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Nevardon Editor [0.5.4]

Started by Quintuple Agent, 03 March 2015 - 02:09 AM
Quintuple Agent #1
Posted 03 March 2015 - 03:09 AM
Nevardon IDE

(Since this will most likely never be done)


Screen Shots




MultiLine Cut/Paste




Nevardon IDE, because I had no idea of the existence of LuaIDE until I had like 3/4 of the code of version 0.1 already done!

Anyways, This started out as making an editor based on some of the functions and features of notepad++.
Right now it only has support for advanced computers, And while it should work on a pocket pc, the menu down at the bottom will not fit.

Pastebin: 5CpA2rrQ
Woo, Reached the 0.5 mark (that means I am halfway to never getting it done!)

Now, What it does have so far
  • Editing (I would hope)
  • Create/Open/Save Files
  • Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete lines
  • Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete multiple lines a once
  • Goto Line
  • Syntax Highlighting of
    • Lua functions (print,write,pairs)
    • Instructors (if, then, local, function)
    • CC functions/Apis (peripheral,window.create.os.pullEvent)
  • Highlighting (drag the mouse to highlight parts of a line / multiple lines and cut/copy/delete that way)
  • Error Checking (Press Ctrl+E to show errors and turn line number red, does not automatically update)
  • Settings such as scroll speed, syntax highlighting toggle, show line numbers
  • Keeping tabs when creating new lines
  • Support for Home, End, Delete, Page Up, and Page Down keys
Future Plans
  • Help (User can right-click on a highlighted function and have information about that function displayed)
    • Functionality is added, however still need to add help messages for most functions
    • Create new type of popup to appear for help messages
    • Have other look over help messages and examples, because Dunning-Kruger
  • Multiple files loaded / Tabs
  • New type of popup for opening files
  • Undo/Redo
  • Find & Replace (Find has been added but I still need to work on better popup positioning)
  • Better auto indenting (add functions, brackets, parenthesis)
    • Also remove indents if you type a word that would normally suggest a removal of an indent (such as else, elseif, end)
  • Autosave/Backup
  • Cosmetic settings (such as where/how line numbers are displayed, themes)
  • Change color of text highlighting in the settings menu
  • Settings such as Scroll Speed, What types of functions are highlighted, User created languages
  • Increase efficiency.
Known Bugs Bonus features
  • V0.1.0+
    • Multiline comments/strings don't render properly if the start of it is offscreen
  • Quick change: Change Ctrl+b to be the programs clipboard paste and ctrl+v will paste from your computers clipboard
  • 0.2.1: Fixed a crash when adding a '.' after words such as false or nil, All parts of the gui will use the 'themeColors' tables, so have fun messing with that until I add in a theme changer.
  • 0.2.2: Added Run, use the error check now highlights the erring line (still need to error check again to make it go away)
  • 0.3.0: Highlighting!
  • 0.3.1: Added basic settings menu, currently will not save settings, only 3 settings that are changeable.
  • 0.3.2: Added error catching, fixed problem then with the find function.
  • 0.3.3: Fixed cursor placement when highlighting, fixed problem when pasting from host clipboard, Added debug list to nevardon crash popup, crash popup will not display if the program is terminated.
  • 0.3.4: Better support for patterns when using find.
  • 0.4.0: Settings are now saved, Improved the Settings menu a bit, Scroll speed is now in settings.
  • 0.4.1: Fixed crash when trying to highlight in areas where there was no text [Thanks LDDestroier]
  • 0.4.2: Fixed empty lines not being cleared when all lines on screen are not rendered
  • 0.4.3: Can use Page Up and Page Down buttons.
  • 0.4.4: Fixed multiline highlighting
  • 0.4.5: Fixed multiline highlighting (for real this time)
  • 0.4.6: Increased performance, added multiline highlight setting
  • 0.4.7: Added a rudimentary auto indent feature until I can work on a better one. When pressing enter to go the the next line, tabs will automatically be added based on the previous line. [Thanks Geforce Fan]. Added auto error checking. Added settings to toggle: the top bar, auto indent, auto tab, and auto error checking.
  • 0.4.8 Added support for 'Home','End', and 'Delete' keys. Fixed problem with comment highlighting when using –]] to end a comment block. Added opening files directly when running the program (just like using the normal edit commend) [Thanks GopherAtl]. Added setting for bypassing the window API. [Thanks Geforce Fan]
  • 0.4.9 Added basic non-advanced computer support: Cannot access the menu, however functions such as the text editor and popups work. Added a setting to hide the menu at the bottom and use left Alt to show it.
  • 0.5.0 "Halfway to Nevar". Added help system, when right-clicking on a lua/cc function, a popup will appear and display information about that function. Fixed problem when trying to assign a color to a user created global table.
  • 0.5.1 Added custom help popup, will be able to display examples of code using the help popup. Added text wrapping
  • 0.5.2 Added update button to the settings menu. Changed some coding of the settings menu. Added text wrapping to the settings menu.
  • 0.5.3 Added support for opening files when in a different directory. Fixed help popup overwriting the help table and causing a crash.
  • 0.5.4 Fixed files that are opened not being closed by the program to allow editing outside of nevardon, Changed how the Home and End keys work

