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Discover App (Ver. 7.4) - Apps, Snippets, Cloud Storage, Chat Board, Mail, Profiles, Support Tickets

Started by DannySMc, 24 February 2015 - 03:22 PM
DannySMc #1
Posted 24 February 2015 - 04:22 PM

Latest Update:
Fixed a mass of bugs with the application and re-designed the ticket list layout.

Bug reports are welcomed and can be submitted here http://git.dannysmc....coverApp/issues (just make an account) or submitted in the tickets section on the DiscoverApp.

Discover App Vs. Discover App Store
Well for one, as you may know, I have an online system of integrated API's that are available for anyone to use, well the Discover App Store was actually using all of these API's at once, and it started becoming less and less based around an App Store, and more of a base application for the Discover Network. So after some thought I have decided to actually re-make the Discover App Store into the Discover Network Base App. So the DiscoverApp uses all the systems that are exposed by the Discover Network API.

About Emails:
SpoilerI know a lot of users like making random accounts with fake emails and of course it's not a problem, the only thing I have is that emails are used to allow you to recover your account or to send you notifications. So if you do not put your email in there will be a problem when it comes to me having to try and find your account and manually reset it, so my suggestion is to actually add a valid email so when you do forget your password, there is a chance of me finding it!

Just run the following to install the Discover App:
pastebin run MmnFkANZ

  • Intuitive User Interface with Multitasking,
  • Should auto-read and import config files from the Discover config file,
  • Should auto-check updates
  • Account Management, (Login, Logout, Register),
  • App Store, with filters like categories, versions, newest, search, packages, downloads etc.
  • Commenting system for apps,
  • Snippet Store, basic just for holding code snippets,
  • Cloud storage, still in beta,
  • Mailbox, basic emailing with attachment support.
  • Newsfeed (same as old App Store),
  • Chat rooms (in alpha, so test a lot),
  • Profiles, create your own
  • Check out the account management,
  • Tickets (use this to submit help or bugs),
  • Plugins manager - with support for extending functionality using plugins,
  • Settings, is dynamic, lists config options from Internal code,
  • Crash management,
  • Power options,

Plugins / How they work:
SpoilerSo plugins work as additional extended functionality. Currently there are some callbacks and a few other bits, but nothing that gives a lot of information. I plan to expand the plugins a lot to add more functionality for people who want to have more customised experiences. Plugins were built so that they can add additional content and change the layouts of things add/remove things. This also added the ability for OS owners to be able to install the Discover App (with their own plugins) to customise it to their needs.

An example plugin is here:

We shall go through how it all works in the comments of the code, one of the things to note is how what I call screens work. In otherwords each time you go to another page, it is called a screen. Each screen is a function with a set of event managers, that control that page, each screen is seperate to any other code to make it easier to manage and it works with my builder program; also helps with using multitasking.

--NOTE Here you can add your own information.
	Name: Example Plugin
	Desc: A basic example plugin
	Auth: DannySMc

--NOTE This sets the base function and the entry function for the program to call, remember all of these need to be unique, as it does not automatically make them unique yet. For example, Plugin is the base table for all plugins, and example is the example sub array with all that plugins functions in for other pages etc etc. The 'entry' is the function that it will call to initialise the plugin, you can customise it by changing it to what you want, also remember to change 'example' to your app name, no caps, and no hyphens.

-- @base example
-- @func entry

--NOTE This just creates the namespace, make sure to swap example with what you set as @base.
--// Create plugin namespace
Plugin.example = {};

--NOTE This is the core function, the entry initialiser function for your plugin, all start code should be put here.
--// Create init function
function Plugin.example.entry()
	--// Sets screen colour

	--// Center text and write
	base.draw.textc("Initialising Example Plugin", 9, false, "white", "lightBlue")
	--// Wait one second

	--// This is the logo for the home menu
	--// Quick Image Format Intro: it's 14 x 4 big, each row is a row on the Y and X is each value, inside the row, the value works as so:
	--// TEXT-COLOUR : BACKGROUND-COLOUR : CHARACTER: Colours go 0-9 a-f. Characters are anything but make sure you escape anything that needs it.
	local exampleicon = {
	    {"a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: "};
	    {"a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","0:a:E","0:a:x","0:a:a","0:a:m","0:a:p","0:a:l","0:a:e","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: "};
	    {"a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","0:a:I","0:a:c","0:a:o","0:a:n","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: "};
	    {"a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: ","a:a: "};

	--NOTE The below two functions allow you to add new icons to the library, and then add a new menu entry to the homepage.

	--// Will add the menu icon into the existing icon library
	DiscoverApp.Register.MenuIcon("ExamplePlugin", exampleicon);

	--// Will register a menu entry to the home page
	DiscoverApp.Register.MenuEntry("ExamplePlugin", "example", "new", "NewEx", false);
	--NOTE this allows you to interface to the core settings manager for the Discover App. It also allows you to create your own settings and then allow users to edit them, so like colours, or other bits; maybe you want to use the Store to add krist support who knows?

	--// Lets create an example setting called: ExampleSetting that has the value of true
	DiscoverApp.Settings.Create("ExampleSetting", true);
	--// This will save the config
	--// This will reimport the settings;
	--// So DiscoverApp has callbacks for certain events, so create the functions below you wish to use,
    --// Then register the functions like so:

    --// Login Callback (runs before the actual login)
    DiscoverApp.Callbacks.Register("login", "example", "login")

    --// Logout callback (runs before the logout)
    DiscoverApp.Callbacks.Register("logout", "example", "logout")

    --// Startup callback (runs after plugin import)
    DiscoverApp.Callbacks.Register("startup", "example", "startup")

    --// Shutdown callback (runs before anything else does)
    DiscoverApp.Callbacks.Register("shutdown", "example", "shutdown")

    --NOTE On callbacks you can see that there is only 4 callbacks at the moment, there will be more, like when you download an app etc etc, but the first parameter is the callback to attach to, the second is the sub array (so the @base value) and the last one is the function to call, if you scroll down you will see these functions defined.

    --// Thread Management

    --NOTE This is basic thread management, you can also create background tasks, but I have not perfected the documentation as of yet.
		DiscoverApp.Thread.Create(name, function);

--// Create actual scree/function
	--// Set screen colour before drawing menu

	--// Set base scroll value
	local scroll = 0;
	local exampleData = {"Data1";"Data2";"Data3";"Data4";"Data5";"Data6";"Data7";"Data8";"Data9";"Data10";"Data11";"Data12";"Data13";"Data14";"Data15";"Data16";"Data17";"Data18";"Data19";}

	--// Draw menubar with title

	--// Render function for on screen drawing, useful when you want to do scrolling etc
	local function render(scroll)
		base.draw.textc("Nice one! Example plugin is now usable", 19, false, "white", "lightBlue");
		for i=1, 14 do, 51, i+3, 1, false, "lightBlue", "lightBlue")
			base.draw.texta(tostring(i+scroll) .. " -> " .. tostring(exampleData[i+scroll]), 3, i+3, false, "grey", "lightBlue")
		--// Lets get our custom setting and output it (remember you can have however many settings you want)
		local setting = DiscoverApp.Settings.Retrieve("ExampleSetting")
		base.draw.textr(tostring(setting), 10, false, "white", "lightBlue")

	--// Run render with scroll first to draw screen

	--// Create event loop
	while true do
		--// Wait/Catch for events
		local args = { os.pullEvent() }
		--// If the timer event fires redraw menu so the clock works
		if args[1] == "timer" then
			--// Re-draw menu for clock

		--// On mouse click
		elseif args[1] == "mouse_click" then
			if args[4] >= 1 and args[4] <= 2 then"Example", args[3], args[4])
		--// On mouse scroll
		elseif args[1] == "mouse_scroll" then
			--// On scroll up 
			if args[2] == -1 then
				--// Check scroll is bigger than 0 otherwise do nothing
				if scroll > 0 then
					--// Increment scroll value
					scroll = scroll -1

					--// Redraw screen with scroll

			--// On scroll down
			elseif args[2] == 1 then

				--// If scroll + screensize (usually 14) is smaller than the length of the exampleData count then scroll down
				if scroll + 14 < #exampleData then

					--// Increment scroll
					scroll = scroll + 1

					--// Redraw screen with scroll

--// Create login callback function
function program.example.login()
	base.gui.alert("LOGIN CALLBACK FIRED!");

--// Create logout callback function
function program.example.logout()
	base.gui.alert("LOGOUT CALLBACK FIRED!");

--// Create shutdown callback function
function program.example.shutdown()
	base.gui.alert("SHUTDOWN CALLBACK FIRED!");

--// Create startup callback function
function program.example.startup()
	base.gui.alert("STARTUP CALLBACK FIRED!");

Images are found here:
Edited on 22 June 2017 - 07:42 AM
Creator #2
Posted 24 February 2015 - 05:44 PM
Cool, but I cannot upload FileX. It say could not verify credentials.
DannySMc #3
Posted 24 February 2015 - 05:49 PM
You need to register an account first! The program has just been updated!!:)/>

Cool, but I cannot upload FileX. It say could not verify credentials.

You need to register, the program has just been updated as I was editing the php script!
Creator #4
Posted 24 February 2015 - 05:56 PM
You need to register an account first! The program has just been updated!! :)/>

Cool, but I cannot upload FileX. It say could not verify credentials.

You need to register, the program has just been updated as I was editing the php script!

Where do I register?

Website is awesome!!!!
Edited on 24 February 2015 - 04:57 PM
DannySMc #5
Posted 24 February 2015 - 06:42 PM
Get the latest version of the program and on the home screen you will get an option to register account, click that and login, you will need an email incase you ever forget your details:D

You need to register an account first! The program has just been updated!! :)/>/>

Cool, but I cannot upload FileX. It say could not verify credentials.

You need to register, the program has just been updated as I was editing the php script!

Where do I register?

Website is awesome!!!!
Creator #6
Posted 24 February 2015 - 07:04 PM
It works. Nice!!! I'll upload all my apps on your platform. Is there a way to update apps?
DannySMc #7
Posted 25 February 2015 - 07:37 AM
It works. Nice!!! I'll upload all my apps on your platform. Is there a way to update apps?

Yes, it just hasn't been added to the lua program, it allows you to upload the updated version and allow you to change the version:) will hopefully bring it out today :'D
ByteMe #8
Posted 25 February 2015 - 08:58 AM
Is there a way to edit an app that is uploaded? I haven't tested it but I will soon.
DannySMc #9
Posted 25 February 2015 - 09:16 AM
Is there a way to edit an app that is uploaded? I haven't tested it but I will soon.

There will be a way to change the details an update it by uploading the updated file and changing the version.
If you want I can include an edit function but you won't be able to change the url link.
ByteMe #10
Posted 25 February 2015 - 09:22 AM
okay, well might as well add it, it would be useful and I can't imagine it would be too hard. Otherwise its good :D/>
DannySMc #11
Posted 25 February 2015 - 09:30 AM
okay, well might as well add it, it would be useful and I can't imagine it would be too hard. Otherwise its good :D/>

Yeah sure, will try to get it out by end of day :)/> so… so far so good? what about design? I am not great with design so I wanted ideas about it all?
ByteMe #12
Posted 25 February 2015 - 09:39 AM
Well hmmm, I mean it looks okay, I would get rid of the caps and try and make things more spaced out. But in saying that don't leave too much space that has no use. Also I am not too keen on the app list, I feel that it could be done better (ie in boxes or such). It is decent atm but it could be better is what i'm saying.
DannySMc #13
Posted 25 February 2015 - 10:17 AM
Well hmmm, I mean it looks okay, I would get rid of the caps and try and make things more spaced out. But in saying that don't leave too much space that has no use. Also I am not too keen on the app list, I feel that it could be done better (ie in boxes or such). It is decent atm but it could be better is what i'm saying.

That's fine yeah, just no good with buffers :(/> as in I don't know how to make them? or make it like a multiple pages but in boxes instead of lists?
Creator #14
Posted 25 February 2015 - 02:24 PM
Well hmmm, I mean it looks okay, I would get rid of the caps and try and make things more spaced out. But in saying that don't leave too much space that has no use. Also I am not too keen on the app list, I feel that it could be done better (ie in boxes or such). It is decent atm but it could be better is what i'm saying.

That's fine yeah, just no good with buffers :(/> as in I don't know how to make them? or make it like a multiple pages but in boxes instead of lists?

For the apps you could put the data about them in a table and you add a scrol variable. If we scroll down new content would be shown.


Where currItem is the index of the item you are processing and scroll decreases when we scroll down.
DannySMc #15
Posted 25 February 2015 - 02:36 PM
Well hmmm, I mean it looks okay, I would get rid of the caps and try and make things more spaced out. But in saying that don't leave too much space that has no use. Also I am not too keen on the app list, I feel that it could be done better (ie in boxes or such). It is decent atm but it could be better is what i'm saying.

That's fine yeah, just no good with buffers :(/>/> as in I don't know how to make them? or make it like a multiple pages but in boxes instead of lists?

For the apps you could put the data about them in a table and you add a scrol variable. If we scroll down new content would be shown.


Where currItem is the index of the item you are processing and scroll decreases when we scroll down.

Yeah was looking at this but I would too prefer to have boxes… Just not sure how to make a buffer, a new version is coming out soon, the one I released was a test! This one has all the options in it, so am hoping to make it look good!
ByteMe #16
Posted 26 February 2015 - 12:48 AM
It's looking better, I've had a go at it now and I am liking it so far, it can be a little slow and glitchy. The use of space is good as well now you've filled it out a bit more.
DannySMc #17
Posted 26 February 2015 - 07:14 AM
It's looking better, I've had a go at it now and I am liking it so far, it can be a little slow and glitchy. The use of space is good as well now you've filled it out a bit more.

Thank you, and yeah wanted a new redesign but I have to do it between work etc, but any other ideas? And what do you mean by glitchy?

See I test on an emulator at 1000 fps so I have no idea about bugs etc..
Creator #18
Posted 26 February 2015 - 07:14 PM
Sometimes it throws error on line 397"attempt to index a value". And sometimes it says: line 95 lenght of nil.

Edited on 26 February 2015 - 06:15 PM
DannySMc #19
Posted 26 February 2015 - 07:53 PM
Sometimes it throws error on line 397"attempt to index a value". And sometimes it says: line 95 lenght of nil.


Yeah I have had the same problems, I will fix this when I get a chance, should only be a small problem :P/>
Creator #20
Posted 26 February 2015 - 09:45 PM
Sometimes it throws error on line 397"attempt to index a value". And sometimes it says: line 95 lenght of nil.


Yeah I have had the same problems, I will fix this when I get a chance, should only be a small problem :P/>

Thanks for the fast response.
DannySMc #21
Posted 26 February 2015 - 11:06 PM
Sometimes it throws error on line 397"attempt to index a value". And sometimes it says: line 95 lenght of nil.


Yeah I have had the same problems, I will fix this when I get a chance, should only be a small problem :P/>

Thanks for the fast response.

That's quite alright, was building the web version for the app store so was already on my computer :P/>
ByteMe #22
Posted 27 February 2015 - 12:59 AM
Ooooo, Any chance I could help (I would be more helpful in the web version, just about to upload my new site which has a portfolio of web dev things I've done) anywayyyyy back to the point I would be interested in helping, just give me a PM if you would like to work together. :D/>
DannySMc #23
Posted 27 February 2015 - 09:14 AM
Ooooo, Any chance I could help (I would be more helpful in the web version, just about to upload my new site which has a portfolio of web dev things I've done) anywayyyyy back to the point I would be interested in helping, just give me a PM if you would like to work together. :D/>

biggest yikes #24
Posted 28 February 2015 - 02:52 PM
Oeed's app store is still working, you just need to manually update it.
However, very nice work! One thing I'd like to see is being able to install an application from command line. That would be cool.
Also, if you leave the app store when logged in, when you log in again in the appstore (ingame) it'll say that it can't verify credentials.
Edited on 28 February 2015 - 02:05 PM
DannySMc #25
Posted 28 February 2015 - 10:39 PM
Oeed's app store is still working, you just need to manually update it.
However, very nice work! One thing I'd like to see is being able to install an application from command line. That would be cool.
Also, if you leave the app store when logged in, when you log in again in the appstore (ingame) it'll say that it can't verify credentials.

Ahh well I never really got into using it but thanks anyway :D/> and I can add that :') I have never had that problem but I can sure have a look :')
biggest yikes #26
Posted 02 March 2015 - 10:50 PM
Oeed's app store is still working, you just need to manually update it.
However, very nice work! One thing I'd like to see is being able to install an application from command line. That would be cool.
Also, if you leave the app store when logged in, when you log in again in the appstore (ingame) it'll say that it can't verify credentials.

Ahh well I never really got into using it but thanks anyway :D/> and I can add that :') I have never had that problem but I can sure have a look :')
u hac me cleent naow I am logged into u

Srsly though, I'm not gonna look in the code to 1337 haxor you, but you might want to fix that soon and/or change your pass very soon because you just exposed your password to the internet, and even worse, you save your password as plain text AND as global, so I can type "password" in the Lua console and see your password..
Edited on 02 March 2015 - 10:00 PM
DannySMc #27
Posted 02 March 2015 - 11:21 PM
Oeed's app store is still working, you just need to manually update it.
However, very nice work! One thing I'd like to see is being able to install an application from command line. That would be cool.
Also, if you leave the app store when logged in, when you log in again in the appstore (ingame) it'll say that it can't verify credentials.

