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Computercraft Control Room

Started by Creator, 27 January 2015 - 09:24 AM
Creator #1
Posted 27 January 2015 - 10:24 AM
Hi guys,

I have written a lot of Computercraft programs that are part of a bigger "Control Room" project. The basic idea is to create a control room that is able to command password proteced doors, wirelessly contol turtles, send custom messages over the whole world.

Pastebin link to profile with all programs:

How to set it up:

Install all the programs as startup
  1. Put a wire long enough to connect 4 computers and one disk drive
  2. You can make the wire longer if you wish to add Door Servers, I will explain later how they work.
  3. The four computers are as follows: (the computer name is the same as the program you shold install on it)
  4. Main Server: (Input port 324)(Supports mouse)(wired modem bottom) There you can select all of the options
  5. To wireless: (Input port 57)(wireless modem left wired modem rigth) Takes all message on port 57 and transmits it to the reapeater that is located at the top of the world
  6. Router: (port 1024)(wired modem back) When the to wireless computer receive message from the satelite, it rerouts the to the specific port the is indicated in a table. All messages are serialized tables. The first item could be turtle for example. It looks up turtle in the first table, takes the index and sends the unaltered message to the port saved in the second table at index it took.
  7. Network RAM:(port 93)(wired modem back) It is a computer that saves values it receives. These values can be accesed by the Main Server.
  8. Disk Drive: Put a disk inside, the rest will happen on its own.
  9. Satelite or Repeater:(port 65529) (wireless modem bottom) It takes all the messages and repeats them.
  10. Door Server: (wired modems bottom and left) The main wire is to be connected to the bottom modem. A secondary wire is connected to a computer that has the program Door Client installed. Look at the picture to find out how to locate the computer. The torch is situated under the block on which the door is. The door is a little special since the torch has to be on for the door to be closed.
  11. Door Client: (wired modem bottom) Connected to secondary wire. Important: do not connect the primary and the secondary wire.
  12. Turtle: Install all programs with turtle in front of it. Put Remote control Client as startup.
Post any improvement ideas you have.
All ideas are welcome.
Also ask if you do not understand something, I'll explain it.
Edited on 27 January 2015 - 10:01 AM
Creator #2
Posted 23 February 2015 - 07:57 PM
I am reinventing the whole concept with IPnet. When it is totally ready I'll release the new version.