Shortcut keys (Ctrl+):
  • O,Open
  • N, New
  • S, Save
  • W,Close
  • X, Cut
  • C, Copy
  • V, Paste (from host clipboard)
  • B, Paste (from nevardon's clipboard)
  • D, Delete line
  • P, Print (not working)
  • E, Check for errors
  • F, Find
  • G,Goto
  • Home,Start of file
  • End,End of file

Any Ideas, concerns, feedback would be nice
Please report any errors you run across
oeed #2
Posted 03 March 2015 - 07:04 AM
Wow, this looks really cool.

I love the colouring of the text colour strings.
DannySMc #3
Posted 03 March 2015 - 04:01 PM
This is awesome, I like so much about this, will give it a real test later, thanks!

would you mind uploading to my store? (not self-promoting, it's just easier for my sister to download it and use it and it helps me ;)/> thanks!
Quintuple Agent #4
Posted 03 March 2015 - 05:30 PM
Wow, this looks really cool.

I love the colouring of the text colour strings.
Thank you! :D/>

This is awesome, I like so much about this, will give it a real test later, thanks!

would you mind uploading to my store? (not self-promoting, it's just easier for my sister to download it and use it and it helps me ;)/> thanks!
and Thank you! :D/>
I see you going around asking everyone to put stuff on the store.
I will see what I can do.
DannySMc #5
Posted 03 March 2015 - 05:46 PM
Wow, this looks really cool.

I love the colouring of the text colour strings.
Thank you! :D/>

This is awesome, I like so much about this, will give it a real test later, thanks!

would you mind uploading to my store? (not self-promoting, it's just easier for my sister to download it and use it and it helps me ;)/> thanks!
and Thank you! :D/>
I see you going around asking everyone to put stuff on the store.
I will see what I can do.

Yeah I am asking everyone as I need to test page limits and I really would rather not insert loads of fake data :P/> and to be honest my sister uses the app store to download programs so she can use them, so it helps her as well :P/>
Edited on 03 March 2015 - 04:46 PM
Quintuple Agent #6
Posted 03 March 2015 - 06:01 PM
Yeah I am asking everyone as I need to test page limits and I really would rather not insert loads of fake data :P/> and to be honest my sister uses the app store to download programs so she can use them, so it helps her as well :P/>
Well, it is uploaded now. I don't know if I will remember to update it on the store every time I update it here, but I will try to remember. It would be nice if you could use pastebin links instead of the file to be uploaded
Edit: Also needs to be able to update the description :(/>
Edited on 03 March 2015 - 05:02 PM
InDieTasten #7
Posted 03 March 2015 - 07:19 PM
+1 for usefulness and prettyness <3
DannySMc #8
Posted 03 March 2015 - 07:27 PM
Yeah I am asking everyone as I need to test page limits and I really would rather not insert loads of fake data :P/> and to be honest my sister uses the app store to download programs so she can use them, so it helps her as well :P/>
Well, it is uploaded now. I don't know if I will remember to update it on the store every time I update it here, but I will try to remember. It would be nice if you could use pastebin links instead of the file to be uploaded
Edit: Also needs to be able to update the description :(/>