Ahh well I never really got into using it but thanks anyway :D/> and I can add that :') I have never had that problem but I can sure have a look :')
u hac me cleent naow I am logged into u

Srsly though, I'm not gonna look in the code to 1337 haxor you, but you might want to fix that soon and/or change your pass very soon because you just exposed your password to the internet, and even worse, you save your password as plain text AND as global, so I can type "password" in the Lua console and see your password..

Thanks for the heads up will fix it, and haha it is my test password, the passwords aren't saved as plain text it's because I was testing and have to use my login to fix parts, I always forget to delete the settings :P/>
biggest yikes #28
Posted 03 March 2015 - 12:12 AM
Oeed's app store is still working, you just need to manually update it.
However, very nice work! One thing I'd like to see is being able to install an application from command line. That would be cool.
Also, if you leave the app store when logged in, when you log in again in the appstore (ingame) it'll say that it can't verify credentials.

Ahh well I never really got into using it but thanks anyway :D/> and I can add that :') I have never had that problem but I can sure have a look :')
u hac me cleent naow I am logged into u

Srsly though, I'm not gonna look in the code to 1337 haxor you, but you might want to fix that soon and/or change your pass very soon because you just exposed your password to the internet, and even worse, you save your password as plain text AND as global, so I can type "password" in the Lua console and see your password..

Thanks for the heads up will fix it, and haha it is my test password, the passwords aren't saved as plain text it's because I was testing and have to use my login to fix parts, I always forget to delete the settings :P/>
oh okay, cool :P/>
EDIT: the app store is broken because you can't tonumber() a decimal with two points (StoreVersion)
EDIT 2: the \r\n's appear in my thing because I use windows. lel.
Edited on 03 March 2015 - 12:28 AM
DannySMc #29
Posted 03 March 2015 - 09:11 AM
Oeed's app store is still working, you just need to manually update it.
However, very nice work! One thing I'd like to see is being able to install an application from command line. That would be cool.
Also, if you leave the app store when logged in, when you log in again in the appstore (ingame) it'll say that it can't verify credentials.

Ahh well I never really got into using it but thanks anyway :D/> and I can add that :') I have never had that problem but I can sure have a look :')
u hac me cleent naow I am logged into u

Srsly though, I'm not gonna look in the code to 1337 haxor you, but you might want to fix that soon and/or change your pass very soon because you just exposed your password to the internet, and even worse, you save your password as plain text AND as global, so I can type "password" in the Lua console and see your password..

Thanks for the heads up will fix it, and haha it is my test password, the passwords aren't saved as plain text it's because I was testing and have to use my login to fix parts, I always forget to delete the settings :P/>
oh okay, cool :P/>
EDIT: the app store is broken because you can't tonumber() a decimal with two points (StoreVersion)
EDIT 2: the \r\n's appear in my thing because I use windows. lel.
Could I have the error code please? Thanks as I am having no problem :P/>

Oeed's app store is still working, you just need to manually update it.
However, very nice work! One thing I'd like to see is being able to install an application from command line. That would be cool.
Also, if you leave the app store when logged in, when you log in again in the appstore (ingame) it'll say that it can't verify credentials.

Ahh well I never really got into using it but thanks anyway :D/> and I can add that :') I have never had that problem but I can sure have a look :')
u hac me cleent naow I am logged into u

Srsly though, I'm not gonna look in the code to 1337 haxor you, but you might want to fix that soon and/or change your pass very soon because you just exposed your password to the internet, and even worse, you save your password as plain text AND as global, so I can type "password" in the Lua console and see your password..

Thanks for the heads up will fix it, and haha it is my test password, the passwords aren't saved as plain text it's because I was testing and have to use my login to fix parts, I always forget to delete the settings :P/>
oh okay, cool :P/>
EDIT: the app store is broken because you can't tonumber() a decimal with two points (StoreVersion)
EDIT 2: the \r\n's appear in my thing because I use windows. lel.
Could I have the error code please? Thanks as I am having no problem :P/>

Never mind, fixed it :P/> re-downloaded it and found it :D/>
Quintuple Agent #30
Posted 03 March 2015 - 05:56 PM
Looks great, was able to upload a program (after getting a credentials error the first time <_</> ) and works well!
However while browsing the list of apps I did get the error: 1150: attempt to index ? (a nil value)
I have also noticed a bug. You can login what any variation of your name in caps so both 'Test' and 'test' could login using the same password, however if I upload as 'Test' and go to my apps as 'test' I won't see anything, however 'Test' will see the uploaded app.

And last, a small idea. Pressing tab when using the text entry fields (uploading, signing in, etc) should jump to the next field.

Like I said, works great and cant wait to use it more :D/>
DannySMc #31
Posted 03 March 2015 - 07:27 PM
Looks great, was able to upload a program (after getting a credentials error the first time <_</> ) and works well!
However while browsing the list of apps I did get the error: 1150: attempt to index ? (a nil value)
I have also noticed a bug. You can login what any variation of your name in caps so both 'Test' and 'test' could login using the same password, however if I upload as 'Test' and go to my apps as 'test' I won't see anything, however 'Test' will see the uploaded app.

And last, a small idea. Pressing tab when using the text entry fields (uploading, signing in, etc) should jump to the next field.

Like I said, works great and cant wait to use it more :D/>

Ahh will have a look, and yeah it sometimes happens, it may be when I was editing the PHP script :P/> and yeah I like that idea :D/>
Quintuple Agent #32
Posted 03 March 2015 - 07:58 PM
while browsing the list of apps I did get the error: 1150: attempt to index ? (a nil value)
I found the cause, Clicking somewhere on the app list where there is no app listed.
Edit: Also, if you click below the last app on a page, you will be shown the first app on the next (ex, i click below app 13, it will bring up 14)
Edited on 03 March 2015 - 07:00 PM
DannySMc #33
Posted 03 March 2015 - 08:34 PM
while browsing the list of apps I did get the error: 1150: attempt to index ? (a nil value)
I found the cause, Clicking somewhere on the app list where there is no app listed.
Edit: Also, if you click below the last app on a page, you will be shown the first app on the next (ex, i click below app 13, it will bring up 14)

Ahh yeah I know that, trying to fix it :P/>
moomoomoo3O9 #34
Posted 06 March 2015 - 04:52 PM
I'd put this as an issue, but this is more of a feature request: There's no GUI option to exit the program. Easy feature to overlook :P/>
Edited on 06 March 2015 - 03:52 PM
DannySMc #35
Posted 06 March 2015 - 05:23 PM
I'd put this as an issue, but this is more of a feature request: There's no GUI option to exit the program. Easy feature to overlook :P/>

This is a very good point haha, will add one now :P/>

I'd put this as an issue, but this is more of a feature request: There's no GUI option to exit the program. Easy feature to overlook :P/>

Just for you a new update V2.3 has been added with an exit button on the home screen :P/>
cyanisaac #36
Posted 29 March 2015 - 05:18 AM
This is an incredibly helpful program. I really love the interface.

Keep fixing those bugs :D/> and thanks!
DannySMc #37
Posted 29 March 2015 - 11:52 AM
This is an incredibly helpful program. I really love the interface.

Keep fixing those bugs :D/> and thanks!

Haha thanks, I am glad you like it!!:P/> I will adding to it soon which will add a social side to the App Store. Thanks for using it though!
DannySMc #38
Posted 07 April 2015 - 12:11 PM
Added new update with a ton of bug fixes and a few updates, this 'SHOULD' be stable now with minimal errors if any. As the code has been tested and tested and all errors should be caught. If there is anything you want to see in the app store which will make you more likely to use it then do tell me!
Tag365 #39
Posted 07 April 2015 - 04:18 PM
I found bugs in your script.
1: It says "building index's" which should say "building indexes".
2: When you attempt to switch to the next page on category listing it throws an error at line 1578 because it attempts to call "store.apps.viewcarte" instead of "store.apps.viewcate".
3: If you click the menu and click on the apps list it brings you back to the first page.
Edited on 07 April 2015 - 02:19 PM
DannySMc #40
Posted 07 April 2015 - 04:40 PM
I found bugs in your script.
1: It says "building index's" which should say "building indexes".
2: When you attempt to switch to the next page on category listing it throws an error at line 1578 because it attempts to call "store.apps.viewcarte" instead of "store.apps.viewcate".
3: If you click the menu and click on the apps list it brings you back to the first page.

Other two have been fixed, for the menu switching one, the script already passes quite a lot of information between functions, so I haven't ever really thought about adding some kind of storage to hold that type of information considering it is a small scroll to the other page. So (not being rude or anything, just honest) it won't kill anyone making them scroll through the apps, this is until I get around to a complete redesign of the interface, which will probably come soon as I am possibly going to add themes.
Tag365 #41
Posted 08 April 2015 - 10:08 PM
Oops! I forgot to say that if you click on an empty space in the apps menu it crashes with an attempt to index a nil value at line 1988.
DannySMc #42
Posted 09 April 2015 - 09:07 AM
Oops! I forgot to say that if you click on an empty space in the apps menu it crashes with an attempt to index a nil value at line 1988.

Can you please submit issues on the github
DannySMc #43
Posted 09 April 2015 - 11:07 AM
Oops! I forgot to say that if you click on an empty space in the apps menu it crashes with an attempt to index a nil value at line 1988.

On this where is this error?:s I can't find it
comp500 #44
Posted 10 April 2015 - 08:14 PM
Nice app store… for an app store. This is why I prefer a normal (packman, ac-get, grin-get) package manager:
- no complicated UI
- rarely breaks
- doesn't often go down (since when has github been down?)
- no username/password stuff

I might make an app store gui for packman
DannySMc #45
Posted 10 April 2015 - 09:57 PM
Nice app store… for an app store. This is why I prefer a normal (packman, ac-get, grin-get) package manager:
- no complicated UI
- rarely breaks
- doesn't often go down (since when has github been down?)
- no username/password stuff

I might make an app store gui for packman

Not sure if this is a compliment or you being rude?
comp500 #46
Posted 11 April 2015 - 07:35 AM
Nice app store… for an app store. This is why I prefer a normal (packman, ac-get, grin-get) package manager:
- no complicated UI
- rarely breaks
- doesn't often go down (since when has github been down?)
- no username/password stuff

I might make an app store gui for packman

Not sure if this is a compliment or you being rude?
no offence intended, I just prefer normal package managers :)/>
app stores are great for people who think a bios is a plant-based fuel, however most i've seen crash a lot (ahem OneOS ahem). I haven't tried yours, but it seems much better than the rest. Only thing is, every OS seems to have a different app store. anyway, keep doing what you're doing, it's great!
DannySMc #47
Posted 11 April 2015 - 11:51 AM
Nice app store… for an app store. This is why I prefer a normal (packman, ac-get, grin-get) package manager:
- no complicated UI
- rarely breaks
- doesn't often go down (since when has github been down?)
- no username/password stuff

I might make an app store gui for packman

Not sure if this is a compliment or you being rude?
no offence intended, I just prefer normal package managers :)/>
app stores are great for people who think a bios is a plant-based fuel, however most i've seen crash a lot (ahem OneOS ahem). I haven't tried yours, but it seems much better than the rest. Only thing is, every OS seems to have a different app store. anyway, keep doing what you're doing, it's great!

This isn't a package manager?:s it is literally just an app store… with comments and nice pretty functions. It literally takes one file and stores it… That is true but a lot of people have started using this in OS's and all programs will crash for multiple reasons, mine has minimized it as much as possible but it is always possible! Thanks anyway.
DannySMc #48
Posted 16 April 2015 - 05:36 PM
Hey guys,

If you have recently experienced any errors with the app store then this is due to me re-coding some of the functions to work with the web version as well. So apologies.
On the bright side, I am making an API for the web version meaning you can write applications for the App Store. If you are interested, what would your thoughts be on making an app store for more than just Lua programs? I know this is random, but I thought maybe we can offer things like Github's gists?

Ideas would be great! :D/>
flaghacker #49
Posted 16 April 2015 - 08:07 PM
What do you mean, Github gists that contain Lua programs?
DannySMc #50
Posted 16 April 2015 - 10:41 PM
What do you mean, Github gists that contain Lua programs?

So like github has gists we can have the same like small code snippets that can be embedded into web pages. Not sure was an idea
comp500 #51
Posted 17 April 2015 - 08:14 AM
@dannysmc (quotes don't work on this stupid tablet, don't get a surface RT)
Github gists are just glorified Pastebin pastes…
So, you mean sharing gists on your website? Hmmm… depends.. what are you putting in these gists [offtopic] argh autocorrect keeps changing gists to gusts!? [/offtopic]
I'd prefer gh repos with lots of different lua stuffs (cc-packman, CCSnippets etc)

[offtopic] I had to type that in word, save it as plain text, send it over to my linux pc, change a few characters because the encoding is incorrect, and paste it here, just because ie11 hates CC forums. Don't get a Surface RT for the CC Forums. Actually, don't get one at all, otherwise you'll probably be wasting your time. Have a good day! [/offtopic]

Edit: wait, you could use gh gists/repos as hosting as well, like packman etc
Edited on 17 April 2015 - 06:16 AM
DannySMc #52
Posted 17 April 2015 - 10:18 AM
@dannysmc (quotes don't work on this stupid tablet, don't get a surface RT)
Github gists are just glorified Pastebin pastes…
So, you mean sharing gists on your website? Hmmm… depends.. what are you putting in these gists [offtopic] argh autocorrect keeps changing gists to gusts!? [/offtopic]
I'd prefer gh repos with lots of different lua stuffs (cc-packman, CCSnippets etc)

[offtopic] I had to type that in word, save it as plain text, send it over to my linux pc, change a few characters because the encoding is incorrect, and paste it here, just because ie11 hates CC forums. Don't get a Surface RT for the CC Forums. Actually, don't get one at all, otherwise you'll probably be wasting your time. Have a good day! [/offtopic]

Edit: wait, you could use gh gists/repos as hosting as well, like packman etc

I am looking at extending the App Store to work as repositories, then you can upload and download files then when you like the code you can make a release which auto-posts it on the app store. That is my idea anyway? What do you think?

The gists where like small code snippets that people can share to help others and they can be implemented into Lua using a few cc stores when compiled etc.
comp500 #53
Posted 18 April 2015 - 08:48 AM

I am looking at extending the App Store to work as repositories, then you can upload and download files then when you like the code you can make a release which auto-posts it on the app store. That is my idea anyway? What do you think?

The gists where like small code snippets that people can share to help others and they can be implemented into Lua using a few cc stores when compiled etc.
Great. Wait a minute, will this use github hooks or will you have a cron job checking when you have the release? I'm interested in helping you if needed… what's it programmed in?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I get it now! So for example a snippet that loads a config file etc. That's a really cool idea, but I think we should have one central repo, with a program to retrieve them and an API so, for example, LuaIDE could implement them. We could also have an export function so it works with Sublime Text etc.
DannySMc #54
Posted 18 April 2015 - 11:45 AM

I am looking at extending the App Store to work as repositories, then you can upload and download files then when you like the code you can make a release which auto-posts it on the app store. That is my idea anyway? What do you think?

The gists where like small code snippets that people can share to help others and they can be implemented into Lua using a few cc stores when compiled etc.
Great. Wait a minute, will this use github hooks or will you have a cron job checking when you have the release? I'm interested in helping you if needed… what's it programmed in?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I get it now! So for example a snippet that loads a config file etc. That's a really cool idea, but I think we should have one central repo, with a program to retrieve them and an API so, for example, LuaIDE could implement them. We could also have an export function so it works with Sublime Text etc.

This will not be connected to github at all, we will make it completely ground up, I am looking at programming it in dart and php, not sure yet. Yes I have a whole idea for it going to make a repo later today and get it set up :P/>.
LDDestroier #55
Posted 19 April 2015 - 07:35 PM
Wait, will this redirect from pastebin? Because if it does, then it would be a bit easier to update programs, and a good pastebin ubuntu-software-center esque program is in dire need.
DannySMc #56
Posted 19 April 2015 - 09:48 PM
Wait, will this redirect from pastebin? Because if it does, then it would be a bit easier to update programs, and a good pastebin ubuntu-software-center esque program is in dire need.

What do you mean? At the moment it doesn't use pastebin or github?:s it never will either!
DannySMc #57
Posted 22 April 2015 - 11:38 AM
Hi guys, recently I have started to wonder what would you like me to add?

I have a few of the following options that I wish to make but of course this all up to you and your ideas:
+ Software Center -> This would be redesigned as a software center and made so it is built to use via GUI or CLI and you can run things like store apt-get update which will update all the most recent apps to the newest version? etc and this can be done via command line to make it useful?
+ Games Center -> This will make a new part of the app store which will incorporate some new functions which are trophies in games, and make a new API specifically targeted at games.
+ Repositories -> Do you wish to have repositories (like git) that can allow you to upload all your files as well as commit new changes and push/pull content? Do you wish to be able to create releases as well as get a few contributors to help as well?
+ Gists -> Do you wish to have embedded code from the App Store Website? Example, imagine having a useful code snippet that you made, do you wish to allow a user to embed it into their code? or website? Using the Gists idea and adding to it, you can use a small code snippet that will download that code and insert it into a program, meaning it is always "up-to-date"?
+ Distribution System -> Allow you to distribute programs to multiple computers in the same world? You can have turtle running the store that can get all updates and programs you wish to send to it? Kind of like bluetooth but instead it can automatically update programs when a turtle is in rednet range?
+ Versioning -> I am happy to add a versioning type system in if we do the repositories update? Making it useful for users to actually version all their programs, as well as checkout and commit logs.
+ Issues? -> Allow users to submit issues that when you commit a new change you can fix and open as well as if multiple contributors are on a project the admin can assign this to a user?

