Posted 19 June 2012 - 01:23 AM
Simple OS provides the user (you) with a simple, arrow key based menu system which allows for basic organization and simple execution of programs. The program currently allows only basic management, however I intend to update it over the next few weeks at the very least.
I am aware that this is really just a snippet, however I feel that it has enough features to at least release it as a useful script. I look forward to getting some feedback and to making some more advances on the program.
I would also like to specifically open up the door on any funny quotations that anyone would like to include in program. Funniest guy gets… an easter egg named after them? Deal? Deal.
Features:- Simple navigation
- Relativly bug-free
- Dynamic
- Some humor
- Conventional file editing in tact
- Currently only allowed 1 directory and 1 sub-directory (will be fixed VERY soon)
- Empty directories will cause errors until a file is put in them
- I am yet to add move, rename, and a few other commands (honestly just too lazy, shouldn't be a problem in later updates)
- Fixes mentioned above
- Login system (again, should be no problem)
- Support for an infinite amount of users
- Privilege levels (administrator accounts, moderator accounts, etc.)
- File encryption (that's going to take some googling)
- Simple key based commands for redstone
- Easy monitor integration (have the code for this already, will insert)
- FTP networking
- TelNet (remote access)
- Cursor based navigation (problematic in the past)
- Additional "built-in" programs
- More funny quotes :(/>/>
I am aware that this is really just a snippet, however I feel that it has enough features to at least release it as a useful script. I look forward to getting some feedback and to making some more advances on the program.
I would also like to specifically open up the door on any funny quotations that anyone would like to include in program. Funniest guy gets… an easter egg named after them? Deal? Deal.