Yeah I can add them :D/>
cdel #9
Posted 04 March 2015 - 06:25 AM
Love the name and colouring :D/>
Creator #10
Posted 04 March 2015 - 10:26 PM
Wow, this is such wow, much cool
Geforce Fan #11
Posted 04 March 2015 - 11:10 PM
Sounds like it's better than LuaIDE. Will test, I can't right now because I'm on my laptop, and I don't have modded MC installed.
I'm not sure if I'll survive the journey up the stairs…
DannySMc #12
Posted 04 March 2015 - 11:27 PM
Sounds like it's better than LuaIDE. Will test, I can't right now because I'm on my laptop, and I don't have modded MC installed.
I'm not sure if I'll survive the journey up the stairs…

Use a computercraft emulator? I don't think I have used computercraft for minecraft in ages now :P/>
Quintuple Agent #13
Posted 04 March 2015 - 11:48 PM
Sounds like it's better than LuaIDE. Will test, I can't right now because I'm on my laptop, and I don't have modded MC installed.
I'm not sure if I'll survive the journey up the stairs…

Use a computercraft emulator? I don't think I have used computercraft for minecraft in ages now :P/>

Don't tell him to use a CC emulator, He despises them :P/>
Edited on 04 March 2015 - 10:52 PM
LDDestroier #14
Posted 05 March 2015 - 12:06 AM
Flippin' cool! However I got an error, and it told me to tell you.

Cause: with the mouse, selecting the region of the screen where there aren't yet lines

nevardon:698: attempt to index a nil value

I was using cclite on Lubuntu 14.04.2, not actual minecraft. If you make this for normal computer (press control instead of clicking on menus, like 'edit'), then you would have the perfect cc editor!

I was trying to find the actual cause of the error, and after many edits, found this to be the cause.
Edited on 04 March 2015 - 11:18 PM
Quintuple Agent #15
Posted 05 March 2015 - 12:13 AM
Ok, I was about to say that I tested it it both minecraft and on CCEmuRedux and did not get that error, but good to hear it is not happening anymore.
Also view the debug list when an error pops up. It helps greatly, especially if it has to do with highlighting, it's whole reason I added that button in the first place.
Flippin' cool!
Thank you :D/>

EDIT EDIT: found out more of the error! You can not select text with the mouse if the amount of lines does not scroll (exceed the screen size)

Ah, Must have forgot to have an if statement if the line is nil, I will try to fix that right away.
Edited on 04 March 2015 - 11:15 PM
LDDestroier #16
Posted 05 March 2015 - 12:22 AM
New error.

Cause: selecting and deleting text that does not fit into the screen (selection scrolls offscreen)

nevardon:1487: attempt to index a nil value
Quintuple Agent #17
Posted 05 March 2015 - 12:31 AM
Also, while I was trying to fix it and kept getting the error, It took me 10 minutes to realize I was editing the backup copy. So, yah, that happened.

New error.

Cause: selecting and deleting text that does not fit into the screen (selection scrolls offscreen)

nevardon:1487: attempt to index a nil value
I believe my patch should have fixed that too.
Edited on 04 March 2015 - 11:33 PM
LDDestroier #18
Posted 05 March 2015 - 12:43 AM
You should put this on oeed's appstore! This looks really nice!

EDIT: Think I found another graphical, non-crashing bug.
If you delete a selection that is partially offscreen, then the lines that were deleted still exist (it still says [7 ] or [8 ] {line numbers}) and the selection that was deleted still shows as being selected, even though those lines are deleted.

Yeah, it's kinda confusing with line numbers still showing up for lines that had been deleted.

EDIT EDIT: Please add an exit button where it says what you want to save the file as. Also, allow the use of command line arguments for names, which would skip the menu.
Edited on 04 March 2015 - 11:52 PM
Quintuple Agent #19
Posted 05 March 2015 - 12:47 AM
Hmm, well Danny already had upload to his. The only real problem I have with appstores are that I am kinda forgetful and don't upload them whenever I update.
Speaking of that, I think danny's appstore only has like v0.3 of Nevardon. :P/>
Edited on 04 March 2015 - 11:48 PM
Quintuple Agent #20
Posted 05 March 2015 - 12:53 AM
If you delete a selection that is partially offscreen, then the lines that were deleted still exist (it still says [7 ] or [8 ] {line numbers}) and the selection that was deleted still shows as being selected, even though those lines are deleted.

Yeah, it's kinda confusing with line numbers still showing up for lines that had been deleted.