Ideas please guys to tell me what you think!!!:D/> I will add and update! :P/>
Lupus590 #58
Posted 22 April 2015 - 01:08 PM
Hi guys, recently I have started to wonder what would you like me to add?

I have a few of the following options that I wish to make but of course this all up to you and your ideas:
+ Software Center -> This would be redesigned as a software center and made so it is built to use via GUI or CLI and you can run things like store apt-get update which will update all the most recent apps to the newest version? etc and this can be done via command line to make it useful?
+ Games Center -> This will make a new part of the app store which will incorporate some new functions which are trophies in games, and make a new API specifically targeted at games.
+ Repositories -> Do you wish to have repositories (like git) that can allow you to upload all your files as well as commit new changes and push/pull content? Do you wish to be able to create releases as well as get a few contributors to help as well?
+ Gists -> Do you wish to have embedded code from the App Store Website? Example, imagine having a useful code snippet that you made, do you wish to allow a user to embed it into their code? or website? Using the Gists idea and adding to it, you can use a small code snippet that will download that code and insert it into a program, meaning it is always "up-to-date"?
+ Distribution System -> Allow you to distribute programs to multiple computers in the same world? You can have turtle running the store that can get all updates and programs you wish to send to it? Kind of like bluetooth but instead it can automatically update programs when a turtle is in rednet range?
+ Versioning -> I am happy to add a versioning type system in if we do the repositories update? Making it useful for users to actually version all their programs, as well as checkout and commit logs.
+ Issues? -> Allow users to submit issues that when you commit a new change you can fix and open as well as if multiple contributors are on a project the admin can assign this to a user?

Ideas please guys to tell me what you think!!! :D/> I will add and update! :P/>

they all sound cool, but they also all sound like alot of work, don't burn yourself out with this
DannySMc #59
Posted 22 April 2015 - 01:22 PM
Hi guys, recently I have started to wonder what would you like me to add?

I have a few of the following options that I wish to make but of course this all up to you and your ideas:
+ Software Center -> This would be redesigned as a software center and made so it is built to use via GUI or CLI and you can run things like store apt-get update which will update all the most recent apps to the newest version? etc and this can be done via command line to make it useful?
+ Games Center -> This will make a new part of the app store which will incorporate some new functions which are trophies in games, and make a new API specifically targeted at games.
+ Repositories -> Do you wish to have repositories (like git) that can allow you to upload all your files as well as commit new changes and push/pull content? Do you wish to be able to create releases as well as get a few contributors to help as well?
+ Gists -> Do you wish to have embedded code from the App Store Website? Example, imagine having a useful code snippet that you made, do you wish to allow a user to embed it into their code? or website? Using the Gists idea and adding to it, you can use a small code snippet that will download that code and insert it into a program, meaning it is always "up-to-date"?
+ Distribution System -> Allow you to distribute programs to multiple computers in the same world? You can have turtle running the store that can get all updates and programs you wish to send to it? Kind of like bluetooth but instead it can automatically update programs when a turtle is in rednet range?
+ Versioning -> I am happy to add a versioning type system in if we do the repositories update? Making it useful for users to actually version all their programs, as well as checkout and commit logs.
+ Issues? -> Allow users to submit issues that when you commit a new change you can fix and open as well as if multiple contributors are on a project the admin can assign this to a user?

Ideas please guys to tell me what you think!!! :D/> I will add and update! :P/>

they all sound cool, but they also all sound like alot of work, don't burn yourself out with this

Mate I want to xD I love adding new stuff I just want to know what is "useful" and what is "useless":D/>
Lupus590 #60
Posted 22 April 2015 - 01:34 PM
it will depend on who is using it:
git like repository/version control/issue tracking will be better for larger projects (I don't plan to migrate Hive to this though, unless you use github as the back end or something)
CLI will be good for people who want to use it on "normal" computers or (badly) embed it in their programs
the game profile API thing just sounds like something people will have fun with (will this lock their program to your appstore though?)
DannySMc #61
Posted 22 April 2015 - 02:08 PM
it will depend on who is using it:
git like repository/version control/issue tracking will be better for larger projects (I don't plan to migrate Hive to this though, unless you use github as the back end or something)
CLI will be good for people who want to use it on "normal" computers or (badly) embed it in their programs
the game profile API thing just sounds like something people will have fun with (will this lock their program to your appstore though?)

Yeah and no I will make it so you can transfer projects from Github to it!! :P/> and errr, what do you mean lock their program to the app store??
Lupus590 #62
Posted 22 April 2015 - 03:33 PM
what do you mean lock their program to the app store??

I have no idea, guess that's what you get when you are sleepy
DannySMc #63
Posted 22 April 2015 - 05:16 PM
what do you mean lock their program to the app store??

I have no idea, guess that's what you get when you are sleepy

haha okay
DannySMc #64
Posted 23 April 2015 - 12:31 PM
I thought how about issues? so someone can submit an issue for a program :D/> When it is fixed they can close the issue?:D/>
Emma #65
Posted 23 April 2015 - 03:01 PM
what do you mean lock their program to the app store??

I have no idea, guess that's what you get when you are sleepy

haha okay

I think what he meant is that, if a person uses the game center api, will it make it unusable to anyone who doesn't have the appstore installed on their computer? I think you could easily make that not a problem by having anyone using the API just do a ~= nil check before calling or using anything from the api.
DannySMc #66
Posted 23 April 2015 - 04:10 PM
what do you mean lock their program to the app store??

I have no idea, guess that's what you get when you are sleepy

haha okay

I think what he meant is that, if a person uses the game center api, will it make it unusable to anyone who doesn't have the appstore installed on their computer? I think you could easily make that not a problem by having anyone using the API just do a ~= nil check before calling or using anything from the api.

Yeah the idea I had was have a small API you can download via http on program start that has a few post functions to allow you to post game trophies etc…and then if you do not have HTTP then it just tells you, you are offline. If you have the store installed then it can load the store with the game name, and bring up all trophies you have??
je06 #67
Posted 21 May 2015 - 10:21 PM
Would it be possible to display how many times an app has been downloaded?
DannySMc #68
Posted 21 May 2015 - 10:46 PM
Would it be possible to display how many times an app has been downloaded?

It can be done…? Go to my github (check wiki) and submit an issue and say you what you want I can add it in a new version :)/>
LDDestroier #69
Posted 28 May 2015 - 01:25 AM
I'm kinda confused as to how to download an app. Do I need an account, or…ehh? Do I press the number key corresponding to the app, or do I click on the app name? Neither work when browsing after clicking a catagory.
Edited on 27 May 2015 - 11:25 PM
DannySMc #70
Posted 28 May 2015 - 08:13 AM
I'm kinda confused as to how to download an app. Do I need an account, or…ehh? Do I press the number key corresponding to the app, or do I click on the app name? Neither work when browsing after clicking a catagory.

Yes sorry it was a bug that I never remembered to fix, you need to go on all apps and then from there you can click to get information about the app! I shall fix that today! Categories don't work completely!
Edited on 28 May 2015 - 06:13 AM
DannySMc #71
Posted 31 May 2015 - 02:00 AM
Hey guys will be adding a new downloads function which records everytime you do a download, please note this is to be a part of the new stocks system being created. Please note that it will be a view on how many downloads all the programs get and with my new star rating system we can monitor how apps are doing:)
Creator #72
Posted 31 May 2015 - 09:13 AM
So will there be a rating option too?
DannySMc #73
Posted 31 May 2015 - 01:18 PM
So will there be a rating option too?

Yeah :D/> Not sure how to make the "star" symbols :P/> But that is my plan :)/>
Posted 31 May 2015 - 02:36 PM
So will there be a rating option too?

Yeah :D/> Not sure how to make the "star" symbols :P/> But that is my plan :)/>
I suggest just some yellow octothorpi (#####).
When one is "toggled", draw a yellow "#" on a black pixel.
DannySMc #75
Posted 31 May 2015 - 03:56 PM
So will there be a rating option too?

Yeah :D/>/> Not sure how to make the "star" symbols :P/>/> But that is my plan :)/>/>
I suggest just some yellow octothorpi (#####).
When one is "toggled", draw a yellow "#" on a black pixel.

Omg good idea!! Thanks!:D/>
DannySMc #76
Posted 03 June 2015 - 04:19 PM
I am wondering how would I calculate some kind of star rating, use an average? Hmmm….
MKlegoman357 #77
Posted 03 June 2015 - 08:09 PM
Well, what I would do is have ratings from 1 star to 5 stars. Each user may rate the program however they want but when returning the rating return the average and display according number of stars in the program.
CrazedProgrammer #78
Posted 03 June 2015 - 08:09 PM
I am wondering how would I calculate some kind of star rating, use an average? Hmmm….
Yeah that would be logical.
I think that if you could rate a minimum of 1 star then you could show 0 stars if a program hasn't been rated yet.
LDDestroier #79
Posted 03 June 2015 - 09:04 PM
Another thing you could do to your app store is polish up the interface. While it functions great (and you put all that effort into an app store in a mod for a game), the color scheme looks a bit garish.
DannySMc #80
Posted 03 June 2015 - 10:53 PM
Another thing you could do to your app store is polish up the interface. While it functions great (and you put all that effort into an app store in a mod for a game), the color scheme looks a bit garish.

Already on that one :P/> Allowing you to change the colours to your own preferences and then these are loaded when you login :D/>

I am wondering how would I calculate some kind of star rating, use an average? Hmmm….
Yeah that would be logical.
I think that if you could rate a minimum of 1 star then you could show 0 stars if a program hasn't been rated yet.

Awesome idea!!
DannySMc #81
Posted 04 June 2015 - 11:13 AM
V4.0.1 is coming soon with a heap of new features like:
  • Download count for each app,
  • Ratings for each app (5 - star),
  • App hashing to make auto-updating apps, making sure apps you have the newest version, (this works by checking a hash, if different, you can click the updates and it comes up with what apps you have and what apps need updating :D/>
  • Fixing for viewing an app with new features,
  • Fixed multiple bugs,
  • Better design, allowing you to customise the colours of your store!
  • Categories now allow you to click on the app to view it, this was a bug I never fixed, so apologies!!
  • Versions ^
  • Custom versioning
  • Code embedding support (want to use someones api? but don't want to keep updating it when they do? we now allow embedding for code that allows you to put an embed code into your app and it will always get the latest code and load it into your program),
  • Analytics information for each app you have with a fancy graph and easy to use information, to see how well your app is doing,
  • Added a nice in-built mail system to allow you to message an author for information,
  • We also added a issue page allowing you to submit issues for apps and they can get approved! once fixed,
  • We now support an online chat to chat in real time with other players via http,
  • App store now uses my API that is always up to date,
  • A popup file browser to select a file to upload,
  • With the help of Shelfa, we are attempting at allowing you to upload a folder, keeping the folder hierarchy, and a nice looking compression algorithm!
  • Also comes with a nice interface and support for backgrounds using: Wait_'s cloudpaint! :D/>
Creator #82
Posted 04 June 2015 - 03:26 PM
I would help if I could write in html. I actually am learning it at the moment. And CSS and JavaScript and PHP.
Edited on 04 June 2015 - 01:26 PM
DannySMc #83
Posted 04 June 2015 - 03:32 PM
I would help if I could write in html. I actually am learning it at the moment. And CSS and JavaScript and PHP.

This is the Lua program not the website :)/>/>, the website has already been re-made just not released it until I feel it has all of it :)/>/>.

Also guys released V3.4 that now logs downloads! :D/>/> your program should automatically update :)/>
Edited on 04 June 2015 - 01:32 PM
LDDestroier #84
Posted 04 June 2015 - 06:46 PM
I'm getting an error in CCEmuRedux. I tinkered a bit, and found that the http API cannot use https URLs. Can you change all instances of "https" to "http"? See if that helps?
DannySMc #85
Posted 04 June 2015 - 06:55 PM
I use emulators and in minecraft and It works fine, will attempt to fix it when I can…
Kizz #86
Posted 15 June 2015 - 02:39 PM
Can I have permission to implement this into my OS?
DannySMc #87
Posted 15 June 2015 - 03:10 PM
Can I have permission to implement this into my OS?
of course as long as credit is given somewhere:) it doesn't have to be in app but in the credits section of your os is fine:)
Kizz #88
Posted 15 June 2015 - 03:24 PM
I may modify the program to add in an exit button, but general functionality is preserved.

Also here is my forum thread which will include the credit and links once I have implemented the store. Thanks for letting me spread your program around haha :D/>
Edited on 15 June 2015 - 01:39 PM
DannySMc #89
Posted 15 June 2015 - 04:07 PM
I may modify the program to add in an exit button, but general functionality is preserved.

Also here is my forum thread which will include the credit and links once I have implemented the store. Thanks for letting me spread your program around haha :D/>/>

Haha that's fine:D as long as it is being used :P/>
oeed #90
Posted 23 June 2015 - 09:38 AM

I'm interested in using this in the OS to come out of Silica (who knows when that'll be though) as I really just can't be bothered maintaining the OneOS app store at all.

Is this something you'd be okay with/might be interested in? I'd want icons though…. sooo yeah… I'd also want to make a custom client for it (one that'd use Silica naturally).
Edited on 23 June 2015 - 07:39 AM
DannySMc #91
Posted 23 June 2015 - 11:57 AM

I'm interested in using this in the OS to come out of Silica (who knows when that'll be though) as I really just can't be bothered maintaining the OneOS app store at all.

Is this something you'd be okay with/might be interested in? I'd want icons though…. sooo yeah… I'd also want to make a custom client for it (one that'd use Silica naturally).

That's fine with me, can't believe you are actually considering it :D/>/> but yes I can do, PM me with a design of what you want and I shall add it in:)

I say add it in, I mean I shall make a new version for you, just give me a colour scheme and a design and I shall build it:)
Edited on 23 June 2015 - 09:57 AM
DannySMc #92
Posted 25 June 2015 - 02:02 PM
The app store is going through an update to be changed to Discover (App Store) this will take place in the coming days. :D/> Also have a few updates which will accompany :D/>
DannySMc #93
Posted 24 July 2015 - 10:05 AM
A new version is coming out soon that allows you to set custom images, and it will support new file storage I am developing to allow you to have a online directory and you can publish them to the app store etc. So yeah it will hopefully be pretty cool, plus it now supports auto-updating features for each and every app. There will also be a top downloaded page for all the apps that are downloaded the most. So you can see how well you are doing. Anyway if you want to help that would be awesome, head onto my IRC: #shinexusuk (server channel) and we can chat about things you wish to help with :D/>. I use git currently but I shall move the code somewhere that is easier to edit for you :P/>.
oeed #94
Posted 26 July 2015 - 03:04 AM
What is the format and size of an image?
DannySMc #95
Posted 26 July 2015 - 06:16 PM
What is the format and size of an image?

Still deciding, currently I am using a self made format, supports characters, background, text colours, and it is 5x5. Is there anything else you would rather me add? I have the parser code for it. Does not support transparency though…
oeed #96
Posted 26 July 2015 - 11:20 PM
What is the format and size of an image?

Still deciding, currently I am using a self made format, supports characters, background, text colours, and it is 5x5. Is there anything else you would rather me add? I have the parser code for it. Does not support transparency though…

Well I mean, that should work fine really, we can just parse the format and convert it for saving. In Silica the icons will be able to be much larger than that, but I guess it's difficult to provide cross compatibility. We could probably just made a thing that renders them to the individual pixels.
Exerro #97
Posted 27 July 2015 - 03:19 AM
I'd suggest it's better to make the system support a higher resolution and then convert it down for CC, rather than having low-res blocky images in Silica. Transparency is pretty essential I'd say. I'm assuming you have a smartphone - how many icons are there that don't have any transparent pixels?
MKlegoman357 #98
Posted 27 July 2015 - 05:43 AM
I don't think it's a good idea to make images work with something like Silica. It's a store for CC, not for Dan's secret project and if you wanted to run any programs on that store on something like Silica you'd have to have a compatibility layer anyway. So, just leave the format for CC. And for transparency, since the pixels are not that big you might not fo it, I don't see a reason why one would want to use tranparent pixels. Although having such a feature would not hurt. And for size, maybe make it smaller, CC screens are not that big anyway, and it would be nice if we could fit more programs on it. How about 4*3 (width*height)?
oeed #99
Posted 27 July 2015 - 05:48 AM
I don't think it's a good idea to make images work with something like Silica. It's a store for CC, not for Dan's secret project and if you wanted to run any programs on that store on something like Silica you'd have to have a compatibility layer anyway. So, just leave the format for CC. And for transparency, since the pixels are not that big you might not fo it, I don't see a reason why one would want to use tranparent pixels. Although having such a feature would not hurt. And for size, maybe make it smaller, CC screens are not that big anyway, and it would be nice if we could fit more programs on it. How about 4*3 (width*height)?

Transparency is a total must, I mean it's really not that hard to do. Does the format support text?

I'd also agree on the 4 x 3 proportion, I found that it's really the only size that works well, it's both square and not too big or small, 5 x 5 is probably too big and won't be a square.
Exerro #100
Posted 27 July 2015 - 04:44 PM
I think Nova used 5x3, I tend to think odd dimensions work well.

