from philippines and it's not simple to understand some english for me but i can understand some english and k no more Bold that RAM i talking about it's just Local or Global Variable that Another Computer will Handel Data everything he received and i'm not trying to plss add Ram in ComputerCraft mod, i just call Local is Regular and Gold is Advance Computers so i need to call This Computer's Reg Computer and Adv Computer?, \_(o.o)_/ iknow this is Poor Idea that my 2nd Question is to… does anyone have any Better Idea for RAM but

Them specs are pretty poor, I mean 1GB of RAM? That is near the BARE minimum to run minecraft itself, I am pretty sure a 1 core computer can't actually run minecraft? without terrible lag?:S like above I don't think that's even slightly a gaming computer, that probably won't run any new games? I am sure you're probably struggling to run Minecraft?
i'm not Aware from New Games and it's not much popular in my Country, New Games more fun for me no! my and minecraft doesn't lag much i dont need to increase Distance that maybe can reach my Limit but i'm very careful to add new mods in my minecraft that doesn't make me lag :)/>

I'm not convinced you know what RAM is if you're talking about the max storage config. RAM and file storage are very different, and file storage is already expandable with disk drives. RAM simply can't expanded by the nature of how the mod works.
i'm not talking about Storage Config but i talking about i know Local or Global Variable that Handel Data using
Variable = {} like

-- Handler
local var1 = {}
while true do
local var2 = fname.waitForRequest()
if var2 == "cmd" then
  local var2 = fname.waitForRequest()
  local var1 = var2
elseif [another condition]
  [do nothing]
-- Main
var1 = rednet.receive()
That's All

And no offense, those specs would've been considered a "gaming" computer roughly around 5-10 years ago. 6-8GB of RAM and 4 cores have become the norm now.
umm.. What did you say ?? :wacko:/> ??

That simply isn't possible. Without the debug library, you wouldn't be able to know how much RAM local variables take up, meaning it would be very easy to circumnavigate that, and I don't think programmers will cripple the style of their code just to adhere to this very limiting suggestion. Sorry.
you wouldn't be able to know how much RAM local variables take up
jajaja :D/> i gonna try this > :)/> i will use 6 Variables in Handler dont mad :(/> i tryin what i can do of my intelligence

Also RAM is a type of random access memory, not a storage memory? Also this should really be moved as it's not a help question …
Disk Ram Rom and etc. are all Storage Memory i know that u know ram is just a temporary storage
Also this should really be moved as it's not a help question
and Where i gonna Move This can u see there's 3 Question that 3rd Question is just a Question for a Question and another Question

This my PC i use is my Gift from my Uncle on 2011 this my PC i know 4-5 years Computer Life Span :mellow:/> but How Computer will Die My Computer into Rust , in this Year 2015 now my Computer is in Danger My Computer is 4 Years Old

Edit :
:blink:/> No Reply ?
Edited on 26 January 2015 - 05:53 AM
ardera #12
Posted 29 January 2015 - 05:37 PM
umm… My Computer Specs : 1GB Ram, 1Core, AMD Athlon™ II X2 245, 2.45GHz, 32-bit, NVIDIA
My Computer is for Gaming :)/> Minecraft and Mods Works Faster
i talking about RAM in ComputerCraft
I know, but you don't know what RAM is. Every time you use variables in ComputerCraft, you use RAM. RAM is the one of the essentials of the concept of a computer. It is already implemented, and if it wasn't, your ComputerCraft computers would not work.