Yah, I have been thinking of a way to fix that without doing a full redraw, since that can cause flickering. It has not been that high on the priority list since after you get about 10 lines in it does not matter.

Should have put in the "Extra Features" list.\

Edit: Fixed!
Edited on 05 March 2015 - 12:02 AM
Geforce Fan #21
Posted 06 March 2015 - 09:54 PM
Here's a bug. Open up something read-only and try to save, and it will error. You need to check for this before attempting to save, or save in a pcall.
Also exit's t is missing on a turtle &amp; GUI elements are off centered–HOWEVER, you have made it work with a turtle, so there's that… but it won't work on a pocket computer(GUI elements are missing). I'd also recommend removing the top bar, as it just takes up space.

Also, since you haven't gotten error checking done, if you don't already know, to figure out if it has errors, load it as a string. If there's a second variable passed, it errored, and that's its error. Do NOT call it, just load it.

And: This does not auto-indent. For example if I press TAB then ENTER, it will not have the same indentation as the previous. This makes this unusable.
Edited on 06 March 2015 - 09:08 PM
Quintuple Agent #22
Posted 06 March 2015 - 10:12 PM
Here's a bug. Open up something read-only and try to save, and it will error. You need to check for this before attempting to save, or save in a pcall.
Also exit's t is missing on a turtle &amp; GUI elements are off centered–HOWEVER, you have made it work with a turtle, so there's that… but it won't work on a pocket computer(GUI elements are missing). I'd also recommend removing the top bar, as it just takes up space.

Also, since you haven't gotten error checking done, if you don't already know, to figure out if it has errors, load it as a string. If there's a second variable passed, it errored, and that's its error. Do NOT call it, just load it.

And: This does not auto-indent. For example if I press TAB then ENTER, it will not have the same indentation as the previous. This makes this unusable.

The top bar was just there as a test until I have tabs added, I will probably just add a setting to toggle the top bar.
Also yah, I complete forgot about rom, thanks.

As for error checking, That is already in the script, Ctrl+E. It just does not update automatically because I was worried about that slowing the script

Edit: I will auto-indenting when I get a chance. (Also I will add when hitting tab on a highlighted section, it will indent all lines in the selection)

Another Edit: All fixed!
Edited on 06 March 2015 - 10:13 PM
Geforce Fan #23
Posted 10 March 2015 - 12:57 AM
Do you mind if I modify &amp; distribute this in my OS? It wouldn't work well natively, as administrators could not grant this app permission to read&amp;write files that apps do not have sufficient privileges to.
I really love this editor now that there is auto-indentation. The fact that you can highlight things in it is absolutely fantastic.

I've found a a bit of a bug. Wherever you check for fs.isReadOnly, you look for it returning TRUE specifically. If it returns, for say, a string, the program simply crashes. A fix for this is:

if fs.isReadOnly(file) then
I noticed you're bypassing the window API. For an editor, it's probably not good practice to do this. It can always be optional, though!
Other than that, I love this. Keep up the good work!
Edited on 10 March 2015 - 12:45 AM
Quintuple Agent #24
Posted 10 March 2015 - 01:23 AM
Do you mind if I modify &amp; distribute this in my OS? It wouldn't work well natively, as administrators could not grant this app permission to read&amp;write files that apps do not have sufficient privileges to.
I really love this editor now that there is auto-indentation. The fact that you can highlight things in it is absolutely fantastic.
You may,
I just ask that you leave my name it :)/>
Also, keep in mind, I have said that this is not fully done, so I will be adding more features in the future. But if you wish to add it in as is, go ahead.
Geforce Fan #25
Posted 10 March 2015 - 01:46 AM
I've found a a bit of a bug. Wherever you check for fs.isReadOnly, you look for it returning TRUE specifically. If it returns, for say, a string, the program simply crashes. A fix for this is:

if fs.isReadOnly(file) then
edit: that was actually a bug on my end, and I'd assumed you'd done something. I didn't look because the code is 3,000 lines.
I noticed you're bypassing the window API. For an editor, it's probably not good practice to do this. It can always be optional, though!
Other than that, I love this. Keep up the good work!
Shoulda refreshed. This is what I added.
Also: I got included in that little ending Easter egg?!?!?!?