Does the format support text?
supports characters, background, text colours
DannySMc #101
Posted 27 July 2015 - 04:48 PM
I think Nova used 5x3, I tend to think odd dimensions work well.

Does the format support text?
supports characters, background, text colours

Well tell me the dimensions etc, and I shall do it, and I can change the code to work with transparency, it's really simple code so it will be a quick fix:P
Exerro #102
Posted 27 July 2015 - 04:52 PM
I'd say it's probably going to be 4x3 or 5x3 in the end (most likely 4x3, I'm outnumbered), so maybe go with that?
MKlegoman357 #103
Posted 27 July 2015 - 06:21 PM
I'd say it's probably going to be 4x3 or 5x3 in the end (most likely 4x3, I'm outnumbered), so maybe go with that?

My only argument for 4x3, rather than 5x3, would be that more icons will fit on already small CC screens.

Well tell me the dimensions etc, and I shall do it, and I can change the code to work with transparency, it's really simple code so it will be a quick fix:P

For transparency, I suggest to use the number 0, rather than 2^16. I think oeed is using it already in Bedrock and Silica, and I'm using that number for tranparency too in my Frames framework. Also, any unknown characters for the default 'paint format' are converted to 0 and then when drawn used as transparent characters. I think those are enough arguments already :lol:/>.
Edited on 27 July 2015 - 04:24 PM
DannySMc #104
Posted 27 July 2015 - 10:12 PM
I'd say it's probably going to be 4x3 or 5x3 in the end (most likely 4x3, I'm outnumbered), so maybe go with that?

Awesome yeah, will use 4x3 then, if you need it changing just say.

I'd say it's probably going to be 4x3 or 5x3 in the end (most likely 4x3, I'm outnumbered), so maybe go with that?

My only argument for 4x3, rather than 5x3, would be that more icons will fit on already small CC screens.

Well tell me the dimensions etc, and I shall do it, and I can change the code to work with transparency, it's really simple code so it will be a quick fix:P

For transparency, I suggest to use the number 0, rather than 2^16. I think oeed is using it already in Bedrock and Silica, and I'm using that number for tranparency too in my Frames framework. Also, any unknown characters for the default 'paint format' are converted to 0 and then when drawn used as transparent characters. I think those are enough arguments already :lol:/>.

I am gonna say it now the image format is awful, like really bad, I do not use simple numbers xD When I get a chance I shall post an image code and you shall see what I mean… :P/> It works well, but its not a simple thing xD I made it into a table as when I used like the edit program to do it all, it messed up the image format when it was sent up and then back from the store.
DannySMc #105
Posted 29 July 2015 - 12:15 PM
- snip -
- snip -

So an image format that I made is like so (Do not ask how it works, this was something I made a little while ago, but never really made it any better, So I am using this in the meantime until I make a new format, if you want me to add support for oeed's sketch, or nPaintPro? Then say and I can look at doing that, but last time, (SOMETIMES) the format gets messed up when it comes back from the server. Anyway an image format is like so:

    {"11:11:a","12:11:b", "18:21:c",},
    {"11:11:a","12:11:b", "18:21:c",},
    {"11:11:a","12:11:b", "18:21:c",},

Colour settings are below (it works by adding 9 to the current number so for white you would do table value is 1 + 9 which is 10, so you use 10, this was done to make it so I could have multiple colours staying with using numbers, in the end, I thought to use letters, but I never use this format, so that is my fault, I SHALL make a format the same which will follow the same as above so it is in table format, and then make the parser support transparency:

imgColours = {

The parser (really damn simple, be nice was my first image format :P/>, like this was a year ago I made this xD):

function image:draw(tablename, intx, inty)
    if tablename then
        if type(tablename) == "table" then
            for k1, v1 in ipairs(tablename) do
                for k2, v2 in ipairs(tablename[k1]) do
                    local bc = v2:sub(1, 2)-9
                    local tc = v2:sub(4, 5)-9
                    local char = v2:sub(7)
                    term.setCursorPos(k2+intx-1, k1+inty-1)
MindenCucc #106
Posted 29 July 2015 - 12:38 PM
I wrote a basic image renderer for my CCJam'15 game, you could tweak a bit, so it could fully support transparency, and not only if you have a transparent background-color set

Here's the renderer: render
And here's the .skch to binimg converter: mkbinimg

Note: the .skch reader code was copied out of oeed's Sketch program.

Edit: too bad, \r gets replaced with \n :(/>
Edited on 29 July 2015 - 10:45 AM
DannySMc #107
Posted 29 July 2015 - 12:40 PM
I wrote a basic image renderer for my CCJam'15 game, you could tweak a bit, so it could fully support transparency, and not only if you have a transparent background-color set

Here's the renderer: render
And here's the .skch to binimg converter: mkbinimg

Note: the .skch reader code was copied out of oeed's Sketch program.

I see, I shall have a look :P/>
MKlegoman357 #108
Posted 29 July 2015 - 01:22 PM
To make it simple, use one image format. So the appstore wouldn't have to figure out what format the image is and have different parsing functions, that will only take space on the CC computer, which already has pretty limited space. I'd suggest to use a format which is small in size, so that you would save the space of the database. Oh, and I'd suggest to decide whether the format should be a serialized Lua value (a table) or your own custom type, instead of mixing them together. I'd suggest making your own format for the sake of saving size. Or you could use something like NFT which is pretty damn small, considering it doesn't require to contain the colors of an individual pixels, rather only indicating when a color changes. And even though the NFT format is binary, you can still very easily serialize that data so that the client program wouldn't need a special unserializer.

But of course, this is CC. We're supposed to have fun programming stuff for it, so you can go ahead and create your own format. One thing for colors: instead of having each color saved under a number, save it under a base 16 value, or maybe base 17 for transparency. Here's an "official" binding of color values -> base 16 values by Dan himself (it's also used internally, Java-side):

local hex = {
  [colors.white] = "0";
  [] = "1";
  [colors.magenta] = "2";
  [colors.lightBlue] = "3";
  [colors.yellow] = "4";
  [colors.lime] = "5";
  [] = "6";
  [colors.gray] = "7";
  [colors.lightGray] = "8";
  [colors.cyan] = "9";
  [colors.purple] = "a";
  [] = "b";
  [colors.brown] = "c";
  [] = "d";
  [] = "e";
  [] = "f";

And for transparency you'd probably go with base 17:

local hex = {
  [colors.transparent] = "g";

But then, what would be the value of 'colors.transparent'? Maybe because the biggest value is black with a number 2^15, transparent would be 2^16? Well, the current paintutils functions deal with the number 0 as representing transparent (or rather, "no information"), so that's what I'd suggest the value to be.
DannySMc #109
Posted 29 July 2015 - 02:01 PM
- snip -

This is close to what I had in mind :P/> and transparent colours would be ignored, so nothing is written…
MindenCucc #110
Posted 29 July 2015 - 02:37 PM
Yeah, NFT is your best bet, but keep in mind that CC not only corrupts values between 128-255, but it also corrupts \r to \n, so there are 3 otpions:

1) tweak NFT a bit, so http won't corrupt colors, but it'll be incompatible with other NFT algorythms
2) use some binary-to-ascii encoding
3) use a non-binary serialized image format that is easier to load, but it takes a lot of space on the computer (or if you won't save it, it uses a lot of network)

I think the easiest method is the first, since we won't write binary text on the images, and the store code would handle the conversion.
DannySMc #111
Posted 29 July 2015 - 03:13 PM
Yeah, NFT is your best bet, but keep in mind that CC not only corrupts values between 128-255, but it also corrupts \r to \n, so there are 3 otpions:

1) tweak NFT a bit, so http won't corrupt colors, but it'll be incompatible with other NFT algorythms
2) use some binary-to-ascii encoding
3) use a non-binary serialized image format that is easier to load, but it takes a lot of space on the computer (or if you won't save it, it uses a lot of network)

I think the easiest method is the first, since we won't write binary text on the images, and the store code would handle the conversion.

To be honest I was just gonna use a table based format xD which will be easier.. :P/> What Legoman said :PP
oeed #112
Posted 29 July 2015 - 10:45 PM
Yeah honestly I'd stick with NFT, it's by far the most used image &amp; text format.
DannySMc #113
Posted 29 July 2015 - 11:21 PM
Yeah honestly I'd stick with NFT, it's by far the most used image &amp; text format.

Hmm okay, will look into it
GFX #114
Posted 04 August 2015 - 05:30 AM
Wow! I like this store! I use it in all of its computers ;)/>!
DannySMc #115
Posted 04 August 2015 - 08:17 AM
Wow! I like this store! I use it in all of its computers ;)/>/>!

Glad you like it :D/>
DannySMc #116
Posted 10 September 2015 - 12:43 PM
The new update 4.2 is coming out which has a redesign and use the new system with everything finished, of course it is beta and there are likely to be bugs, this is the lost completed version yet!!!:D/>
DannySMc #117
Posted 15 September 2015 - 09:07 PM
Updated to 4.2 at last!! Check the OP!:D/>
DannySMc #118
Posted 22 September 2015 - 10:52 AM
I am going to be releasing a new update, which will fix the commenting function, because for some reason you can't upload a comment. So I shall release an update for that, as soon as I get a chance, please note that your username and password, is automatically saved, so make sure to turn it off if you don't want that or delete the file, which is called: .DiscoverConfig
gollark8 #119
Posted 22 September 2015 - 07:12 PM
Would it be possible to create a permissions system for apps on this, so that they could only access FS, OS and other potentially damaging APIs with permission from the user?
Edited on 22 September 2015 - 05:13 PM
DannySMc #120
Posted 22 September 2015 - 10:12 PM
Would it be possible to create a permissions system for apps on this, so that they could only access FS, OS and other potentially damaging APIs with permission from the user?

What do you mean exactly? All apps are just posted on there, we do not normally moderate them. Do you mean searching through the code inside each app, and having a warning on it? or?
gollark8 #121
Posted 24 September 2015 - 09:08 PM
Would it be possible to create a permissions system for apps on this, so that they could only access FS, OS and other potentially damaging APIs with permission from the user?

What do you mean exactly? All apps are just posted on there, we do not normally moderate them. Do you mean searching through the code inside each app, and having a warning on it? or?
I mean some sort of program that comes with the App Store, that checks with the App Store system about the permissions of a certain app, and blocks its access to APIs accordingly.
DannySMc #122
Posted 25 September 2015 - 08:47 AM
Would it be possible to create a permissions system for apps on this, so that they could only access FS, OS and other potentially damaging APIs with permission from the user?

What do you mean exactly? All apps are just posted on there, we do not normally moderate them. Do you mean searching through the code inside each app, and having a warning on it? or?
I mean some sort of program that comes with the App Store, that checks with the App Store system about the permissions of a certain app, and blocks its access to APIs accordingly.

Hmm it is possible, but what sort of permissions? like give me examples?
gollark8 #123
Posted 25 September 2015 - 07:56 PM
Would it be possible to create a permissions system for apps on this, so that they could only access FS, OS and other potentially damaging APIs with permission from the user?

What do you mean exactly? All apps are just posted on there, we do not normally moderate them. Do you mean searching through the code inside each app, and having a warning on it? or?
I mean some sort of program that comes with the App Store, that checks with the App Store system about the permissions of a certain app, and blocks its access to APIs accordingly.

Hmm it is possible, but what sort of permissions? like give me examples?
Filesystem, reboot/shutdown and things that can execute other Lua (dofile, loadstring etc).
DannySMc #124
Posted 26 September 2015 - 06:44 PM
Would it be possible to create a permissions system for apps on this, so that they could only access FS, OS and other potentially damaging APIs with permission from the user?

What do you mean exactly? All apps are just posted on there, we do not normally moderate them. Do you mean searching through the code inside each app, and having a warning on it? or?
I mean some sort of program that comes with the App Store, that checks with the App Store system about the permissions of a certain app, and blocks its access to APIs accordingly.

Hmm it is possible, but what sort of permissions? like give me examples?
Filesystem, reboot/shutdown and things that can execute other Lua (dofile, loadstring etc).

So when you download something, search the file for matching API libs, fs, os, loadstring, dofile etc? and warn them?
valithor #125
Posted 26 September 2015 - 06:47 PM
So when you download something, search the file for matching API libs, fs, os, loadstring, dofile etc? and warn them?

Alternatively. You could overwrite any potentially dangerous function to where it will warn the user when it is called. Granted if you have it do a popup, then you would need a buffer to be able to redraw the screen after the popup is handled.
DannySMc #126
Posted 26 September 2015 - 07:06 PM
So when you download something, search the file for matching API libs, fs, os, loadstring, dofile etc? and warn them?

Alternatively. You could overwrite any potentially dangerous function to where it will warn the user when it is called. Granted if you have it do a popup, then you would need a buffer to be able to redraw the screen after the popup is handled.

Yeah the coroutine manager can redraw that, but I do not want to overwrite any of the others code just warn the user what type of calls the file has, otherwise then I am messing with a program that may need it, like the appstore uses fs.delete and os.reboot for auto-updating… so it is kinda of useless, but it would be good to warn users I guess! Kind of like the play store when you install an app.
valithor #127
Posted 26 September 2015 - 07:57 PM
So when you download something, search the file for matching API libs, fs, os, loadstring, dofile etc? and warn them?

Alternatively. You could overwrite any potentially dangerous function to where it will warn the user when it is called. Granted if you have it do a popup, then you would need a buffer to be able to redraw the screen after the popup is handled.

Yeah the coroutine manager can redraw that, but I do not want to overwrite any of the others code just warn the user what type of calls the file has, otherwise then I am messing with a program that may need it, like the appstore uses fs.delete and os.reboot for auto-updating… so it is kinda of useless, but it would be good to warn users I guess! Kind of like the play store when you install an app.

It would not be hard to change the functions only for that specific program. Just change the function environment after you loadstring the program (CC 1.73 or below), or when you "load" the program (CC 1.74).

It really is all about preference. I would just assume doing it the way I suggested would be less work with the same or similar outcome.
Edited on 26 September 2015 - 05:59 PM
DannySMc #128
Posted 26 September 2015 - 08:05 PM
So when you download something, search the file for matching API libs, fs, os, loadstring, dofile etc? and warn them?

Alternatively. You could overwrite any potentially dangerous function to where it will warn the user when it is called. Granted if you have it do a popup, then you would need a buffer to be able to redraw the screen after the popup is handled.

Yeah the coroutine manager can redraw that, but I do not want to overwrite any of the others code just warn the user what type of calls the file has, otherwise then I am messing with a program that may need it, like the appstore uses fs.delete and os.reboot for auto-updating… so it is kinda of useless, but it would be good to warn users I guess! Kind of like the play store when you install an app.

It would not be hard to change the functions only for that specific program. Just change the function environment after you loadstring the program (CC 1.73 or below), or when you "load" the program (CC 1.74).

It really is all about preference. I would just assume doing it the way I suggested would be less work with the same or similar outcome.

Hmmm, so have a "run in protected mode"?
valithor #129
Posted 26 September 2015 - 08:42 PM
Hmmm, so have a "run in protected mode"?

DannySMc #130
Posted 27 September 2015 - 11:13 AM
Hmmm, so have a "run in protected mode"?

Hmm I shall look into it
DannySMc #131
Posted 05 November 2015 - 10:27 AM
Hey there, can you please update the App Store via the SAME pastebin link as above, as I have just edited it, this is because upon moving servers I somehow broke the auto-updating script, I have added the new version and added in the fix for it. Everything is working fine still!

Sorry for any confusing if you need help just install with this:
pastebin get b4GwKPpU store

and everything will be working.

I lie, there is a few errors with the my account page, sorry I shall go through these attempt to fix what is broken!
DannySMc #132
Posted 12 November 2015 - 10:59 AM
Hey I have added a quick update to fix some other errors I found. These are upload/update errors, any calls to the store, this should be working now, just do:
pastebin get b4GwKPpU store
for a manual update.
Blue #133
Posted 14 November 2015 - 12:34 PM
Hey I have added a quick update to fix some other errors I found. These are upload/update errors, any calls to the store, this should be working now, just do:
pastebin get b4GwKPpU store
for a manual update.
You forgot to remove the HTTPS protocol from "" :P/>
DannySMc #134
Posted 15 November 2015 - 06:49 PM
Hey I have added a quick update to fix some other errors I found. These are upload/update errors, any calls to the store, this should be working now, just do:
pastebin get b4GwKPpU store
for a manual update.
You forgot to remove the HTTPS protocol from "" :P/>/>

Yeah, gonna figure out a way to make my web server auto redirect it https calls xD
DannySMc #135
Posted 16 November 2015 - 09:27 AM
Added new fix, apologies, I keep adding fixes to which break something else, this fix will allow the store to work with the auto-updater, also will allow you to upload, update etc etc, apologies for that!
oxygencraft #136
Posted 18 November 2015 - 08:28 AM
Crashes when registering for an account its said:

store:634: store:1824: attempt to index ? (a nil value)
DannySMc #137
Posted 18 November 2015 - 10:50 PM
Crashes when registering for an account its said:

store:634: store:1824: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

Have you re downloaded the new version from pastebin?
DannySMc #138
Posted 18 November 2015 - 11:57 PM
Crashes when registering for an account its said:

store:634: store:1824: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

Upon testing, it works fine for me?
oxygencraft #139
Posted 19 November 2015 - 05:34 AM
Crashes when registering for an account its said:

store:634: store:1824: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

Upon testing, it works fine for me?

