Would like to point out that this script works in the 1.12.2 ports of ComputerCraft as is, therefore it likely works as on the ones in between too. I'll be making a modified version of this that uses Ender Pay and I'll post the script here when I'm done.
Here is a modified version that Sells levels for EnderPay credits.
pastebin get 23ddYhRi epShop
If anyone should modify this please help keep computercraft scripting alive and share your modifications now matter how mundane. It's how we all learn.
The full code:
--# Kreezxil's EnderPay Shop
--# based on the following
--# pastebin: https://pastebin.com/23ddYhRi
--# Wojbie's Xp Shoppe
--# Uses touchpoint api
--# http://pastebin.com/cRTsaYaK
--# Uncomment next line to remove Op message spam
--commands.exec("gamerule commandBlockOutput false")
local Shop={}
--# table.insert(Shop,{["name"]="Stone Brick",["price"]=1,["item"]="minecraft:stonebrick 64"})
--# table.insert(Shop,{["name"]="Tin Gear",["price"]=5,["item"]="Railcraft:part.gear 1 3",}) --3 is damage value for basic tin gear
--# table.insert(Shop,{["name"]="1 Credit", ["price"]=1,["item"]="enderpay:filled_banknote 1 0 {DateIssued:365000L,Amount:1}",})
table.insert(Shop,{["name"]="1 Credit", ["price"]=1,["item"]="1",})
table.insert(Shop,{["name"]="10 Credit", ["price"]=10,["item"]="10",})
table.insert(Shop,{["name"]="100 Credit", ["price"]=100,["item"]="100",})
table.insert(Shop,{["name"]="1000 Credit", ["price"]=1000,["item"]="1000",})
table.insert(Shop,{["name"]="10000 Credit", ["price"]=10000,["item"]="10000",})
table.insert(Shop,{["name"]="100000 Credit", ["price"]=10000,["item"]="100000",})
--# Default shop zone to CommandComputer coords
local range = 5
--# Load touchpoint api
if not fs.exists("/touchpoint") then shell.run("pastebin get pFHeia96 /touchpoint") end
--# Assuming that monitor is on top of commandComputer
local t = touchpoint.new("top")
--# Commands Backup
--# give @p[lm=10,x=-532,y=69,z=1084,r=3] Railcraft:part.gear 1 3
--# xp -10L @p[lm=10,x=-532,y=69,z=1084,r=3]
local jump=false
print("Adding "..#Shop.." Items to shop")
for i,k in pairs(Shop) do
local name = k.name.." = "..k.price.."L"
t:add(name, function()
commands.exec("tellraw @p[l="..(k.price-1)..",r="..range.."] "..'["",{"text":"You don\'t have lvl for '..k.name..'","color":"red"}]')
commands.exec("playsound minecraft:entity.villager.no player @p[l="..(k.price-1)..",r="..range.."]")
--wiadomosc masz xp
commands.exec("tellraw @p[lm="..k.price..",r="..range.."] "..'["",{"text":"Sold '..k.name.." for "..k.price..' lvls","color":"green"}]')
commands.exec("playsound minecraft:entity.villager.yes player @p[lm="..k.price..",r="..range.."]")
--# commands.exec("give @p[lm="..k.price..",r="..range.."] "..k.item)
commands.exec("wallet give @p[lm="..k.price..",r="..range.."] "..k.item)
commands.exec("xp -"..k.price.."L @p[lm="..k.price..",r="..range.."]")
end , 3+25*(jump and 1 or 0), 2+2*math.floor((i-1)/2), 23+24*(jump and 1 or 0),2+2*math.floor((i-1)/2), colors.red, colors.lime)
jump=not jump