By the way, I saw something…not-english in the easter eggs. Is your native language not english?
It would explain some of the UIs. For example, which something does not exist, it presents you with "ok" or "create"
ok means that you understand, not that you give something permission. A better thing to say would be "Cancel" which means to stop doing something before its started.
Also: If you run: nevardon file it does nothing. You should check for args, and if there are args, open that file.
Edited on 10 March 2015 - 01:57 AM
GopherAtl #26
Posted 10 March 2015 - 02:23 AM
from the tone of your original post, and your chosen name, I didn't think you'd be working so actively on this after you originally posted it, I see I was wrong. You've made some nice improvements! A couple of things I've noticed, though: you don't support delete, home, and end; keyboard jockeys tend to use these quite a lot, so they're sorely missed. Your block comment support still has some odd issues, too; it doesn't seem to recognize –]] as ending a block comment, which it should, as it's a common idiom in lua to temporarily disable code by surrounding it with –[[ and –]], so you can easily re-enable it just by adding a - to the –[[, making it not a block comment anymore.

Anyway, great work so far, keep it up!
Geforce Fan #27
Posted 10 March 2015 - 02:47 AM
from the tone of your original post, and your chosen name, I didn't think you'd be working so actively on this after you originally posted it, I see I was wrong. You've made some nice improvements! A couple of things I've noticed, though: you don't support delete, home, and end; keyboard jockeys tend to use these quite a lot, so they're sorely missed. Your block comment support still has some odd issues, too; it doesn't seem to recognize –]] as ending a block comment, which it should, as it's a common idiom in lua to temporarily disable code by surrounding it with –[[ and –]], so you can easily re-enable it just by adding a - to the –[[, making it not a block comment anymore.

Anyway, great work so far, keep it up!
He's nevardon improving it!
Quintuple Agent #28
Posted 10 March 2015 - 03:29 AM
By the way, I saw something…not-english in the easter eggs. Is your native language not english?
It would explain some of the UIs. For example, which something does not exist, it presents you with "ok" or "create"
ok means that you understand, not that you give something permission. A better thing to say would be "Cancel" which means to stop doing something before its started.
Also: If you run: nevardon file it does nothing. You should check for args, and if there are args, open that file.
No, English is my native language, #25 is Latin, I thew "I have no idea how to speak latin" though google translate and #50 is Lorem Ipsum
As for the UI's, They looked fine to me, however I think I did do a complete re-haul on the popup system at the time and I got done around 2AM or something, so that might be it <_</>
And I will try to get launch args working.

Also, readonly, I thought it only returned a Boolean, or are you talking about something else? If you are talking about the if statement around it, I have not changed it in a while. It has always created the readonly popup if the file is readonly.

I've noticed, though: you don't support delete, home, and end; keyboard jockeys tend to use these quite a lot, so they're sorely missed. Your block comment support still has some odd issues, too; it doesn't seem to recognize –]] as ending a block comment, which it should, as it's a common idiom in lua to temporarily disable code by surrounding it with –[[ and –]], so you can easily re-enable it just by adding a - to the –[[, making it not a block comment anymore.
I will add the delete, home, and end asap.
As for the –]] I do that sometimes too, however I usually do ]]–, but I did notice a glitch where –]] would treat it as a comment line so that ]] would not close the comment block.

He's nevardon improving it!
I was thinking if I ever did get done with all I wanted to get done on this, Nevardon would mean never done being improved instead of just going to never be done. :P/>
Creator #29
Posted 10 March 2015 - 10:06 PM
My tipp:


in the beging.

Believe it helps.

I use it all the time
GopherAtl #30
Posted 10 March 2015 - 10:20 PM
My tipp:


in the beging.

Believe it helps.

I use it all the time
if you mean for performance issues, yes, it helps, but you need to be aware in doing so you're breaking compatibility with multishell on advanced computers, and also compatibility with most multitasking OSs.
Quintuple Agent #31
Posted 10 March 2015 - 10:53 PM
My tipp:


in the beging.

Believe it helps.

I use it all the time

I already had the redirect in the code before, however since some were saying it might be needed if they use it in their os, it would break it, I added a setting to turn that on/off. If you look in the settings you will see bypass window API.
InDieTasten #32
Posted 10 March 2015 - 10:55 PM
My tipp:


in the beging.