It does not work for me. If you could register for me then the username is my forum name and you assign me with a temp password then pm me with the temp password and i will change it as soon as i login and then set the email address for the account.
DannySMc #140
Posted 19 November 2015 - 09:07 AM
Crashes when registering for an account its said:

store:634: store:1824: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

Upon testing, it works fine for me?

It does not work for me. If you could register for me then the username is my forum name and you assign me with a temp password then pm me with the temp password and i will change it as soon as i login and then set the email address for the account.

Have you downloaded the new version?
Edited on 19 November 2015 - 08:08 AM
oxygencraft #141
Posted 19 November 2015 - 10:55 AM
Crashes when registering for an account its said:

store:634: store:1824: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

Upon testing, it works fine for me?

It does not work for me. If you could register for me then the username is my forum name and you assign me with a temp password then pm me with the temp password and i will change it as soon as i login and then set the email address for the account.

Have you downloaded the new version?

I have downloaded the new version. But when you type your details and press the register button it returns a value of nil then crashes. You need to type in real details NOT fake ones.
DannySMc #142
Posted 19 November 2015 - 01:38 PM
Crashes when registering for an account its said:

store:634: store:1824: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

Upon testing, it works fine for me?

It does not work for me. If you could register for me then the username is my forum name and you assign me with a temp password then pm me with the temp password and i will change it as soon as i login and then set the email address for the account.

Have you downloaded the new version?

I have downloaded the new version. But when you type your details and press the register button it returns a value of nil then crashes. You need to type in real details NOT fake ones.

The reason you can't register is because you already have an account, please login instead of clicking register.
DannySMc #143
Posted 19 November 2015 - 05:37 PM
Hey guys,

Update on this, I have now updated it to version 4.5, which includes a heap of fixes and some new functionality, all listed below:

+ Fixed the "nil" message when the store was booting up,
+ Changed the apps layout so categories and version sorting is all in the same coroutine, (making space for others),
+ Added the Snippets category, which allows you to store snippets of code, currently you can download, upload, and delete them, they come with the same meta data: name, description, version, status, index and downloads of course.
+ The App Store has had some fixes to the boot code to allow me to finish of the command line interface.
+ Added an exit button to the store, which breaks out of the coroutine manager,
+ Added the "View all snippets", "Upload a snippet", "View my snippets" screens under the snippets menu.
+ Added the download ability for snippets,
+ Added some simple form verification to make sure all fields are given, and the supplied file path exists,
+ Added the new menu item: "Discover Cloud", this will be added in once I have the web version working, this has been a work in progress for almost 2 months, as this is going to be an online storage for all to use, with built in abilities, as well as being able to use my new sync program that uses the same folders and directory.
+ Fixed some annoying bugs in the coroutine manager with it freezing once you download an app,

If there are any other things you want added then just comment below and I can look into adding them.
LDDestroier #144
Posted 19 November 2015 - 06:37 PM
The store appears to flicker quite a lot. Have it clear parts of the top menubar with term.setCursorPos(x,y) and write(string.rep(" ",number)) and not term.clearLine(), if that's what you do.
DannySMc #145
Posted 19 November 2015 - 07:10 PM
Hmm I haven't seen that myself, but that is because I use an emulator, I shall have a look into it and make it only redraw the time instead, as it redraws the menu bar every second

Thanks for that!
oxygencraft #146
Posted 20 November 2015 - 04:41 AM
Crashes when registering for an account its said:

store:634: store:1824: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

Upon testing, it works fine for me?

It does not work for me. If you could register for me then the username is my forum name and you assign me with a temp password then pm me with the temp password and i will change it as soon as i login and then set the email address for the account.

Have you downloaded the new version?

I have downloaded the new version. But when you type your details and press the register button it returns a value of nil then crashes. You need to type in real details NOT fake ones.

The reason you can't register is because you already have an account, please login instead of clicking register.

It said could not verify could not verify credentials. I must of forgot my password because i don't play moded Minecraft so often.
Edited on 20 November 2015 - 03:41 AM
DannySMc #147
Posted 20 November 2015 - 07:37 AM
Crashes when registering for an account its said:

store:634: store:1824: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

I shall delete your account then

Upon testing, it works fine for me?

It does not work for me. If you could register for me then the username is my forum name and you assign me with a temp password then pm me with the temp password and i will change it as soon as i login and then set the email address for the account.

Have you downloaded the new version?

I have downloaded the new version. But when you type your details and press the register button it returns a value of nil then crashes. You need to type in real details NOT fake ones.

The reason you can't register is because you already have an account, please login instead of clicking register.

It said could not verify could not verify credentials. I must of forgot my password because i don't play moded Minecraft so often.
oxygencraft #148
Posted 20 November 2015 - 11:06 AM
Crashes when registering for an account its said:

store:634: store:1824: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

I shall delete your account then

Upon testing, it works fine for me?

It does not work for me. If you could register for me then the username is my forum name and you assign me with a temp password then pm me with the temp password and i will change it as soon as i login and then set the email address for the account.

Have you downloaded the new version?

I have downloaded the new version. But when you type your details and press the register button it returns a value of nil then crashes. You need to type in real details NOT fake ones.

The reason you can't register is because you already have an account, please login instead of clicking register.

It said could not verify could not verify credentials. I must of forgot my password because i don't play moded Minecraft so often.

Then go delete my account.
Edited on 20 November 2015 - 10:08 AM
DannySMc #149
Posted 20 November 2015 - 06:42 PM
Crashes when registering for an account its said:

store:634: store:1824: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

I shall delete your account then

Upon testing, it works fine for me?

It does not work for me. If you could register for me then the username is my forum name and you assign me with a temp password then pm me with the temp password and i will change it as soon as i login and then set the email address for the account.

Have you downloaded the new version?

I have downloaded the new version. But when you type your details and press the register button it returns a value of nil then crashes. You need to type in real details NOT fake ones.

The reason you can't register is because you already have an account, please login instead of clicking register.

It said could not verify could not verify credentials. I must of forgot my password because i don't play moded Minecraft so often.

Then go delete my account.

How about you ask nicely.
oxygencraft #150
Posted 22 November 2015 - 04:55 AM
Crashes when registering for an account its said:

store:634: store:1824: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

I shall delete your account then

Upon testing, it works fine for me?

It does not work for me. If you could register for me then the username is my forum name and you assign me with a temp password then pm me with the temp password and i will change it as soon as i login and then set the email address for the account.

Have you downloaded the new version?

I have downloaded the new version. But when you type your details and press the register button it returns a value of nil then crashes. You need to type in real details NOT fake ones.

The reason you can't register is because you already have an account, please login instead of clicking register.

It said could not verify could not verify credentials. I must of forgot my password because i don't play moded Minecraft so often.

Then go delete my account.

How about you ask nicely.

Delete my account please, Danny.
Creator #151
Posted 22 November 2015 - 08:06 AM
How about you ask nicely.

1. Insanity wolf. You know the meme.

3. Isn't there any way to reset a password with a security question?
Edited on 22 November 2015 - 06:41 PM
DannySMc #152
Posted 22 November 2015 - 10:17 PM
How about you ask nicely.

1. Insanity wolf. You know the meme.

3. Isn't there any way to reset a password with a security question?

Nope, and I am making it now, there is a way on the backend, but the thing is, that's not very secure, I am wondering how to do it via email, and then maybe a better way to make it even more secure… The thing is email is fine, but some people do not use legit emails, and if they do not I am not sure a more secure way because everyone seems to forget stuff xD
hugeblank #153
Posted 26 November 2015 - 10:05 PM
Overall this program is amazing. I would really like to see a way that you can grab the programs off of pastebin, like making an account to house all of the pastebin lua files. Another thing I would like to see is cross support with glass UI. If you offered this program to be added to the OS/UI, it would make both of your guy's work that much better.
DannySMc #154
Posted 26 November 2015 - 11:51 PM
Overall this program is amazing. I would really like to see a way that you can grab the programs off of pastebin, like making an account to house all of the pastebin lua files. Another thing I would like to see is cross support with glass UI. If you offered this program to be added to the OS/UI, it would make both of your guy's work that much better.

I guess it is something I can add in, but as it is an app store it runs off my database, BUT I think that would be an awesome thing to add, and If he wants to use the App Store in his program he is very welcome to, I would love people to use this, I already have oeed planning to use it in his next OS (Well custom version), and thank you for your feedback, and I'm glad you like the program!! :D/> If there is anything else you would like to see do say!
DannySMc #155
Posted 02 December 2015 - 05:36 PM
Update 4.6:
+ Fixes comments section, where you were unable to comment on apps, due to authentication key validation,
+ Fixed some upload, update, and edit functions,
+ Added command line support for the following:
store list
store install <index> <filename>
+ Added listing function for console with terminate command,
+ Added better errors for store command line functions,</filename></index>

Very basic I know, but needed to release the fix for the comments, and have a lot more commands for the command line to be added :P/>
Edited on 02 December 2015 - 04:36 PM
oxygencraft #156
Posted 05 December 2015 - 09:03 AM
Could you delete my account off the DiscoverAPI database please, Danny.
DannySMc #157
Posted 05 December 2015 - 01:54 PM
Could you delete my account off the DiscoverAPI database please, Danny.

Yeah you have been deleted
oxygencraft #158
Posted 05 December 2015 - 08:40 PM
How do I use the Discover Cloud?
LDDestroier #159
Posted 06 December 2015 - 03:58 AM
Does it give notifications for when someone comments on your application?
DannySMc #160
Posted 06 December 2015 - 12:26 PM
How do I use the Discover Cloud?

It's not finished yet

Does it give notifications for when someone comments on your application?

Well I am currently working on the backend email part, so you get an email when someone comments, but I was thinking about like a notification bar in the menu, so when someone comments, it goes into your notifications, what did you think?:D/>
LDDestroier #161
Posted 06 December 2015 - 06:33 PM
Well I am currently working on the backend email part, so you get an email when someone comments, but I was thinking about like a notification bar in the menu, so when someone comments, it goes into your notifications, what did you think? :D/>

I was thinking about a notification bar on top of the screen, but email could be an opt-in feature.

EDIT: I just realized that your store does not have pocket computer support!
Edited on 06 December 2015 - 06:11 PM
DannySMc #162
Posted 06 December 2015 - 08:33 PM
Well I am currently working on the backend email part, so you get an email when someone comments, but I was thinking about like a notification bar in the menu, so when someone comments, it goes into your notifications, what did you think? :D/>

I was thinking about a notification bar on top of the screen, but email could be an opt-in feature.

EDIT: I just realized that your store does not have pocket computer support!

I can do this! and OHHH good point, might add that!!! :D/> What is the screen size?
LDDestroier #163
Posted 07 December 2015 - 12:44 AM
Pocket computers have a resolution of 26 x 20. You can detect whether you are running on a pocket computer if the variable 'pocket' is defined.
DannySMc #164
Posted 07 December 2015 - 09:37 AM
Pocket computers have a resolution of 26 x 20. You can detect whether you are running on a pocket computer if the variable 'pocket' is defined.

Awesome, well yeah I can add a pocket version, is it worth adding a turtle version? Hmm not sure whether to redesign the store to work responsively or add another set of functions… What is the limit computers have? is it like 1MB?
LDDestroier #165
Posted 07 December 2015 - 12:52 PM
About that, I think. Can't you just scale the buttons according to the screen X and Y?
DannySMc #166
Posted 07 December 2015 - 01:13 PM
About that, I think. Can't you just scale the buttons according to the screen X and Y?

Errr, Maybe actually, because of some of the functions use screen size, I will have to look into it!

Also on your notifications idea, I have added this :D/>, I am just working on some fixes to make it look nicer! Then it should be good to release :D/>.
DannySMc #167
Posted 07 December 2015 - 03:42 PM
New updated to 4.8, which adds the following:
+ Notifications, you will receive notifications, when you get comments on your apps, as well as some new updates we are adding in,
+ A notification icon in the menu bar which is the "N", this will go red when you have a notification and stay light grey when you don't,
+ You can click it to view notifications or view them: My Account -> Notifications,
+ Notifications can be delete by the "X" on the right side of a notification, clicking them will reveal more information,
+ I have also added a few things to the stats page, this will need a full re-design when I can think of something awesome! :P/>
ByteMe #168
Posted 11 December 2015 - 02:33 AM
I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this. It's quite hard to miss really. I'm talking about the large 'similarity' between oeed's app store and danny's new app store design. I mean at first glance you can see evidence of this.

I get you can only display that many items in so many ways. But I think you can see what I'm getting at. The message box at the top, the nav bar to some extent, but most obvious out of all of the aspects is the app display.

You can see exactly what I'm getting at. I mentioned that you can only display a list in so many ways but there are literally millions of backgrounds, so they fact danny chose the exact same background, you can't really say much about that besides that it just further proves my point. So, to danny, I had to call you out on this because it's not really 'okay' to use a design so similar for the exact same purpose. I think anyone that has used both will see what I mean.
Creator #169
Posted 11 December 2015 - 05:36 AM
Maybe it just looks good this way.
Lupus590 #170
Posted 11 December 2015 - 02:34 PM
Maybe they want there users to feel at home at both websites?
DannySMc #171
Posted 11 December 2015 - 10:30 PM
I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this. It's quite hard to miss really. I'm talking about the large 'similarity' between oeed's app store and danny's new app store design. I mean at first glance you can see evidence of this.

I get you can only display that many items in so many ways. But I think you can see what I'm getting at. The message box at the top, the nav bar to some extent, but most obvious out of all of the aspects is the app display.

You can see exactly what I'm getting at. I mentioned that you can only display a list in so many ways but there are literally millions of backgrounds, so they fact danny chose the exact same background, you can't really say much about that besides that it just further proves my point. So, to danny, I had to call you out on this because it's not really 'okay' to use a design so similar for the exact same purpose. I think anyone that has used both will see what I mean.

Interesting for you to say that, well considering oeed does not update or do anything to his app store, he is planning to use my app store instead, BUT this app store website is a new thing I am currently working on, and yes it is based a little off his app store website, due to his design was nice to look at, but I am not using the horizontal slider as I do not like that. There are many changes I have made, but my website will also be completely responsive so works on all devices :P/>,

But I do understand where you are coming from, you did not need to go in to detail about how it follows because I do say the store is based off the design a lot, as while I am building it I am going through many designs. The idea I have is a little more than what oeed had, but do not get me wrong I have always liked the design of his app store, so I HAVE based the front page off his app store, so yes.

As you wished to call me out on it, I have nothing to hide, so I guess nice of you to pick up on it, but yes currently I did use the same background while I find a better one, as oeed picked a very good background that fits well with the page, and the content stands out well in that page, it is really not a problem personally due to him planning to use my app store, as his is not used anymore, I do not see it being a HUGE problem, plus I love the way his app store is designed is probably the best way to display an app store, in all honesty I have had many versions of that page, as I was gonna have a full width image instead, but It really didn't fit the page, as I was hoping and the updates panel oeed had was very useful as it is as the top of the page and in plain view.

Like I said many websites follow the same design with different colours, I see your concern but really how else would you try and display the apps? I am using pagination and plan to use a completely different way of allowing players to view app information, but when it comes to the main page there is not much else I can do, AND yes I DID use the same background, if he has a problem he is welcome to tell me, BUT I do not see it being a problem due to it being a very good image with a nice gradient from a design point of view.
Edited on 11 December 2015 - 09:33 PM
oeed #172
Posted 12 December 2015 - 04:28 AM
oeed picked a very good background that fits well with the page, and the content stands out well in that page, it is really not a problem personally due to him planning to use my app store, as his is not used anymore, I do not see it being a HUGE problem

From memory I think I actually made the background myself. While yes, I don't overly mind and, as they say, imitation is the highest form of flattery, it might be a good idea to get permission for things like the background image in the future (from anyone); it's impossible to know who made it and whether you actually have the rights to it.
DannySMc #173
Posted 12 December 2015 - 09:10 AM
oeed picked a very good background that fits well with the page, and the content stands out well in that page, it is really not a problem personally due to him planning to use my app store, as his is not used anymore, I do not see it being a HUGE problem

From memory I think I actually made the background myself. While yes, I don't overly mind and, as they say, imitation is the highest form of flattery, it might be a good idea to get permission for things like the background image in the future (from anyone); it's impossible to know who made it and whether you actually have the rights to it.

That's fine I shall do that next time, apologies, I was just testing backgrounds, but I have to admit yours is the best one!:P/>
Edited on 12 December 2015 - 08:15 AM
TheMrIron2 #174
Posted 13 December 2015 - 03:56 PM
I just found out about this, it's great so far. Just a suggestion; it's causing some people who I play with in multiplayer to go crazy because of the animations and CC server lag being bad to begin with. So I'd cut down on the animations or add an option to disable/lessen animations. Other than that, I love it, it's great for browsing and downloading games, apps and APIs.
DannySMc #175
Posted 13 December 2015 - 06:53 PM
I just found out about this, it's great so far. Just a suggestion; it's causing some people who I play with in multiplayer to go crazy because of the animations and CC server lag being bad to begin with. So I'd cut down on the animations or add an option to disable/lessen animations. Other than that, I love it, it's great for browsing and downloading games, apps and APIs.

Well I'm glad you like it thank you!!! But there are no animations in it but I shall see if there's a way to make it less laggy for you!!:D/>
DannySMc #176
Posted 14 December 2015 - 12:31 PM
Added a simple search screen to search the apps on the app store, don't know why I never added this >.<
DannySMc #177
Posted 15 December 2015 - 01:55 PM
Added the new Discover Cloud screen, please see the "Help \ FAQ" on how to use this if you are stuck! :D/>
ProjectB #178
Posted 19 December 2015 - 06:39 AM
I really like your app store Danny! It has worked great, and it's laid out excellently. But it would be great if you could update your App Store to work with O. As you may have know O has a permanent bottom bar, and your app store doesn't adjust to it being there. It would really be awesome if you could get the app store to work with O! :D/>

Example screenshot:
This might looks normal, but the login button is missing, several parts of the app store has bottom buttons, but they get cut off.
Edited on 19 December 2015 - 05:40 AM
DannySMc #179
Posted 19 December 2015 - 01:37 PM
I really like your app store Danny! It has worked great, and it's laid out excellently. But it would be great if you could update your App Store to work with O. As you may have know O has a permanent bottom bar, and your app store doesn't adjust to it being there. It would really be awesome if you could get the app store to work with O! :D/>

Example screenshot:
This might looks normal, but the login button is missing, several parts of the app store has bottom buttons, but they get cut off.

Hi ProjectB, this isn't really "possible" with the current version, BUT I can make a more compatible version for OS's? If you want? and thank you and I am glad you like it.
FHSgames99 #180
Posted 31 December 2015 - 08:51 PM
I like that app store!!! GOOD WORK!!!! :)/> :D/>

Can I use this app store in my OS? :D/> :)/>
Pyuu #181
Posted 31 December 2015 - 09:26 PM
Rude post, be warned:
SpoilerNice program.

Also, forgot to mention, if you try to exit the app it'll have the Thank you for using screen sit there indefinitely forcing you to CTRL+R.
Also, on my larger complaint from the annoyance of the use of this program: You Don't Allow clicking buttons while a text-box is active, How Awkward it is to keep clicking at a button and then go: "Oh yeah, I forgot to press Enter, because that's what people do before clicking." Please, fix this.
ALSO, ON my other large list of complaints, "Blaze Mail" is at the top of the list, but is seemingly abandoned as the "API" (or otherwise known as a Back-end) for it (email.php) is completely absent from your Oh-so-personal website's FTP contents.
Also, a seemingly vital feature is missing from the App list: Searching by Text. Maybe I don't want to scroll down 120 items to find something seemingly appealing to my sense of what is a "Good" name for a CC program. Also, the search system is absolutely bias in that manner as programs that are submitted first are destined to be viewed first in the App list leading in more downloads than other programs, discouraging people from even uploading to this as their programs will never be seen unless someone clicks on the Categories thing.

ALSO you forgot to account for things like this:

Also, on another note, You don't even salt the passwords before sending them to your website. So, plain-sha256, so someone who intercepts that (because, as we all know, your website is http://) can use a dictionary crack.

Re-write of rude post, cleaned up:
SpoilerI'll just leave this bug report here:
Here is a list of problems I've found / suggestions:
  1. If you try to exit the app, it'll have a "Thank you for using" screen show up and indefinitely hang, forcing CTRL+R to exit out of it.
  2. Just a bit annoying on my end, but you can't click on buttons while a text-box is active, it's just plainly awkward for me.
  3. Blaze Email, one of your programs, is inactive and is at the top of the App List, and has no functionality as a program.
  4. A seemingly vital feature is missing: Searching by text in the App Store. It'd just be one more nice way to search for things. (This may be invalid as a post later says that there is such a feature, guess it's hard to find or I'm blind.)
  5. The app store seems to list programs by when they were submitted, rather than current activity (as in updates) or upvotes/downloads from users. This leads programs submitted first to be viewed the most discouraging people from submitting new programs to the list.
One more thing you forgot about was to deal with Version listings being too large for the program to "clean" them off the screen, such as this one:

Edit: On the note of being rude in my messages, Sorry for that. I'll try to avoid doing that, I get carried away when making posts. Thank you for seeing through to replying to my feedback.
Edited on 02 January 2016 - 12:55 AM
DannySMc #182
Posted 01 January 2016 - 12:41 AM
Nice program.

Also, forgot to mention, if you try to exit the app it'll have the Thank you for using screen sit there indefinitely forcing you to CTRL+R.
Also, on my larger complaint from the annoyance of the use of this program: You Don't Allow clicking buttons while a text-box is active, How Awkward it is to keep clicking at a button and then go: "Oh yeah, I forgot to press Enter, because that's what people do before clicking." Please, fix this.
ALSO, ON my other large list of complaints, "Blaze Mail" is at the top of the list, but is seemingly abandoned as the "API" (or otherwise known as a Back-end) for it (email.php) is completely absent from your Oh-so-personal website's FTP contents.
Also, a seemingly vital feature is missing from the App list: Searching by Text. Maybe I don't want to scroll down 120 items to find something seemingly appealing to my sense of what is a "Good" name for a CC program. Also, the search system is absolutely bias in that manner as programs that are submitted first are destined to be viewed first in the App list leading in more downloads than other programs, discouraging people from even uploading to this as their programs will never be seen unless someone clicks on the Categories thing.

ALSO you forgot to account for things like this:

Also, on another note, You don't even salt the passwords before sending them to your website. So, plain-sha256, so someone who intercepts that (because, as we all know, your website is http://) can use a dictionary crack.

Well first off, thank you for your list of amends, I do like to make it more usable, so let's start:
+ The apps are not bias in anyway, it is just how I send the data back from the server, so fair enough, I shall change that around so it is newest apps first! I agree with that.

+ Yes the passwords are not salted, as this was a problem I had when I first setup the app store, currently I am working on a new update to the back end so you will be asked to re-register your password, as I am using a new hashing method that does use salting so I apologise for that.

+ Yes my web server does not use https for the pure fact I refuse to pay over ~£150 for a SSL certificate, although I am looking at letsencrypt which is a free version of SSL certificates, please google it; if you're interested.

+ Ahh yes Blaze Email and other programs, these are much older programs that when I updated the back end for a load of new programs I did not move along some of the other programs as I use a small counter to see how much the program was used, it wasn't used at all, therefore thinking it wasn't worth updating.

+ The version numbers are actually told in the help category on how to format these, but not everyone follows, which is why I allow ALL versions to be downloaded from the server, but I have not seen that at all, so I shall have a look and go through some fixes.

+ The clicking buttons while currently typing I have not yet mastered and I apologise, I am not actually sure how to do this, I have been experimenting but my only way around this is to use a custom read function, which I have been working on, but due to Christmas I have barely had a chance to work on it.

+ The exit program is buggy, because I think the way my coroutine manager works, it doesn't always close the program correctly, I have seen this before so I shall have a go at making it better.

+ There is a text search for the app store so you can search for the app you wish to download.

One note, you come across very rude in your message, so please don't next time, It does have bits and bobs that are out of place and a lot of fixes that need to be done, but I do rely on your feedback for these kinds of things so I do thank you for your help none the less.
MKlegoman357 #183
Posted 01 January 2016 - 03:45 PM
Speaking of version numbers: why are you simply not forcing them to be in the format you want? A very simple regex check in your php script should do the trick.
DannySMc #184
Posted 01 January 2016 - 09:19 PM
Speaking of version numbers: why are you simply not forcing them to be in the format you want? A very simple regex check in your php script should do the trick.

Yeah I did want to, but I feel that it doesn't really give any control, but I was wondering whether to make versions automatic? So when you update it or upload an app, it just starts the version numbering automatically?
Creator #185
Posted 01 January 2016 - 09:31 PM
I would not use automatic versioning because the writer of the program might hava a different system in mind than the one you had.
DannySMc #186
Posted 01 January 2016 - 09:42 PM
I would not use automatic versioning because the writer of the program might hava a different system in mind than the one you had.

Exactly what I thought, which is why I never did it… Hmmm
Creator #187
Posted 01 January 2016 - 09:47 PM
But, I would add an option allowing the developer to decide the order of the versions or atleast the latest release.
DannySMc #188
Posted 01 January 2016 - 09:48 PM
But, I would add an option allowing the developer to decide the order of the versions or atleast the latest release.

I like that idea, thanks! :D/>
Creator #189
Posted 01 January 2016 - 09:58 PM
But, I would add an option allowing the developer to decide the order of the versions or atleast the latest release.

I like that idea, thanks! :D/>

Actually, how difficult is it to implement that?
Lupus590 #190
Posted 01 January 2016 - 10:07 PM
fixed number fields which must be a higher value than the current uploaded version
Creator #191
Posted 01 January 2016 - 10:10 PM
What if we add a version inbetween? (Not that there is logic, but still.)
DannySMc #192
Posted 02 January 2016 - 12:25 AM
What do you mean exactly? Could you explain please?
Creator #193
Posted 02 January 2016 - 01:19 AM
You have version 0.7 and 0.9 and then you add 0.8.
DannySMc #194
Posted 02 January 2016 - 02:11 AM
You have version 0.7 and 0.9 and then you add 0.8.

Sorry explain what you want for the version system (if possible?), Sorry I am not quite following…
MKlegoman357 #195
Posted 02 January 2016 - 08:22 AM
You say you don't want to restrict users on the version numbers but you still ask them to be in specific format. I see no harm having the kind of versioning you ask users to have so enforcing it shouldn't be a problem.
oeed #196
Posted 02 January 2016 - 09:04 AM
Why not just an integer that increases every time the app is uploaded?
DannySMc #197
Posted 02 January 2016 - 12:37 PM
You say you don't want to restrict users on the version numbers but you still ask them to be in specific format. I see no harm having the kind of versioning you ask users to have so enforcing it shouldn't be a problem.

Yes but I do not restrict them, this is to give them freedom…

Why not just an integer that increases every time the app is uploaded?

What like update 1 or update 0.1?
flaghacker #198
Posted 02 January 2016 - 10:00 PM
Why not just an integer that increases every time the app is uploaded?

What like update 1 or update 0.1?

Have people choose their own version system, but keep a parallell number. An example: the first version is called 0.0.1, it's number is one. The second version might be called 0.0.3, it's number is 2. The next version could be 1.2.8, with the number 3.

This approach combines the best of both worlds: there are no restrictions one the version format, but it's still easy to sort and compare versions with the (hidden) number.
oeed #199
Posted 02 January 2016 - 10:18 PM
Why not just an integer that increases every time the app is uploaded?

What like update 1 or update 0.1?

Have people choose their own version system, but keep a parallell number. An example: the first version is called 0.0.1, it's number is one. The second version might be called 0.0.3, it's number is 2. The next version could be 1.2.8, with the number 3.

This approach combines the best of both worlds: there are no restrictions one the version format, but it's still easy to sort and compare versions with the (hidden) number.

Exactly. Every time someone uploads a new versions you increase an integer by 1, which determines whether it is newer. Then you also have an arbitrary version string that the user can set. That gives them your 'freedom' while also making it easy to know whether an update is needed.

Either do that or force Semantic Versioning which is probably the most widely accepted, especially with open source stuff. It'll be a bit more complicated than the other system though.

Another thing on updating, it'd be nice if you could load releases from GitHub. For example, with OneOS every time there was a version I added a release. If you could add fetching from there it'd help lots of people, especially when programs start having to be larger and more complex with CraftOS 2.0.
LDDestroier #200
Posted 03 January 2016 - 01:14 AM
Exactly. Every time someone uploads a new versions you increase an integer by 1, which determines whether it is newer. Then you also have an arbitrary version string that the user can set. That gives them your 'freedom' while also making it easy to know whether an update is needed.

I agree with oeed and flaghacker on this method. But what if someone updates their application 2^32 times? What about then? Huh? Huh?
Edited on 03 January 2016 - 12:14 AM
Creator #201
Posted 03 January 2016 - 01:15 AM
No one lives long enough to update that many times.
Tripy998 #202
Posted 03 January 2016 - 04:37 AM
Uhm… how does one register?
DannySMc #203
Posted 03 January 2016 - 01:36 PM
Uhm… how does one register?

Run the program, go to login, and click the text that says "don't have an account, register here"
DannySMc #204
Posted 03 January 2016 - 10:41 PM
Rude post, be warned:
SpoilerNice program.

Also, forgot to mention, if you try to exit the app it'll have the Thank you for using screen sit there indefinitely forcing you to CTRL+R.
Also, on my larger complaint from the annoyance of the use of this program: You Don't Allow clicking buttons while a text-box is active, How Awkward it is to keep clicking at a button and then go: "Oh yeah, I forgot to press Enter, because that's what people do before clicking." Please, fix this.
ALSO, ON my other large list of complaints, "Blaze Mail" is at the top of the list, but is seemingly abandoned as the "API" (or otherwise known as a Back-end) for it (email.php) is completely absent from your Oh-so-personal website's FTP contents.
Also, a seemingly vital feature is missing from the App list: Searching by Text. Maybe I don't want to scroll down 120 items to find something seemingly appealing to my sense of what is a "Good" name for a CC program. Also, the search system is absolutely bias in that manner as programs that are submitted first are destined to be viewed first in the App list leading in more downloads than other programs, discouraging people from even uploading to this as their programs will never be seen unless someone clicks on the Categories thing.

ALSO you forgot to account for things like this:

Also, on another note, You don't even salt the passwords before sending them to your website. So, plain-sha256, so someone who intercepts that (because, as we all know, your website is http://) can use a dictionary crack.

Re-write of rude post, cleaned up:
SpoilerI'll just leave this bug report here:
Here is a list of problems I've found / suggestions:
  1. If you try to exit the app, it'll have a "Thank you for using" screen show up and indefinitely hang, forcing CTRL+R to exit out of it.
  2. Just a bit annoying on my end, but you can't click on buttons while a text-box is active, it's just plainly awkward for me.
  3. Blaze Email, one of your programs, is inactive and is at the top of the App List, and has no functionality as a program.
  4. A seemingly vital feature is missing: Searching by text in the App Store. It'd just be one more nice way to search for things. (This may be invalid as a post later says that there is such a feature, guess it's hard to find or I'm blind.)
  5. The app store seems to list programs by when they were submitted, rather than current activity (as in updates) or upvotes/downloads from users. This leads programs submitted first to be viewed the most discouraging people from submitting new programs to the list.
One more thing you forgot about was to deal with Version listings being too large for the program to "clean" them off the screen, such as this one:

Edit: On the note of being rude in my messages, Sorry for that. I'll try to avoid doing that, I get carried away when making posts. Thank you for seeing through to replying to my feedback.

Okay I have made a list of all the updates need doing, so thank you, for the search button, see screenshot, it is at the bottom left of the screen:
Tripy998 #205
Posted 04 January 2016 - 03:28 AM
Uhm… how does one register?

Run the program, go to login, and click the text that says "don't have an account, register here"

Typed all my info, hit enter, tried looking for a button, none was found.
Tried logging in, could not.
DannySMc #206
Posted 04 January 2016 - 07:32 AM
Uhm… how does one register?

Run the program, go to login, and click the text that says "don't have an account, register here"

Typed all my info, hit enter, tried looking for a button, none was found.
Tried logging in, could not.

Input all your details and then the register button is at the bottom right of the screen.
DannySMc #207
Posted 18 February 2016 - 03:48 PM
Update 5.1:
- Added limitedRead allowing you to type past the box limit and keeps it contained, thanks to Cranium for the code back in 2012, someone fortunately necro'd it and I saw it!
- Added around 11 bug fixes to the Discover Cloud Network.
- Added a rename feature for the cloud.

Sorry it took so long have been working a lot on the backend scripts and optimising them :')

Also note I have a ton of new updates which I plan to release by the end of this week :') Including a better Cloud Network :P/>.
Edited on 18 February 2016 - 04:42 PM
DannySMc #208
Posted 19 February 2016 - 02:01 PM
Added a new update:
- Added the ability to change your password in the program,
- Added the ability to change your email in the program,
- Added updating apps from pastebin,
- Updated credits section,
- Added the ability to update from the "View my apps" section, allowing the ID's to be inserted for you,
DannySMc #209
Posted 19 February 2016 - 05:17 PM
Sorry guys, I don't mean to spam just fixing a ton of bugs I didn't get around to doing plus some additions:
Update 5.3:
+ Added support for uploading from pastebin,
+ Fixed exit function, due to the coroutine manager not exiting correctly,
+ Added DiscoverX feature menu item for it's release,
DannySMc #210
Posted 20 February 2016 - 11:54 AM
Added various bug fixes to rendering issues on certain pages, and some backend amends to the commenting classes to make them better.

Why not just an integer that increases every time the app is uploaded?

What like update 1 or update 0.1?

Have people choose their own version system, but keep a parallell number. An example: the first version is called 0.0.1, it's number is one. The second version might be called 0.0.3, it's number is 2. The next version could be 1.2.8, with the number 3.

This approach combines the best of both worlds: there are no restrictions one the version format, but it's still easy to sort and compare versions with the (hidden) number.

Exactly. Every time someone uploads a new versions you increase an integer by 1, which determines whether it is newer. Then you also have an arbitrary version string that the user can set. That gives them your 'freedom' while also making it easy to know whether an update is needed.

Either do that or force Semantic Versioning which is probably the most widely accepted, especially with open source stuff. It'll be a bit more complicated than the other system though.

Another thing on updating, it'd be nice if you could load releases from GitHub. For example, with OneOS every time there was a version I added a release. If you could add fetching from there it'd help lots of people, especially when programs start having to be larger and more complex with CraftOS 2.0.