Believe it helps.

I use it all the time

I already had the redirect in the code before, however since some were saying it might be needed if they use it in their os, it would break it, I added a setting to turn that on/off. If you look in the settings you will see bypass window API.
Wow, this is like… PROFESSIONAL *O*
Geforce Fan #33
Posted 11 March 2015 - 09:04 PM
My tipp:


in the beging.

Believe it helps.

I use it all the time
if you mean for performance issues, yes, it helps, but you need to be aware in doing so you're breaking compatibility with multishell on advanced computers, and also compatibility with most multitasking OSs.
I don't think a lot of multitasking OSes use the Window API. Honestly, the window API is terrible in terms of sand boxing, considering you can evade it, and it's honorably inefficient.
But, since we're stuck with it, we shouldn't be circumventing it without adding an option to support it.
GopherAtl #34
Posted 11 March 2015 - 09:16 PM
if you mean for performance issues, yes, it helps, but you need to be aware in doing so you're breaking compatibility with multishell on advanced computers, and also compatibility with most multitasking OSs.
I don't think a lot of multitasking OSes use the Window API. Honestly, the window API is terrible in terms of sand boxing, considering you can evade it, and it's honorably inefficient.
But, since we're stuck with it, we shouldn't be circumventing it without adding an option to support it.

the point is redirecting to native bypasses any redirection, not just the window api specifically. And any multitasking OS pretty much by definition use redirects for programs, otherwise it can't switch between them without throwing out whatever each one has drawn to the screen, because term has no functions to read what is currently on the screen.
Edited on 11 March 2015 - 08:16 PM
Geforce Fan #35
Posted 11 March 2015 - 11:30 PM
Bit of an odd bug, if you type exactly:
This crashes.

Well-sandboxed OSes should overwrite term.native to the be the buffer the app is currently using.
Edited on 11 March 2015 - 10:31 PM
GopherAtl #36
Posted 11 March 2015 - 11:37 PM
true, because the whole point of sandboxing is not to trust programs you're running to be well-behaved. But a well-behaved programs that's not an operating system should not be redirecting to term.native() in the first place.
Quintuple Agent #37
Posted 12 March 2015 - 12:03 AM
Bit of an odd bug, if you type exactly:
This crashes.
Would be nice if you posted the error that followed, however I think I know the problem.
I take it that you have something in _G as osStuff and if that is the case then the next update I put out will fix it.
Edit: Update is out, problem is fixed
Edited on 11 March 2015 - 11:27 PM
Geforce Fan #38
Posted 12 March 2015 - 02:36 AM
true, because the whole point of sandboxing is not to trust programs you're running to be well-behaved. But a well-behaved programs that's not an operating system should not be redirecting to term.native() in the first place.
Some games will run so slow that you can practically watch the pixels update, but circumvent the window API, and they run butter smooth.
A program editor, however, I think will be fine even with the laggy Window API.

You should add an auto-updater, or an updater arg. Probably do something like edit, and if they pass "–update" then update it. Otherwise, do everything normally.
Congrats(shame) on becoming a Necromancer! Good for you!
Another bug report:
Steps to recreate:

mkdir a
cd a
&#46;&#46;/nevardon t
What I would expect to happen: Nevardon would edit the file "t" in the directory "a" ("a/t")

What happened:
Nevardon edits the file "t" in the root directory("/t")

Tip for fixing:
"shell.dir()" will get the current directory you're in. Combine this with the arguement for the file to open, and it'd become "a/t"

Another bug report:
I'm unable to delete a file after editing it.

What I would expect to happen: after I edit a file in nevardon, if I delete it, it will be gone.

What happened:
delete told me access denied.

Tip for fixing:
After opening a file, make sure you call file.close(), that tells fs you're done with that file.
Edited on 28 March 2015 - 05:49 PM
Geforce Fan #39
Posted 29 March 2015 - 10:39 PM
I don't think op noticed my additional bug report, so bump.
Also, another bug report.

What I did: I hit END

What I would expect to happen: Nevardon would take me to the end of the line

What happened: Nevardon took me to the end of the entire file

This is annoying to keyboard jockeys, perhaps ctrl+end could take you to the end of the program, and end would take you to the end of the line? Same for home, too.
Edited on 29 March 2015 - 08:42 PM