Just on this, thank you I shall add support for pulling from Github, I just added support from uploading, and updating from pastebin, do you want to like, be able to download branches? Or just download releases?
Edited on 20 February 2016 - 10:55 AM
LDDestroier #211
Posted 18 April 2016 - 02:47 AM
I added nine programs to your store. –I forgot to mention less, or add STD.
  • Ports (this existed before, I had forgotten…but it was updated since.)
  • Whisk
  • STD
  • PasteCCan
  • Enchat
  • Sinelock
  • PAIN
  • QuickDraw
  • Breakout
  • Less
and updated my minimap on the store to the latest version.

…happy belated birthday
Edited on 18 April 2016 - 04:06 PM
DannySMc #212
Posted 18 April 2016 - 09:01 AM
I added nine programs to your store.
  • Ports
  • Whisk
  • STD
  • PasteCCan
  • Enchat
  • Sinelock
  • PAIN
  • QuickDraw
  • Breakout
and updated my minimap on the store to the latest version.

…happy belated birthday

New favourite person ;)/>
Anonymous #213
Posted 18 April 2016 - 04:23 PM
Wonderful application. I must ask, would you be able to add a pastebin upload? Perhaps code your PHP site to download the paste, then upload it to the server via the credentials.
LDDestroier #214
Posted 18 April 2016 - 05:22 PM
Wonderful application. I must ask, would you be able to add a pastebin upload? Perhaps code your PHP site to download the paste, then upload it to the server via the credentials.

Yeah, it does allow you to simply input the pastebin ID rather than a filename. It's one of my favourite features.
DannySMc #215
Posted 18 April 2016 - 06:22 PM
Wonderful application. I must ask, would you be able to add a pastebin upload? Perhaps code your PHP site to download the paste, then upload it to the server via the credentials.

Thank you, I am glad you like it, and you can already do that, when on the upload screen the last screen will ask you for a filename, instead you can just press Toggle and it will say Pastebin ID instead, add the pastebin ID, and it will download from pastebin then upload from to the store instead :)/>, you can also do this to update your applications!
Edited on 18 April 2016 - 04:26 PM
Anonymous #216
Posted 19 April 2016 - 12:55 PM
Wonderful application. I must ask, would you be able to add a pastebin upload? Perhaps code your PHP site to download the paste, then upload it to the server via the credentials.

Thank you, I am glad you like it, and you can already do that, when on the upload screen the last screen will ask you for a filename, instead you can just press Toggle and it will say Pastebin ID instead, add the pastebin ID, and it will download from pastebin then upload from to the store instead :)/>, you can also do this to update your applications!

Ah! Thanks, makes it much easier. Sad I didn't notice this earlier.
Anonymous #217
Posted 19 April 2016 - 01:16 PM
Crash note :

After deleting an App of your network, it crashes. I tried this 3 times, and each time it crashed, but on the fourth try it was gone. But hey, good app for having on code error.
DannySMc #218
Posted 19 April 2016 - 01:34 PM
Crash note :

After deleting an App of your network, it crashes. I tried this 3 times, and each time it crashed, but on the fourth try it was gone. But hey, good app for having on code error.

Do you mean an error message? What is the actual error? I shall check this in a moment, it may just be that it's not parsing the reply correctly…

Edit #1: I have actually fixed this now, unfortunately my PHP script still had some debug code in it, so when you delete an app it was actually outputting other text with the return code, which was breaking the serialiser :P/>.
Edited on 19 April 2016 - 12:33 PM
DannySMc #219
Posted 16 May 2016 - 01:36 PM
Hi guys,

I have added the updates to this in the OP, the additions of the mailbox and the news feed, this program will be going through a hefty change soon that will have a re-design on the whole store. If you are willing to help that would be awesome, I will need someone fairly good with CC/Lua and someone that knows there way around git.

Konlab #220
Posted 24 May 2016 - 12:40 PM
Registering doesn't work, bug reported with the built in bug report menu
DannySMc #221
Posted 25 May 2016 - 12:28 AM
Registering doesn't work, bug reported with the built in bug report menu

The reason you can't login or register is because there is a user with your username already in the database, do you remember your password? Try logging in if you can! If not I shall re-generate you a request key to change your password. The account was registered more than a year ago.
Edited on 24 May 2016 - 10:28 PM
Konlab #222
Posted 25 May 2016 - 05:50 PM
Registering doesn't work, bug reported with the built in bug report menu

The reason you can't login or register is because there is a user with your username already in the database, do you remember your password? Try logging in if you can! If not I shall re-generate you a request key to change your password. The account was registered more than a year ago.
That's weird I never registered so that's not me, I will register with other name then
DannySMc #223
Posted 25 May 2016 - 05:51 PM
Registering doesn't work, bug reported with the built in bug report menu
The reason you can't login or register is because there is a user with your username already in the database, do you remember your password? Try logging in if you can! If not I shall re-generate you a request key to change your password. The account was registered more than a year ago.
That's weird I never registered so that's not me, I will register with other name then

Yeah sorry about that, shall I remove the user? as they have never logged in?
Konlab #224
Posted 26 May 2016 - 06:03 AM
Registering doesn't work, bug reported with the built in bug report menu
The reason you can't login or register is because there is a user with your username already in the database, do you remember your password? Try logging in if you can! If not I shall re-generate you a request key to change your password. The account was registered more than a year ago.
That's weird I never registered so that's not me, I will register with other name then

Yeah sorry about that, shall I remove the user? as they have never logged in?
You decide :P/>
I have an user now
DannySMc #225
Posted 02 July 2016 - 02:07 AM
Guys I am working on a huge update for this and I wanted to ask what extra things you'd like to see? I have added icons for apps now, as well as about 9 other new secret features you will see once released, but what are your ideas??:Do

This new update is a complete recode so hopefully you will like it :D/>
jhagrid77 #226
Posted 02 July 2016 - 02:36 AM
Experiencing some issues currently.

1. I successfully installed and launched the program, however I couldn't figure out how to fully register or such.

2. I rebooted the computer and tried to launch the store. I then got an error. I rebooted and another error. I reinstalled TWICE and still errors. I understand you might need the errors however I didn't think to save them.
LDDestroier #227
Posted 02 July 2016 - 02:44 AM
I can compile a list of suggestions!
+ Pocket computer support
+ Multiline descriptions and comments
+ Random 'app of the day' promotions
+ An API that STDGUI can use
+ A cool intro animation!
Edited on 02 July 2016 - 12:47 AM
DannySMc #228
Posted 02 July 2016 - 09:36 AM
Experiencing some issues currently.

1. I successfully installed and launched the program, however I couldn't figure out how to fully register or such.

2. I rebooted the computer and tried to launch the store. I then got an error. I rebooted and another error. I reinstalled TWICE and still errors. I understand you might need the errors however I didn't think to save them.

Erm that sounds a little weird?? The program works perfectly for me? I shall have a look, and well when you get an error it gives you the option to send the error, this will record it for me later on.

I can compile a list of suggestions!
+ Pocket computer support
+ Multiline descriptions and comments
+ Random 'app of the day' promotions
+ An API that STDGUI can use
+ A cool intro animation!

STDGUI? And all.of them sound pretty cool!! Pocket support is a definite and will come out with it, an intro is something I never really thought of, and I love the idea now!! Random app of the day is even better xD I plan to give apps more life? Including packages like Microsoft package and have like ink, spreadsheet etc etc? So you can make your own package.

Multiline description and support is also coming!! I made a bit of code for it :') so will see how.buggy it is 😅😅
jhagrid77 #229
Posted 02 July 2016 - 04:59 PM
Experiencing some issues currently.

1. I successfully installed and launched the program, however I couldn't figure out how to fully register or such.

2. I rebooted the computer and tried to launch the store. I then got an error. I rebooted and another error. I reinstalled TWICE and still errors. I understand you might need the errors however I didn't think to save them.

Erm that sounds a little weird?? The program works perfectly for me? I shall have a look, and well when you get an error it gives you the option to send the error, this will record it for me later on.

Found out the reason, your App Store doesn't like O OS, had to pull out another Advanced Computer and use CraftOS.
DannySMc #230
Posted 02 July 2016 - 05:23 PM
Experiencing some issues currently.

1. I successfully installed and launched the program, however I couldn't figure out how to fully register or such.

2. I rebooted the computer and tried to launch the store. I then got an error. I rebooted and another error. I reinstalled TWICE and still errors. I understand you might need the errors however I didn't think to save them.

Erm that sounds a little weird?? The program works perfectly for me? I shall have a look, and well when you get an error it gives you the option to send the error, this will record it for me later on.

Found out the reason, your App Store doesn't like O OS, had to pull out another Advanced Computer and use CraftOS.

Interesting, if you can get the error code, I shall make a patch for it :P/>
jhagrid77 #231
Posted 02 July 2016 - 06:34 PM
Experiencing some issues currently.

1. I successfully installed and launched the program, however I couldn't figure out how to fully register or such.

2. I rebooted the computer and tried to launch the store. I then got an error. I rebooted and another error. I reinstalled TWICE and still errors. I understand you might need the errors however I didn't think to save them.

Erm that sounds a little weird?? The program works perfectly for me? I shall have a look, and well when you get an error it gives you the option to send the error, this will record it for me later on.

Found out the reason, your App Store doesn't like O OS, had to pull out another Advanced Computer and use CraftOS.

Interesting, if you can get the error code, I shall make a patch for it :P/>
Edited on 02 July 2016 - 04:35 PM
DannySMc #232
Posted 02 July 2016 - 07:44 PM
Experiencing some issues currently.

1. I successfully installed and launched the program, however I couldn't figure out how to fully register or such.

2. I rebooted the computer and tried to launch the store. I then got an error. I rebooted and another error. I reinstalled TWICE and still errors. I understand you might need the errors however I didn't think to save them.

Erm that sounds a little weird?? The program works perfectly for me? I shall have a look, and well when you get an error it gives you the option to send the error, this will record it for me later on.

Found out the reason, your App Store doesn't like O OS, had to pull out another Advanced Computer and use CraftOS.

Interesting, if you can get the error code, I shall make a patch for it :P/>/>

Need the full error message, should be on the first crash screen.
jhagrid77 #233
Posted 02 July 2016 - 07:51 PM
Experiencing some issues currently.

1. I successfully installed and launched the program, however I couldn't figure out how to fully register or such.

2. I rebooted the computer and tried to launch the store. I then got an error. I rebooted and another error. I reinstalled TWICE and still errors. I understand you might need the errors however I didn't think to save them.

Erm that sounds a little weird?? The program works perfectly for me? I shall have a look, and well when you get an error it gives you the option to send the error, this will record it for me later on.

Found out the reason, your App Store doesn't like O OS, had to pull out another Advanced Computer and use CraftOS.

Interesting, if you can get the error code, I shall make a patch for it :P/>/>

Need the full error message, should be on the first crash screen.

It seems to work now, only problem is, you have to guess where the "buttons" are as the O bar hides them.
DannySMc #234
Posted 02 July 2016 - 09:11 PM
Experiencing some issues currently.

1. I successfully installed and launched the program, however I couldn't figure out how to fully register or such.

2. I rebooted the computer and tried to launch the store. I then got an error. I rebooted and another error. I reinstalled TWICE and still errors. I understand you might need the errors however I didn't think to save them.

Erm that sounds a little weird?? The program works perfectly for me? I shall have a look, and well when you get an error it gives you the option to send the error, this will record it for me later on.

Found out the reason, your App Store doesn't like O OS, had to pull out another Advanced Computer and use CraftOS.

Interesting, if you can get the error code, I shall make a patch for it :P/>/>/>

Need the full error message, should be on the first crash screen.

It seems to work now, only problem is, you have to guess where the "buttons" are as the O bar hides them.

Interesting I shall add support for smaller screens…
DannySMc #235
Posted 11 July 2016 - 01:57 PM
Sorry I haven't been active much on this thread, although I am calling out for a beta tester? Someone that can go through the new app store and test it for me? If you are willing to do this that would be amazing!! You will be mentioned in the credits of course.
Mumbai #236
Posted 11 July 2016 - 03:56 PM
Sorry I haven't been active much on this thread, although I am calling out for a beta tester? Someone that can go through the new app store and test it for me? If you are willing to do this that would be amazing!! You will be mentioned in the credits of course.
ebernerd #237
Posted 11 July 2016 - 06:27 PM
Sorry I haven't been active much on this thread, although I am calling out for a beta tester? Someone that can go through the new app store and test it for me? If you are willing to do this that would be amazing!! You will be mentioned in the credits of course.

You already know I'll do it. :)/>
DannySMc #238
Posted 11 July 2016 - 06:31 PM
Sorry I haven't been active much on this thread, although I am calling out for a beta tester? Someone that can go through the new app store and test it for me? If you are willing to do this that would be amazing!! You will be mentioned in the credits of course.
Sorry I haven't been active much on this thread, although I am calling out for a beta tester? Someone that can go through the new app store and test it for me? If you are willing to do this that would be amazing!! You will be mentioned in the credits of course.

You already know I'll do it. :)/>

Awesome guys, I shall just finish off a few bits and then I shall send you both a pastebin link :D/> thank you!
FishtoastSci #239
Posted 13 July 2016 - 12:47 PM
wow this… this is a truly beautiful piece of programming. i'll have to recommend it with my Os
DannySMc #240
Posted 13 July 2016 - 06:30 PM
wow this… this is a truly beautiful piece of programming. i'll have to recommend it with my Os

You're welcome to use it in your OS? But thank you, means a lot!!:')
thecrimulo #241
Posted 13 July 2016 - 09:52 PM
Wow, I tried it, and I'm totally impressed, didn't expect this at all. The cloud, the store… It even had my APIs on it! Some suggestions are Folders for Discover:Cloud and Alpha/Beta programs, which would be for programs that aren't fully working or tested. But I really liked it, a lot, including all the functions and such things. Keep up the good work
DannySMc #242
Posted 13 July 2016 - 10:33 PM
Wow, I tried it, and I'm totally impressed, didn't expect this at all. The cloud, the store… It even had my APIs on it! Some suggestions are Folders for Discover:Cloud and Alpha/Beta programs, which would be for programs that aren't fully working or tested. But I really liked it, a lot, including all the functions and such things. Keep up the good work

Thank you, I am really happy you like it, yes I am also working on adding folder support to the cloud, as it uses a different type of storage haha, but it should be possible :D/>, and when uploading apps the version should be: X.X.X (X) the first 3 X's are the version so example 1.6.2 and the X inside the brackets should be A for Alpha or B for Beta or R for release. So an example version should be:

0.9.5 (A)

Will probably change this as it's hard to make many people conform with this type of versioning.

but again thank you, It makes me happy to hear people like it!! I have a new version coming out soon, did you wish to be another beta tester? I need all the testing I can get to make it better! This new version comes with about 11 new features, a new menu, and some awesome additions plus a new taskbar.
thecrimulo #243
Posted 13 July 2016 - 10:57 PM
Of course I'd like to! Programs and GUIs like this are nice even for people that stick with CLI, the Idea is veeery good. I'm very impatient for the new features :D/>
DannySMc #244
Posted 14 July 2016 - 09:00 AM
Of course I'd like to! Programs and GUIs like this are nice even for people that stick with CLI, the Idea is veeery good. I'm very impatient for the new features :D/>
Awesome, well once the beta version is ready for testing then I shall add everyone to a chat and you can go through it and post bugs.
DannySMc #245
Posted 09 August 2016 - 02:40 PM
Guys here are a few screenshots of the new Discover App, which is currently in Beta, and having the few little bugs fixed as well as another few bits and bobs I plan to add to it.
Marcell D'avis #246
Posted 10 August 2016 - 10:01 AM
My Hello program on this App Store just reached 2 million downloads! I am so happy you all enjoy it! Thank you so much! I hope you will still use it in the future.
DannySMc #247
Posted 10 August 2016 - 12:03 PM
My Hello program on this App Store just reached 2 million downloads! I am so happy you all enjoy it! Thank you so much! I hope you will still use it in the future.

It's nice to see you spam the the download call to the store… >.< I shall set that to 1 for you :)/>
Marcell D'avis #248
Posted 10 August 2016 - 12:18 PM
My Hello program on this App Store just reached 2 million downloads! I am so happy you all enjoy it! Thank you so much! I hope you will still use it in the future.

It's nice to see you spam the the download call to the store… >.< I shall set that to 1 for you :)/>
What do you mean? Did someone make fake downloads to my program :(/>
Marcell D'avis #249
Posted 10 August 2016 - 12:24 PM
I have seen that you deleted my app, I didn't do anything, please bring it back it took me really long to make and the 2 million users really enjoyed using it, I am already receiving emails asking me why it is gone, my email server will crash!
DannySMc #250
Posted 10 August 2016 - 12:35 PM
I have seen that you deleted my app, I didn't do anything, please bring it back it took me really long to make and the 2 million users really enjoyed using it, I am already receiving emails asking me why it is gone, my email server will crash!

I am sure. Shame really.

I shall be adding a fix to show users who have had their IP banned.
Marcell D'avis #251
Posted 10 August 2016 - 12:57 PM
I have seen that you deleted my app, I didn't do anything, please bring it back it took me really long to make and the 2 million users really enjoyed using it, I am already receiving emails asking me why it is gone, my email server will crash!

I am sure. Shame really.

I shall be adding a fix to show users who have had their IP banned.
I didn't do anything why is my program deleted?
DannySMc #252
Posted 10 August 2016 - 01:15 PM
You were spamming the download call on your own App, pretty simple really.
Marcell D'avis #253
Posted 10 August 2016 - 01:17 PM
You were spamming the download call on your own App, pretty simple really.
lolwut? Do you really think I downloaded the app 2 million times myself?!
DannySMc #254
Posted 10 August 2016 - 01:32 PM
You were spamming the download call on your own App, pretty simple really.
lolwut? Do you really think I downloaded the app 2 million times myself?!

No but it's not hard to get the code that calls the download function and then constantly send requests :)/> conversation over.
Marcell D'avis #255
Posted 10 August 2016 - 01:34 PM
You were spamming the download call on your own App, pretty simple really.
lolwut? Do you really think I downloaded the app 2 million times myself?!

No but it's not hard to get the code that calls the download function and then constantly send requests :)/> conversation over.
No, conversation not over! We are trying to discuss something seriously here! I didn't look at the code of your app store, why do you say it was me? Couldn't anyone do it?
DannySMc #256
Posted 10 August 2016 - 01:40 PM
Indeed they could, but it's your app and for some reason you started gloating about it, which leads me think it's you plus you don't have any, I shall unblock your account and you can upload it again, but if you get the IP blocked error message then you'll know it's you :)/>
Marcell D'avis #257
Posted 10 August 2016 - 01:51 PM
Indeed they could, but it's your app and for some reason you started gloating about it, which leads me think it's you plus you don't have any, I shall unblock your account and you can upload it again, but if you get the IP blocked error message then you'll know it's you :)/>
I'm not getting an IP blocked message. I was just really happy about 2 million downloads ������ But if someone really faked them that would be sad :/
DannySMc #258
Posted 10 August 2016 - 02:29 PM
Indeed they could, but it's your app and for some reason you started gloating about it, which leads me think it's you plus you don't have any, I shall unblock your account and you can upload it again, but if you get the IP blocked error message then you'll know it's you :)/>
I'm not getting an IP blocked message. I was just really happy about 2 million downloads ������ But if someone really faked them that would be sad :/

You're account has been banned for using vulgar language against me, if you wish to resolve this issue, then contact me via PM.
DannySMc #259
Posted 10 August 2016 - 02:36 PM
I have a question what would you think of like a mini forum? I am not sure just thought it would be a cool endeavour for me to make?

Oh and would it be worth adding a pastebin client to it? to manage your pastes from the App?

LDDestroier #260
Posted 11 August 2016 - 04:53 AM
This is looking mondo cool! But…um…the chat. When entering something, it doesn't scroll down to the bottom. Also, I chatted three or so times, and it banned my IP as spam. And now I can't use Discover.
Edited on 11 August 2016 - 02:54 AM
DannySMc #261
Posted 11 August 2016 - 08:51 AM
This is looking mondo cool! But…um…the chat. When entering something, it doesn't scroll down to the bottom. Also, I chatted three or so times, and it banned my IP as spam. And now I can't use Discover.

Yes this is something I can't do much about at the moment, I am working on fixing and changing the chat system, as it conflicts with the API.
Geforce Fan #262
Posted 14 October 2016 - 02:11 AM
Wow. This could be split into a GUI library and the appstore itself. In fact, I'd say you probably should do that because
"Do one thing and do it well
Edited on 14 October 2016 - 12:12 AM
DannySMc #263
Posted 16 October 2016 - 11:07 PM
Wow. This could be split into a GUI library and the appstore itself. In fact, I'd say you probably should do that because
"Do one thing and do it well

Thank you! and what do you mean?
MythicalSora #264
Posted 05 November 2016 - 04:32 PM
Whenever I try to register i get this code:
"discover:1: string:229: attempt to index ? ( a nil value)"
Can you solve this?
DannySMc #265
Posted 05 November 2016 - 11:33 PM
Whenever I try to register i get this code:
"discover:1: string:229: attempt to index ? ( a nil value)"
Can you solve this?

Hi there,

That's interesting! I shall definitely have a look and give you a PM when I have found the issue, will release an update when I am finished!

Thanks for the posting the issue though!

~ Danny
MythicalSora #266
Posted 06 November 2016 - 09:48 PM
I cannot install Discover anymore? It says that the file exists but its a clean computer
DannySMc #267
Posted 07 November 2016 - 10:44 AM
That's interesting, is it possibly a hidden file? I have just installed it on a clean computer and it worked for me? Please make sure you're not saving it as a hidden file, otherwise this might be why.

If you are still running into the issue, can you please send me the error message you are getting, exactly and if possible exactly what is on your computer
LDDestroier #268
Posted 15 November 2016 - 03:08 AM
Upon running in CCEmuRedux, this error pops up.

I assume it'll work in actual minecraft (but I'm not testing now, what with it being 10:00 PM on a school night and Minecraft taking way too long to boot up), but for now, the only way to download Discover apps is THROUGH THE Discover CHANNEL IN STD-GUI HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEH
DannySMc #269
Posted 15 November 2016 - 08:48 PM
Upon running in CCEmuRedux, this error pops up.

I assume it'll work in actual minecraft (but I'm not testing now, what with it being 10:00 PM on a school night and Minecraft taking way too long to boot up), but for now, the only way to download Discover apps is THROUGH THE Discover CHANNEL IN STD-GUI HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEH

It works fine in minecraft haha, it's because of the implementation of ccemuredux, I would assume, as it works on CCLite, and minecraft :P/>
ObloxCC #270
Posted 20 February 2017 - 02:07 PM
Why trying to register I get this error (in game and in emulator)
DannySMc #271
Posted 20 February 2017 - 06:10 PM
Why trying to register I get this error (in game and in emulator)

Hi, oops I made a fix to these issues; I haven't moved over the program yet to it, will do this as soon as. Hopefully end of the week, I shall release a quick fix for now though.
DannySMc #272
Posted 31 March 2017 - 02:08 AM
Quick update on this, I have made a ton of fixes server side, due to me upgrading PHP versions, I lost a lot of functionality, which I didn't know about as I forgot, so I apologise. I have fixed this now.
Tag365 #273
Posted 08 April 2017 - 11:48 PM
I can't use the application to download applications! The error that occurs is this: Discover:1: string:562: attempt to index ? (a nil value)
Edited on 08 April 2017 - 09:49 PM
DannySMc #274
Posted 10 April 2017 - 12:03 PM
I can't use the application to download applications! The error that occurs is this: Discover:1: string:562: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

Thanks for the feedback, is that when you go to download it? If so I think I might no the issue.
DannySMc #275
Posted 10 April 2017 - 12:27 PM
I fixed that issue now, as well as a few other bugs, the chat system won't be usable as making some amends to use a better system.
Tag365 #276
Posted 14 April 2017 - 04:15 AM
I can't create an account right now. When I do so I encounter this error: Discover:1: string:229: attempt to index ? (a nil value). Can you fix this issue now?
DannySMc #277
Posted 14 April 2017 - 04:44 AM
I can't create an account right now. When I do so I encounter this error: Discover:1: string:229: attempt to index ? (a nil value). Can you fix this issue now?

You still can't create an account…? :/ I tried on my computer and it works. Hmmm I really dont know, I wonder if it's because you already have an account? Possibly the program is not parsing the message returned from the server correctly.
Tag365 #278
Posted 14 April 2017 - 05:52 AM
Can you fix this issue? I want to create a new account.
Tag365 #279
Posted 14 April 2017 - 06:47 AM
I had a problem publishing my application to the game. The error that shows when posting is Discover:1: string:501: attempt to index ? (a nil value). I have already found three errors in a sequence. Maybe you should test your application more and try to post a test application.
DannySMc #280
Posted 15 April 2017 - 02:36 PM
I had a problem publishing my application to the game. The error that shows when posting is Discover:1: string:501: attempt to index ? (a nil value). I have already found three errors in a sequence. Maybe you should test your application more and try to post a test application.

I want to be honest, if you look at the updates on this, it's not exactly like I am constantly working on it… I have left it to run on it's own for months. I am working on an upgrade but this will take some time, I will try and fix the issues, but the reason I let it run is because I am just genuinely a busy person.
Tag365 #281
Posted 17 April 2017 - 05:57 AM
Ok then, take your time.
DannySMc #282
Posted 20 June 2017 - 12:40 PM
Okay, so I apologise for leaving this abandoned for so long with so many errors. I have been going through the backend scripts and fixing all of them, from what I know, I have removed the majority of bugs on the system, I have also removed the Chat System, due to instability, and it will be replaced in another version with something I am working on now. In the mean time I shall be making some small changes to the code, and have a few additional plans, I shall release the 8.0 fix later today.

If you are wanting to help out; then I am open to the help due to having a lot of things I want to implement and not much time.
DannySMc #283
Posted 20 June 2017 - 01:00 PM
Okay so version 7.3 is now out, which has a ton of fixes for the app, so it works. Apologies for the delay.
To update just load your current version and it will auto update, or you can use the installer in the OP to install it.

Also note I have updated the information for the plugins, so you can understand how they work.
Edited on 20 June 2017 - 11:15 AM
Wilma456 #284
Posted 20 June 2017 - 02:27 PM
If I run "pastebin run MmnFkANZ" I got the error "35: attempt to index ? (a nil value)"
Bomb Bloke #285
Posted 20 June 2017 - 04:39 PM
That suggests cannot be reached by your Minecraft installation. Consider whether you're running through any weird proxy services, or whether you may've activated CC's whitelist feature.
DannySMc #286
Posted 20 June 2017 - 06:55 PM
If I run "pastebin run MmnFkANZ" I got the error "35: attempt to index ? (a nil value)"

Two things,

1. Are you using an emulator? As I know cclite for example you need to install luasec to support https connections.
2. If not, and you're using Minecraft; make sure that you have access to my site in your config. also if you can tell me the version of Minecraft and the version of ComputerCraft I will be able to help better, but the link posted above by BombBloke is accessible to anyone; unless, as he states, you are running through a weird proxy.
Twijn #287
Posted 20 June 2017 - 07:36 PM
This is quite unrelated to the thread; though I've certainly had many issues with SSL connections. Here's what I've found in the past: is available to every CC instance I've tried. There is no problem with this site nor this SSL certificate; according to Java/CC. (Returns the expected http response) (My personal website, which does not have much content) is not available to most instances I've tried. (Returns nil) (My in progress server website) is not available to most instances I've tried. (Returns nil)

I shall note these things:
  • All websites use certificates from the came certificate authority. They're all issued by "COMODO RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA"
  • TwijnWeb is hosted on a $2.99 web server provided by bisect hosting. The other two ( and are hosted on a $89.99 dedicated "game" server hosted by OVH. (Hosted alongside my MC servers)
  • These differences might be what's causing the inconsistencies because the dedicated server might not be configured correctly, or CPanel, which exists on but not the other two, might be glorifying it somehow to where Java/CC prefers it. (Or, potentially, it prefers it because Java's using an older, less modern means of transmitting the cert than the dedicated server is.) Nonetheless, the dedicated server is configured sufficiently for Chrome and Edge and most likely Firefox to accept the certificates, so I don't see why Java would accept TW.COM's but not the others.
In conclusion, the way in which Java (or, more specifically, ComputerCraft) handles SSL certificates has always been quite odd, at least in my experience. In most cases I'd just suggest to stay away from SSL unless you're actually submitting or obtaining data that requires an encrypted pathway.

It might be worth noting that updating your Java version @Wilma could help your issue; if it is not already up-to-date.

EDIT: This was infact just the issue with my server. Idid upload my certificate and private key, but I forgot my chain. Fixing them now. &amp; appears to work fine now. :)/> The non-crossed out things are still slightly valid. xP
Edited on 20 June 2017 - 06:04 PM
Wilma456 #288
Posted 21 June 2017 - 11:49 AM
I have tried to connect in the latest satble and the latest beta of CC and it failed. In my Browser I can connect to Http is enabled in the config and all pages are whitleistet. I not use a proxy.
DannySMc #289
Posted 21 June 2017 - 03:21 PM
I have tried to connect in the latest satble and the latest beta of CC and it failed. In my Browser I can connect to Http is enabled in the config and all pages are whitleistet. I not use a proxy.
That's really interesting, I will disable forcing SSL, and change the URL to be http. Apologies, It's a really weird issue :/ hmm. Thanks for posting though.
Edit #1: Actually that link does not work for me either; that's really weird. Let me check my web server is configured correctly.
Edit #2: I figured it out, it's because there is a trailing full stop at the end of the url; which is causing it to look for
, I shall create an update now. Thanks.
Edited on 21 June 2017 - 01:32 PM
DannySMc #290
Posted 21 June 2017 - 03:39 PM
Update on the above I have updated in the installer to use non SSL, and I have checked the configurations, and it seems to work fine, can you guys please test it, I also changed it in the auto-updater inside the application.
Wilma456 #291
Posted 21 June 2017 - 04:35 PM
The installer works now. but if I want to start discover, I get the error "string:75: attempt to index ? (a nil value)"
DannySMc #292
Posted 22 June 2017 - 09:40 AM
The installer works now. but if I want to start discover, I get the error "string:75: attempt to index ? (a nil value)"

Hi there, I have to admit there must be something on your end not working…? Because I can use it on Mac, CCLite, CCEmuRedux, CCEmuX, Windows, In-Game, On server.
There must be something you're blocking? because I am not having an issue, neither is anyone on my server? So I am not really sure what to fix…? As that error, doesn't help me at all, unless you can zip up your computers contents and send that to me, I can look from there. But if it works on mine then most likely something is being blocked from your end.
Wilma456 #293
Posted 22 June 2017 - 02:24 PM
I have nothing blocked. It seems to be a Problem with MC. I also tried CCEmuRedux and it does not work. My Opearting System is Ubuntu 16.04. What Information do you need?
DannySMc #294
Posted 22 June 2017 - 05:07 PM
I have nothing blocked. It seems to be a Problem with MC. I also tried CCEmuRedux and it does not work. My Opearting System is Ubuntu 16.04. What Information do you need?

Send me a zip of the folder of your computer. Let me look there. I have no issue can you please install cclite and try on there, or hop onto the AirWaves server and try on there.
Wilma456 #295
Posted 22 June 2017 - 05:31 PM
On cclite it works!
DannySMc #296
Posted 23 June 2017 - 01:06 AM
On cclite it works!

Just tried it on CCEmuRedux and it works fine.

Also I can't see the discoverapp in any of the files you sent over…? I would also suggest loading a Minecraft 1.11.2 version with the mod and trying it on there as well.
bobasrty #297
Posted 23 August 2017 - 11:13 PM
Hi, originally I tried to install on SimSoft Yellow. I don't remember the error but i tried again with pastebin and it said it file already exists. I've seen the code and idk if its supposed to do that but I don't think so, please help! Also is the server down or something like that because i tried to connect using STD-GUI but it won't switch as if the servers are down. Again please help.
LDDestroier #298
Posted 24 August 2017 - 03:33 AM
Hi, originally I tried to install on SimSoft Yellow. I don't remember the error but i tried again with pastebin and it said it file already exists. I've seen the code and idk if its supposed to do that but I don't think so, please help! Also is the server down or something like that because i tried to connect using STD-GUI but it won't switch as if the servers are down. Again please help.

Hey, I'm the owner of STD-GUI, and I tried testing to replicate your problem. I couldn't download from Discover on STD-GUI (on or off SimSoft,) but I couldn't use regular old Discover App 7.4 either. I think Discover is down right now. You could try again later, or you could spam dannysmc95's PM mailbox with complaints until he buckles! Either way, it's out of my hands. Although I did add an actual error message to let you know if a channel is down if you try to connect and fail.
DannySMc #299
Posted 24 August 2017 - 09:06 AM
Hi, originally I tried to install on SimSoft Yellow. I don't remember the error but i tried again with pastebin and it said it file already exists. I've seen the code and idk if its supposed to do that but I don't think so, please help! Also is the server down or something like that because i tried to connect using STD-GUI but it won't switch as if the servers are down. Again please help.

Hey, I'm the owner of STD-GUI, and I tried testing to replicate your problem. I couldn't download from Discover on STD-GUI (on or off SimSoft,) but I couldn't use regular old Discover App 7.4 either. I think Discover is down right now. You could try again later, or you could spam dannysmc95's PM mailbox with complaints until he buckles! Either way, it's out of my hands. Although I did add an actual error message to let you know if a channel is down if you try to connect and fail.

So I just renewed my certificate, and checked it on my computer and it works fine now.
FlamerGamer1234 #300
Posted 23 September 2017 - 04:24 PM
This post is almost a month old but i need help, this error appears every time i start Discover.
DannySMc #301
Posted 24 September 2017 - 09:51 PM
This post is almost a month old but i need help, this error appears every time i start Discover.

I shall take a look, can you give me the version of CC you were using? and also if you was using an emulator.
Gouldz #302
Posted 08 October 2017 - 11:32 AM
This post is almost a month old but i need help, this error appears every time i start Discover.

I shall take a look, can you give me the version of CC you were using? and also if you was using an emulator.

I'm having this error too. Im using CraftOS 1.7 and no emulator
DannySMc #303
Posted 09 October 2017 - 02:59 PM
This post is almost a month old but i need help, this error appears every time i start Discover.

I shall take a look, can you give me the version of CC you were using? and also if you was using an emulator.

I'm having this error too. Im using CraftOS 1.7 and no emulator

Will take a look, not sure.